
OHR BiH Media Round-up, 23/3/2004



BH TV 1 (19,00 hrs)

FED TV (19,30 hrs)

RT RS (19,30)

Farmers’ protests

BH Parliament in session

ICTY news

SNSD protests in BL

Mostar’s Airport returned

CoM passed education law

BiH Parliament in session

Comments on protests

About protests in BL

Bomb thrown on mosque

Farmers’ protests

Radicals on protests

HDZ on FBiH crisis

Protests of Farmers

FBiH Agriculture Minister

Farmers’ protests



Spanish Al-Qaida cell trained in Zenica; Mosque’s window pane broken; Dodik: Early elections or people’s unrest; SDA wants illegal book of rules; Custom benefits as of 1 April, or Terzic’s dismissal

Dnevni Avaz

Osmanovic demands a punishment for Djeric; There will be 12 generals; Farmers accepted negotiations

Dnevni List

HDZ: It is absurd to bring into question right to introduce one language at faculty; Federation budget falls in House of Peoples

Vecernji List

Early elections or new outvoting; Farmers have had enough

Slobodna Dalmacija

Cows in front of Government building; Barbed wire and sand bags in center of Banja Luka

Glas Srpske

Ombudsmen of RS on arrests of Zeljko Jankovic and Dusan Tesic: SFOR violated the law; Kosovo and Metohija: Weddings in Strpci; Pristina: Arrests commence

Nezavisne Novine

Conflict over Banjaluka “Metal”: Milovan Zugic threatened to Dusanic with a knife; Milorad Dodik: Authority lost trust of RS citizens; Police action in Zenica: Five drug-dealers arrested; Sarajevo: Prosecutor’s Office believes there is a mobile “factory” producing heroin in BiH


Go away, Holkeri!; An explosive device was thrown at mosque near Gradiska


Political issues

Oppositions holds rally in BL today calling for early elections























RHB, Oslobodjenje pg 6 ‘Early elections or public unrest’, Dnevni Avaz pg 9 ‘Milorad Dodik expects between 20.000 and 25.000 people’, Nezavisne Novine cover, pg 4 ‘Authority lost trust of RS citizens’, Vecernji List pg 2 ‘Protests of RS opposition on Krajina Square’, Blic pg 13 ‘Warning to the authorities’ – President of RS Association of Independent Social Democrats [SNSD] Milorad Dodik stated on Monday after the meeting with RS Interior Minister Zoran Djeric, that he expects today’s protest of the opposition to be carried out in a peaceful and tolerant atmosphere with a message to the authorities that the current situation is unsustainable. Dodik told at the press conference held in Banja Luka that the RS MoI was informed about the aim of SNSD to hold protests, and expressed hope that the RS police will be ready to prevent any violation of public peace and order. Dodik said that he expected the gathering to be attended by tens of thousands of people, who would arrive also using transportation organized from several municipalities, and he added that there should be about 20.000 citizens from Federation BiH. Organizers of these protests are SNSD, DPRS, DNS and RS Pensioners’ Party.

BHTV 1 – RS Minister of Interior, Zoran Djeric, announced after his talks with Milorad Dodik that the police forces will do everything to secure peaceful environment for the protests.

Nezavisne Novine pg 4 ‘RS Interior Ministry: Security ensured’, Glas Srpske pg 2 ‘Police knows its duties’ – The Police Administration yesterday released a press statement saying that the RS Interior Ministry and Public Security Centres would undertake all measures and activities, including application of legal rules and regulations, in order to ensure that today’s protest proceeds peacefully, safely and with dignity.

RTRS – “This was the opportunity to deny all those stories, which have appeared regarding the organization and holding of protests,… we don’t invite anyone who is coming with other intentions to those protest. We want people to show their… dissatisfaction with current situation,” said Milorad Dodik. “It is obvious that the Government… have recognized that they haven’t done anything, during the last few years and [with] this gathering… they will face people for the fist time, and they have nothing to say to defend themselves,” said Petar Djokic, the president of the RS Socialists Party. “Protests are scheduled for 12: 05 hrs… because the time for this Government has really run out,” said Marko Pavic, from DNS.

