
OHR BiH Media Round-up, 28/9/2004


BH TV 1 (19,00 hrs)

FED TV (19,30 hrs)

RT RS (19,30)

Croatia sells BiH property

Lagumdzija – Sacirbegovic

Pensioner’s protests in RS

Cornea transplantation

Hercegovacka banka trial

BL student’s protests

Pensioner’s protests in RS

Gligoric pleads not guilty

BIH HoP session

Gligoric pleaded not guilty

Pensioner’s protests in RS

Cavic met with Tadic

Note: Due to signal transmitting failure, we are not able to provide with RHB summary.


Terzic asks from Sanader to stop sale of BiH property; Jelavic trial: Accused to stay without lawyers; Gligoric pleaded not guilty

Dnevni Avaz

Tihic: New Constitution without Tudjman and Milosevic

Dnevni List

Hebrang: Support to Aluminij and hospital and not to HDZ

Vecernji List

Daily Telegraph: MI6 withdraws spies from BiH

Slobodna Dalmacija

Triple assistance to Croats in BiH

Nezavisne Novine

Pensioners on protests in RS cities: They demand increase of pensions; Judge George Halbach demands assistance from Marinko Jurcevic: Judge Adamovic is obstructing investigation on tax administration; Dragomir Babic: Kragulj was a member of “Taifun”; Javier Solana: Dayton must not be changed

Glas Srpske

New binding of Bosniak and Croat flags in the sight: Two war time comrades


Milica Bisic: I left over clash with OHR


Political issues

Cavic meets Tadic, Kostunica















RTRS, BHT 1, Oslobodjneje pg 4 ‘All indictees must go to the Hague’ by B.Boskov, Dnevni Avaz pg 2 ‘Tadic, Kostunica and Cavic warned that change of Dayton would destabilize the region’ by Onasa, Glas Srpske pg 3 ‘Dayton for a peaceful Balkans’, Nezavisne Novine pg 4 ‘Cooperation with the Hague must be complete’ by Agencies, Vecernje Novosti pg 2 ‘Course towards Europe via The Hague’ – RS President Dragan Cavic, held separate meetings with Serbian President, Boris Tadic, and Serbian Premier, Vojislav Kostunica in Belgrade on Monday. The meeting between Tadic and Cavic concluded that the cooperation with ICTY needs to be on the top level and agreed this is of a vital interest for both RS and Serbia. Tadic told press conference that “cooperation with the Hague must be complete. The indictees must go to The Hague and face there with judicial system.. There is no dilemma about this.” Cavic assessed “time is running out”, stressing that RS is completely aware of “extent of the danger” in case that duties towards the Hague Tribunal were not fulfilled. Tadic and Cavic also expressed full support to the Dayton Peace Agreement, assessing that any questioning of this agreement might result in instability in BiH and the region. The two officials also discussed the work of Srebrenica Commission, concluding that people responsible for this crime must be penalised.

Dnevni List last pg ‘Prime Ministers for respecting of Dayton’ not signed, Vecernje Novosti pg 2 ‘Any revision of Dayton is dangerous’ by P. VasiljevicVojislav Kostunica, Serbian Prime Minister, said on Monday that any change of the Dayton Peace Agreement upon demand of one side might have a counter-effect, meaning it could result in destabilisation of the entire region. He stressed Dayton Agreement is a complex contract behind which 3 constitutive people in BIH stand. He adds that without consent of one people in BIH it is not possible to change Dayton or BIH Constitution. Meetings also concluded it is necessary to improve relations in the fields of economy and culture.

Dnevni Avaz pg 2 inset ‘Ivanic in Belgrade today too’ – BiH Foreign Affairs Minister, Mladen Ivanic, will also be visiting Belgrade today and will meet with the President Boris Tadic.

