RADIO HERCEG-BOSNA (18,00 hrs) | BHT 1 (19,00 hrs) | FED TV (19,30 hrs) | RT RS (19,30) |
OHR downsizes | TI on corruption in BiH | Krsmanovic trial postponed | OHR downsizes |
TI on corruption in BiH | Unsolved bomb explosions | OHR downsizes | Protest of Inga workers |
Brucellosis in central BiH | Journalists against Njegus | TI on corruption in BiH | RS Missing Persons Comm |
Mostar City Administration | More arrests for forgery | Brucellosis in SBC | Exhumation in Kevljani |
Oslobodjenje | Run for BiH property in Adriatic sea has started; Citizens do not trust state leadership |
Dnevni Avaz | Halilovic asks for CIPS project revision; OHR reduces staff for quarter |
Dnevni List | Ministers and party leaders are most corrupted |
Vecernji List | New patient infected with AIDS in Sarajevo |
Slobodna Dalmacija | Tenancy right can be cancelled |
Nezavisne Novine | Trial in case of drugs production has commenced; Vuksic and Besic are receiving salaries although they are not OSA employees; Journalists announced protests in front of RS MUP building in Banja Luka: public has the right to know; Study on the system of national integrity of BiH: political parties are the most corrupted |
Glas Srpske | They denigrated Buk Bijela |
EuroBlic | Corruption of parties, Ministries, firms…; “Inga” employees request for 33 salaries |
| Political issues |
TI study shows executive and legislative authorities most corrupted in BiH | RTRS, RHB, Oslobodjenje pg 6 ‘Citizens do not trust to state leadership’, mentioned on cover ‘Citizens do not trust to state’, by S. Sehercehajic, Dnevni Avaz pg 3 ‘Ian Cliff suggests single BiH strategy to fight corruption’ by Fena, Dnevni List front and pg 3, ‘Ministers and party leaders are most corrupted’, by Vedran Vujovic, Nezavisne Novine, cover ‘Political parties are the most corrupted’ and pg. 6 ‘Parties are the most corrupted institutions in BiH’ by M. Rener, EuroBlic, cover and pg. RS1 ‘Corruption of parties, Ministries, firms…’ by J. D., Glas Srpske, pg. 3 ‘Politicians are leading the game’ not signed – The Transparency International BiH and the British Department for International Development presented the BiH national integrity system study which analyses capacities and quality of all key institutions to fight corruption, starting from legislative and executive authorities and justice departments, to auditors, ombudsmen both governmental organizations and NGOs, media and the international community. It concludes that the institutional capacities in BIH for fighting corruption are weak, biased, politicised and corrupted. Study remarks that BiH needs an overall and a single strategy for fighting corruption in order to create legal and institutional conditions for efficiently fighting it. This was also stressed by the British Ambassador to BiH Ian Cliff who stressed that the fight against corruption is tied to measures that need to be taken on fighting organised crime in general, as well as networks supporting indicted war criminals. Boris Divjak, chairman of the TI’s Board of Directors, says that could reflect badly in the next elections. The study shows that political parties hold the top spot in the level corruption, while the media and NGOs enjoy the most trust of citizens. One encouraging thing from these researches is that BiH citizens and becoming increasingly aware of dangers brought by corruption. Transparency International also claims that many institutions function only because they are under pressure from the international community. BHT 1 – “Presence of corruption, organized crime and networks supporting war criminals reduces social and economic development in BiH. Solving this problem is one of the preconditions for accession to the EU and easier visa regime,” stated Ian Cliff. FTV – Report shows that some institutions are more corrupted than the others, noting that the corruption decreases on local level while at the same time it increases at the entity and state level. Boris Divjak notes that the lowest rated are legislative and executive authorities at all levels. “On the other hand, there are some positive examples, and those are, according to the responds from citizens in our surveys, the institution of general auditor and ombudsmen,” said Divjak adding: ”Most corrupted, as stated by the citizens, are political parties. Now, we have an interesting synergy, a triangle: political parties – ministries or agencies in government service – public companies.” The citizens stated their trust to media, non-governmental sector and OHR. |
OHR downsizes as BiH moves to ‘full statehood’
