
OHR BiH Media Round-up, 30/3/2006


Latest radio news broadcast at 12.00 on 30 March


BH Radio 1(12,00 hrs)

RTRS (12,00 hrs)

Maricic, Herceg on const. chgs

Trial for war crimes in ‘Heliodrom’

RS NA in session

Terzic to meet Rehn inBrussels

RSNA discusses budget system

Public services squander money

Terzic, Maric met Maystadt

World News

UN on Iran

TV news broadcast on 29 March


TV PINK (18,00 hrs)

BHT 1 (19,00 hrs)

Heco on FERK’s decision

Del Ponte meets Dodik and Cadjo

Carla Del Ponte in Banjaluka

Union on FERK’s decision

Del Ponte in Belgrade

Carla Del Ponte in Belgrade

URBIN on FERK’s decision

Humphreys on SAA conditions

Lawyers on BiH lawsuit against SCG

NHI on FERK’s decision

Davidovic meets Radojicic

Protection of vital national interest


NTV Hayat (19,00 hrs)

FTV (19,30 hrs)

RTRS (19,30 hrs)

Del Ponte meets with Dodik

Famous BiH actor Zoran Becic dies

Del Ponte meets Dodik and Cadjo

Del Ponte on SiCG cooperation

Increase of electricity prices

Trial in the case Kazani

Issue of return to Kopaci/Gorazde

Heco on increase of electricity prices

War crimes trial in Zvornik

HR on decertified police officers

Protests because of electricity prices

Indictment against Goran Popovic



Carla del Ponte repeated that Ratko Mladic is hiding in Serbia

Dnevni Avaz

BiH authorities spend too much and on wrong things

Dnevni List

Drama in courtroom (war crimes defendant insults judge in Mostar)

Vecernji List

Halilovic was wiretapping Seks and Glavas (former BiH Army cmdr Halilovic allegedly wiretapping CRO officials during his service in former Yugoslav army)

Slobodna Dalmacija

He handcuffed Culjak and killed him with shot into back of his head (murder case near Mostar)

Nezavisne Novine

Hague demands for a more intensive search after fugitives

Glas Srpske

Prove you are alive! [Feature story on administrative problems of a person from Visoko who survived execution by firing squad during the war]


Carla del Ponte in Banja Luka yesterday; Dodik: there is no deadline, but we know what the obligations are

Vecernje novosti

Features Serbian related titles



RSNA in session: discussion on establishment of privatisation audit board


BH Radio 1, RTRS – At today’s special session in Banja Luka , the RS NA has adopted Law on changes and addenda to the Law on budget system. The adopted Law has harmonized the previous Law with the tax reform in RS. The RS NA has also adopted conclusion, which has obligated RS Government to analyse effects of implementation of the Law on budget system in first six months of this year jointly with Parliament Board for Economy and Finances and Association of municipalities and cities. The session also proposed the establishment of Privatisation Audit Board, which would be consisted of 8 members. Discussion on this issue will resume after the break. Following special session, regular RS NA session is to convene and discuss proposed Law on audit privatization at firms and companies.


Crime related issues

ICTY Chief Prosecutor Del Ponte meets RS PM Dodik who assures there is no dilemma in RS regarding cooperation with ICTY














BHT1 – The Chief ICTY Prosecutor Carla Del Ponte on Wednesday visited Banja Luka and met the RS Prime Minister Milorad Dodik and the RS Interior Minister Stanislav Cadjo. The meeting was held in a well-guarded EUFOR base near Banja Luka, and the journalists were not allowed to enter. Del Ponte once again reiterated requirements RS has to fulfil: intensify activities to apprehend Radovan Karadzic, Ratko Mladic and Stojan Zupljanin, disclose war crimes suspects’ support network in the RS, and maintain regional cooperation. “I assured Carla Del Ponte that we have no dilemmas as far as the Hague-related activities and apprehension of persons indicted for war crimes are concerned… We want to resolve this matter as soon as possible”, stated Dodik, who together with Cadjo emphasized that if there was a chance to arrest ICTY indictees, such operation would be carried out immediately. RTRS – Del Ponte stated that ICTY expects concrete results when it comes to the cooperation and asked for the implementation of recently adopted BIH law regulating a status of the persons supporting ICTY indictees foreseeing a series of measures. Dodik stated that Del Ponte could not be dissatisfied with current willingness of the RS to resolve the ICTY issue: “There is political will but another issue is whether that is objectively possible.” ICTY explained that Del Ponte’s aim for this visit was to complete her report on the cooperation with the ICTY, which she will submit to EU Enlargement Commissioner Olli Rehn on 31 March. RHB, PINK, Hayat, FTV, Oslobodjenje cover splash, pg 3 ‘Del Ponte repeated that Mladic is hiding in Serbia’ by B.Boskov, Dnevni Avaz pg 3, mentioned on cover ‘Del Ponte asks for concrete actions from RS authorities’ by N.Diklic Oslobodjenje pg 3 ‘RS is for cooperation with the Hague’ by O.V., EuroBlic cover pg splash and pg RS2 ‘Dodik: there is no deadline, but we know what the obligations are’ by Rajna Radosavljevic, Nezavisne Novine cover pg splash, pg 3 ‘The Hague demands more intense search after fugitives’ by D.Risojevic, Glas Srpske pg 3 ‘Bring Hague trauma to an end’ by V. Janjic, Dnevni List pg 3 ‘Resolve cooperation with The Hague definitely’ not signed, Vecernji List pg 4 ‘Dodik with del Ponte: RS is cooperating’ by B. S., Slobodna Dalmacija pg 14 ‘Dodik: RS will meet obligations towards The Hague’ by H– all reported on the meeting, emphasising that Del Ponte did not address the journalists.