Tihic: It is time for new Constitution without Tudjman and Milosevic

Dnevni Avaz cover splash ‘New Constitution without Tudjman and Milosevic’, pg 2 ‘It is time for Constitution without Milosevic and Tudjman’ by A. Malagic – Commenting to the criticism address by Borislav Paravac against him, [please see BiH Media Round-up for Sept 27], the BiH Presidency chairman, Sulejman Tihic, said that his speeches before UN General Assembly and participants of the Zagreb conference were in line with the platform adopted by the BiH Presidency, the platform of BiH foreign affairs and adequate UN resolutions. “The introduction and qualifications such as aggression or genocide are contained in the UN Security Council’s resolution adopted on 15 May 1992… Beside, trials of Blaskic and Tadic clearns confirmed the international characteristic of the war,” Tihic stressed. As for the criticism regarding his statement of BiH’s transition from Dayton’s to Brussel’s BiH, Tihic dismissed it calling it illogical as BiH is on that path for a longer time: “BiH is the European state, with the Constitution and the laws that would have to be adjusted to Brussels… These people [referring to Paravac, Cavic] are either not committed to European way, or they are doing this because of elections.” Finally, Tihci said that he believes it is a time to change BiH Constitution, as Dayton Peace Accord became an obstacle to BiH’s development. “The Constitution can be changed only with approval of political representatives of all peoples. I think we should do it, but this time without Tudjman and Milosevic.” Finally Tihic said that he was surprised with the comments of RS President, Dragan Cavic, adding they were on the edge of ill manners.

GS reaction on Tihic, Mesic advocating for change of BiH constitution


Glas Srpske, cover page story ‘Two wartime friends’ by E. G. S. – The article insinuates that BiH Presidency Chairman Sulejman Tihic and Croatian President Stjepan Mesic would like to continue where their predecessors – Alija Izetbegovic and Franjo Tudjman – have stopped, considering the fact Mesic supported Tihic’s stance on BiH being in a need of a change to the Constitution and Dayton Agreement. Professor Gugo Lazarevic from Banja Luka says: ‘Binding of Bosniak and Croat politics, similar to what we had in 1991 and 1992, primarily aims at centralisation of BiH, but also aims at realisation of hidden wishes of Sarajevo and Zagreb’. He warned the leadership of RS to pay more attention to hidden politics of parties from the Federation of BiH, especially to politics of SDP of Zlatko Lagumdzija, the aim of which is to have Serbs and Croats disappear from BiH. A professor at the Faculty of Law in Banja Luka, Zeljko Mirjanic, says the entire politics of Sarajevo and Zagreb comes down to changing of BiH Constitution. According to him, statements of Tihic and Mesic show that a procedure on changing of BiH Constitution might be formally initiated. The article claims that citizens of Serb Sarajevo are against the proposal ofTihic and Mesic, and also quotes one of citizens as saying: ‘Should BiH Constitution be changed against will of Serbs, we should support the stance of RS President Dragan Cavic on referendum. If the will of Serb people is not respected, then the people has a legitimate right to separation…’  GS inset ‘Ashdown’ quotes Zeljko Mirjanicas saying that there is no possibility HR Paddy Ashdown would impose changes to the BiH Constitution. He claims HR Ashdown has no mandate to change the Constitution or any of the provisions of the Dayton Agreement and reminds that even HR Ashdown has stated that his task was to implement, not to change BiH Constitution.

GS inset ‘Dangerous disease’, also reported in Vecernje Novosti, pg. 2 ‘Nothing against will of Serbs’ by D. Todorovic, reads that RS Prime Minister Dragan Mikerevic has assessed demands of Sulejman Tihic with regard to changes to BiH Constitution as a ‘new and dangerous disease called privatization of public services by incompetent Bosniak politicians’.

As a comment to open plead for changing the Dayton Agreement by Croatian President Stjepan Mesic, Mikerevic said Mesic should first give back rights to Serbs in Croatia . Mikerevic emphasised there are three peoples who live in BiH and attempts of one of the peoples to rule over faith of others are not possible.

Solana: ‘ Dayton must not be changed’


Nezavisne Novine cover and pg 3 ‘Dayton must not be changed’ by BETA Javier Solana, EU High Representative for foreign affairs and security, after Monday’s meeting of the EU Political and Security Committee and NATO Council in Brussels stated that preparations for the take-over between EU and NATO in BiH proceed well. Solana also said he finds demands of some officials in BiH, regarding the change of Dayton Peace Agreement, are not good, stressing: “Dayton is the one thing we have and it must not be changed.”

Croatian Health Minister visits BiH


Oslobodjenje cover, pg 7 ‘Modern medical center’ by Fena, Dnevni Avaz pg 9 ‘Mostar’s clinical center an example of care for BiH Croats’ by Onasa, Slobodna Dalmacija front pg ‘Triple assistance to Croats in BiH’ and pg 3 ‘Triple assistance to fellow people’ by Z. Zekic, Nezavisne Novine pg 4 ‘Nobody from Croatia was involved in the case of Hercegovacka banka” by SRNA – Vice President of the Croatian Government and Croatian Minister of Health Andrija Hebrang visited Mostar on Monday. Together with President of the Mostar Clinic Steering Board Ivan Bagaric, Hebrang marked continuation of works on this hospital for whose construction the Croatian Government donated a lot of funds. Hebrang also visited the Mostar University and Aluminij company.

