TV news broadcast on 21 May
RADIO HERCEG-BOSNA (18,00 hrs) | TV PINK (18,00 hrs) | BHT 1 (19,00 hrs) |
Middle Europe Catholic day | Conference in Srebrenica | ICTY Conference in Srebrenica |
Public emitters in BIH | Central European Catholic Day | Serbian citizens on Srebrenica |
Zrinski brigade anniversary | Bernard Le’vy in visit to BiH | Extradition of Mladic |
Transfer of ICTY cases | Debate on Electric-energy economy | Book on BiH promoted in |
NTV Hayat (19,00 hrs) | FTV (19,30 hrs) | RTRS (19,30 hrs) |
Solana on BiH political parties | Central European Catholic Day | Middle Europe Catholic day |
Dodik on RS’ situation | ICTY Conference in Srebrenica | Public emitters in BIH |
Central European Catholic Day | World news | Zrinski brigade anniversary |
Conference in Srebrenica | Solana on BiH politicians | Transfer of ICTY cases |
Oslobodjenje | We do not live like people, but like Serbs, Croats and Bosniaks |
Dnevni Avaz | The heart of |
Vecernji List | Who we were hiding |
Nezavisne Novine | I will remain SDA President |
Police reform / Other political affairs | |
Meeting of position and opposition was held on Friday night in
| RTRS – Meeting of position and opposition was held on Friday night in |
NTV HAYAT’s comments on: – HR’s work – three regional TV centres | NTV HAYAT – Reporter (whose names was not stated) comments recent work of the High Representative, Paddy Ashdown, and says that all good things the HR has done by now have been destroyed by his recent moves. Reporter says that the HR has lost himself amongst orders of his Brussels chiefs, became weaker due to serious attacks and unity of Serbs parties; forget about principality, accused all sides for failures made by just one, threatened all instead of individuals, and destroyed al dreams BiH had about Europe. Report brings a feature on BiH public RTV system and reporter’s comments on it. Three regional centres present three national programs. Reporter says that if TV is to be divided, in that way BiH is going to be definitively divided, and adds that this presents a terrible plan for TV and journalists in general, as well as for BiH’s future in |
Politics of BiH political partiers should not present an obstacle to BiH’s citizens progress, says EU Foreign Policy and Security HR, Javier Solana
| NTV HAYAT – EU High Representative for Foreign Policy and Security, Javier Solana believes that politics led by BiH political partiers should not present an obstacle to BiH’s citizens progress and that political leaders should be responsible for decisions they are bringing on behalf of their nation. FTV, RTRS – Solana stated in the interview for Banjaluka’s “Nezavisne novine” thatparties’ politics should not stand in the way of progress of BiH citizens and that politicians should bear responsibility for decisions that they are making in the name of their people. (for more info see Round-up for 21 May) |
RS faces very delicate situation, says SNSD Chair, Milorad Dodik
| NTV HAYAT, Nezavisne Novine pg 3 ‘RS is in delicate situation’ by D.K. – SNSD Chair, Milorad Dodik said that RS was in a very delicate situation, after BiH’s progress in terms of admittance to EU was said to be negative. He said that what RS needed the less was to be culpable for suspending BiH of its way to FTV – SNSD President, Milorad Dodik stated that RS does not need to be declared guilty for obstructing the European path of BiH. Dodik estimated that political parties, first of all SDS, should bear responsibility for failure of negotiations on police reform. Oslobodjenje pg 5 ‘SDS does not want IEBL crossings’ by B.Kahrimanovic – Dodik also said that “some political parties, especially SDS, have made it clear during police reform talks that it does not approve of IEBL crossings – hence responsibility rests with them. There is the institutional responsibility of the Government and Parliament as well, therefore the final proposal of the RS NA should be awaited for.” |
Dodik: Andan’s statements detrimental for RS Police | Oslobodjenje pg 5 inset “Andan’s statements are detrimental for RS police’, Dnevni Avaz pg 5, announced on cover ‘Andan should leave position’ by M.Zgonjanin – Dodik assessed that “statements of Dragomir Andan, RS Police Director are hindrance to positions of political parties from RS during talks. Presentation of false or insufficiently true information from such a high position can only be detrimental for RS police and strengthen views that it needs to be abolished.” |
NN: Centralisation of BiH authorities
| Nezavisne Novine pg 5 ‘Authorities (non)interested in decentralisation’ by M.Kremenovic – The author writes about the location of all (bar ITA Office) in |