ICTY Chief Prosecutor visits Belgrade : Mladic is in SCG capital and authorities could arrest him by deadline, but hesitate


BHT1 – After visiting Banja Luka, the Chief ICTY Prosecutor Carla Del Ponte visited Belgrade, for the second time in less than a month. Her demands remain the same, the most important being apprehension and extradition of Ratko Mladic. Following her arrival at Belgrade airport, Del Ponte held meeting with the Chair of the SCG Council for ICTY Cooperation Rasim Ljajic. Following an exchange of letters concerning mutual understanding between Ljajic and Del Ponte, a decision on access to SCG state archives came into force according to which ICTY investigators will be able to get access to military and police archives, with a possibility that the state asks for protective measures for certain types of documents respecting clearly-defined procedure. Del Ponte reiterated she has reliable information that Mladic is in Belgrade, adding that SCG authorities can arrest him until the deadline on April 5 – but they still hesitate. Del Ponte, who pointed out that her final report on SCG cooperation would depend upon concrete steps carried out to arrest Mladic, held talks with Serbian President Boris Tadic, Prime Minister Vojislav Kostunica and Minister of Defence Zoran Stankovic; just like in BiH, Chief ICTY Prosecutor did not address the press. RHB, PINK, Hayat, FTV, RTRS, EuroBlic pg 3 ‘Pause in cooperation with the Hague’ pg 3 ‘Pause in cooperation with the Hague’ by T. N. Dj., Glas Srpske pg 3 ‘Pause in cooperation’ by Srna, Nezavisne Novine cover pg splash, pg 3 ‘The Hague demands more intense search after fugitives’ by D.Risojevic– reported.

RS Minister of Interior Cadjo: we will purge the police of those who are cooperating with criminals


Nezavisne Novine pg 6, announced on cover ‘We will purge the police of those who are cooperating with criminals’ by Dragan Jerinic – In a full-page interview to NN, RS Minister of Interior Stanislav Cadjo said majority of people within RS MoI are willing to accept the fight against crime, but there is also a minority who, unfortunately, are cooperating with criminals. He added he is personally willing to engage in eliminating any pressures of criminals on MoI. He noted that the priority would be to regain trust of citizens in work of RS MoI. With regard to cooperation with the Hague Tribunal, Minister Cadjo said RS NA obliged MoI to fully engage in resolving of this issue by adoption of the Law on Cooperation with the Hague Tribunal. Asked to comment on police reform in BiH, Minister Cadjo said he supports such solutions that would ensure stability and represent long-term solutions adding: ‘I do not support such models that would be defined without a full consent of all sides and that would be a product of any kind of pressures or imposing’.

Bosniak Caucus in RS CoP invoked VNI regarding the decision of the RSNA on the lawsuit against SCG


BHT1 – The Bosniak Club in the RS Council of Peoples has launched a procedure for the protection of the vital national interest in connection with conclusions of the RS National Assembly on the status of BiH lawsuit against SCG before the International Court of Justice in The Hague. Last week, RSNA adopted conclusions calling on withdrawal of the lawsuit, deeming it illegal, and passed Resolution urging diplomatic solution warning about tensions that could arise from the lawsuit.  “We think that this debate (on the lawsuit) in the RS NA was an attempt to manipulate citizens of RS by raising of certain tensions”, stated Chair of the Bosniak Caucus in the RS CoP Ramiz Salkic. Several days before the RS NA session, RS Government announced that Prime Minister Milorad Dodik asked BiH Council of Ministers Chair Adnan Terzic that CoM establish the stand on the BiH lawsuit as soon as possible. However, Terzic in Banjaluka denied that he received such letter, stressing that BiH has strictly divided power [legislative, executive and judicial] and the CoM has no reason or right to deal with the lawsuit. RHB, FTV, RTRS – also carried.