Dnevni List front and pg 3 ‘Hebrang: Support to Aluminij and hospital and not to HDZ’ by NINA, inset ‘Visit because of elections!?’ not signed– Asked by a journalist whether he came to Mostar in order to give support to HDZ BiH for coming local elections, Hebrang replied negative explaining he arrived in BiH to talk about support to Aluminij company and many other projects. 

Vecernji List pg 5 ‘Clinic Hospital Mostar – Croat hospital for all citizens’ by mv– HDZ BiH President Barisa Colak who also met with Hebrang on Monday stated that he believes that the current Croatian Government led by Ivo Sanader makes good steps when Croats in BiH are in question especially when help to the Croat right on use of a mother tongue, which is endangered at the moment, is in question. Colak added that they received guarantees that Croatia will keep giving support to justified demands of Croats.

VL int with Croatian health Minister on position of Croats in BiH and constitutional changes


Vecernji List pg 5 ‘We lobby for BiH Croats in EU as well’, mentioned on cover, by J. Pavkovic carries an interview with Vice President of the Croatian Government and Croatian Minister of Health Andrija Hebrang. Asked about the policy of the Croatian Government when endangering of rights of the Croat people in BiH is in question, Hebrang says that the Croatian Government gives full support to protection of the Croat people as a constituent people in BiH. Hebrang added that compared with the wartime period the form of the Croatian assistance to BiH Croats has changed since the time has changed as well and he added: “The way of political activity is different and now it is being reflected in lobbying within the EU bodies.” Asked about the possible constitutional changes in BiH, Hebrang says that Croatia will support all solutions that the Croat people stand for and it will lobby within the international circles for the solution which will make Croats an equal and constituent people in BiH.

Vrankic on position of Croats at pre-election rally in Citluk


Slobodna Dalmacija pg 14 ‘Sarajevo stopped 50 million KM for Neum’, mentioned on cover, by M. Sivric – At the HDZ central pre-election rally held in Citluk, Federation of BiH Minister of Finances Dragan Vrankic stated that with the constitutional changes BiH Croats have come to the position in which they are being outvoted, expelled from schools, there is an attempt to destroy Aluminij company, Elektroprivreda of Croat Community of Herceg Bosna etc. Vrankic also said that a big international company wanted to invest 50 million KM in a hotel in Neum and the area around this town, however, the whole the FBiH institution apart from a few Croats were against it. Vrankic posed a question as to what kind of message is being sent to European integration and foreign investors in this way. 

DL on PIC: ‘mass-scale removals of politicians in sight?!’


Dnevni List, pg 8, ‘Mass-scale removals of politicians in sight!?’, mentioned on cover, by Zvonimir Jukic – DL’s source close to a western European country’s Embassy to BiH reveals that, during the last Peace Implementation Council Steering Board (PIC SB) session held last week in Sarajevo, there were a lot of polemics regarding the High Representative Paddy Ashdown’s success in implementation of the key tasks the PIC had assigned to him when he was appointed to the position. Namely, Ashdown is said not to have fulfilled the key things, i.e. BiH’s entry to Partnership for Peace and signing of Agreement on Stabilisation and Accession to the EU. DL comments that the tactics the HR applied cooperating with theleading national parties, believing they will meet conditions for the EU integration, has absolutely failed. The daily adds that the latest statements by the UK Ambassador Ian Cliff that the BiH cannot go to Europe with national parties are just another attempt to make space for Ashdown’s try to re-instate dialogue with the BiH oppositions without the support of which the mentioned key tasks will be difficult to implement. He is therefore only left with an attempt to try to make an alliance with the opposition or to expect miraculous changes in his partners when it comes to implementation of key international demands for accession to integration processes. DL concludes by saying that, for all the mentioned reasons, we can expect the HR to behave in the future like a nervous politician who has nothing to lose and who will, concerned about his own political destiny, surely resort to mass-scale removals of BiH politicians. In the inset, ‘Ashdown’s year’, DL reminds that the HR has another year at his disposal in order to try to correct something otherwise his diplomatic career will come to an end.