NN int. with Tihic: I will remain SDA President
| Nezavisne Novine cover pg splash, pgs 8-9 ‘I will remain SDA president’ by Almedin Sisic – In the lengthy interview to the daily, Sulejman Tihic, SDA President, expresses belief he would remain SDA President. He says that it is not good for the party neither for SDA members with indictments to be on the lsits for the most senior positions at the party. He believes that SDA would accept his proposals. On BiH failure to get EU green light for SAA talks, he says it is well known who is responsible for failure of police reform and non-adoption of PBS Law, noting that the responsibility of SDA and himself is the least in any context. |
Muhamed Cengic’s open letter to SDA
| Oslobodjenje pg 5, announced on cover ‘SDA was unjust to me’ – Muhamed Cengic, former Premier of Republic of BiH and Chairperson at the inauguration session of the SDA in 1990, has addressed an open letter to participants of the 4th SDA Congress, demanding from them to explain him why he has been pushed to the very margin of this party and its activities. |
DA int. with Palavric
| Dnevni Avaz pg 9 ‘Some people have lately been more engaged in lobbying that assuming their duties’ by A.Malagic – In an interview to DA, Seada Palavric, SDA Vice President, expresses belief that SDA would find strength to keep the party unified, as it managed to do in the past. On defence reform, she notes that it proceeds well. |
Chairman of Croat caucus in BIH HoP Franjicevic confirmed that Caucus submitted a complaint to BIH CC over PBS | RHB – Chairman of Croat caucus in BIH House of Peoples Mate Franjicevic confirmed that the caucus submitted a complaint to |
War crimes | |
Conference on ICTY closer contacts with local communities in BiH held in Srebrenica on Saturday
| BH TV 1, NTV HAYAT, NTV HAYAT, FTV, RTRS, Nezavisne Novine pg 3 ‘The goal of the Hague Tribunal is to determine the truth’ by SRNA – Victims of Srebrenica are betrayed again, as they were in July 1995, stated ICTY Prosecution spokesperson, Florence Hartman. The reason for this is that war criminals who are the most responsible for crimes in Srebrenica are not arrested, she added. Genocide committed in Srebrenica is proved at the trials in the Hague Tribunal. ICTY representatives spoke on Srebrenica massacre for the first time in Srebrenica, at the conference titled “ICTY closer cooperation with the local communities in BiH”. “Convictions and sentences can’t bring back what was destroyed, can’t bring back the people who are murdered, but that is what we do, that is our role,” said ICTY Outreach Officer in BiH, Matias Helman. ICTY efforts in finding the truth on war crimes in BiH are not enough alone. “RS judiciary didn’t made a single serious step in the past 10 years in order to investigate war crimes and prosecute war criminals,” said RS Helsinki Board for Human Rights President, Branko Todorovic. TV PINK – Former ICTY investigation judge, Jean Rene Ruez spoke about the most difficult thingshe had faced during his work. Oslobodjenje pg 2, announced on cover ‘A better political environment is necessary for the truth’ by Sakib Smajlovic – President of the Association of Women of Returnees, Hatidza Memisevic, is of the view this Conference is of extreme importance, especially since the footage presented represent irrefutable evidence on crimes and criminals. |
Oslobodjenje comments on Carla del Ponte’s statement – Mirsad Kebo – Abdurahman Malkic – Marko Jurisic – Miro Lazovic | Oslobodjenje pg 2 ‘Srebrenica cannot be resolved with Declarations’ – Mirsad Kebo, BiH Minister of Refugees and DP’s, could not make any comment of statement Carla del Ponte gave (that she would not attend Srebrenica anniversary), adding that: “She probably holds much more information than we all do related to issue of arrest of war criminals. I regard that statement as a sort of protest.” Oslobodjenje pg 2 ‘International community does not want apprehend fugitives’ – Abdurahman Malkic, Srebrenica Mayor, stated that the statement marked the last cry over non-apprehension of war criminals, adding: “If they wanted to arrest them, I believe they could have been arrested by now. I fear of some secret arrangement on their non-arrest.” Oslobodjenje pg 2 ‘Inappropriate statement’ – Marko Jurisic, Vice President of the F BiH Commission for Search after Missing Persons finds the statement to be inappropriate. Oslobodjenje pg 2 ‘Del Ponte is more determined that NATO Generals’ by FENA – Miro Lazovic, Vice President of SDU of BiH, said that she has demonstrated more determination for arrest of Radovan Karadzic and Ratko Mladic than NATO Generals. |