Cantonal Court Sarajevo acquits suspect in murders on Kazani area


BHT1 – Cantonal Court in Sarajevo acquitted former member of BiH Army Sead Kadic of participating in the murder of Dusko Jovanovic and Ergin Nikolic, two BiH Army members of Serb nationality, in the area of Kazani on mountTrebevic in 1993. In the explanation of the verdict, judge Jasenko Ruzic stated that Prosecutor’s Office failed to prove that Kadic is responsible for this crime. Prosecutor Oleg Cavka announced that Prosecutor’s Office would lodge a complaint on the acquittal, as soon as they receive the verdict in a written form. Defence Attorney Edina Rasidovic expressed satisfaction with the verdict. During last thirteen years, fourteen persons have been sentenced for the crimes committed in Kazani; sentences range from six months to thirteen years in prison. FTV, RTRS, Dnevni Avaz pg 32 ‘Sead Kadic released on charges for murder in Kazani’ by B.Ceric Oslobodjenje pg 37, mentioned on cover ‘Sead Kadic released on charges for murder in Kazani’, Nezavisne Novine pg 8 ‘Kadic acquitted of charges’ by A. Dj., Vecernje Novosti pg 12 ‘Executor at large’ by D. Stojakovic and V. Mitric, Vecernji List pg 4 ‘Indictees for Kazani acquitted of charges’ not signed – also covered.

SiCG legal representative Stojanovic: we have disputed genocide


Vecernje Novosti pg 2 ‘We have disputed genocide’ by E. Radosavljevic – In an interview to VN, Head of SiCG legal team in lawsuit of BiH against SiCG Radoslav Stojanovic says SiCG legal team has managed to prove there was no genocide in BiH. He noted that the most important was the analysis ‘on the number of alleged victims that was developed by French demographic expert Jan-Paul Sardonne (sp!)’, adding that the expert determined the number of victims was even smaller than a half of the number stated in the lawsuit. ‘We also noted there is more Muslims in Bosnia nowadays than before the war broke out…Te question is – where is that genocide?’, Stojanovic said.

British General Rose testified before ICJ: BH suit vrs SiCG is not in interest of peace


Oslobodjenje ‘I am an optimist regarding witness of defence’, Dnevni Avaz pg 2 ‘BiH managed to prove the genocide is committed’, Nezavisne Novine pg 5 ‘Rose: Suit is not in the interest of peace’ by Agencies, Glas Srpske pg 3 ‘Lawsuit against peace’ by FenaMichael Rose, the British General and former UNPROFOR Commander in BiH, stated before International Court of Justice (ICJ) as a witness of SiCG that authorities and Army of RS did not depend on Belgrade regime during the war in BiH, adding that the suit for genocide “is not in the interest of peace” since it would penalise future generations of Serbs. His assessment was that a civil war was on in BiH and that all three sides “in this way or another” were responsible for war crimes, while Bosniaks blazed the way in violating cease-fire.

Cantonal Court in Mostar finds 5 former BiH Army soldiers guilty of war crimes against Croat POWs

Dnevni Avaz pg 12 ’13,5 years in prison to Ljevo, Zahirovic, Omanovic, Copelj and Orucevic’ by F. Vele – The Panel of Judges of the Cantonal Court in Mostar has sentenced 5 members of the BiH Army (Zikrija Ljevo, Vernes Zahirovic, Becir Omanovic, Habib Copelj and Husnija Orucevic) to 13,5 years imprisonment in total for war crimes committed over HVO members in Bijelo Polje in 1993 during the Croat-Bosniak conflict. Dnevni List, front pg splash and pg 2 ‘Drama in courtroom’, by A. V., Vecernji List, pg 4 ‘Convicted man threatened judge and then went home’, by Robert Soldo – During the sentence, one of the accused tried to attack judge and verbally insulted him by calling him names, but was restrained by the court police.


Political issues

HR Schwarz-Schilling meets decertified police officers; HR to address UN SC in April and request revision
