Slobodna Dalmacija front, pg 17 ‘Barbed wire and sandbags – in centre of Banja Luka’ by Aleksandar Macanovic – According to the author, the “buzz word” in the RS over the past few days is whether the protests will end up in violence. SD carries one of leaders of the SNSD, Nikola Spiric, who says he would not be surprised if the authorities “stage something”, if the protests gather many people. “We are all put to the test, the authority to secure the gathering, and the opposition to send messages”, says Spiric.

Reactions to protests by SDS, Radicals, Associations

RHB, Oslobodjenje pg 6 ‘We cannot be silent about ethnic cleansings in Kosovo’, Dnevni Avaz pg 9 ‘Opposition uses suffering of Serb people’, Nezavisne Novine pg 4 ‘Opposition takes advantage of tragedy of Serbs at Kosovo’, Glas Srpske pg 2 ‘Over somebody else’s back’, Blic pg 13 ‘SDS: They are using misfortune of Serb people’ – SDS issued a statement on Monday which reads that the party has been horrified with the fact that opposition uses recent events in Kosovo and suffering of Serb people for the protests on Tuesday, which would enable them to gather as much people as possible. SDS statement says that this can only be an act of those people, which, while in the power, used local police to prevent RS citizens to express their dissatisfaction against NATO attack on Kosovo and Serbia and Montenegro. However, SNSD answered that the party cannot be silent regarding ethnic cleansing carried out in Kosovo.

FENA – The SDS spokesperson, Dusan Stojicic, declared that the protests of the opposition in RS cannot bring anything good to the citizens and the democratically elected institutions in this BiH entity. Stojicic claims that the protest is aimed at causing political destabilization of RS and its institutions so that the opposition could come in power. He stressed that the parties in power are well aware of the difficult situation in the entity, but indicated that it is a result of the objective difficulties also present in Federation BiH, as well as in the entire BiH. 

BHTV 1 – “It is a positive signal for people that the protester’s intentions are not to bring down institutions but to manifest a political dissatisfaction. In these situations, line between democracy and anarchy can be very thin. Smallest incident can turn protests into outburst of violence”, said RS President, Dragan Cavic.

RTRS – The chairman of the executive board of the Serb Radical Party, Mihajlo Mihajlica stated at the press conference held on Monday in Banja Luka that the goal of the opposition protests has been to draw attention away from the criminal activities in the companies managed by coalition “Sloga”. Radicals believe that there are reasons for dissatisfaction, but point out that political stability is the most important for RS. 

RTRS – Members of RS Association of Refugees and Displaced Persons  “Ostanak” will not participate at the opposition organized protests. Their President Bosko Bajic said that the Association would not support bias gatherings. President of RS Veteran’s Association, Savo Cvjetinovic stated that the Association would not participate in the protests. He added that the Association decided it would not join the protesters in a desire to send a message to all political parties that the manipulation of the Association will not happen. Presidency of RS Association of former Prisoners of War also do not support the rally, and its president, Branislav Dukic met with PDP President, Mladen Ivanic, SNSD President Milorad Dodik and RSNS Speaker Dragan Kalinic. Dukic warned both position and opposition parties that this Association will not allow further destruction of RS.

RHB – RS Prime Minister Dragan Mikerervic accented that this is a very risky gathering because, as he added, certain people are being forced to take part and that certain state officials are threatening clerks that they will lose their jobs if they fail to show up at the protest.

Mikerevic announces some changes in RS Govt

RHB, Dnevni Avaz pg 9 ‘In April, some changes in RS Government’, Slobodna Dalmacija pg 17 ‘Changes to government in April’ – RS Prime Minister, Dragan Mikerevic, stated that there was a possibility of reorganization of the RS Government regarding staff changes to his cabinet. According to SD, Mikerevic agreed to request of opposition parties regarding the necessity of changes in the RS, but disagreed with organization of early elections.

