
OHR BiH Media Round-up, 29/3/2006


Latest radio news broadcast at 12.00 on 29 March


BH Radio 1(12,00 hrs)

RTRS (12,00 hrs)

Del Ponte in Banja Luka & Belgrade

Del Ponte met RS officials

Carla del Ponte in B. Luka

1 part in BiH lawsuit agst SCG ended

Ovcina admitted murder of Culjak

Sarajevo Cantonal Court verdict

Colak: Issues with Cro to be solved

US and EU on const. changes

Terzic on police reform

TV news broadcast on 28 March


TV PINK (18,00 hrs)

BHT 1 (19,00 hrs)

No Transmission

Austria to help judicial reform in BiH

BIH lawsuit against SCG


Terzic meets EBRD delegation

Mass gravesite found near Visegrad


Meeting of BiH Fiscal Council in BL

Exhumation in Stjepanovici


BiH lawsuit against SCG

Donators conference – BIH judiciary


NTV Hayat (19,00 hrs)

FTV (19,30 hrs)

RTRS (19,30 hrs)

SRNA on mass grave in B. Brod

Mass gravesite found near Visegrad

Corpse discovered in Banjaluka

Murder in Mostar

Exhumation in Stjepanovici

Meeting of BiH Fiscal Council in BL

Doyle on VAT

Donators conference – BIH judiciary

Terzic meets EBRD delegation

Hadzipasic on FERK’s decision

BIH lawsuit against SCG

RS Government in session



[Talks on const. changes in Italy ] BiH must not allow itself to make steps back

Dnevni Avaz

[Head of BiH legal team] Softic: SCG witnesses did not prove anything

Dnevni List

Politicians ordered more expensive electricity

Vecernji List

BiH does not want a 30-meter high bridge (Peljesac bridge update)

Slobodna Dalmacija

Mob kills owner of car spare parts shop (murder near Mostar)

Nezavisne Novine

One was murdered and left on a garbage dump [3 persons arrested following murder of Dragan Culjak from Mostar]

Glas Srpske

On the path of Khazars [warning on negative demographic image in RS and Serbia]


People are bearing with it, authorities are calculating [session of BiH Fiscal Council]

Vecernje novosti

Features Serbian related titles



RS PM Dodik, RS MoI Cadjo meet ICTY Chief Prosecutor; Dodik: we are entirely dedicated to resolve the ICTY issue


RTRS – At the EUFOR base bear Banja Luka, the meeting between Carla del Ponte, ICTY Chief Prosecutor, Milorad Dodik, RS Premier, and Stanislav Cadjo, RS Interior Minister, ended. PM Dodik gave statement to the press after the meeting, stressing RS Government readiness to fulfil duties towards ICTY. He added: “I got the impression ICTY Chief Prosecutor fully understands the situation. The agreement was that we should entirely devote to resolvement of all the issues related to cooperation with the ICTY, which has already become a traumatic experience for RS… There is no dilemma in RS that this duty will be completed as soon as opportunity arises.” RHB, BH Radio 1- reported on the meeting, stressing that Del Ponte is leaving for Belgrade to meet Serbian officials.

RS PM Dodik: PRD should function in accordance with Agreement supported of BiH Parliament

RHBRS PM Milorad Dodik stated during the last night’s meeting with Head of the EC delegation in BiH Michael Humphreys that it is necessary that the Police Reform Directorate ( PRD ) functions in accordance with the Agreement supported by BiH Parliament. He added that the PRD should propose solutions that would get support in the RS, FBiH Parliaments and BiH Parliamentary Assembly.


Economic and judicial issues

BiH Fiscal Council meets in Banja Luka , entities discusse measures to alleviate VAT consequences








RTRS – After the meeting of BiH Fiscal Council held on Tuesday in Banja Luka, Head of the International Monetary Fund in BiH, Peter Doyle, stated that despite the fact that the prices have increased during the last three months, first results of the Value Added Tax are very encouraging. It is necessary to strengthen the fiscal coordination between entities and the state, and pass a law on BiH Fiscal Council, stated Doyle. “Although first steps are encouraging, it will take several, possibly even many months to see what the real influences of VAT are”, concluded Doyle. Twenty one million KM from the RS Budget, intended for this purpose, could be activated during the next few days, following the anticipated decision by the RS Government. Similar thing should happen in FBiH. “We have agreed to harmonize the social programs for alleviating the consequences of the VAT introduction in BiH, and entity PMs have come to an agreement on the ways of this harmonizing”, stated BiH Council of Ministers Chair Adnan Terzic. “It is evident that the VAT will create a certain surplus revenue, and we have discussed the ways to use that surplus, and how to organize managing this surplus revenue”, added RS Prime Minister Milorad Dodik. PINK, BHT1, Hayat, Dnevni Avaz pg 5 ‘IMF would lead dialogue with BiH regarding the budgets’ by Srna, EuroBlic cover pg splash and pg RS3 ‘People are bearing with it, authorities are calculating’ by Rajna Radosavljevic, Nezavisne Novine pg 2 ‘Encouraging effects of VAT’ by Srna, Glas Srpske pg 2 ‘Time ran out for evasions’ by D. Vrhovac – Mihajlovic– also carried.