BHT1 –The High Representative, Christian Schwarz-Schilling, announced on Wednesday that he would travel to New York in April to discuss with the UN Security Council a matter of the decertified police officers in BiH. The HR told the press after meeting with the BiH Minister of Human Rights, Mirsad Kebo, and decertified police officers in BiH, that the situation of those former law enforcement officials decertified by the UN International Police Task Force was untenable: “The UN is the only institution with a mandate to carry out a revision of the certification process. But their position was that it would be very difficult to review the individual requests of these people; this is not an answer we would accept, and I will do my best to find a solution”, stated Schwarz-Schilling. [Oslobodjenje pgs 4-5, mentioned on cover ‘I do not accept apology of UN’ by M.K.S. – Daily reports CSS said “I will not accept apologies like that from the UN.” He promised decertified policemen: “You can rely on me.”, while Dnevni Avaz pg 4 ‘We do not accept UN excuses’ by S.Numanovic reported that HR said for him: “UN excuses are not acceptable.”] Minister Kebo further commented that “this s not only a matter of 157 people, but a matter of the human rights principles, on which BiH authorities are taking a test.” Decertified police officers from FBiH and RS want their “four-years long agony” to be finally solved [after being decertified, police did not have appeal mechanisms] and to find out reasons for the decertification; they claim that former HR Paddy Ashdown did not do anything them. “We have no doubts in diplomatic and negotiating abilities of the HR Schwarz-Schilling, and we believe that he would manage to persuade the representatives of the UN’s Security Council and Council of Europe to conduct a review of the police certification process, in line with the recommendations of the Venice Commission”, stated chair of FBiH association of decertified police Ramo Sulic. In the meantime, according to BHT reporter, BiH Council of Ministers should ensure approx. 1.7 million KM for social care for them. PINK, Hayat, FTV, RTRS, Nezavisne Novine pg 13 ‘HR promised assistance and lobbying with UN’, announced on cover ‘Assistance in lobbying with UN promised’ by D.Muminovic, Glas Srpske pg 3 ‘Waiting for justice’ by N. Zelenovic, EuroBlic pg RS2 ‘Schwarz-Schilling: I will urge for policemen at UN’ by D. S., Dnevni List pg 4 ‘Solution for decertified policemen at sight’ by D. Kozina, Vecernji List pg 8 ‘State returns rights to policemen’ by D. Jazvic – carried similar reports.

BiH Chief Negotiator on SAA Davidovic meets RSNA Speaker Radojicic; RSNA to have important role after signing of SAA in harmonizing of laws


RTRS – Chief BIH negotiator on Stabilization and Association Agreement with the EU Igor Davidovic met the RS National Assembly Speaker Igor Radojicic. Radojicic stated that BiH negotiating team has full RSNA support. Radojicic and Davidovic mostly spoke about agricultural reform which is a key segment of the SAA negotiations. Davidovic says that BiH would have to open its market facilitate an import of agricultural products from EU. Radojicic also spoke with the RS Ombudsman Nada Grahovac and representatives of RS Trade Union. PINK– Davidovic stated that the RSNA will have an important role after BIH signs the SAA since it will have to harmonise laws and form other regulatory mechanisms set by the EU. Davidovic reminded that BIH would have an audit of implemented obligations under the Agreement 5 years from the date of its signing. Nezavisne Novine pg 5 ‘European path has no alternative’ by G.G, Glas Srpske pg 2 ‘Agriculture is important topic’ by G. Dakic – also reported.

Chief Negotiator on SAA Davidovic announced next round for May 12; focus on free trade


FTV Dnevni Avaz pg 10 ‘Next round of talks with EU on May 12’  – The Chief BiH negotiator on the Stabilization and Association Agreement with EU, Igor Davidovic, stated on Wednesday that the second technical round of the negotiations is scheduled for May 12 and that it would focus on the modalities of free trade. Davidovic added that the issues of failing to fully cooperate with The Hague Tribunal could lead to slowing down of the negotiations, and eventually to interruption, although at this point EU has not yet sent such a message to BiH. PINK– also covered.

CoM Chair Terzic to respond Dodik’s remarks regarding PRD; there would be no outvoting


Oslobodjenje pg 7 ‘Terzic guarantees that there would be no outvoting’, mentioned on cover by Az.Kalamujic– Chair of Council of Ministers Adnan Terzic stated that he would send a letter to RS Prime Minister Milorad Dodik by end of the week in which he would offer him new guarantees that there would be no outvoting of RS representatives in the Police Reform Directorate. Dodik has sent a letter to Terzic few weeks ago objecting the composition of PRD Steering Board and decision-making process. Terzic stressed that Dodik’s main objection refers to possibility of outvoting commenting that the Agreement on Police Reform foresees decisions to be reached by consensus. He emphasized that if necessary all three Prime Ministers can be included into agreements. “Finally, if there is intention to pass decision by outvoting it needs to be known that all PRD’s acts have to get final confirmation in all three Parliaments” explained Terzic.

RS PM Dodik meets EC’s Humphreys: PRD needs to act in line with the Agreement


Oslobodjenje pg 4 ‘Police in BiH would be professional and functional’ by Fena, Glas Srpske pg 5 ‘No outvoting’ by G. Dakic– RS Prime Minister Milorad Dodik met on Tuesday evening with the Head of Delegation of the European Commission in BiH, Michael Humphreys. Dodik said that it is necessary for the Directorate for Police Restructuring in BiH to conduct its activities in line with the Agreement that was supported by the parliaments in BiH. The Directorate for Police Restructuring in BiH needs to propose the solutions that will gain support of the Entity parliaments, the BiH Parliamentary Assembly and the entire public, said Dodik. It was mutually ascertained that the Directorate should propose the solutions in line with the three principles of the EC with the aim of creating a more professional and functional police structure in BiH. Speaking about the activities of the BiH Indirect Tax Administration, Dodik said that due to the remarks RS has made to the distribution of revenue from the ITA Single Account, it would be necessary to conduct an independent audit into the legality of distributing the collected revenue.