HDZ will not endorse FBiH draft budget for 2004; on SDA/HDZ rift 

RHB, BHTV 1, Oslobodjenje pg 4 ‘HDZ will deny support’, Dnevni Avaz pg 4 ‘HDZ will not support budget’, Slobodna Dalmacija pg 18 ‘HDZ will not support budget’ – HDZ representatives in FBiH Parliament will not support the draft FBiH Budget for 2004, told HDZ President Barisa Colak to FENA news agency on Monday. Colak reiterated that HDZ requested from the FBiH Government to once again reconsider the FBiH Budget for 2004, adopted in form of a proposal at the session held on 4 March in Mostar and not attended by ministers from HDZ. “It is unfortunate that a budget is adopted at a session of the FBiH Government in absence of the relevant minister and deputy prime minister. There have also been some other decisions at this session that should have been harmonized, and thus it is necessary to examine and harmonize them. In this manner, all decisions and proposals would gain support in the FBiH Parliament. But on the contrary we already have the budget this week and surely there will be terrible problems if this is not done,” said Colak. 

Dnevni List front, pg 2 ‘Federation budget falls in House of Peoples’, Slobodna Dalmacija pg 18 ‘Federation of BiH to be financially paralyzed’ by D. Pasic – SD notes it is unlikely that the Croat MPs will support the FBiH budget for 2004 in the FBiH HoR, which will most likely, according to the author, lead to the “financial paralysis” in the FBiH and worsen the political situation.

Vecernji List front pg splash ‘Early elections or new outvoting’, pg 2 ‘Budget to topple Federation Government?’ – VL claims that possible outvoting of Croats MPs in the FBiH Parliament’s House of Representatives could be leading to the breaking up of the partnership between the HDZ and SDA, which could end up in early elections. VL reminds that SDA and SBiH have 46 seats in the FBiH HoR, and that 50 votes are needed to adopt the budget.

FTV, RHB, – HDZ Ministers didn’t attend the session of FBiH Government on Monday. The party warned its representatives would boycott all sessions of the Parliament as long as agreement with SDA, regarding outvoting, is not achieved. According to HDZ President Barisa Colak, it would be essential for both parties to define an agreement on partner relations, because he does not see another solution. “It is important to set certain principles and standards of conduct”, said Colak.

Oslobodjenje pg 3 ‘SDA and HDZ still did come to an agreement’, Dnevni Avaz pg 4 ‘Talks on solving the problems in FBIH Govt work’ – Leaders of SDA and HDZ, Sulejman Tihic and Barisa Colak respectively, met on Monday evening to discuss the rift between their parties, however did not reach any agreement. According to SDA Vice President Elmir Jahic, the issue of outvoting has not been solved. 

Terzic on situation in FBiH Govt

FTV – The chair of the BiH Council of Ministers Adnan Terzic commented that the worst thing that could have happened to Federal Prime Minister Ahmed Hadzipasic did happen. Government became a place for political games and manipulation. While FBiH Prime Minister has a lawful right to hold sessions of the FBiH Government in an absence of HDZ Ministers. However, this still gives bad example to cantons and other levels of authorities, said Adnan Terzic.

CoM adopts higher education law in absence of HDZ ministers

RTRS, RHB, BHTV 1, Oslobodjenje pg 7 ‘Draft law on higher education adopted’ – BiH Council of Ministers on Monday adopted the draft Framework Law on Higher Education in BiH, and forwarded it to the parliamentary procedure. The Law was adopted without a presence of the HDZ Ministers. The representatives of the international community already criticized HDZ for rejecting to implement education reforms. “Outvoting never happened before, we always had enough flexibility and enough wisdom”, said Barisa Colak before the CoM session. Under pressure of IC, CoM was forced to pass the Law on High education, despite opposition of HDZ Ministers. “My belief is that the field of the higher education should be at the state level, that the fund for higher education should be at the state level,…because we believe BiH could achieve complete mobility this way”, said Barisa Colak.

