TV news broadcast on
RADIO HERCEG-BOSNA (18,00 hrs) | TV PINK (18,00 hrs) | BHT 1 (19,00 hrs) |
Ibrahim Rugova passes away | Regional News | Ibrahim Rugova dies |
Jovic on Rugova | OHR on BiH winter resorts | Reactions to Rugova’s death |
Old BiH savers to issue proclamation | Clients asks for their savings | Old foreign currency savers |
| Illegal employment in BiH | Bjelasnica-Igman working group |
NTV Hayat (19,00 hrs) | FTV (19,30 hrs) | RTRS (19,30 hrs) |
Ibrahim Rugova passes away | Ibrahim Rugova dies | Regional News |
RS NA Collegiums to hold session | Old foreign currency savers | BiH Lawsuit against |
BiH old savers association in session | Government in BIH session | Pensioners ask for RSNA session |
World News | Feature on social programs | Stojicic on |
Oslobodjenje | Connect Bjelasnica and Igman to Jahorina |
Dnevni Avaz | Big loss for Kosovo at deciding moment |
Dnevni List | Stop to nationalism in football (BiH football association’s initiative) |
Vecernji List | Harder to citizenship for Herzegovinians (on possible change Croatian citizenship law) |
Nezavisne Novine | It is possible that terrorists are being trained in BiH (Novic interview) |
Political Developments | |
Hayat report argues police certification carried out by IPFT was full of mistakes, allowed certification of war criminals, suspects, opinion poll re revision
| Hayat – By Nevzeta Skrijelj – Mistakes, the IPTF had made while carrying out police certification process in BiH, are unforgivable, says the reporter. Namely, it seems as if the IPTF gave certificates to police officers suspected of war crimes, for example to ‘Scorpions’ members, who executed six Bosniaks from Srebrenica. “Here, we are dealing with three persons, but we are familiar with only two of them, namely Boban Simsic and Deronjic Milan”, explains the Chair of FBiH Decertified Police Officers Association Ramo Suljic. “In 2002, 17 RS police officers were given the certificate, and in period of 2002-2005 they have been processes by the BiH Prosecution and Court, for war crimes”, said Drago Sunaric, a decertified police officer from the RS. Suljic added that a number of decertified police officers, who were performing their duty professionally, were removed only out of political incompatibility, saying that leading political parties cleaned police forces out of their political interests. Report brings feature on several decertified police officers from both entities, who said that they were feeling disgraced with such IPTF’s decision, such as for example Drago Sunaric. Sunaric says that during the war, he brought an injured Muslim girl in a Serb village in order to save her. He believes that it was the reason why he was removed. I have saved 10 year-old girl Nermina Mesic and that is my greatest sin, as far as the IPTF is concerned, says Sunaric. Report also features Nenad Stacevic, another RS decertified police officer. My greatest sin was in rejecting JNA’s invitation to go to battlefield in Hayat opinion poll – The question was: Should certification process of BiH police forces be fully revised? Results: Yes 97 % No 3 % |
RSNA Collegium to meet on Monday, discuss confidence in RS Govt related issues | Hayat – The RS National Assembly Speaker Dusan Stojicic scheduled session of the RSNA Collegium for Monday, January 23rd. On January 11th, SNSD representative Krstan Simic submitted Stojicic with initiative on scheduling special RSNA session, which would discuss the issue of casting a vote of no confidence in the RS Government. |
Stojicic’s cabinet says RSNA Speaker is not buying time for Bukejlovic’s Govt
| RTRS – Office of Dusan Stojicic, RSNA Speaker, reported that SNSD accusations from Friday on Stojicic buying time for RS PM Pero Bukejlovic’s Government are groundless. Report also said that Stojicic was acting in accordance with regulations of RSNA. (also in Oslobodjenje, pg 3 ‘Groundless charges about ‘buying time’’, by Fena, Dnevni Avaz, pg 8 ‘Pressures of Speaker of RSNA and unnecessary and unfair’, by Srna, Nezavisne Novine, pg 2 ‘Stojicic is not buying time for RS Government’, by V. Popovic) |
| Oslobodjenje, pg 8 ‘ |
Brkic (
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BiH foreign currency savers: Change of Constitution cannot be neglected, no changes to Constitution are foreign currency savings are resolved
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HR Ashdown: Lukic cannot teach students, get paid
| RTRS – High Representative Paddy Ashdown said that OHR would not give up measures that were taken against dean of Law School East Sarajevo Radomir Lukic. “We made very clear that Professor Lukic cannot teach students in a way which will qualify them. And if he is teaching now, the students he is teaching cannot be qualified. He cannot be a member of Faculty of |
RTRS feature of BiH lawsuit v SiCG: comments by Paravac, Tihic
| RTRS – By Sanja Stankovic – BiH Lawsuit against |
Economy | |
Foreign currency savers want their money back, announce individual lawsuits
| BHT – Report by Irena Kljajic – Old foreign currency savers organised peaceful protests outside of BIH Central bank on Saturday. They expressed their displeasure with the fact that the authorities still haven’t resolved their problem. Chairwoman of Association for protection of old foreign currency savers Amila Omersoftic stressed that countries in the region resolved this issue and added that BIH savers are tired of waiting. Association stresses that |
| Pink – By Aida Hasanbegovic – The High Representative, Paddy Ashdown, transferred the duty of Chairman of Working Group Bjelasnica – Igman onto PDHR Larry Butler, on |
Avaz op-ed: More investments required to attract tourists