FBiH HoR demands FBiH Govt to explain reasons for increase of electricity price


BHT1 – The FBiH House of Representatives demands from the FBiH Government to explain reasons for the increase of electricity prices in average of 6% as of 1 April. FBiH Prime minister Ahmet Hadzipasic feels that the problem of price increase could have been resolved through internal money reserves in Elektroprivreda’s. PINK– Hadzipasic stated on Tuesday in Sarajevo that the FBiH Electricity Regulatory Commission [FERK] did not chose the right moment for the price increase, as it has occurred in the year of VAT introduction, and therefore could have a significant negative impact on the standard of BiH citizens. “I think that FERK has succumbed to demands of Elektroprivredas, without considering the current situation in which electricity companies are in – high cost of their work, cheap export of electricity, relatively high salaries, opportunities for investment, monitoring the level and breach of investments, breaches of deadlines and many other irregularities”, stated Hadzipasic, adding that it’s unavoidable for the price of electricity to be corrected some time in the future. Hayat, FTV– also carried. Dnevni Avaz pg 9 ‘Citizens and economy cannot stand increase of price of electricity’ by A.Dedajic – Following the statement by the BiH Council of Ministers Chair Adnan Terzic that Hadzipasic should deal with problem of increase of price of electricity, FBiH PM commented: “I interpret this statement of PM Terzic as a statement of uninformed man. It is known who regulates price of electricity and that FBiH Government has nothing to do with it. While we could influent price of electricity, we did not change it as we were aware that our citizens and economy could not cope with an increase of price.”

FERK responses to FBiH PM Hadzipasic: Consumers do not pay excess of expenses of Elektroprivredas


Dnevni Avaz pg 9 ‘Consumers do not pay excess of expenses’ by A.Dedajic – Article carries that FBiH Electricity Regulatory Commission [FERK] official Ivica Dreznjak provided daily with “unclear and partial information in written” on comparison of prices of electricity for export and BiH citizens. Dreznjak denied statement of FBIH Prime Minister Ahmet Hadzipasic that consumers have to pay for every excess of expenses in conduct of business of Elektroprivredas. Author comments that Dreznjak did not provide any information on conduct of business of Electroprivredas.

HDZ against increase of electricity prices


Dnevni Avaz pg 9, mentioned on cover ‘Bills increase by 30 per cent’ by Az.D. Inset, ‘HDZ expects review of decision’ – HDZ announced that the party is against announced increase of price of electricity, for it will strike economy, big consumers in the first place such as ‘Aluminij’.

DL: Political parties made sure electricity prices go up


Dnevni List, front pg splash and pg 3 ‘Politicians ordered more expensive electricity’, by Mensud Zorlak – according to DL’s information, the FERK took the decision to increase the prices of electricity after it was subjected to pressures by political parties because there is an alleged plan that the extra money will be used to finance pre-election campaigns. Article also carries FBIH PM Hadzipasic’s statement.

BiH Association of Employers asks from CoM, FBiH Govt to discuss increase of electricity price


Oslobodjenje pgs 4-5 ‘Agency did not estimate the moment’ by Fena, Inset ‘Demand for urgent session of CoM and FBiH Government’ – BiH Association of Employers has established a Group of black, coloured metallurgy and metal-refining, which was joined by largest companies, such as Mittal Steel, Aluminij, ASA Holding. They have sent a demand to Council of Ministers and FBiH Government to urgently discuss the issue of announced increase of electricity price.

DL criticizes government officials after announcements that electricity prices will go up


Dnevni List, pg 2 ‘Electrocuted’, by Sanja Bjelica – The author is heavily criticizing the decision of DERK and FERK (BiH and FBIH regulatory agencies for electricity) that approved higher prices of electricity. What Bjelica criticizes even more is subsequent statements by government officials, who say they are shocked with the recent events. In that context, the author says the prices of electricity could not go up had it not been for the ‘green light’ that was given from the ‘top’.

Oslobodjenje op-ed: BiH citizens still did not receive social benefit to ease VAT, now to face increase prices of electricity

Oslobodjenje pg 9 ‘Electricity’ op-ed by Senka Kurtovic – Commenting decision of FERK to increase price of electricity, as of April 1, editorial ironically reads that BiH Council of Ministers Chair Adnan Terzic promised citizens that introduction of VAT would not cause a disaster. Author concludes that citizens still did not receive promised 10 KM of social benefits to ease negative effects of VAT.