Dnevni List front pg ‘HDZ: It is absurd to bring into question right to introduce one language at faculty’, ‘Law on Higher Education adopted, HDZ Ministers are against it’, pg 5 ‘Law on Higher Education adopted, HDZ Ministers are against it’ – DL carries HDZ President Barisa Colak as saying: “It is absurd to bring into question the right to introduce one language at the faculty.” According to Colak, the solution for this issue is to make a model that that would secure standards such as the right to have education in one’s own language, the right on one’s own curriculum, textbooks, etc.

Dnevni Avaz pg 4 ‘Responsibility is with parliament’, Slobodna Dalmacija last pg ‘Croats have been outvoted again’, Nezavisne Novine pg 3 ‘Draft framework law on high education set’ – OHR welcomes the decision of BiH Council of Ministers to adopt the Law and send it into the shortened parliamentary procedure. “BiH’s Parliamentarians now have the opportunity to ensure the World Bank’s $42 million loan is secured, so giving much needed financial support to higher education, and ensuring students in BiH get the education they need to meet the professional challenges and demands that lie ahead of them,” reads press statement by OHR.

FTV, Dnevni Avaz pg 4 ‘Framework Law on Higher Education adopted’- BiH Civil Affairs Minister Safet Halilovic stated: “Unfortunately, although great efforts had been made during the preparation of the Law in order to harmonize the concept law, and regardless of the numerous compromises, the Bill was not defined adopted in the Council of Ministers.”

VL editorial on education

Vecernji List pg 2 ‘Do not give up our schools! ’by Z. Kresic – VL carries an editorial, which says that language grounds in schools, especially curriculums and possibility to print textbooks in mother’s tongue, are being attacked by new laws on education and the plans on administrative unification of schools. The author concludes the editorial by saying: “Language is soul of a people and the schools are the last defense line  of cultural and national identity and for this reason a sort of language capitulation in BiH must not be accepted.”

VL on direct elections of municipal heads

Vecernji List pg 4 ‘Direct election of heads of municipalities as of October’ – VL reports that the legislative authorities in the BiH entities will be taking a decision on direct election of heads of municipalities and mayors in first half of month of April. According to VL, the FBiH Parliament’s House of Representatives should this week be discussing amendments to the Constitution of FBiH, which should enable direct election of heads of municipalities. The daily goes on to say that all international organizations, including the US Embassy in BiH, are supporting the direct election, noting that the political parties, despite having reservations towards the direct elections, have announced they would be supporting the direct election.

Roundtable on director election of municipal heads held in Sarajevo

Oslobodjenje pg 10 ‘Support for direct will of citizens’, Dnevni Avaz pg 9 ‘Citizens wants to know who manages their cities’, Dnevni List front pg ‘Heads support direct election’, pg 9 ‘Heads of municipalities support direct elections’ – The German “Friedrich Ebert” foundation organized a roundtable on Monday in Sarajevo titled “My municipal mayor – My choice, the first step towards public participation in local self-administration.” The aim was for the representatives of the FBiH authorities, public and international community to discuss direct elections of municipal heads in the FBiH. Last week, the FBiH House of Representatives’ Constitutional Commission confirmed the final version of the constitutional amendment that foresees the direct election of mayors at the October local elections. Principal Deputy High Representative Donald Hays said that the present situation, with political parties electing municipal mayors, serves them and not the public. “[Today’s] session of the FBiH House of Representatives will show whether BiH authorities intend to offer adequate services to the citizens and continue local self-administration reforms,” he said, adding that “more than 95% of the present municipal mayors find the direct election system appealing.”