HR Ashdown in Livno


Dnevni Avaz pg 8 ‘Croat curricula still present in schools’ by A.K., Vecernji List pg 2 ‘British support cooperation in dairy industry’ by Z. Mihaljevic– The High Representative Paddy Ashdown visited Livno on Monday, where he met with municipal governor Stipe Barun discussing the reform of the municipal administration and the problems specific to this region. Ashdown also met with the representatives of political parties that will partake in the October 2 local elections, discussing municipal investments in the economy and infrastructure. On this occasion, one of the local politicians Aleksandra Djuran warned HR of the consequences of the ethnic cleansing in Livno, unconstitutional symbols in municipality and presence of Croatian curricula in schools. Later in afternoon, HR also visited the Koraci non-governmental organization, which provides care for children with special needs.

DL: population census could be organized in 2 years time


Dnevni List, pg 9, ‘Census in two years’, by D. Kozina – DL reports that drafting the programme of work of BiH Statistics Agency, which will be in charge of coordinating, planning and conducting the census of population and households in BiH, isunderway and that the census could be organised in two years’ time. According to Slavka Popovic, the Deputy Director of the Statistics Agency, the work regarding census in most countries takes between 3 and 5 years as it is the most complex and most comprehensive statistic activity that requires considerable funds and huge organisation.

DA op-ed on Hebrang’s visit to BiH, Cavic’s visit to Belgrade

Dnevni Avaz pg 3 ‘Timely turn to Belgrade and Zagreb’ op-ed by Husein Orahovac – Editorial refers to Dragan Cavic’s visit to Belgrade, and visit of Croatian Health Minister Andrija Hebrang to BiH, assessing these were a part of election campaign. Author says there was no doubt that Cavic would agree with Vojslav Kostunica and Boris Tadic that Dayton Peace Accord should not be changed despite the fact that such stance could prolong the BiH’s admission to EU indefinitely. “However, that doesn’t worry politicians from small BiH entity. Votes are the thing important to them, and they will not change already tried recipe. They are sure that by turning to Belgrade they will also turn the voters towards their political party. The same can be said when it comes to Hebrang’s arrival to Herzegovina… True, both Serb and Croat politicians in BiH are entitled to ‘mischief’ in order to win voters’ trust, i.e. power. However, they are not entitled to neglecting the interest of BiH. And that is, it seems, to be exactly what is happening in their timed turn to Belgrade and Zagreb,” editorial concludes.


Economic and social issues

RS Pensioners protests in BL



















FTV, Nezavisne Novine cover and pg 2 ‘They demand increase of pensions’ by B. Gagula; Glas Srpske pg 2 ‘Patience running out’ by M. Mihajlovic – On Monday, RS pensioners protested on the streets across RS cities expressing dissatisfaction over poverty and threatening they would reach for more radical measures, if RS Government kept turning a deaf ear to their demands. Several hundreds of pensioners gathered on the streets of Banja Luka. Nenad Ratkovic, President of Banja Luka Association of Pensioners, stated: “We demand full implementation of the RS NA conclusions, change of law on contributions and taxes in the favour of pensioners, payment of pensions in full and in accordance with the rise of salaries, payment of one full pension from year 2000 and new distribution of gross product.” Pensioners asked from the HR Paddy Ashdown to use his influence and ensure that Human Rights Chamber decision (regarding payment of pensions) is implemented, and accordingly pensions can be paid according to the place where they were earned. Rade Rakulj Chairman of RS Pensioners Association stated that if their demands were not met by the Government in 10 days they would take more drastic measures. He adds that they will organise protests in the most “sensitive” places in RS such as bridges, cross roads, highways.

EuroBlic RSpg 1 ‘From the streets to borders’ by T. Veselinovic – Pensioners in Prijedor, Srebrenica and Gacko did not joint protesters, feeling that protests before elections could have political connotation. Goran Radivojac, Spokesperson of the RS Prime Minister, said that: “The Premier’s stance regarding protests before elections is clear – those can only be politicised.” According to him, RS Government sees two solutions regarding pensioner’s problems. The first one is that F BiH PIO Fund starts paying out pensions to those beneficiaries who earned them in F BiH and second solution lays in the reform of PIO Fund.

BHT 1 More than 40% of pensioners in RS receive pensions in amount of 50 to 80 KM. Another 40 % gets pensions ranging from 90 to 150 KM.

RTRS RS Prime Minister Dragan Mikerevic says that the protests of pensioners are understandable and justified.