PDP’s Trifkovic supportive of RS PM Dodik’s stance regarding outvoting at Police Reform Directorate


Dnevni Avaz pg 11 ‘RS MoI can be preserved’, Nezavisne Novine pg 8 ‘Outvoting blocking police reform’ by S.Gojkovic Nevenka Trifkovic, PDP Chair Board member, Wednesday stated that PDP is concerned over deviation from Agreement on restructuring of police force adopted at the RS NA, noting that outvoting at the BH Police Reform Directorate cannot lead to completion of reform. She ntoed: “Deviation from consensus and introduction of outvoting does not lead to solving the problem and it will not be possible to proceed with police reform in this manner. We support the letter and stances Milorad Dodik, RS Premier, addressed to Adnan Terzic, BiH CoM Chair.” She noted meeting of key political leaders should be held over this, adding: “We think RS police can be preserved within reform and therefore the agreement of political leaders and institutions cannot be implemented through outvoting.”

RS CoP Bosniak Caucus launches initiatives for VNI protection related to RSNA conclusion on RS symbols


RHB, BHT1, FTV, Oslobodjenje pg 4 ‘RS coat of arms, flag and anthem are genocide symbols’ by O.V.,Nezavisne Novine pg 8 ‘Three initiatives for protection of vital national interest’ by Agencies, Glas Srpske pg 2 ‘Disputable Declaration and conclusions’ by Sl. P., EuroBlic pg RS3 ‘Bosniaks are defending the lawsuit’ by Tijana Veselinovic – Bosniak Caucus at RS Council of Peoples has also launched initiatives for protection of VNI upon RS NA conclusions and Declaration suggesting BiH Constitutional Court should reject the lawsuit of Sulejman Tihic by which he asked for assessment of constitutionality of RS symbols, as well as with regard to RS NA conclusions on essential completion of implementation of property laws in RS.

Majority of RS MP’s support RS Govt on draft laws to stamp out crime; SDS , SDA to examine proposal and decide whether to support it or not


Nezavisne Novine pg 2, announced on cover ‘Majority of MP’s supports Law on Special Prosecution’ by V.Popovic – DNS’ Drago Kalabic, SDPSlobodan Popovic, SNSD’ DImitrije Ivanic, PDP’ Nevenka Trifkovic, Party for BiH Muharem Murselovic and DSSPredrag Kovacevic have announced their parties are supportive of RS Government set of proposed laws on fight against organised crime, announcing their MP’s at RS NA would vote for the adoption of these. SDSBorislav Bojic and SDA’ announced they will examine each detail regarding proposals and then make decision whether to support it or not. Daily reports referring to MP’s who will support these proposals that MP’s, who fail to vote for adoption of these proposals, will send a clear signal they are supportive of criminal activities.

SDS’s Bosic: We will manage to collect the money, pay debt and participate in elections


Nezavisne Novine pg 3 ‘We will pay the debt and take part in elections’ by V.P., Dnevni Avaz pg 4 ‘SDS will pay debt and take part in elections’ – Mladen Bosic, SDS Vice President, Wednesday in Bijeljina stated that SDS will manage to collect the money from its members and supporters and pay the debt of approximately BAM 1.660 million and hence de-block its account and acquire the right to take part in the upcoming elections. He explained three quarters of debt have been collected so far, noting the remaining sum will be collected in the following months. Bosic explained “if SDS does not participate in elections because of this financial pressure, it will have unforeseeable consequences for political life in RS, BiH and the region.” Mico Micic, SDS Vice President, is sure his party will pay debt and acquire right to participate in elections.

FBIH President Lozancic: Initiative to remove me is part of pre-election campaign


Vecernji List, pg 6 ‘Lozancic getting removed because of campaign’, by Zoran Kresic – The FBIH President, Niko Lozancic, commented the SDP’s initiative the aim of which is to remove him from the office, by saying it is all part of pre-election campaign. He also notes that the other aim is to weaken the HDZ’s position in the constitutional reforms talks. Inset ‘Representatives of one people cannot have more than two positions’ – VL notes that the FBIH Constitution is being violated because it forbids that any one people can hold more than two key positions in the FBiH. Namely, VL says the Bosniaks occupy the positions of the FBIH PM, Speaker of FBIH House of Representatives and President of FBIH Supreme Court.

HR CSS for Globus: Kosovo and RS have no connection


Globus, pgs 28-30 ‘Last Bosnian Vice-Roy’, by Bisera Lusic – carries an interview with HR Christian Schwarz-Schilling, in which he, among many issues, talks about statements of some politicians that connect status of Kosovo to the status of BiH i.e. that the RS could join Serbia if Kosovo became independent. The HR notes: “That’s stupid. No joining to Serbia is possible, it was never an option. What happens in Kosovo has nothing to do with the RS. The international community will not allow it, there are no comparisons there”. He was also asked to comment on Ante Jelavic case (hiding in Croatia from BiH judiciary) and whether the HDZ President Dragan Covic will be ‘pardoned’, after some previously removed officials have been allowed to get back into politics, however the HR did not want to comment on the cases, saying the cases have very specific backgrounds.