DL editorial on opposition in BiH

Dnevni List pg 6 ‘Can Marko Tadic move opposition’ by dr. Slavo Kukic – Writing about the state of opposition parties in BiH, Kukic notes that one cannot escape a feeling that there is no real opposition in BiH, with an exception of Milorad Dodik (SNSD), “who is making life of Radovan’s people difficult”. When it comes to opposition in the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina, Kukic says the opposition parties are yet to recover from the defeat in the last elections, noting that Lagumdzija, Zubak, Lazovic and the rest have not used many opportunities in past six months to go against the current authorities. In that context, Kukic speculates that perhaps “the new blood” should shake them and make them work, noting that the right man for the unification of opposition in the FBiH could be the new leader of HSS (Croat Peasants’ Party), professor Marko Tadic, who is according to Kukic “a man of action”.


Economic and social issues

Farmers’ protests demand postponements of FTAs





















RHB, Oslobodjenje cover, pgs 4&5 ‘Customs benefits as of 1 April, or Terzic’s dismissal’, Dnevni Avaz cover ‘Farmers accepted negotiations ‘, pg 11 ‘Tomorrow the continuation of negotiations between farmers and auithorities’, Vecernji List front splash ‘Farmers have had enough’, pgs 2&3 ‘Wave of protests and unrest in BiH’, Dnevni List pg 3 ‘No agreement between authorities and producers’, Blic pg 14 ‘Protest of farmers’ – More than a thousand agricultural producers gathered in front of the BiH Parliamentary Assembly building requesting the realization of systematic measures in the BiH agriculture sector, amending of the customs tariff, protection of domestic production, and allocating 100 million KM from each entity budget, respectively, for stimulate the agricultural production. Additionally, the agriculture workers also demand the postponement of the Free Trade Agreements to the end of the year. After meeting farmers, CoM Chairman Adnan Terzic said that BiH can’t bring a bias decision to postpone the FTAs, stressing CoM could not meet their demands all at once and that they will not fall under any kind of pressures. Protesters said that unless government fulfils some demanded measures by 1 April, they will demand the resignations of all relevant Ministers and organize protests and blockades of the roads.

Slobodna Dalmacija cover splash, pg 19 ‘Cows in front of Government building’ – According to the President of the said Association, Ranko Bakic, the time has come for BiH authorities to work on solution of problems together with BiH producers: “Either they start solving problems together with us or there will be complete paralysis of the system. If we do not get the support here, we intend to take it to the streets, border crossings and block competent institutions”, says Bakic.

BHTV 1 – “BIH cannot allow itself any one-sided call offs of the contracts, since European Commissions supervises us. We have to sign Stabilization and Association Agreement and leave space for future authorities to put these agreements in question,” said Adnan Terzic. Farmers announced new negotiations for Wednesday.

FTV – “I cannot accept that people gather in front of CoM building and give me a document which I have to give to Parliament for their adoption,” said Adnan Terzic. “We sent our demands three months ago, and they haven’t been adopted by now,” answered Ranko Bakic, president of BiH Farmers Association. “No one has that right to play with farmers during three months or a year, they just have to come out with suggestion of what can be done with agriculture,” said Nikola Spiric, the Speaker of the BiH House of Representatives.

RTRS – Ranko Bakic said that workers in the field of agriculture blame the authroites and Ministry of Foreign Trade and Economic Relations for the situation. President of RS Farmers’ Association, Velimir Usorac said that these protests were politically manipulated and not supported by RS Association.

FBIH Agriculture Minister says farmers manipulated

FTV – FBiH Minister of Agriculture, Marinko Bozic, said that the solution for the farmers issues was in the increase of primary production and application of the support measures. Minister claims development strategy of BiH included the document on the development of agriculture. “I believe some Associations, which are established now, have been manipulated in a way. Agricultural producers work today, it is spring, weather is nice and they are planting. We have one problem and that is how to protect primary agricultural production, decrease import and increase capacities. We don’t fight for increase of import, deleting tariff numbers or creation of trade lobbies”, said Bozic. 