Donor conference in Brussels to gather means for BiH judiciary


FTV – A donor conference is to be held on Friday in Brussels to gather money for the BiH Court and Prosecution for the following three years, and well as for the further course of the judicial reform. The BiH Justice Minister Slobodan Kovac said BiH needs 60 million euros to complete reform, and another 15 million euros to build maximum level of security state prison. BiH Court President, Meddzida Kreso, stated that the Court must continue its work in accordance with existing standards. PINK– Austrian Justice Minister Karin Gastinger visited BiH on Tuesday. After talks with Minister Kovac, Gastinger promised that Austrian Agency for Development would support the judicial reform in BiH with one million Euros. BHT1, Dnevni Avaz pg 8 ‘Austria would support judiciary reform with 1 million euros’ not signed, Oslobodjenje pg 7 ‘Austria donates one million Euro’ by M.K.S, Nezavisne Novine pg 8 ‘Austria promised a million Euros of aid’ by D. Muminovic, EuroBlic pg RS2 ‘A million Euros from Austria’ by D. S.– also carried.

RSNA on Thu session to discuss laws regulating fight vs. economic, organized crime


RTRSby Sinisa Mihailovic – On Thursday, the RS National Assembly will discuss the draft law on special Prosecutor’s Office and special court, as well as the draft law regulating the fight against organized and economic crimes. Special Prosecutor’s Office would be established as a special department within the Office of the RS Prosecutor, and the Chief RS Prosecutor and the President of the RS Supreme Court would appoint the employees. The Special Court will be formed within the District Court in Banjaluka. “The laws are the main condition for a final clash against the crime. We have tried during last few weeks to identify the problems, and to undertake certain measures. But the adoption of the law on Special Prosecutor’s Office and courts will surely make that fight much more successful”, stated RS Prime Minister Milorad Dodik.

Special Prosecution to be in charge of deeds for which BiH Prosecution and Court are not in charge


Nezavisne Novine pg 3, announced on cover ‘At least 10 years imprisonment for organised crime’ by D.Risojevic – Explaining details of the set of laws on special prosecution and court, sent to RSNA by RS Government, the daily notes that if a leader of the organized criminal group were tried in line with the proposed Law on stamping out organized crime, the person would be tried to at least 10 years imprisonment. The proposed Law also stipulates the establishment of a special council with RS Supreme Court, which would be in charge of resolving appeals. Special Departments with Courts would be in charge of acts of organized crime for which BiH Prosecutor’s Office and BiH Court are not in charge. Special Prosecutor’s Office would be consisted of: special prosecutor, his deputy, six special prosecutors, 12 assistants to prosecutors and 13 prosecution investigators, all of whom would have the salaries equating with the salaries of RS chief prosecutor, his deputy and prosecutors.

Establishment of RS Special prosecution; SRS‘s Deretic deems that this would only cause additional costs


RTRS current affairs program ‘Crvena Linija’ by Zoran Popovic– Commenting the draft Law on RS Special Prosecution for organized and economic crime, SNSD deputy in the RSNA, Radovan Bjelogrlic,stated that he believes that RS does need such institution, since currently only person dealing with the crime is the RS Chief Auditor Bosko Ceko, noting that even then his reports do not result with a judicial action. On the other side, former RS Labour Minister and SRS Vice President Miodrag Deretic stressed that such institutions already exist on state and entity level and that establishment of any new such body would have an impact on budget. Deretic deems that judiciary is inefficient, but that there are many reasons for that, one of which is the judiciary reform imposed by the International Community, where judges and prosecutors found themselves in new system without adequate preparation.

RS Govt holds session; adopts labour law, holiday law


PINK, Oslobodjenje pg 4 ‘Establishment of real status of employed’ not signed – At the session in Banjaluka, the RS Government discussed and adopted the set of laws in the field of labour and employment, and informed about the working material concerning the higher education law.RS Minister for Labour and Veterans Bosko Tomic stated that the biggest change is that law now ensures that persons who lost their job because of company’s downsizing or similar are entitled to settlement in total amount of 20 percent of average RS salary. In addition to that, Government decided that the RS Employment Bureau would have to pay fees to the Pension-Disability Insurance Fund for the workers that lost the job, and need up to three more years of length of service. On Tuesday, RS Government also defined the proposal of the Law on Holidays, under which five Entity holidays will be observed in the RS, including the RS Day (January 9), New Year (January 1-2), International Labour Day (May 1-2), Victory Day (May 9) and the Day of the establishment of the General Framework Agreement for Peace in BiH (November 21). BHT1, RTRS, Dnevni Avaz pg 11 ’21 November also Holliday in RS’ not signed, Oslobodjenje pg 2 ‘Five national holidays’ by O.V., Nezavisne Novine pg 3, announced on cover ‘At least 10 years of imprisonment for organized crime’ by D. Risojevic, Glas Srpske pg 3 ‘Fewer obstacles to pensions’ by G. Dakic– reported.