Oslobodjenje pg 9 ‘Blockade of streets and institutions in 10 days’ by Orijana Vukovic, Dnevni Avaz pg 9 ‘PR pensioners announced blockade of streets and entity institutions’ by M.V., Slobodna Dalmacija ‘Pensioners demand better standard’ by A. Macanovic, Vecernji List pg 6 ‘Protests of pensioners’ by bs – also covered the protests.

A part of BiH owned hospital in Cavtat sold


Oslobodjenje cover splash, pgs 4-5 ‘Terzic demands from Sanader to cease sale of BiH property’ by Az Kalamujic – The Chairman of the Council of Ministers, Adnan Terzic, called on Croatian Prime Minister Ivo Sanader to prevent the illegal sale of children hospital in Cavtat, informing him that the Court in Split used the war in BiH in 1993 and prevented BiH to protect its property in Cavtat. On Monday, 2000 m2 or 20% of land belonging to the children hospital in Cavtat, owned by Sarajevo Clinical Centre, was sold to trade company from Cavtat for 700.000KM. The representative of the Sarajevo Clinic, doctor Mehmed Ljuta who attended the auction, said that the sale was illegal which was also clear to possible buyers. He further explained that out of 40 bidders, only one company attended the auction. The layer of the Clinic, Almir Dervisbegovic stated for Oslobodjenje that he would appeal to Trade Court in Zagreb.

BHT 1, Dnevni Avaz pg 9 ‘Part of KCUS’s property sold for 2,5 million kunas’ by J.S. – Also reported on the sale.

BL students to protest tomorrow


RTRS, EuroBlic RSpg 3 ‘Students on the streets over tuition’ by V.V – Students of Banja Luka University announced protests for today. They would gather at 12:00 hrs in front of the University Campus and head towards the town centre. They want their tuition reverted to the level of last year. They also want administrative fees to be reduced. They sent their demands to Banja LukaUniversity and Ministry of Education and Culture. Duska Golic Spokesperson of Ministry of Education and Culture says RS Government would discuss proposal on change of tuition after procedural demands are met.

Ex RS Tax Admin Director says she quit due to dispute with OHR


Nezavisne Novine pg 6 ‘A recognition to Bisic for fight against corruption’ by V.I – On Monday in Banja Luka, the Transparency International BiH handed a Global Integrity Reward for 2004 to Milica Bisic, former Director of the RS tax Administration, acknowledging her contribution in the fight against crime and corruption. Srdjan Blagovcanin, TI BIH Spokesperson, at the press conference stressed: “At the time Ms. Bisic assumed the position of Director of the RS Tax Administration, the forcible tax collection was conducted for the first time here.”

EuroBlic cover and RSpg 7 ‘I left over clash with OHR’ by SRNA; Glas Srpske pg 2 ’The Office of High – Pressure’ by D. Vrhovac Mihajlovic – Bisic told journalist that she left the position of RS TA Director over the conflict she had with OHR regarding the Law on value added tax (VAT), noting: “I knew the fight with OHR on Law on VAT – which was used to centralise public finances in BiH – was lost in advance. Therefore, I accepted the offer to be Assistant to Serbian Finance Minister. As a professional, not as a Serb, I knew the Law proposed by OHR cannot be efficient.” She accused OHR of playing “a fatal role in creation of domestic institutions at the levels of BiH and entities as well. OHR is bothered with any politician with integrity, because such politicians do not obey orders without question.”

Hadzipasic meets new US Ambassador


Oslobodjenje pg 5 ‘US support to privatisation’ by Fena, Dnevni Avaz pg 2 ‘US partners are significant for BiH economic recovery’ by Fena, Dnevni List pg 4 ‘Cooperation with Americans important for recovery and economic development of BiH’ by De. L., Slobodna Dalmacija last pg ‘Hadzipasic with US Ambassador’ by B.K.  – FBiH Prime Minister Ahmet Hadzipasic on Monday met with the newly appointed U.S. Ambassador to BiH, Douglas McElhaney, and discussed the future cooperation in privatization and economic restructuring. “Continuation of successful cooperation with American partners is significant for the recovery and the economic development of BiH”, said Hadzipasic, noting that this support is particularly welcome in the metal industrial and energy sectors. FBiH Prime Minister further stressed that finding a strategic partner is very important for privatization of military industry, whose annual production is potentially worth approx two billion KM. Ambassador McElhaney underlined the interest of the U.S. Government for the situation in BiH. “Within the future cooperation, we need to make joint efforts to provide for the political stability and implementation of economic reforms”, said McElhaney, accenting the need for removing bureaucratic obstacles.