BiH Parliament considers mid-term development strategy

BHTV 1, Oslobodjenje pg 8 ‘Day long discussion only on BiH Development Strategy’, Dnevni Avaz pg 4 ‘CoM gets priorities’, Vecernji List pg 3 ‘Reduce poverty by 20% by 2007’, Dnevni List pg 3 ‘Strategy for better tomorrow’ – Plenary session of BiH House of Representatives and BiH House of Peoples was held on Monday and was aimed at the discussion discuss on the BiH mid-term development strategy for period between 2004 and 2007. Addressing the Houses, Chairman of the CoM Adnan Terzic said that the aim of the strategy to create conditions for self-sustainable economy, 20% decrease of poverty, 30% decrease of unemployment and acceleration of accession process to EU. Terzic explained that while drafting strategy experts took into consideration balance, macro-economic and fiscal background, and period of needed time. Decrease of poverty should be attained through support to the private sector, increase of employment and efficient introduction of VAT. Goal is to become less dependent from International Monetary Fund. Deadline of three or four years for implementation of reformist plan was also evaluated as too ambitious.

FTV – Strategy foresees GDP increase of 5% in four years. Some speakers gave their own suggestions.” Some segments demand extra effort, [that is the] segment of social work and agriculture, which demand much more work”, said SDP representative, Zlatko Lagumdzija.

RHB – Deputies from the Oppositional Parties have said that they will not vote for this strategy, which predicts decrease of means for Education, Health and Social care. 

Slobodna Dalmacija pg 8 ‘Increase employment level by 30%’ by B. Kristo – SD reports that the SDS minded that the strategy envisages that State Ministries are carriers of some activities, which is according to the SDS in jurisdiction of entities. SD also reports that the HDZ minded the creators of the strategy that they violated the Constitution of BiH in the part that deals with education issues.

Hadzipasic and Humphreys discuss public admin and power sector

Oslobodjenje pg 9 ‘Windmills in BiH’, Dnevni List pg 5 ‘Coming tasks on reform of public administration and power sector’, Dnevni Avaz pg 8 ‘Hadzipasic asked for investments de-blocking’ – During Monday’s meeting between FBiH Prime Minister Ahmet Hadzipasic and Head of the EC delegation in BiH Michael Humphreys the tow of them talked about reform of the public administration and power sector. With regard to the reform of the public administration it was envisaged to carry out 9 researches and the campaign on informing public about the coming changes. As far as the reform of the power sector is concerned, Hadzipasic appealed to de-block all investment works in both entities and he added: “We have potentials in this sector, however, we should build appropriate capacities. For this reason it is necessary to continue works on projects Fatnicko Polje and Mostarsko Blato and to work on increase of capacities of thermo-electric power plants and construction of windmills and hydro-electric power plants of small and medium capacities.”  

Mikerevic meets Hombach

RTRS, Nezavisne Novine pg 5 ‘Assistance for media presentation at German market’ – RS Prime Minister, Dragan Mikerevic, stated that during yesterday’s visit to Germany, he met with Director of the German Company VAZ and former Stability Pact Co-ordinator for Europe, Bodo Hombach, and discussed the German assistance for media presentation of Republika Srpska and BiH at the German market. Hombach persuaded Mikerevic that RS would get financial assistance for media presentation.

VL on BiH tourism

Vecernji List pg 6 ‘Fish rafting on mountains’ by Radoslav Dodig – VL tackles the issue of revival of BiH tourism, which was announced last week by the High Representative for BiH, Paddy Ashdown, and BiH Deputy Foreign Minister, Lidija Topic. According to Dodig, BiH chances to revive its tourism and use its potential are very slim, because the local tourist associations do not know what they are doing, roads are full of potholes, you can pick an old cooker whilst picking flowers, there are no information booklets, trash bins, cultural monuments are getting vandalized etc.