RS NA Commission in charge of privatization audit proposes enactment of Law on privatization audit


RTRS, Nezavisne Novine pg 3 ‘About privatization audit in regular procedure’ by A.S.- Majority of members of the RS NA Commission in charge of monitoring implementation of privatization in RS is of the view that it is necessary to pass the Law on privatization audit, but also that its discussion and adoption should go through regular parliament procedure. Dusan Stojicic, President of the RS NA Commission, has stated that final stance on this issue will be reached after today’s formal adoption of conclusions from (Commission) session.

EBRD meets CoM Chair Terzic: EBRD in total has invested over 1 bn KM


PINK – During the meeting with a delegation of European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD) executive directors and representatives of capital in Sarajevo, BiH Council of Ministers Chair Adnan Terzic announced a reform of direct taxes to start by the end of this year. The aim of the reform, said Terzic, was to reduce a cost of labour and change profit taxes, so that the positive environment for investments could be created in BiH. EBRD Delegation expressed satisfaction with the development of relations between BiH and EBRD, emphasizing that the EBRD portfolio in BiH has doubled during the last two years, and that the overall investment of this bank in BiH is now estimated at approximately one billion KM.  RTRS, Dnevni Avaz pg 5 ‘Reforms and good projects precondition for further investments’ By Fena, Oslobodjenje pg 4 ‘Creation of space for further investment’ not signed, Nezavisne Novine pg 6, announced on cover ‘Total investments to BiH amount approximately 1 billion of KM’ by M. Rener, EuroBlic pg RS2 ‘Through reform to investments’ by T. V., Dnevni List pg 2 ‘Create more favorable climate for investing’ not signed– also covered.

RS Minister of Finances Dzombic sent a letter to ITA Governing Board Chairman Dixon, demands to define legitimate distribution of funds from ITA account

Nezavisne Novine pg 2 ‘Urgently resolve distribution of funds between RS and F BiH’ by R. S., Glas Srpske pg 2 ‘Suspicious calculation’ by D. V. M. – RS Minister of Finances Aleksandar Dzombic sent a letter to Chairman of ITA Governing Board Joly Dixon demanding from him to undertake urgent measures to define a legitimate distribution of funds from the single ITA account for 2005 and 2006. Dzombic notes that the data of ITA, which are necessary for calculation of coefficients for distribution, are not trustworthy in opinion of RS representatives and lead to payment of less funds to RS.


War crimes issues

First part of hearing in case of BiH vs SCG ends; next to be launched on 18 April




PINK– Serbia and Montenegro have ended with the presentation of defence evidences before the International Court of Justice, in the case of BiH lawsuit against SCG for aggression and genocide. The court trial will continue on April 18, when the second round of arguments’ presentation would launch and would be completed until May 9. ICJ justices are expected to need at least several months to bring a verdict. FTV, BHT1, Hayat, RTRS, Dnevni Avaz cover splash ‘Softic: SCG witnesses did not prove anything’, pg 4 ‘SCG witnesses either do not speak truth or do not know what is case subject’ by A.Malagic, Nezavisne Novine pg 5 ‘Evidence procedure was completed by Micunovic’s testimony’ by Beta, Glas Srpske pg 3 ‘Micunovic for the end’ by Srna– also reported.

Chief ICTY Prosecutor Del Ponte visits Banja Luka , Belgrade ; to meet new RS PM Dodik


PINK– ICTY Chief Prosecutor’s Spokesperson Florence Hartmann confirmed that Carla Del Ponte visits Belgrade and Banjaluka on Wednesday, where she will meet the Serbian and RS officials to discuss cooperation with the Tribunal. Del Ponte is expected to meet the RS Prime Minister Milorad Dodik in Banjaluka. Hartmann stated that this would be a ‘working meeting’ at which Del Ponte and Dodik would discuss the intentions on the new RS Government regarding the cooperation with the ICTY. During her visit to Belgrade, Del Ponte will hold a meeting with the SCG President of National Council for Cooperation with the Hague Tribunal Rasim Ljajic, Serbian President Boris Tadic and Prime Minister Vojislav Kostunica. Chief ICTY Prosecutor will arrive to the region in order to formulate a report on cooperation with The Hague Tribunal, which she is going to present to the EU officials in Brussels on Friday, March 31. Hayat, RTRS, Oslobodjenje pg 2 ‘Again on Mladic’ not signed, Nezavisne Novine pg 5 ‘Mladic is the main topic’ by S. Gojkovic, Glas Srpske pg 3 ‘Hague is estimating the cooperation’, Vecernji List pg 2 ‘Del Ponte in Banja Luka’ by id– also reported.