| RHB, RTRS, FTV, Oslobodjenje pg 5 ‘Bigger progress, less employees’ by A. Prlenda, Dnevni Avaz pg 3 ‘OHRE downsizes for a quarter’, mentioned on cover, not signed, Vecernji List, pg 2 ‘Less OHR staff’, by F, Dnevni List, pg 4 ‘High Representative begins to hand out notices of dismissal to OHR staff’, mentioned on front, not signed, Slobodna Dalmacija, pg 9 ‘Reduction of number of employees in OHR’, by B. Kristo, Nezavisne Novine, pg. 3 ‘25% staff downsizing was announced’ by N. N., Glas Srpske, pg. 2 ‘A quarter is redundant’ by N. Z. – The High Representative Paddy Ashdown announced to OHR staff on Tuesday that the organisation is going to be restructured and downsized to reflect the progress that BiH has made towards full statehood and normalisation in recent years. The reorganisation will involve a 25% reduction in staff, and a restructuring of OHR headquarters and regional and field offices to focus them on the priority tasks remaining in the OHR’s Mission Implementation Plan. These are largely related to assisting the BiH authorities implement reforms that have been or are now being translated into legislation, rather than starting new initiatives. The HR said that there are a number of other things that must be done in BiH, however that European Union will be assisting in that process, and therefore OHR is increasingly becoming the Office of the EU Special Representative [EUSR]. |
VL interview with HR Ashdown
| Vecernji List, pg 5 ‘Ministry of Security exists only in Colak’s person’, mentioned on front, by Dejan Jazvic – VL carries an interview with the High Representative for BiH, Paddy Ashdown, in which he, responding to a question as to what he expects from BiH authorities in the period to come, says: “I expect three things: implementation, implementation, implementation”. HR Ashdown goes on to say that BiH authorities have for the first time surprised people from the IC who observe the situation in BiH, because many believed it would be impossible to fulfill the famous 16 tasks (Feasibility Study). However, HR Ashdown notes that the tasks have not been fully completed, adding that BiH authorities should feel proud because they have completed most of the job. Furthermore, HR Ashdown lays down OHR’s six priorities, the priorities being: the SIPA, war crimes chamber with the BiH Court, Indirect Tax Authority, intelligence-security service, ministries of defence and security. With regards to the latter, HR Ashdown says the fact is that the ministry is embodied in Minister Barisa Colak, noting that premises need to be found to accommodate the ministry. Questioned as to what are the biggest obstacles in the process, HR Ashdown says: “I must admit that I am worried the most with the games that are being played during the pre-election period. Every side provokes the other, because both know they will get more votes in the elections by doing so. I see the game in the RS, in central Bosnia, in southern Herzegovina. It’s an old game, the aim of which is to secure more votes in the nationalistic ballot boxes. Maybe I do not like it, but it’s a legitimate political tactics”. Finally, questioned as to how long he was ready to stay in the current position, HR Ashdown notes that November 2005, the tenth anniversary of the DPA, is the final boundary for him. “My family threatened me with war if I am not at home for Christmas in 2005”, said HR Ashdown. |
Journalists to protest against Njegus on Friday
| FTV, BHT 1, Nezavisne Novine cover ‘Journalists announced protests in front of RS MUP building in Banja Luka: public has the right to know’ and pg. 5 ‘Public has the right to know’ by D. R. – The Coordination of BiH Associations of Journalists called on all journalists to join the one-hour peaceful protest of journalists in Banja Luka on Friday outside the RS Ministry of Interior building. The protest will take place under the slogan “The Public Has the Rights to Know” and journalists are urged to bring posters with questions they wished to put before RS Police Director Radomir Njegus at a press conference on August 20, but did not have the chance to do so. “Let us again show that together we are stronger and that by defending the right of free speech we are defending the freedom of media and the livelihoods of our families. Journalists are not the ones that should be sent to prisons and mental institutions and this is why the public has the right to know,” the Coordination stated. RTRS – Dragan Jerinic, coordinator for the RS association of independent journalists says Njegus is irresponsible and that he “cannot get a passing grade from the public for the job he does.” |
PDP says SDA ministers in RS Govt to be removed in 15 days