Security and defence

Osmanovic meets EUPM Commission, critical of RS MoI leadership









Oslobodjenje pg 7 ‘Non-Serb to be RS Police Director – RS Vice President Adil Osmanovic on Monday met with the EUPM Commissioner Kevin Carty on Bosniak and Croat representation in leading positions in RS Interior Ministry. Following the meeting, Osmanovic stated that he received guarantees that EUPM would get involved in the checks of policemen appeals to their desertification, and that he expected a significant number of Bosniak police officers to keep their jobs. He added that regarding the representation of Bosniaks and Croats in leading positions he was not satisfied with the Commissioner’s responds as he was “said that it was a slow process and that in such process there will be a higher representation of staff members. I responded that this lack of ethnic balance is a violation of RS Constitions.” Osmanovic also said that during the meeting he demanded RS Police Director to be from non-Serb peoples. 

Dnevni Avaz cover splash ‘Osmanovic demands punishment for Djeric’ – In a statement for DA, Osmanovic added that he was worried with often attacks against Bosniaks and religious locations in RS. He said that he directly blamed RS Interior Minister Zoran Djeric, saying that policemen around RS behaved more like public utilities workers and that they did not do much to either prevent attacks or to disclose perpetrators. Osmanovic also said he expects Carty to publish Djeric and RS Police Director Radomir Njegus ‘for things that do not function’.

Italian press says Spanish Al’Qaida cell trained in Zenica

Oslobodjenje cover splash, pg 3 ‘Spanish Al’Qaida cell trained in Zenica’ by Sanja Mihaljinac – Daily brings that Italian media published on Monday that the Spanish Al’Qaida cells is made up of the mujahedins trained in Zebica during the war in BiH. Same media reported that mujahedins left the city after the war, further traveling to Spanish. Reports says that these groups move from Ancona to Split, and from there to Zenica. According to the La Republica newspapers, Zenica training camp was preparing so called ‘sleepers’ later send to different parts of the world.

Two bombs thrown on Gradiska mosque

FTV, RHB, Oslobodjenje pg 4 ‘Two explosive devices thrown on Czar’s Mosque’, Dnevni Avaz pg 3 ‘Two bombs thrown at the Czar’s Mosque’, Nezavisne Novine pg 7 ‘Two bombs thrown at Czar’s mosque’, Blic front, pg 12 ‘Bomb was thrown at mosque’, Nacional Belgrade daily pg 4 ‘Mosque damaged in Gradiska’ – Mosque in village Orahova, near Bosanska Gradiska was damaged on Sunday night, when unknown persons thrown two hand grenades. Local police and Banja Luka mufti Edhem Camdzic confirmed this. The mosque was damaged, and the local police conducts the investigation.

RTRS, BHTV 1 – “That will be repaired, but spiritual pain and frightening are worst”, says mufti Edhem Camdzic commenting the material damage to the mosque. Local residents and Gradiska municipality condemned bombing as an act of vandalism. Islamic Community demands from BiH authorities to visit Orahova.

Windowpane of a Mostar mosque broken

Dnevni Avaz pg 3 ‘Baba Besir mosque stoned’, Oslobodjenje pg 4 ‘Windowpane broken with stones’ – Adnan Jerkovic, imam of a mosque in Mostar reported to the police that in the night of Saturday to Sunday a window pane was broken with stone on the mosque. Investigation into the case was made, says a statement issued by the Public Relations Office of the MoI of Herzegovina-Neretva Canton.

Becirbasic on structuring BiH MoD

Dnevni Avaz cover, pg 2 ‘BiH will have 12 generals’ – The Deputy of the BiH Defence Minister Enes Becirbasic said that by the June Ministry would already have 65% out of envisaged total of staff members employed, only under the condition that the new structures of the Ministyr, Joint Command and Operations are adopted. Becirbasic adds that the total personnel numbers is planned to be about 160.   