RS Vice President Osmanovic: RS MoI will cooperate with ICTY if there is strong pressure on Dodik


Dnevni Avaz pg 13 ‘RS MoI will cooperate with the Hague if there is strong pressure on Dodik’ by E.Sarac – Commenting statement by the RS Interior Minister Stanislav Cadjo who said that cooperation with the ICTY is a legal obligation both RS and BiH have to fulfil and that there should be no inactivity in this regard, the RS Vice President Adil Osmanovic said that this cooperation depends on the RS Prime Minister Milorad Dodik. Osmanovic stressed: “RS MoI will cooperate with the Hague as much as bigger the pressure of International Community is. Do not forget that Dodik with his men had an opportunity to do so seven years ago, bur RS MoI arrested no one then.”

RS Association of former detention camp inmates critical of ICTY Chief Prosecutor


EuroBlic RSpg 3 ‘Former camp inmates against Carla del Ponte’ by D.S. – RS Association of former detention camp inmates opposes to announce arrival of Carla del Ponte, ICTY Chief Prosecutor, claiming “Carla del Ponte cheated on them since they never trusted her when she had promised she would bring charges against top Bosniak officials from political and military circles”. Slavko Jovicic, Vice President of the Association Tuesday stated “del Ponte has only one goal – to accuse Serbs and perform further satanisation of the Serb people and present it as such to the world public.”

RS Secretariat for relations with ICTY: RS MoI closely observed Karadzic’s family, but no suspicious behaviour revealed


BHT1 – RS Secretariat for relations with ICTY prepared its quarterly report, which reads that the RS Interior Ministry has been engaged in constant surveillance of the family of Radovan Karadzic and have not noticed any suspicious behaviour. The RS National Assembly will consider this report on March 30. Hayat – Report also reads that the RS Police carried out a number of complicated operations on discovering, arresting or ensuring the voluntary surrender of the war crime indictees. RTRS, Dnevni Avaz pg 13 ‘Karadzic family under surveillance of intelligence service’ by Srna Oslobodjenje pg 2 ‘RS Police constantly monitored Karadzic family’ by Fena, Nezavisne Novine pg 5 ‘Karadzic’s family was not suspicious’ by S. Gojkovic, Vecernje Novosti pg 13 ‘Network of helpers as target’ not signed, Glas Srpske pg 2 ‘Karadzics closely monitored’ by G. Dakic, EuroBlic pg RS2 ‘They were watching on Karadzics, but no trace of Radovan’ by Srna– also reported.

BiH Presidency member Jovic addresses ICTY expressing shock with verdicts to ex BiH Army officers Hadzihasanovic, Kubura

BHT1– BiH Presidency member Ivo Miro Jovic sent a letter to the President of the ICTY Fausto Pocar and the Chief Prosecutor Carla del Ponte, in which he expressed a shock with the verdicts passed in the case of ex BiH Army Commander of the Third Corps, Enver Hadzihasanovic, and the Commander of the Seventh Muslim Brigade, Amir Kubura. In mid March, ICTY sentenced Kubura and Hadzihasanovic to 2,5 and 5 years respectively for crimes committed in Central Bosnia. Addressing the Tribunal in his own name and on behalf of the families of the victims, citizens and associations of Croat veterans from central Bosnia, Jovic said he himself was “witness of the sufferings of Croats in the area of the military responsibility of units under command of Hadzihasanovic and Kubura”. This verdict has sent a terrible message to the people who expect justice, people are humiliated because their victims have been underrated, is said, among other things, in Jovic’s letter to Pocar and Del Ponte. FTV, RTRS, Dnevni Avaz pg 13 ‘Astonished by verdict to Hadzihasanovic and Kubura’ not signed, Oslobodjenje pg ‘Crimes could easily remain unpunished’ not signed, Glas Srpske pg 2 ‘Unpunished crimes’ by Beta, EuroBlic pg RS3 ‘Jovic is astonished with verdicts’ by N. B., Dnevni List pg 4 ‘None is responsible for crimes committed over Croats’ by A.B., Slobodna Dalmacija pg 8 ‘Jovic shocked by small sentences’ by H– also carried.


Political issues

FBiH HoR discusses report on FBiH Govt’s work and activities plans in 2006





PINK – During the regular session held on Tuesday, FBiH House of Representatives discussed the report on the work of the FBiH Government in 2005 and plan of activities in this year. “I hope that the personnel changes have been finally over… Those hockey changes should become the thing of the past. I will try to strengthen the implementation of previously reached decisions, but I’m not sure if I’ll be able to make some significant improvements in the year of elections”, stated FBiH Prime Minister Ahmet Hadzipasic. FTV – FBIH HoR ended the session without the completed discussion which would continue at the upcoming session. BHT1, FTV, Dnevni Avaz pg 8 ‘Criticism to Government’s work in last year’ pg 8 ‘Criticism to Government’s work in last year’ by A.Hadziarapovic, Oslobodjenje pg 5 ‘Government’s program for 2006 was not passed’ by S.Se., Vecernji List pg 2 ‘Without ‘Smoking kills’ notice‘ by dja– carried similar reports.

