RADIO HERCEG-BOSNA (18,00 hrs) | TV PINK (18,00 hrs) | BHT 1 (19,00 hrs) |
HR meets SDS representatives | HR’s mtg. with SDS on police reform | Protests in Cajnice continue |
Interview with HR on PBS | Bukejlovic on murder of SBS officer | Matijasevic on situation in Cajnice |
Kristo on Lozancic pardoning Prce | Police spoke to Lukic’s brother | Ashdown and SDS on police reform |
Paravac on Izetbegovic’s guarda | Update on Mandic case | Momcilo Mandic’s case |
NTV Hayat (19,00 hrs) | FTV (19,30 hrs) | RTRS (19,30 hrs) |
Murder case in | Another murder in | Police spoke to Lukic’s brother |
New RS Poste Manager appointed | ICTY trial update | Poste Srpske Director dismissed |
Dodik dismissed Rendic from SNSD | Momcilo Krajisnik’s case | Protests in Cajnice |
Business development project | Paravac and Tihic on honorary guard | HR meets SDS representatives |
Oslobodjenje | Terzic announces settling scores with Dokic |
Dnevni Avaz | Metkic: We will open file of every SBS member! |
Dnevni List | Illegal guard at Izetbegovic’s tomb |
Vecernji List | |
Nezavisne Novine | Government has appointed the [Poste Srpske] Director with help of police |
Glas Srpske | Police brought Director |
| Follow up to SBS officer’s murder case |
Cajnice dwellers continue protests over Prodanovic’s murder, claim incident was ethnicity based
| BHT 1 by Gvozden Sarac – About hundred Serb residents of Cajnice on Friday were still protesting at the nearby Metaljka border crossing between BiH and SCG after the member of BiH State Border Service, Anis Bandic, shot and murdered his colleague Bojan Prodanovic [from Cajnice] two days ago. Citizens stress they will not cease the protests, which started on Thursday, until the reasons for the murder were established. They also urged the RS officials to visit the town as soon as possible, believing that the murder was committed on ethnic grounds. Local authorities claim the protesters pose no threat to Bosniak returnees to Cajnice. “We’ve taken certain measures just in case,”, said the Head of the |
Investigation so far proves Bandic ‘psychologically disturbed’
| Hayat – BiH Security Ministry stated that all information on murder will be published after the police inquiry and internal SBS control. RTRS – BIH Justice Ministry stated that the investigation so far has revealed that Anis Bandic was psychologically disturbed [Hayat also carries this information]. Dnevni Avaz pg 8 inset ‘One-month detention’, Nezavisne novine pg 4 ‘Suspect exercise his right to silence’ by D. Muminovic – NN carries that Bandic was put in one-month custody by Trebinje District Court. According to investigative bodies, he did not cooperate but exercised his right to silence. |
Mektic: We will open file of every SBS member
| Dnevni Avaz cover splash ‘We will open file of every SBS member!’, pg 8 ‘We will launch wide investigation inside SBS’ by Aj. Delic – DA carries that the BiH Security Ministry will soon launch a wide reaching investigation and open file of every single State Border Service member, but also of all police officials under jurisdiction of this Ministry. Deputy Minister, Dragan Mektic, announced this to DA adding that there will be a time period agreed after which all SBS officers will be examined on their skills and capabilities assessed. Vecernji list ‘Even those treated at mental hospital work with weapons in SBS’;, mentioned on cover, by Dejan Jazvic – VL says that no health criteria are applied when employing the SBS staff members, which allowed several seriously disturbed persons to work in an environment where they have an access to the weapons. |
Matijasevic: situation in Cajnice ‘complicated’, murder occurs in a time of police reforms
| BHT1, Hayat, Nezavisne novine pg 4 ‘Security in Cajnice’, Dnevni Avaz pg 8 inset ‘Matijasevic: We will prevent conflicts and raising tensions’ – RS Interior Minister Darko Matijasevic stated that the security situation is Cajnice is complicated, adding that the major task of MoI is to prevent tensions and possible conflicts. “The murder of Prodanovic happened in a specific moment of in which the negotiations on police reform are in progress,” said Matijasevic. |
Bukejlovic: SBS disorganized, unlike before when it was under entities’ control/ possible influence on police reforms
| PINK, Dnevni Avaz pg 8 ‘These things did not happen when SBS was part of entities’, Nezavisne novine pg 4 ‘SBS disorganized’ – RS Prime Minister Pero Bujeklovic stated for SRNA that the murder of Bojan Prodanovic on Metiljka border crossing shows that BiH State Border Service is disorganized. Bukelovic emphasized that such things were not happening while the Border Service was under authority of the entities. According to Bukejlovic, this murder might influence the negotiations on police reform. He stated that the murder shows that inter-ethnic tensions still exist in BiH, accusing Adnan Terzic and BiH Council of Ministers of being responsible for the fact that SBS didn’t have its Chief in past year. |