Nikolic makes new accusations against SDA re parallelism in FBiH MoD

Oslobodjenje cover, pgs 4&5 ‘SDA wants illegal book of procedures’ – Following statement by FBiH Defence Minister Miroslav Nikolic given to Oslobodjenje last week, in which he claimed that SDA is responsible for parallelism in the Ministry, he also commented that these SDA intentions were obvious form the party’s effort to change the book of FBiH MoD procedures. Nikolic argues that the aim of all this is to preserve the positions of Deputy Minister. Minister also claims that after a year of negotiations, there was still no agreement on the role of “second man in charge in the Ministry”, who should occupy Ministry’s Secretary position and deal with internal issues. However, according to Nikolic, SDA persists that “Defence Ministry heads the Ministry in a cooperation with the Secretary of the Ministry… What is that if not parallelism?”


Other issues

Mostar Airport under control of BiH authorities








BHTV 1, RHB, Dnevni Avaz pg 2 ‘SFOR handed over control over Mostar airport’, Nezavisne Novine pg 2 ‘BiH authorities take over Mostar airport’, Slobodna Dalmacija pg 5 ‘SFOR handed over airport to BiH authorities’, Vecernji List front pg ‘Airport in civilians’ hands after 5 years’, pg 7 ‘Airport to Mostarians’, Dnevni List pg 15 ‘SFOR handed over flight control to civil aviation’ – As of April 1 the Mostar International Airport passes from the authority of the SFOR air force to the authority of the City of Mostar and the Federal Directorate for Civilian Aviation. On Monday SFOR, under whose authority the Airport had been since July 1998, handed the Airport over to civilian authorities. BiH Minister of Transport and Communications, Branko Dokic pointed the importance of Mostar’s Airport and said: “Application of the international standards in this field, and I want to point that no one, not the individual or the institution, that is the airport, will not be able to get a licence if they don’t fulfil all standards laid down by the international organizations from field of civilian air traffic.” Minister Dokic has thanked OHR for their assistance with this project. The hand over ceremony was also attended by the FBiH Minister of Transport and Communications, Nedzad Brankovic and SFOR Commander, General Major Virgil Packett.

RS Ombudsmen say SFOR arrests a sort of ‘commando’ action

Glas Srpske cover pg story ‘SFOR violated the Law’, Nezavisne Novine pg 2 ‘Concerned over detention of RS citizens by SFOR’ – Branka Kolar Mijatovic and Franjo Crnjac, the Ombudsmen of Republika Srpska, share the view that regardless of wide authorities of SFOR in BiH, international forces are obligated to comply with legal principles and they should not violate human rights and freedoms guaranteed by the Constitution and international conventions. This view was made upon request for protection of vital human rights by Zeljko Jankovic and Dusan Tesic. Their attorneys claim SFOR illegally detained them and kept them at unknown places, without giving them any chance to contact their attorneys and families. The Ombudsmen also claim that the act of arrest resembled more a sort of commando action that arrest of a civilian person.

Milic: ‘BiH Court is established as an instrument for political trials’

RHB, FENA – The President of the Croatian Christian Democrats, Petar Milic, holds that BiH Court is established as “an instrument for political trials”. In his statement issued on Monday upon receiving official notice on the order under which legal proceedings against seven functionaries of the Croatian National Parliament BiH and Croatian Self –Rule, among whom Milic is, have been transferred from the Cantonal Court in Sarajevo to BiH Court. “It is clear now why OHR banned BiH Constitutional Court from implementing decision on territorial and real jurisdiction. Establishment of BiH Court was waited for, to which legal and political conditions are provided to conduct political and rigged trials,” said Milic.

Ashdown visits Kuwait

Slobodna Dalmacija back pg ‘Paddy Ashdown in Kuwait’, Dnevni List pg 7 ‘High Representative visiting Kuwait’ – reports that the High Representative for BiH, Paddy Ashdown, is in a two-day visit to Kuwait. The aim of the visit is to initiate donations for Memorial centre in Srebrenica-Potocari and promote BiH as an investment place. DL says that the HR yesterday met with the Kuwaiti Finance Minister, Dr. Yousef Al Ebraheem, and that he will be meeting the Vice President of Kuwaiti Economic Chamber, Ali Al Ganen. HR Ashdown is also to participate in a conference that will be dealing with the role of religion in regional and international cooperation.