| Oslobodjenje pg 2 ‘Removal of SDA ministers in 15 days’ by Onasa, Dnevni Avaz pg 5 ‘SDA ministers will be dismissed in 15 days’ by Onasa, Glas Srpske, pg. 2 ‘Removals are knocking’ by A. R. – Deputy President of PDP party Goran Milojevic on Tuesday announced that the Prime Minister’s Office will be reshuffled in the following 15 days and he also announced the removal of SDA Ministers. He also commented on the appointment of the new Interior Minister and said that despite to the fact a new Minister has not been appointed as yet, the Ministry is doing a good job, which can be proven by the most recent arrests of forgers in Banja Luka. Nevertheless, he urged for a soon appointment of the Minister and emphasised the new Minister should be a professional and does not necessarily need to be a member of PDP party. Dnevni Avaz pg 5 ‘It is absurd for “God, give justice” is RS hymn’ by E. Sarac – RS National Assembly Vice President Sefket Hafizovic says he believes that this initiative is just a part of the election campaign, adding he doesn’t think it would happen. |
Terzic meets Tony Blair
| Oslobodjenje pg 3 ‘BiH will not have a problem of gas supplies’ by V. Zivak, Dnevni Avaz pg 2 ‘Terzic vistis Great Britain’ by S.N. – The Chairman of the Council of Ministers, Adnan Terzic, today leaves to visit the United Kingdom upon the invitation from UK Prime Minister Tony Blair. Terzic says for Avaz that he will inform Blair on activities regarding the implementation of the conditions set by the Feasibility Study, defence reforms and overall situation in BiH, asking for UK assistance in BiH’s admission to the Partnership for Peace program. |
Hafizovic on appointment of RS Interior Minister
| Dnevni Avaz pg 5 ‘It is absurd for “God, give justice” is RS hymn’ by E. Sarac – Vice President of the RS National Assembly Sefket Hafizovic says that RSNA should hold a session in mid September which will include discussion on the reform of security system in RS. Hafizovic sees this as a part of reason why the RS Interior Minister has still not bee appointed, however adding that the second part could be a wish of RS Prime Minister Dragan Mikerevic to have full control of the RS MoI. |
Daily says HDZ Stolac tries to avoid discussion on unification of two schools under one roof
| Oslobodjenje pg 6 ‘Croatian classroom before, Bosniak after noon’ [original title: ‘Naobrazba prije, obrazovanje poslije podne’] by A. Becirovic – City Council of Stolac holds session today to discuss the unification of ‘two school under one roof’ issue, as well as the security situation in the city. Unofficially daily learns that HDZ councillors will demand first item on the agenda to be security issues, claiming this way they would avoid the discussion on education. Assistant head of municipality Asim Pitic demanded the assistance from OHR regional office in Mostar stating that it is “obvious that HDZ obstructs the project of merging schools under one roof in Stolac.” His letter sent to OHR also concludes that all efforts by the international community regarding the education will stay without results without involvement of the OHR. |
Association ‘Josip Broz Tito’ sends open letter to HR Ashdown | Oslobodjenje pg 7 ‘Malicious comparison of Tito and criminal Karadzic’, mentioned on cover – Daily publishes page long open letter addressed by the Association ‘Josip Broz Tito’ to the High Representative Paddy Ashdown following his statements given to the HRT and OBN TV stations. Letter says that in those, Ashdown commented the unsuccessful tries to arrest Radovan Karadzic, justifying them by saying that same thing – difficult terrain of Bosnian mountains – has been a trouble to those trying to arrest Karadzic just like it was prevented Germans in WWII form capturing Josip Broz Tito and his troops. The letter very harshly criticizes Ashdown for “malicious comparison of Tito and criminal Karadzic”. After giving detailed account of Tito’s historic importance and several negative remarks on the international community regarding the war criminals still at large, letter concludes: “We will take this incident, Mr Ashdown, as a result of your lack of historic knowledge and desire to have as effective media appearance as possible, but at the same time we ask you to restrain in a future from such and similar statements in which you compare heroes and great men with the criminals.” |
| Economic, social and health issues |
Trade Unions in BIH support Buk Bijela project