BiH HoP adopts the Public Procurement Law


Oslobodjenje pg 9 ‘Law on Public Procurement adopted’ by V. Zivak, Dnevni Avaz pg 4 ‘Law on Public Procurement adopted’ by Fena – On Monday, the BiH House of Peoples adopted the report by the joint commission on harmonizing the text of the Law on Public Procurement. The report was adopted in the House of Representatives previously, as the law was adopted in different texts and there was a need to harmonize them. Thus, the Law on Procurement in BiH is finally adopted. The Law shall improve the economic efficiency of the use of public means and decrease the possibility of frauds, corruption and misuses of public funds. It addition, it also supports the establishment of the single economic space in BiH.

British Ambassador Cliff in Livno


Vecernji List pg 2 ‘British support cooperation in dairy industry’ by Z. Mihaljevic,Dnevni Avaz pg 4 ‘British interested to invest in Livno region’ by A.K. – British Ambassador to BiH Ian Cliff visited Livno on Monday where he met Cantonal Prime Minister Stipe Pelivan. Following the meeting, Cliff stated that this area has a chance for development and attracting investments, especially in the field of wood and milk industries, and tourism. “This municipality and region must establish better cooperation with Croatia, Slovenia and EU countries to improve faster. More work has to be done towards adopting the legislation for protection of potential investors. British do want to invest in BiH and this part of it,” Cliff said. 

NN update on Alijagic case

Nezavisne Novine pg 2 ‘RS Government prepares bonds’ by P. Klincov – RS Government officials claim that RS Government will most likely treat the millions’ worth ruling on Alijagic case as internal debt, which will be settled via issuance of bonds. Trebinje District Court recently upheld ruling passed by Trebinje Basic Court, according to which RS Government was ordered to pay out the total of BAM 8.2 million to Alijagic brothers, owing to the fact their material and property was confiscated in 1993.


Court proceedings/BiH visas issues

Continuation of trial to Ante Jelavic and others in Hercegovacka banka case







Dnevni list, pg 6-7, ‘Defendants left without lawyers’, by Erna Mackic, mentioned on cover – During the continuation to trial of Ante Jelavic, Miroslav Prce, Miroslav Rupcic and friar Ivan Sevo in Hercegovacka banka case, lawyer Josip Muselimovic – on his behalf and behalf of lawyers Senka Nozica and Nikica Grzic – stated that he withdraws from the case. Muselimovic justified this decision with the fact that the Prosecutor and two members of the BiH Court’s Council are foreign citizens who have not taken oath before this Court by which one pledges to protect the rights of an individual as per the BiH Constitution, which he finds to be contrary to provisions of the law on High Judicial and Prosecutorial Councils. Saying the trial is a rigged and not legal process, Jelavic stated he did not need any lawyer and his view was shared by Sevo. Nevertheless, unless the defendants pick new lawyers from the list given by the Court Council Chairman, Malcolen Simmons, by Thursday, the Council will appoint them contrary to the will of defendants. Marko Martinovic, lawyer of Rupcic and Prce, also announced possibility that he gives up the process not on his own but on the will of his clients.

FTV, RTRS, Oslobodjenje pg 5 ‘Defendants to stay without the lawyers’, mentioned on cover, by A.N.,also covered the trial.

Colak on Jelavic trial


Slobodna Dalmacija pg 17 ‘Staged process against Jelavic’ by Z. Cilic – Talking at the HDZ BiH pre-election rally in Vitez HDZ President Barisa Colak promised persistent struggle for functioning of the rule of law. Colak also sent a message that HDZ officials at all levels will be fighting against petty politics in the judiciary and against political and staged processes such as the one against former HDZ President Ante Jelavic.

Gligoric pleads not guilty for office misuse charges


FTV, RTRS, BHT 1, Oslobodjenje pg 8 ‘Gligoric pleaded not guilty’, mentioned on cover, Dnevni Avaz pg 4 ‘Tihomir Gligoric pleaded not guilty’ by B.C., Nezavisne Novine pg 4 ‘Gligoric denies charges’ by A. Du.; EuroBlic RSpg 3 ‘Gligoric at court’ by J.D. – On Monday, the delegate in the BiH House of Representatives Tihomir Gligoric pleaded not guilty before the BiH Court to the charges of the indictment which accuses him of office misuse. Gligoric has been accused of failing to carry out the decisions of BiH Constitutional Court in 2001 when he was a Director of the RS Geodetic and Property legal issues. He apparently registered the property of Dzevad Haznadar as the property of company Domet from Laktasi. The procedure against Gligoric has been initiated by Haznadar.