HR CSS to attend EPP’s annual congress to lobby for BiH


Oslobodjenje pg 2 ‘Schwarz-Schilling lobbies for ease of visa regime’ by Fena, Dnevni List, pg 4 ‘Schilling at EPP’s congress’, by D. K. – The High Representative for BiH, Christian Schwarz-Schilling, will attend the annual congress of the European People’s Party that is taking place in Rome on Thursday and Friday. The HR will be meeting prominent European officials from whom he will ask to pay attention to ongoing processes in BiH related to the SAA negotiations, and he will also lobby for easing of visa regime (for BiH citizens).

Czech MoI Bublan: Czech authorities must be sure liberalization of visa regime for BiH citizens is justified


Nezavisne Novine pg 4 ‘First obligations then liberalization of visa regime’ by D. Mu., Dnevni Avaz pg 4 ‘Bulban announced adjust in visa regime’ – Czech Minister of Interior Frantisek Bublan met with BiH Security Minister Barisa Colak on Wednesday, on which occasion Bublan said BiH authorities must undertake certain steps and undertake measures that would ensure Czech authorities it would be justified to start the liberalization of the visa regime for BiH citizens.

EU: BiH has to introduce biometric passports


Dnevni Avaz pg 10 ‘EU demand from BiH to introduce biometric passports’ by Aj.D. – BiH Civil Affairs Minister Assistant Miodrag Pandurevic stated on Wednesday for DA that EU submitted demand to the Ministry that BiH has to introduce biometric passports. Biometric passports differ from the present valid traveling documents for they have built-in chip which contains more data on the owner. Deadline is not set in the demand, but there is an advice that it should happen as soon as possible. Pandurevic said that Ministry started preparations for this project, however the projected costs have not yet been calculated.


Constitutional changes

BiH Catholic bishops reiterate that Croats are in unequal position; Cardinal Puljic wants IC to organize ‘Dayton 2’







RHB, Dnevni List, pg 3, mentioned on front ‘Cardinal Puljic proposes ‘Dayton 2’’, by R. Dautefendic, Vecernji List, pg 2, mentioned on front ‘BiH needs Dayton 2, not changes to Constitution’, by Dejan Jazvic – BiH (Catholic) bishops’ conference maintains its position that the proposed constitutional changes as agreed by leaders of 7 political parties are detrimental to the BiH Croats i.e. they will not secure equality of Croats to the other two peoples. This was stated on Wednesday by Cardinal Vinko Puljic during a break of a joint session of BiH-Croatia bishops’ conference held in Sarajevo. Puljic underlined that the current BiH Constitution was made by the IC, therefore the IC must not distance from it now, instead it has to organize and make the ‘Dayton 2’, when all peoples should have equal position when proposing constitution changes, without the ‘take it or leave it’ principle. Slobodna Dalmacija, pg 7 ‘Cardinal Bozanic: We support bishops from BiH against constitution’, mentioned on front ‘Croats are victims of constitution’, by Zlatko Tulic – carries Cardinal Josip Bozanic from Croatia who says the bishops’ conference from Croatia supports decisions/positions of BiH bishops. Oslobodjenje pgs 4-5, mentioned on cover ‘Cardinal Puljic: Constitution must no legalize ethnic cleansing’ by A.Omeragic Dnevni Avaz pg 9 ‘Puljic: We are against changes that legalize present unjust situation’ Inset ‘Bozanic: We are with BiH bishops’, Nezavisne Novine pg 4 ‘Constitutional changes are not acceptable for Croats’ by R. Cengic, Glas Srpske pg 5 ‘New Constitution – new Dayton’ by Z. Domazet – also reported.

EC Delegation Head Humphreys: people both in Europe and BiH are laughing to BiH; BiH’s reputation will be better when it will have one President and one PM


EuroBlic pg RS1, announced on cover ‘Many in EU laugh to tri-partite Presidency’ by Marija Milic – In an interview to EuroBlic, Head of EC Delegation to BiH Michael Humphreys says BiH politicians obliged last year they would be implementing reforms, but it is very important for them to know any instability may jeopardise the process of the path to EU. Some crises have occurred during the election year, but politicians must not allow reforms to become victims of politics of parties, Humphreys said. He noted he personally sees no reason for any changes at BiH CoM because it is important to maintain stability. Humphreys said he hopes politicians would adopt the offered solutions regarding the constitutional changes and, asked whether these changes would contribute to a better reputation of BiH, he said: ‘Of course. At this moment people both in Europe and here are laughing to BiH. Currently, we have three presidents, not one…BiH’s reputation will be better when it will have a single president and a single PM, because it will be clear who is leading the country’.