| RTSR – Project of building Buk Bijela hydropower plant on Drina was supported by the chairmen of the Trade Unions in BiH Edhem Biber, Cedo Volas and Ilija Kalajdzic, and all three said they will inform OHR and BIH in writing tomorrow. “We, in RS, will publicly ask from OHR not to interfere with the construction of Buk Bijela hydropower plant in Foca/Srbinje because it is an economic potential for entire BIH, that area and people in BIH”, says Cedo Volas Chairman of RS Trade Union. “We absolutely support all that will bring employment. If the percentage of unemployment is over 45% in FBIH and 41% in RS, that is worrying. At the moment that is the only way, Vc corridor,… power plants like Buk BIjela and others are at the moment the only chance to employ a large number of people and in such a way to stabilise current difficult and complicated situation. Economic situation in BiH at the moment is very difficult,” says Edhem Biber Chairman of BIH Association of independent trade unions. Unions also stressed a need to create an umbrella organization which would works towards creating equal rights for all workers. “The position of District Union is to bring together Trade Unions working in BIH… through and coordination of these 2 biggest Unions. Our suggestion is that the Chairman of the initiative board is Edhem Biber”, says Ilija Kalajdzic, Chairman of Brcko District Union. Nezavisne Novine, pg. 4 ‘Trade Union leaders support the construction of “Buk Bijela”‘ by V. M. – also reported on this issue. Oslobodjenje pg 2 ‘Unionists’ op-ed by Senka Kurtovic – Referring to the joint stand of three Trade Unions chairmen regarding the Buk Bijela project, author notes that it is impressive that they finally have remembered the workers as they Biber and Volas mainly spend time travelling to seminars and attending round tables. She also welcomed the idea of establishing roof organization, however cynically noting that idea has appeared a number of times before, concluding “only If Biber and Volas could agree on who would be the chair.” |
GS on Buk Bijela construction
| Glas Srpske, cover page story ‘They denigrated Buk Bijela’ by D. V. M. – The article carries reactions on OHR’s statement regarding the construction of “Buk Bijela” hydro-power plant. Dusko Djuric, a professor at the Banja Luka Faculty of Architecture and Construction, says: ‘the international community disputes both what should and what should not be disputed. The privatisation of “Elektroprivreda” has nothing to do with “Buk Bijela”’. He emphasises that ecologists’ claims on harmful environmental influence of the construction of “Buk Bijela” were arbitrary and, most probably, ordered by someone. Djuric says he sees no reason to abolish the implementation of this project. |
Workers of Inga again protested in Banja Luka
| RTRS, BHT 1, EuroBlic, cover ‘“Inga” employees request for 33 salaries’ and pg. RS12 ‘Workers want salaries’ by Tijana Veselinovic and Milan Pilipovic – Workers of wood company “Inga” again gathered in front of the RS Government building in Banja Luka on Tuesday. They demanded to meet with the RS Prime Minister Dragan Mikerevic in order to seek his assistance in company paying them out 33 overdue salaries, belated pension and health contributions and a removal of the current management. Instead of Mikerevic, representatives of workers and management met RS Minister for Economy, Energy and Development, Djordje Lajkic, who offered the workers to draft the plan for company’s recover by Friday. |
Brucellosis cases in Central Bosnia spread concern
| RHB, FTV – Ten cases of brucellosis have been registered in Central Bosnia Canton. As reported by Onasa news agency, 71 out of 900 tested animals were infected. Pavlovica near Novi Travnik and Vlasic are areas of greatest risk, hence cantonal Agriculture Ministry banned all animal exhibitions and shows. Vecernji List, pg 3 ‘Authorities hushes up danger against brucellosis and Q-fever’, mentioned on front, by Dejan Jazvic – carries the President of Association of BiH Veterinarians, Jasmin Ferzibegovic, as saying that the situation in BiH when it comes to contagious animal diseases in BiH is extremely difficult. He notes that the situation with brucellosis and Q-fever is alarming, in the same time criticizing the BiH authorities of trying to belittle the health risk the citizenry is BiH are exposed to. He believes that funds need to be urgently allocated so the veterinary services can undertake all the measures on the ground. |
DL on surplus of workers from Mostar City Administration