Halbach vs Adamovic


Nezavisne Novine cover and pg 3 ‘Judge Adamovic is obstructing investigation on tax evasion’ by M. Cubro Georg Halbach, Prosecutor with the BiH Prosecutor’s Office Special Chamber for Organised Crime, is of the view that Vlado Adamovic, Judge with BiH State Court, is obstructing the investigation on tax fraud of several-millions worth. Ten days ago, Halbach addressed a letter to Marinko Jurcevic, BiH Chief State Prosecutor, in which he claims that Judge Vlado Adamovic has kept delaying plea entrance on guilt of Dragan Stojic for three months now. This should have been done within 15 days time frame. Adamovic, together with Sedinet Kartic and Mehmed Salkic, has been charged with tax evasion of several millions’ “weight”.

Update to BiH visas disappeared in Brussels


BHT 1 by Mirela Cosic – The BiH Foreign Affairs Ministry says that they do not know how 60 BiH visas could have disappeared from the BiH Embassy in Brussels adding the control security system exists. BiH Ambassador in Belgium, Sven Alkalaj, stated that responsible worker would suffer consequences. European Commission underlined that BiH have to protect its documents if it wants other countries to recognize those documents as valid. Analysts claim that this couldn’t be a coincidence and these visas will be abused.

VL: BiH Constitutional Court lacks money

Vecernji List pg 3 ‘BiH Constitutional Court is lacking money’ by E. Medunjanin – The Human Rights Commission with the BiH Constitutional court will stop with its work at the end of this year and the BiH Constitutional Court will have to take over a large number of cases from this Commission, as well as, a part of its personnel. According to VL, this might cause financial difficulties in the work the Court and slow down passing of the decisions. President of the BiH Constitutional Court Mato Tadic warned that this court has already sent a proposal to the BiH Council of Ministers to increase the budget for this institution by 26 % compared with the last year, however, this increase will not considerably change the situation either.


War crimes

Constitutional commission of BiH HoP on laws re war crimes trials in BiH


BHT 1, RTRS – The Constitutional-Legal Commission of the BiH House of People assessed on Monday that a set of laws enabling processing of war crimes cases before the domestic courts has a constitutional and legal basis. The House of People, at the previous session, did not accept to consider this set of laws in the urgent procedure, without amendments. Now, it will consider it in brief procedure on Thursday, with the possibility of amendment acting, other than the House of Representative, which has adopted them in the urgent procedure.  The deadline for the adoption of the Law is 30 September.

RS MoI Matijasevic meets Bogdanic


Nezavisne Novine pg 2 ‘RS MoI cooperates with Srebrenica Commission’ by SRNA Darko Matijasevic, RS MoI, and Milan Bogdanic, Srebrenica Commission Chairman, yesterday met and concluded that RS MoI has so far fully contributed, within its authority, to the work of Srebrenica Commission, stressing  this cooperation would continue in the future as well.

DL carries part of list with names of 400 war crime suspects

Dnevni List pg 5 ‘Lovac and Pika at top of Bosniak list’, mentioned on cover, by De.L. – DL has come into possession of the list with the names of war crime suspects that the ICTY allegedly handed over to the War Crimes Department with the Cantonal Court in Mostar. According to DL reliable information, the investigation on these suspects is about to finish and it has been expected that the bills of indictment will be issued soon. DL published the names of some of the Croat suspects yesterday, while the names of Bosniak suspects have been published today.


Security and intelligence issues

Daily Telegraph: MI6 withdraws spies from BiH, Serbia and Croatia



Vecernji list cover page ‘Daily Telegraph: MI6 withdraws spies from BiH’ and pg 13, ‘Names of British spies published because of Gotovina’, by Zorana Bajt, Nezavisne Novine pg 3 ‘MI6 pulled out its operatives from the Balkans’ – Dailies carry the story published in Monday’s edition of Daily Telegraph which says that the British secret service MI6 is forced to withdraw its spies from Zagreb, Belgrade and Sarajevo after local media, with assistance of domestic intelligence services, have revealed the identity of British intelligence officers in order to prevent locating and arrest of the most wanted Hague indictees. Daily Telegraph claims that almost at the same time Croatian, BiH and Serbian media in a series of articles undermined secret operations of the British secret service aimed at bringing Radovan Karadzic, Ratko Mladic and Ante Gotovina before the ICTY.