US Administration lifts sanctions against Foca municipality; Bijeljina, and Han Pijesak still under sanctions


PINKUS Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice has lifted sanctions against Foca municipality in recognition of efforts by the municipal administration to improve the cooperation with the ICTY. US imposed the sanctions for obstruction of cooperation with the ICTY, return process and violation of the human rights. Rice also allowed assistance to the entire RS, except municipalities of Bijeljina, Han-Pijesak, Pale and Sokolac, which are still under so-called Lautenberg’s sanctions. “This is a significant signal for the municipalities in the RS which are still under Lautenberg’s sanctions, and for the RS as a whole, regarding the responsibility for the improvement of the cooperation with The Hague Tribunal”, OHR Spokesperson Oleg Milisic said. RTRS– At the city square in Foca, about 600 young people celebrated the suspension of American sanctions to this municipality. Municipal officials emphasized that this decision marks the beginning of a new chapter for this municipality. BHT 1 – Most of Han Pijesak citizens didn’t hear about these sanctions. Chief of Han Pijesak municipality Milan Borovina stated that they were never notified on the sanctions. He says that municipality officials support return process and adds that Ratko Mladic hasn’t been seen in a long time. Borovina stressed that sanctions will not affect Han Pijesak citizens. Oslobodjenje pg 6 ‘New chapter for development of whole region’ by E.A., Dnevni Avaz pg 2 ‘Strengthening of rule of the law’ by Fena

German Ambassador to BiH visited Foca


Glas Srpske pg 2 ‘Changes are visible’ by D.T. – German Ambassador to BiH, Arne Freier von Kietlitz, Tuesday in Foca stated that changes in the municipality of Foca are visible, making a special reference to creation of more favourable climate for return of Foca pre-war inhabitants.

Political officials comment on USA ’ lifting of sanctions against Foca / some say sanctions should have been lifted from Bijeljina as well

EuroBlic RSpg 8 ‘USA sanctions remain’ – Commenting on USA’ lifting of sanctions against the municipality of Foca, Mladjan Zaric, PDP delegate at RS NA, says it is good sanctions were lifted against Foca, but it is not good same was not applied to Bijeljina. Miladin Jovicic fromSNSD is of the view such a decision of the US Administration results from inconsistent policy of BijeljinaCity Hall regarding promises it gives and fulfils. Mladen Simic from DNS says DNS is surprised with this US Administration decision, since it sees no reason for Bijeljina to remain under sanctions.

Two-day seminar ion Italy dedicated to BiH constitutional changes ended; PDP’ Ivanic stresses that second phase could be dedicated only to issue of FBiH


RTRS – A two-day constitutional seminar on the role and responsibility of BiH political parties for the development of the state and further steps in the process of reforming the BiH Constitution ended in Cadenabbi (Italy) on Tuesday. The seminar, organized by the Konrad Adenauer Foundation, discussed the activities and agreements on constitutional reform reached so far. Participants agreed changes to the Constitution represent a large step for BiH towards the EU. “It is evident that some parties insist on the full realisation of their political goals, and those parties are not satisfied with the constitutional changes so far. I think that the agreement on constitutional changes should be forwarded to the Parliament,” stated BiH Minister of Foreign Affairs and PDP President Mladen Ivanic. He added that the next phase of talks on constitutional reforms could be focused only at the FBiH. “Objectively, the biggest problem of BiH at this point is the complicated structure of Federation, with ten cantons, too many ministers and too expensive government. I think it is completely natural and logical that it would be the subject to dominate next year,” concluded Ivanic. Oslobodjenje cover splash, pgs 4-5 ‘BiH must not allow itself to make steps back’ by A.O. – US Ambassador Douglas McElhaney, EU Parliament Deputy Doris Pack and European Stability Initiative Gerald Knaus took part in the seminar. SDA leader Sulejman Tihic confirmed that BiH House of Representatives Chair Nikola Spiric and Co-Chairs Martin Raguz and Sefik Dzaferovic, SDP leader Zlatko Lagumdzija, BiH Foreign Minister Mladen Ivanic, SBiH’s Azra Hadziahmetovic, also attended. Hayat, Nezavisne Novine pg 4 ‘Changes are proof BiH is taking over the responsibility’ by S. Gojkovic, Glas Srpske pg 2 ‘European step’– also reported.