| Dnevni List, pg 15 ‘Firing of employees only after December 31?!’, mentioned on front, by Zvonimir Jukic – DL announces that the City Council of Mostar should at its session scheduled for today adopt a new book of rules on systematisation of jobs in the Mostar City Administration and decisions how to take care of surplus workers of the CA. DL notes that the city authorities have been prolonging the process because it did not suit them to fire surplus workers just before the elections, but after an OHR intervention, when Senior Deputy High Representative, Werner Wnendt, stated that no delays would be acceptable, it was a clear signal that they have to go ahead with the systematisation plan. DL goes on to say that Mayor and Deputy Mayor of Mostar, Hamdija Jahic and Ljubo Beslic, burdened with requests of the CA’s employees, will advise councilors to adopt decisions that will at least for time being regulate the status of surplus workers. Apparently, Jahic and Beslic also propose an establishment of a working group that will make the program of taking care of those workers, which should include representatives of both domestic and international authorities. According to Jahic and Beslic’s proposal, the Administration employees who do not get a job once the vacancies have been issued and realized will get the status of surplus workers, but they will not be fired until December 31. “After that, the status of surplus workers will be solved on basis of the adopted Programme of taking care of surplus workers of the City administration”, reads Jahic and Beslic’s proposal. Inset ‘Solution – Federation ministries in Mostar’ notes that a possible solution how to take care of surplus workers is to give them jobs in other state institutions, foremost the 5 FBiH ministries that are supposed to be seated in Mostar. In that context, DL notes that even the High Representative for BiH, Paddy Ashdown, has kept silent about the moving of 5 FBiH ministries from Sarajevo to Mostar, despite his statements from the beginning of his mandate that the moving must be done immediately. |
SD on housing and tenancy rights issues
| Slobodna Dalmacija, front and pg 14 ‘Tenancy rights can be cancelled’, by Zoran Zekic – speaking about the legislation in the area of housing-related issues in BiH, the author claims that the law on housing units, “as blessed by former High Representative for BiH, Wolfgang Petritsch”, which allows that apartments are to be returned to holders of pre-war tenancy rights, can be soon contested by international legislation. To substantiate his claim, the author cites that the Strasbourg-based European Human Rights Court recently presented his position in the ‘Blecic v Croatia’ case, the case related to tenancy right, whose (Blecic’s) tenancy right was cancelled after she left the apartment for period longer than 6 months. The Court ruled that there was no violation of the article 8 of the European Convention on Human Rights, which does not surprise the author, who notes that the tenancy right is only a right to use an apartment, which can be cancelled if, for example, the person is question does not use the apartment for a longer period of time. |
Pensioners in FBiH demand payment of overdue pension
| Dnevni Avaz pg 2 ‘Pay another overdue pension by the end of year’, mentioned on cover ‘Asking payment of another overdue pension’, by A. Basic – FBiH Pensioners Association announced that unless the FBiH Government pays out the rest of overdue pensions from 2000, pensioners will seek their rights with all means available, including protests. The Chair of the Association, Jozo Ljiljanic, says FBiH Prime Minister Ahmet Hadzipasic is obliged to ensure payment of these pensions in accordance with the set of pensions insurance measures adopted by the entity parliament last December. |
Terzic says no gas supply problems this year
| Oslobodjenje pg 3 ‘BiH will not have a problem of gas supplies’ by V. Zivak – The Chairman of the Council of Ministers, Adnan Terzic, stated that there will be no problems with gas supply to BiH this year. Terzic is to travel to Moscow next week and discuss the issue of BiH’s debt of 104,8 million KM to Russia made during the war. |
DL on third GSM Licence
| Dnevni List, pg 6 ‘Third GSM licence stays with HT Mostar’, by J. P. – according to DL’s source close to RAK (Communications Regulatory Agency), Council of RAK will on Friday (August 27) reject Eronet’s appeal to RAK’s earlier decision that the 3rd GSM licence is to be awarded to HT Mostar. According to the source, Eronet’s appeal will be rejected as ungrounded. If the appeal indeed gets rejected, the last instance Eronet can appeal to is the BiH Court. |
IC official on IMF stand-by arrangement