HDZ’s Relota: HDZ will ask establishment of 4 federal units in BiH


Dnevni Avaz pg 9 ‘Three federal units are minimum for HDZ’ by Srna, Nezavisne Novine pg 4 ‘HDZ will demand for four entities’ by Beta, Glas Srpske pg 5 ‘They want an entity’ not signed, Dnevni List, pg 7 ‘At least three federal units’, by S. B. – Spokesman of HDZ, Miso Relota, says the HDZ will in the next phase of constitutional changes talks, which will resume after the October elections, advocate establishment of 4 federal units (in BiH). Relota explains that since there are 3 constitutive peoples in BiH, there need to be at least 3 federal units, however the HDZ’s position is that there need to be 4 units. He could not be precise what units those might be, but he did not rule out a possibility of establishment of the Sarajevo district.

Chairman of Croat Coalition for Changes Musa: ‘Do not sign constitutional changes’


Oslobodjenje pgs 4-5, mentioned on cover ‘Cardinal Puljic: Constitution must no legalize ethnic cleansing’ by A.Omeragic Inset, ‘He who signs changes – betrays national interests’, Slobodna Dalmacija pg 20 ‘Signature means betrayal of Croat interests’ by F, Dnevni Avaz pg 9 ‘He who signs changes – betrays national interests’

 – Chairman of the Croat Coalition for Changes (made of HSS, HDU, HKDU and CCD) Ivan Musa stated at the press conference held on Wednesday that those parties and individuals who sign the proposed constitutional changes will betray Croat national interests and he called on Croat MPs not to sign the offered solutions.

BiH HoR’s Constitutional Commission to discuss amendments to Constitution as of Friday

Dnevni List, pg 7 ‘Discussion on amendments to Constitution begins’, by R. D. – announces that the Constitutional-Legal Commission of the BiH House of Representatives will start discussing proposal of amendments to the BiH Constitution at a session scheduled for Friday. President of the said Commission, Mirsad Ceman, notes the Commission will have to make a report for the BiH Parliament by April 25.

US Institute for Peace’s Serwer: There will be no third entity


Vjesnik, pg 45 ‘There will be no third entity’, by Erol Avdovic – In a whole page interview with Vjesnik, the director of US Institute for Peace, Daniel Serwer, underlines that the constitutional changes in BiH have to happen now in order to prepare BiH for the EU. He was also questioned to comment on the statement by the HDZ leader, Dragan Covic, “that the second phase of constitutional talks should speak about formation of the third entity in BiH”, to which Serwer replies that he simply does not think there is a chance that the third entity would be formed. He explains this by saying the entities will remain as parts of constitutional structure, however their role in BiH will lessen.

Oslobodjenje op-ed: Stable division is better than the fragile and instable one

Oslobodjenje pg 9 ‘Stable division’ op-ed by Gojko Beric – Commenting ongoing debate on the agreement on constitutional changes and whether it would receive necessary support in the BiH parliament [session which author deems would be “the most thrilling session since” its establishment]”, editorial reads that the agreed changes are not the matter of dispute and allying with the “patriots” [referring to the SBiH, SDU and BOSS which form Patriotic Bloc] and “traitors” [refers to the criticism SBiH used to slam those who have signed the agreement, before all SDA and SDP]. Instead, says author, “it is [a question of] whether you are in favour of an American proposal or against it.” Author concludes: “If adopted, constitutional changes would make a division of BiH even more stabile than it is now. This is not cynicism, as the stabile division is better than a fragile and instable one, which can always turn into something worse and more dangerous.”


Economic and judicial issues

Elektroprivreda HZHB claims it would loose 13,5 mn KM, price increase inefficient; FBiH Minister Heco not concerned about price rise, advises companies to start saving energy



FTV – FBiH Minister of Energy, Mining and Industry Vahid Heco and the General Manager of Elektroprivreda of Croat Community Herceg Bosna Vlado Maric met in Mostar discussing new electricity prices. Elektroprivreda HZHB officials expressed their dissatisfaction with anticipated price increase adding it is still too low and insufficient to compensate for the company’s expenses, adding EP HZHB will encounter a loss of approx. 13,5 million KM. Although the Chair of the Council of Ministers Adnan Terzic expressed shock with new electricity prices, and FBiH Prime Minister Ahmet Hadzipasic stated that it was not the right time for the increase, authorized Minister Heco is not concerned. FTV comments that in fact he advised big companies to start saving electricity if they want to develop further. Both Heco and Maric claim that the increase of electricity prices is minimal if one knows that the average bill for electricity is approximately 29 KM per household.  RHB, BHT1, Dnevni Avaz pg 2 ‘Citizens cannot have cheaper price of electricity by 25% due to big consumers’ – also covered.