EU Western Balkans Director Priebe: BiH has clear EU perspective and must not make steps back


Oslobodjenje cover splash, pgs 4-5 ‘BiH must not allow itself to make steps back’ by A.O. – At the seminar on BiH constitutional reform held in Italy, EU General Secretariat for Foreign Relations Western Balkans Department Director Reinchard Priebe stated: “BiH has clear EU perspective and must not lose time and make steps back in the reform process.” Dnevni Avaz pg 2 ‘US and Europe underlined: If you do not adopt first phase, there will be no next phase in change of Constitution’ by H.Orahovac – BiH Presidency Chair Sulejman Tihic stated for DA that US and EU clearly underlined that if agreed constitutional changes are not adopted, there will be no second phase of the talks on the changes. Tihic confirmed that BiH House of Representatives Chair Nikola Spiric and Co-Chairs Martin Raguz and Sefik Dzaferovic, SDP leader Zlatko Lagumdzija, BiH Foreign Minister Mladen Ivanic, SBiH’s Azra Hadziahmetovic, took part in the colloquium.

Comments following adoption of Islamic Community Rijaset’ Resolution: SDA and Tihic supportive of it; Patriotic Block supportive; SDU Lazovic still opposes agreement; SDS Bosic: religious communities interfere


Dnevni Avaz pg 2 ‘Ceman: They took care of interest of all peoples’ – DA carries SDA Presidency member Mirsad Ceman and SDP Information Secretary Damir Masic who both supported Resolution of Islamic Community that supports constitutional changes in BiH. Dnevni Avaz pg 2 ‘We requested only one thing from the beginning, and that is abolishment of entity voting’ – Daily carries statement of Patriotic Block [SBiH, SDU and BOSS] in which is said that Resolution of Islamic Community on constitutional changes is important “in the frame of efforts to reach a goal – just society and functional state“. Oslobodjenje pg 5 ‘Only one request – abolishment of entity voting’, Nezavisne Novine pg 4, announced on cover ‘Tihic: Resolution demonstrated responsibility’ by V.Popovic – The SDA has stressed that by adopting Resolution on constitutional changes, the Islamic Community Rijaset (Supreme Body) has demonstrated responsibility towards an issue of such an importance like constitutional changes and that it is visible from this “SDA is on the right path which will bring results for BiH”.  Sulejman Tihic, SDA leader, stated that Rijaset stance is in line with real situation and everything reached with the agreement on constitutional changes. He noted that SDA accepts the current constitutional solutions as a minimum and that it is “a first step in constitutional changes that should result in simplification of state apparatus”. Miro Lazovic, Vice President of the SDU, stated “Rijaset is entitled to its view, but SDU is convinced this cements existing situation and strengthens entities.” Haris Silajdzic, Party for BiH founder, did not want to make a comment of Rijaset‘ Resolution. Glas Srpske pg 5 ‘Power is the only goal’ by Z.Markovic – Commenting on Resolution, Mladen Bosic, SDS Vice President, stated that “interference of religious communities into political issues can only aggravate situation in BiH and cause long-lasting consequences”.

SRS “Dr. Vojislav Seselj”, NDS, SRS criticise Agreement on const. changes

Glas Srpske pg 5 ‘Only culture [sector] remained’, Glas Srpske pg 5 ‘People must know’, Glas Srpske pg 5 ‘Undermining of the Dayton [Agreement]’ – carry reactions of SRS “Dr. Vojislav Seselj”, NDS and SRS respectively, all critical on adoption of the Agreement on constitutional changes.

VL: Constitutional changes divided Croat political scene


Vecernji List, pg 4 ‘War of Croat political stars’, by Zdenko Cosic – the author argues that the agreement of the political parties regarding the constitutional changes in BiH has divided the Croat political scene in BiH like never before. This was specially highlighted after the statement by the BiH (Catholic) bishops, which noted that the changes should not be supported in the Parliament. Although the author does not specifically say it, he hints that the Croat politicians, who are not supporting the changes, are abusing the bishops’ statement for the sake of October elections.

HR Schwarz-Schilling welcomes changes to Election Law, says October elections are crucial for BiH


Dnevni List, pg 9 ‘Schilling: October elections are of crucial importance’, by NINA – The HR for BiH, Christian Schwarz-Schilling, expressed satisfaction with adoption of changes to the BiH Election Law, which will make possible the passive registration of voters, stressing that elections are necessary mechanism of a functional democratic society. The HR believes that the October elections are of crucial importance for BiH because the voters will decide who will run the country. He also noted that the pre-election campaign must focus on concrete issues and that all in BiH, be it citizens individually, groups of citizens or Unions, have the responsibility to make the political parties focus on concrete issues.