| Nezavisne Novine, pg. 4 ‘Agreement with IMF is not an imperative for BiH authority’ by M. Cubro – A source from the international community claims that, for the first time since the war, signing of a stand-by arrangement with IMF is not an imperative for BiH authority. ‘The policy of IMF is to have a macro-economic stability and the terms that have been offered for the new stand-by arrangement have been developed having in mind this very goal’, the source claims. Apart from money, the agreement with IMF represents a certain certificate on the stability of the country. Therefore, BiH authority are not willing to give up from this agreement, although it is not their imperative. State and entity Prime Ministers confirmed on Monday that they do not find the offered terms of the new stand-by arrangement as acceptable. |
| War crimes |
Update to search for Herceg Bosna archives
| RHB – The Croat liaison officer with the ICTY, Goran Mihaljevic, sent a letter to the ICTY Chief Prosecutor, Carla Del Ponte, informing her about the activities that Croat officials in BiH have taken so far in gathering the Herceg Bosna documents ICTY demands. Mihaljevic pointed in the letter that the “activities on collecting the documents are progressing in the planned direction and we are satisfied with the results so far.” He also announced that Croat officials will officially visit Croatia on Thursday or Friday, and will meet with Croatian Justice Minister Vesna Skare-Ozbolt asking for help and support regarding the ICTY request. Vecernji List, pg 2, ‘Insight into Croatian state archives officially requested’, by Dejan Jazvic – Mihaljevic says for VL that the second meeting of the most responsible Croat officials on the issue of documentation requested from them by the ICTY, at which Mihaljevic himself is to present what has been done so far in terms of finding the documentation, is to take place today. Dnevni Avaz pg 8 ‘By 30 September we will submit 80% of documents to the Hague’ by F. Vele – According to DA, Mihaljevic and is associates in the last few days managed to retrieve a part of the Herceg Bosna archives. He states for DA that about 80% of the documents demanded will be handed over to ICTY by 30 September. “I think that the Prosecution will be satisfied with the found documents. In that regard, I do not expect sanctions for Croat representatives of the authorities in BiH,” said Mihaljevic describing efforts to find these documents, which include field search, interviews with former officials, etc. BHT 1 – Source close to the defence lawyers of former political and military officials of Herceg-Bosna indicted by ICTY for war crimes confirmed to BHT 1 that a part of Herceg-Bosna archives is most probably in Mostar. The same source also says that the more accurate answer to this question could be given by Jadranko Prlic or Perica Julic, former Chairman of the Herceg-Bosna Presidency, now a fugitive. |
Update to Kevljani exhumations
| RTRS, FTV, Oslobodjenje pg 3 ‘Document of Omarska PoW found’ by B. Ka. – Documents of two Croats and one Bosniak, were discovered in the mass grave in Stari Kevljani on Tuesday. Remains of nine victims have been exhumed by Tuesday afternoon bringing the number of discovered bodies to 39, confirmed FBiH Commission on Missing Persons Head Jasmin Odobasic. Victims are believed to be prisoners of Omarska concentration camp. |
Mikerevic meets families of missing persons
| RTRS, Nezavisne Novine, pg. 4 ‘Mikerevic with representatives of RS Association of Families of Missing Persons’ not signed, Glas Srpske, pg. 2 ‘Sijekovac is a bitter pill’ by G. Klepic – RS Prime Minister Dragan Mikerevic met with representatives of RS Association of Families of Missing Persons in Banja Luka yesterday. On this occasion, Mikerevic said that revealing the truth on sufferings of Serbs during the past war in BiH was ‘one of the crucial issues of RS’. He promised that RS competent institutions would provide the Association with all necessary help. Glas Srpske, pg. 2 ‘Sijekovac is a bitter pill’ by G. Klepic – the article also reports on the meeting and reads that the Association representatives have told the Prime Minister they were dissatisfied with the work of the RS Office for Missing Persons. Milijana Bojic, the President of the Association of Families of Missing Persons, says the Prime Minister was shocked with what has happened in Sijekovac as well as that he ‘connot understand how was it possible that the other side was allowed to perform the exhumation at this location’. |
HR Ashdown on war crimes