| Dnevni Avaz, pg 3 ‘How to attract foreign tourists’, by Tarik Lazovic – the author believes that in order to attract tourists to BiH mountains and ski slopes, there need to be a lot more investments, not only into accommodation, but also into other infrastructure, such as parking lots, better roads, as well as into the better image of BiH tourist resorts. Lazovic reckons that BiH should look up to |
FTV feature on VAT consequences: Still no program to help the poor
| FTV – Report by Anita Damjanovic – Programs for socially endangered categories in BIH are still not being implemented. Reporter comments that 1200 people in Mostar visit public kitchens on daily basis. Zora Damjanovic from Mostar social centre stated that she has nothing against VAT implementation if it means that the state will help socially endangered. Advisor in Council of Ministers Zlatko Hurtic stressed that CoM is aware of problems made by VAT implementation and added that social programs should take care of that. Reporter states that Hercegovina-Neretva Canton Government still hasn’t received any money for such program. Damjanovic stressed that social centre hasn’t received any instructions on this program. Hurtic stated that payments should start in February. Reporter concludes that February is drawing nearer and no one knows anything about the programs yet. |
Shadow cabinet warns timing of VAT was wrong
| FTV – Government in BIH (shadow cabinet) session was attended by representatives of FBIH and RS Association of Pensioners as well as BIH Trade Union. It was concluded that standard of pensioners is further endangered by VAT implementation. Government in BIH stressed that the timing of VAT implementation in BIH is completely wrong. (also in Oslobodjenje, pg 5 ‘Introduction of VAT opened door to abuses’, by Onasa, Dnevni Avaz, pg 8 ‘Introduction of VAT is additionally endangering standard of pensioners’, by Fena, Dnevni List, pg 2 ‘Irresponsible authorities beat up poorest citizens’, not signed) |
War Crimes | |
Hayat feature on ‘Zvornik seven’ case
| Hayat – Report brings feature on case of a Srebrenica citizen, Ahmo Harbas, one of seven who managed to escape from Srebrenica but after they met the International Community soldiers, they were extradited to the RS authorities, who faced them with false court process, the so-called ‘Zvornik seven’ case, in which they were charged with murder of four Serbs, and afterwards changed for three real war crime indictees. During the court process, the prosecution presented no valid evidence whatsoever. The RS authorities are now seeking for Harbas in order to have him detained in one of its prisons, due to, as the reporter believes, lawsuit which BiH filed against Serbia-Montenegro and which is to be dealt with soon. Harbas is now imprisoned in a Swiss prison, while some of the most prominent Swiss lawyers are trying to have Harbas released, while the BiH authorities do nothing. “I think that Swiss should extradite Mr Harbas since his situation would change a lot after the BiH judiciary becomes in charge of the case”, said the FBiH Vice President Sahbaz Dzihanovic. “We believe that the BiH Court could be interested in the case and that a legal verdict could finally be reached”, said Mensur Radoncic, a lawyer. “This court process is not over yet and it will be ended in one of two ways, either by closing the trial in the RS or else by amnestying the charged ones”, said Dzihanovic. According to some information, the BiH Presidency could have this case solved for good. However a BiH Presidency member Sulejman Tihic has never answered letters sent by Bosniak Intellectuals Congress Council or the Endangered Peoples Association. |
Oslobodjenje op-ed on Mladic arrest operations: RS and Serbian authorities cannot fool people in BiH
| Oslobodjenje, pg 9 ‘At the right moment’, by Senka Kurtovic – The author comments on alleged operations in |
Miscellaneous | |
Kosovo President Rugova died, comments by Jovic, Tihic, Ivanic
| Pink – By Safet Muhovic- Ibrahim Rugova, President of Kosovo died on Saturday morning at age of 61. Rugova suffered form lung cancer. Nexhat Daci, Speaker of Kosovo Parliament is appointed acting President. Soren Jessen – Petersen, SRSG to Kosovo scheduled meeting with all political parties in Kosovo. (news on Rugova’s death also reported by |
| FTV – Report by Zinaida Hamidovic – If Croatian Parliament adopts European Convention on Citizenship, it will be very difficult for ethnic Croats to get Croatian citizenship. According to the convention a person must live 5-10 years in a state in order to gain citizenship. |
NN: Novic interview on war criminals whereabouts, terrorism threats, SIPA
| Nezavisne Novine, front pg splash and pgs 8-10 ‘It is possible that terrorists are being trained in BiH’, by Almedin Sisic – carries a lengthy interview with the Director of SIPA, Sredoje Novic, in which he mostly answers to questions related to arrest of war criminals, terrorism threat in BiH and work and organization of SIPA. Asked whether he agrees with claim of the IC in BiH and BiH authorities that Radovan Karadzic and Ratko Mladic are not in BiH, Novic says everything points out that the two as well as other 6 indictees from the ICTY’s public list are not in BiH, however BiH authorities have to keep working on the issue. In this context, Novic warns that BiH i.e. state authorities are not cooperating as much as they should be with the |
Nadja Dizdarevic’s lawyer files criminal report against Lagumdzija, Limov and others | Hayat – Lawyer Hadzic Ragib, who represents Nadja Dizdarevic, whose husband is detained at the Guantanamo bay prison, filed a criminal report to the FBiH Prosecution against Zlatko Lagumdzija, Tomislav Limov and several unidentified persons, Sarajevo Central prison employees, charging them of violation of the BiH Constitution and decision made by the Human Rights Chamber in the ‘Algerian group’ case. |