BiH CoM Chair Terzic said he made agreement on police reform with RS PM Dodik: any further tensions endangers European future of BiH

Dnevni Avaz pg 5 ‘I am not ready to accept demand for resignation of SDS-Ministers’, mentioned on cover ‘I will make agreement on police reform with Dodik’ by Nadja Diklic – In an interview for DA, BiH Council of Ministers Chair Adnan Terzic said that he reached an agreement with the RS Prime Minister Milorad Dodik on work of Police Reform Directorate [PRD], adding that there is less tension between state and entity authorities on that issue. Terzic noted that he would reply in written on Dodik’s remarks on work of PRD, stressing that any further tensions over police reform could put BiH European future under question. Terzic stated: “I interpret Dodik’s remarks as his insufficient awareness of processes that went on before he became PM.” Commenting the fact that SPRS deputy to BiH House of Representatives Tihomir Gligoric started collecting signatures for launching vote of no confidence to BiH CoM, Terzic: “This is the third time Gligoric is raising vote of no confidence to BiH CoM and none of the tries have any success. I must admit that, in this complicated political ambient, I would also love to see who would vote for or against Government and do we have support of the parliamentary majority.” Terzic concluded interview saying that he is ready to talk about removal of SDS-supported ministers only if he is offered new names that are capable to continue reform processes.

Croatian PM Sanader: Peljesac bridge getting politicized, hopes to reach agreement with BiH


Vecernji List, front pg splash and pg 10 ‘BiH does not want a 30-meter high bridge’, by Dejan Jazvic – As reported on Tuesday [see OHR Media Round-up, March 28], an expert commission, tasked by the BiH CoM to assess the project of building of the Peljesac-Croatian mainland bridge, concluded that the project that envisions building of a 30-meter high bridge would limit BiH’s access to see, which leads VL to say it is certain the BiH CoM will reject the Croatian proposal. Commenting on the latest development, the Croatian PM, Ivo Sanader, believes the issue is now being politicized in BiH since elections (in BiH) are approaching. Sanader notes Croatia has the right to build the bridge, however he also acknowledges BiH’s right to access to open see, underlining the Croatian Government is prepared for another round of talks with its BiH counterparts. (Dnevni List, back pg ‘Politicization of Peljesac bridge’, not signed, Slobodna Dalmacija, pg 8 ‘Ivo Sanader: Peljesac bridge with happy neighbors’, by H, Nezavisne Novine pg 2 ‘Both Croatia and BiH are satisfied’ by Hina,Dnevni Avaz pg 10 ‘At the bridge building, Croatia will respect rights of BiH’ by Onasa – Sanader said that Croatia will build Peljesac bridge, but it will also find solution to respect right of BiH pass to open see. Oslobodjenje pg 3 ‘Peljesac bridge cannot cause damage to BiH!’ by D.Zadravec – [carry Sanader statement]

BiH Security Minister Colak: Burning issues between BiH and Croatia would be resolved by end of this year

Dnevni Avaz pg 10 ‘PlocePort issue will be resolved by end of year’ by F. Vele – BiH Security Minister Barisa Colak says he is convinced that some of burning issues between BiH and Croatia would be resolved by the end of this year. He added that it would be very bad if the issue of property and legal relations was not resolved by the end of the year and he expects that the final solution of the Ploce Port issue would be known by then. DA inset ‘New proposal of agreement on property and legal relations’ carries Colak as saying that the issue property and legal relations cannot be postponed any longer and that Croatia is going to send now their new proposal for resolving of this issue and then BiH would present its proposal.

MP Sucur ( SDP): There is enough votes in FBIH HoR to remove FBiH President Lozancic


Oslobodjenje pg 5, mentioned on cover ‘Enough changes for removal of Lozancic’ by S.Se, Nezavisne Novine pg 2 ‘Signatures for Lozancic’s removal collected’ by R. C., Dnevni List, pg 3 ‘Removal of Lozancic depends on House of Peoples’, by M. Zorlak – An SDP MP in the FBiH HoR, Slavisa Sucur, confirmed that he had collected 68 signatures of MPs in the chamber who support the removal of the FBiH President Niko Lozancic (66 signatures is required). It was signatures of several SDA MPs that made the difference in favour of the removal. DL notes that the initiative now has to be adopted by a 2/3 majority in the FBIH HoP and SDP believes there are enough MPs in the HoP that will support it. 

OHR welcomed adoption of two laws that would strengthen rule of law and human rights


Nezavisne novine pg 8 ‘Adoption of the laws was welcomed’ by Agencies – OHR welcomed the adoption of two laws adopted through the Parliamentary process on Tuesday that will strengthen the rule of Law and Human Rights and confirm BiH’s commitment to its international obligations, as OHR Spokesperson Oleg Milisic told a press conference in Sarajevo on Tuesday. FBiH HoR adopted the Law on Minor Offences of F BiH, while BiH HoP adopted the Law on Changes and Amendments to the Law on Ombudsmen.

EU to increase price of visa almost by double

Dnevni Avaz pg 3 ‘EU to increase price of visa from €35 to €60’ by T.Lazovic – Daily learns that EU is to increase price of visas, which would also apply for BiH citizens. Council of EU for Justice and Home Affairs in its draft decision anticipated increase of price for almost double due to expenditures for new system of security. Final decision is expected to be brought by end of April. European Commission Delegation to BiH still have no such information and did not want to comment this.