| Vecernji List, pg 5 ‘Ministry of Security exists only in Colak’s person’, mentioned on front, by Dejan Jazvic – carries an interview with the High Representative for BiH, Paddy Ashdown, in which he, responding to a question whether he believes the Police forces in BiH are capable of capturing war crimes suspects, says: “In case of Karadzic and Mladic, the answer is – obviously not. I accept the fact that they are probably protected by organization that only NATO, in other words SFOR, can take on. However, the Police structures in BiH have the ultimate responsibility to cooperate with SFOR in that job. As far other war crimes suspects are concerned, I think the Police in BiH has the capacity to arrest them, and in cases that they need help, they can ask for it from SFOR”. |
| Investigations and judiciary |
‘Acetic acid’ case update: Krsmanovic’s plead postponed
| BHT 1, FTV, RTRS, Nezavisne Novine, cover ‘Trial in case of drug production has commenced’ and pg. 3 ‘Rajo Krsmanovic has requested to have an insight in documents and indictment’ by D. Muminovic – The BiH Court’s session at which suspect Rajo Krsmanovic was scheduled to plead to the charges regarding the drugs smuggling was postponed. Krsmanovic was accused for importing and trading with the substances used to produce synthetic drugs. He is an owner of RBS company, which imported 20 tons of acetic acid in 2003, and sold 12 tons to unknown buyers for purpose of producing narcotics. Krsmanovic claims he was selling only vinegar. As for trial procedure, the session was postponed as after recent change of defence lawyer, judge allowed Krsmanovic to see full evidence on his case. He is schedule to appear next on 8 September. |
Halilovic asks for full revision of CIPS project
| Dnevni Avaz cover splash ‘Halilovic demands revision of CIPS project’, pg 3 ‘Audit of CIPS project to follow’ by E. Sarac – BiH Civil Affairs Minister, Safet Halilovic, announced in a statement for DA that “due to the seriousness of the situation and possible compromising of the entire CIPS project” an audit of the project will be carried out to establish the misuses. “This ministry has decided to establish revision commission, due to the complex situation and the silence of RS Interior Ministry whom we asked to submit comprehensive report however we have not received it to date. According to the unofficial information, misuses are numerous and all our information are related to Banja Luka,” says Halilovic. |
ITA Director says there is ground for ‘sugar affair’
| Dnevni Avaz pg 2 ‘There is no doubt that at least 250 million tons of ‘sugar’ entered BiH’ by E.D. [note: title says 250 million tons, while quote mentions 250 million kilos] – DA brings that media reports on ‘sugar affair’ [illegal export of sugar from BiH] not existing [Oslobodjenje’s cover page story on Monday, see BiH Round-up for 24 August] has been denied by the Director of the Indirect Taxation Administration [ITA], Kemal Causevic. “There is no doubt that at least 250 million of kilograms of ‘sugar’, that is of something else because it was not sugar, entered BiH in a period from 1 January 2001 to 30 June this year. Some individuals from FBiH Customs obviously want to redirect the attention to something else through their statements,” says Causevic. |
DL on investigation into Canton 7 Health Insurance Fund
| Dnevni List, pg 7, ‘Key evidence – invoices for car purchases’, mentioned on cover, by De. L. – DL claims that the Herzegovina-Neretva Canton (HNC) Prosecutor’s Office has launched investigation into Mostar-based Canton 7 Health Insurance Fund and into the case of purchase of luxury cars for which the basis for calculating the tax and customs fees was reduced. In this context, the daily has published copies of documents proving that two different invoices for the purchase of the very same vehicle were made on Rade Bosnjak’s name (Bosnjak is HNC Health Insurance Fund Director and former HDZ Secretary general). DL adds that investigative actions have also been taken over suspicion that members of the HNC Panel of doctors have been corrupted and bribed. |
Update to cases of Sume Herceg Bosne and Finvest
| Vecernji List, pg 4 ‘Another arrest because of ‘felling’ of trees’, by Drazen Mamic – with regards to recent probes into business operations of ‘Sume Herceg Bosne’ and ‘Finvest’ Company, VL reports that one Drasko Brnic was arrested at request of the Canton 10 Prosecution. Brnic is allegedly charged with ‘negligent work in service’. The arrest comes a few days after former senior officials of Sume Herceg Bosne, Ile Krezo and Ivica Cobanac, and former Canton 10 Prime Minister, Mirko Mihaljevic, got arrested too. VL notes that the original criminal report also mentions several other people, initials D.M. (aged 38 from Tomislavgrad), M.V. (34, from Kupres) and M. F., who is a Croatian citizen. With regards to the latter, although it has not been confirmed yet, the word is that the person in question is Marijan Filipovic, the owner of ‘Finvest’. |