Fena int with Sredoje Novic, SIPA Director

Oslobodjenje pg 4 ‘SIPA will be organized alike FBI’, Dnevni Avaz pg 3 ‘War crimes indictees will not be able to work in SIPA’ by Fena – In an interview to the news agency Fena, the Director of SIPA, Sredoje Novic, confirmed that this institution will be organized in a model of US Federal Bureau Investigation, and that 930 staff members will be employed in the Agency by the end of October. “As for the fight against terrorism, the issues of organized crime, search for war crimes indictees, and financial and intelligence department – I think these will be functional in 40-60% of capacity by the end of this year,” Novic said. Asked to comment media speculations that even people connected to crime affairs are looking for a job with SIPA, Novic stressed that one vacancy announcement is published, every person considered for the position will have to go through vetting procedure. “All those on the lists of war crimes indictees, and those of other inappropriateness, will not be employed,” SIPA Director stressed. He also commented to the speculations on existence of terrorism camps in BiH: “It is very difficult in this moment to give you a concrete answer to this question, having in mind that SIPA is still not fully operational. The answer to the question will be possible to give in the first months of next year.”

Vecernji List pg 2 Novic dissatisfied with security in BiH’ by f – Asked to comment to the security situation in BiH, Novic said he personally was not satisfied. “It is very strange that we can look into the problem from two sides,” Novic says referring to the statements of BiH politicians according to which security situation in positive, while citizens claim it is worsened.

Bosniak, Croat reps send letter to Ashdown, Carty on appointments in RS MoI

Dnevni Avaz pg 4 ‘Talks on appointments of Croats and Bosniaks in RS MoI next week?’ by E.S. – DA writes that the representatives of Bosniaks and Croats occupying the high ranking positions in RS on Monday sent a letter to the High Representative Paddy Ashdown and the EUPM Commissioner Kevin Carty suggesting the meeting to discuss the appointments of Bosniaks and Craots to the leading positions in RS Interior Ministry. “We suggested the meeting to take place on 4 or 5 October in the OHR… After seeing the stance of the IC representatives with regard to our arguments, we will also meet with entity Interior Ministers, Mevludin Halilovic and Darko Matijasevic,” RS Vice President Adil Osmanovic said. In addition to Osmanovic, the letter was also signed by RS Vice President Ivan Tomljenovic, and RSNA Deputy Speakers Sefket Hafizovic and Tomislav Tomljanovic

Archive of Helsinki Committee for human rights stolen


FTV by Dzenana Zolota – The premises of the Human Rights House in Sarajevo were broken into on the night between Saturday and Sunday, with burglars taking with them two computers and two cameras owned by the Helsinki Committee for Human Rights in BiH. According to FTV, computers stolen contained information and documents on the human rights in BiH gathered by the Helsinki Committee in the past 10 years. Representatives of the Committee believe that a theft was not a motive for the burglary, adding that adding that much more valuable equipment had been left behind by the robbers. The chairman of the Helsinki Committee in BiH, Srdjan Dizdarevic, stated at the press conference on Monday that this act has been seen as an attempt of pressure against the human rights activists. Dizdarevic said that there were different kinds of pressure earlier: “In these circumstances, those threats and intimidations were anonymous. In past two years I gave to the police the names of persons that personally threaten to me with murder, etc.,” said Dizdarevic.

NGO Narodni Front accusations against SDS candidate for BL mayor, Ljubisa Kragulj

Nezavisne Novine cover and pg 5 ‘Kragulj was a member of “Typhoon” by V. Popovic Dragomir Babic, President of the NGO “Narodni Front”, stated on Monday that Ljubisa Buco Kragulj, the candidate of SDS and seven other political parties in the Banja Luka mayoral run, was the member of the secret police of Radovan Karadzic called “Typhoon”. NN says “Typhoon” was formed in 1992 and Karadzic himself disbanded this organization on 31 January 1994 following numerous reports this organization mistreated Banja Luka citizens and was engaged in secret espionage activities. Babic further noted that investigation later on proved members of “Typhoon”” renamed their organisation into “Sigma” and engaged in espionage activities against political leadership and RS Army, upon an order of Slobodan Milosevic. Babic distributed to the press the copy of the order issued by “Typhoon” on 1 December 1992, which reads that BIG Radio is the remote centre, approved to perform electronic surveillance over all radio and TV frequencies, as well as the control and monitoring of TB broadcasts of foreign radio and TV programmes.