Oslobodjenje op-ed on Srebrenica tragedy culprits | Oslobodjenje op-ed pg 7 ‘The salvation of the world’ by Senka Kurtovic – Writing about Srebrenica anniversary and Carla del Ponte’s statement (see above), the author notes that there is still time for the arrest of the two fugitives, when ICTY Chief Prosecutor would come to Srebrenica. Moreover, the author stresses that the issue Hans Christof Buch raised in |
Terzic with US Congressman Smith: Resolution on Srebrenica would be adopted | Dnevni Avaz pg 2 ‘Congressman Smith promised Resolution on Srebrenica would be adopted’ by S.N. – Adnan Terzic,BiH COM Chair, in Washington met with Chris Smith, US Congressman and one of sponsors of the Resolution on Srebrenica. Congressman Smith expressed hope that the Resolution would be adopted, underlining he would personally fight that events of this kind do not repeat. |
DA op-ed on trials to war criminals
| Dnevni Avaz op-ed pg 3 ‘Dual citizenship or run-away from justice’ by Husein Orahovac – Wiring about dual citizenship of war crime suspects and difficulties courts are facing in relation wot this issue, the author notes that the international community will have to be more decisive in fulfilling its promise that criminals, who committed crimes in BiH, will be tried in Sarajevo. The author ntoes the problems could also be evaded if proposal of Meddzida Kreso (see Round-up 21 May) were recognized and agreement signed between |
Feature story on public debate on “Truth on Srebrenica”, held in
| NTV HAYAT – At Faculty of Law in |
Economic affairs | |
Terzic with WB Director
| Dnevni Avaz pg 2 ‘World Bank in BiH has invested US $ 1.2 billion in BiH’ by Sead Numanovic – Adnan Terzic,BiH COM Chair, in |
BiH Central Bank Governor denies that stability of KM is endangered | BH TV 1 – BiH Central Bank Governor, Kemal Kozaric, denied statement made by the Head of the World Bank in BiH, Dirk Reinerman, who said that stability of BiH’s convertible mark (KM is endangered with BiH’s high foreign trade deficit. Kozaric says this is not possible because of the fact that BiH’s foreign currency reserves are growing constantly and currently amounts 3,5 billion KM. |
Miscellaneous | |
6th European Literary Congress
| Oslobodjenje cover pg splash, pgs 4-5 ‘We do not live like people, but like Serbs, Croats and Bosniaks’ by Senita Sehercehajic – The conclusion of the Round Table (within 6th European Literary Congress) concluded that the Dayton Agreement and the BiH Constitution are bad for BiH and need to be changed asap. The introductory notes were given by Veronique Naoum Grap, Srdjan Dizdarevic, Ivan Lovrenovic, Nikola Kovac and Miodrag Zivanovic, who agreed in the assessment that the DA has introduced a series of negative characteristics. The only positive side of the DA was it had brought end to 3,5-year war. |
French writer and philosopher, Bernard- Henri Levy visits BiH
| TV PINK – Report brings a feature on 6th European Literary Congress in Other electronic media also report on the Meeting. |
DA int. with Levy
| Dnevni Avaz cover pg splash, pg 5 ‘The heart of Europe has always been here’ by Anila Gajevic – This is an interview with Bernard Anri Levi, where he says that the BiH entry does not solely depend on BiH, but also Europe, stressing that the culprits for non-apprehension of Rdaovan Klaradzic and Ratko Mladic rests with those hiding them. She also speaks about his link with our state, friendship with Alija Izetbegovic and current political situation in BiH. |
More than 15.000 of believers gathered in Kupres to mark Central European Catholic Day
| BH TV 1, RHB, TV PINK, NTV HAYAT, RTRS – More than 15.000 of believers gathered in Kupres to mark Central European Catholic Day. 8 church bells from 8 European countries were handed over on this occasion to the church of the Holly Family. Reconstruction of this church is underway. Oslobodjenje pg 3, announced on cover ‘A joint prayer for BiH’, Dnevni Avaz pg 2 ‘Central European Catholic Day celebrated in Kupres’, Vecernji List pgs 2-3 “EU bells at Kupres’, announced on cover ‘European bells rang in Kupres’ by Drazen Mamic – also report. |
Issue of implementation of arbitration decision for Brcko District to be discussed in | FTV – The arbitration decision on Brcko District has been made five years ago but this decision has not been completely implemented. This issue is about to be brought before the Tribunal which has made this document, said the presenter. The session is scheduled for June 13- 14 in |