FBiH Minister of Energy Heco: FBiH Government cannot do anything re electricity prices

Dnevni List pg 11 ‘Elektroprivredas to face loss even after increase of prices’ by E. Milavic – carries FBiH Minister of Energy Vahid Heco as saying that the FBiH Government cannot do anything with regard to the issue increase of price of electricity since the FERK (FBIH Regulatory Agency for Electricity) is under competence of the Parliament and only the Parliament can influence its work. 

Association of Employers, Trade Unions and Economic-Social Council challenge FERK’s authority in case of announced increase


FTV by Azra Pasukan-Buljina – Prices of most of the products have been increased shortly after the Value Added Tax introduction at the beginning of 2006 and BiH citizens are now facing “new shock”: the increase of electricity prices, that is, unless the FBiH Parliament suspends the decision of the FBiH Regulatory Commission for Electricity (FERK) reminded the reporter. “Expenses of the households should be increased by approximately five percent per year. On the other hand, small consumers on low voltage should see their expenses decrease for approximately five percent per year. Big consumers on high voltage will have certain increase of expenses”, explained representative of the Elektroprivreda BiH Emir Aganovic. Association of Employers, Trade Union and Economic-Social Council challenge the authority of FERK in this case; they don’t believe that the increase of the electricity prices will actually be carried out. FERK representatives claim that it is not possible to purchase cheaper electricity on European market, adding that the losses of Elektroprivredas are not the reason for the increase of electricity prices.

NHI, HSP criticize increase of electricity price; FBiH PM and President have authority to deal with this


RHB– Commenting decision by FBiH Electricity Regulatory Commission decision to increase electricity price, NHI noted that this “was an attack on citizen’s financial stability and on the economy that has just started improving”. NHI also noted that FERK’s decision has no financial basis claiming that FBIH Prime Minister and FBIH President “have some authority over this issue”. NHI demands the removals of the authorised people in Elektroprivredas. RHB HSP also opposed decision claiming political parties are collecting money for electoral campaign stand behind FERK’s decision.

IMF’s Doyle: BiH authorities spend too much and on wrong things


Dnevni Avaz cover splash, pg 5 ‘BiH authorities spend too much and on wrong things’ by Tarik Lazovic – In an interview for DA, the head of the International Monetary Fund’s department for BiH, Peter Doyle, criticizes BiH authorities for overspending adding budgets must be decreased by 450 million KM. This is a reason why talks on 50 million dollars standby arrangement with BiH are on hold, said Doyle stressing: “We are waiting [for the BiH] Fiscal Council to offer something new as a basis for continuation of talks, but that did not happen during this visit.” This weekend IMF delegation visited BiH meeting with the BiH authorities to discuss series of issues. Answering why public spending must be decreased, he underlined that BiH already has a problem of too great import of foreign goods, which would be even more increased with the raising public spending. Commenting the VAT introduction in BiH for which he deems went very well, Doyle noted some merchants misused the VAT, he pointed out some other possible misuses of VAT that could occur, adding that it is still to early to assess efficiency of the BiH Indirect Taxation Administration [ITA]. Inset ‘Too much goes for salaries in administration’ – Doyle also criticizes he amount of money spent for salaries in the administration.

BiH CoM Chair Terzic meets EIB President Maystadt in Luxembourg


Dnevni Avaz pg 2 ‘Efficient launching of VAT is positive signal for investors’ by Fena –Council of Ministers Chair Adnan Terzic and BiH Finance Minister Ljerka Maric visited headquarter of European Investment Bank [EIB] in Luxembourg and met with Chair of EIB Philippe Maystadt. Terzic was assured during the meeting that EIB wants to develop and expand cooperation with BiH. Joint stance that macroeconomic stabiliy in BiH is very good and that launching of VAT is new and positive signal for foreign investors was expressed during the meeting. Inset ‘Today conversation with Rehn in Brussels’- During the visit to European institutions Terzic would meet on Thursday with EU Enlargement Commissioner Olli Rehn and held lecture in European political centre in Brussels .

Donor’s Conference for BiH judiciary; goal 43 million Euro

Oslobodjenje pg 2 ‘43 million euros necessary for work of BiH Court by 2009’ by BIRN– According to the article of Justice Report of Balkans Investigating Network, representatives of Council of Ministers and BiH Court would try to gather about 43 million euros, during the Donor’s Conference that would be held in Brussels on March 31 with goal to gather finances for work of BiH Court, BiH Prosecution, continuance of judiciary reform and building of BiH maximum level security prison. Many governments are expected to attend the Conference, including USA, Great Britain, Austria and EU as well. In name of BiH, Conference would be addressed by Chair of CoM Adnan Terzic, President of BiH Court Meddzida Kreso, BiH Justice Minister Slobodan Kovac and Head of BiH Court’s Registry Office Michael Johnston.