Media comments on SBS officer’s murder
| RHB by Ivica Simunovic – RHB comments to the Metaljka border crossing murder of the SBS officer concluding it was ethnicity related. Reporter says that all efforts to offer ideal solutions for BIH were always directed at “mixing” three peoples together stressing these solutions were all wrong. Simunovic continues that it is yet to be seen how will that “mixture” work in the police and armed forces the international community is thriving to unite. RHB journalist concludes the analysis stating it takes one police or, “even worse”, army member to come to the work one day under stress to set off dramatic events which could crash down the entire system again. Oslobodjenje pg 9 ‘Shots at the border’ op-ed by Gojko Beric – Editorial notes that everyone is too keen to say that this was ethnicity related incident, as politicians use emotions to reach their own goals. “This is the reason why nationalists still strongly rule our country,” concludes the op-ed. Dnevni list pg 7 ‘Ministers peacefully look at the collapse of SBS” by Mensud Zorlak – DL writes that this is the most critical point for the SBS since its establishment, especially since this murder took place at the time when SBS still has no Director appointed. He adds that despite all this, Adnan Terzic and his counterparts are still on vacation while their conflict of the ethnicity of the director of the SBS will lead citizens to collapse. |
| Political issues |
New Poste Srpske Director enters office with police help
| RTRS by Sinisa Mihailovic – Milanka Rendic, newly appointed Acting Director of the Poste Srpske company, took over her office on Friday with the help of the local police as her appointment, supported by the representatives of the state-owned capital and stockholders, was disputed by the former management. Rendic, who performed these duties in 2000, was appointed after the RS Government, upon recommendation of the temporary Supervisory Board, dismissed the General Director Milutin Pejic. PINK– Similar situation happened in 2001, when Rendic was appointed as RS Poste General Manager for the first time. Milenko Vuceta, acting Deputy General Manager claimed that Rendic and the new Supervision Board have come without any official order, and their acting is therefore illegal. A representative of state capital in the company, RS Minister of Labour and Veterans Miodrag Deretic stated that there was no other way to resolve the situation since Pejic didn’t respect the law and presented false results of the company’s work, also ignoring all Government’s guidelines. BHT 1 – Former management also say that the police did not have any documents – or some kind of warrant – to show while they were forcing their way through “Poste”, which makes this action even more controversial. However, Rendic comments: “I’m sorry that every time when Milutin Pejic has to leave, one has to break the lock in order to enter, and when Pejic wants to enter, it is desirable that everybody else leaves few days earlier.” Hayat, FTV, Glas Srpske cover splash ‘Police brought director’, Nezavisne Novine cover splash, pg 3 ‘Government has appointed the Government with a help of police’ by R. Segrt, Oslobodjenjepg 6 ‘RS police helpd director to enter the company’– also report. |
SNSD expels Rendic from party for accepting Poste Srpske Director position
| Hayat, Nezavisne novine pg 3 ‘Excluded from SNSD’ – Commenting the claims that entire affair was caused by the Serb Radical Party in order to take over control of the company, Milanka Rendic, said she is ”non-party’s person”. However, SNSD Milorad Dodik brought decision dismissing her from the party because of disobedience expressed through acceptance of the appointment. “Milanka Radnic accepted the position… without agreement of the SNSD which expressed disloyal behaviour and a damage to the SNSD’s reputation,” SNSD stated. |
Paravac questions FBiH troops guarding Izetbegovic’s tomb
| RHB, PINK, Hayat, Nezavisne novine pg 5 ‘Paravac asked for information on guards next to Izetbegovic’s tomb’, Glas Srpske pg 3 ‘Paravac demands check’, Vecernji list pg 2 ‘Was chain of command violated?’- BiH Presidency member Borislav Paravac on Friday asked BiH Defence Minister Nikola Radovanovic to explain how and why the FBIH Army, as part of the BiH armed forces, was providing a guard of honour for the tomb of former BiH Presidency member Alija Izetbegovic. Paravac especially insisted that the defence minister explain the legal provisions covering the engagement of the BiH Armed Forces and possible abuse in the operational chain of command, the statement from Paravac’s office said. Paravac sent this request after the RS Association of Camp Inmates had demanded of him to call for the removal of the guard at the next Presidency session. Dnevni list pg 3’Illegal guard at the Izetbegovic’s tomb’, mentioned on cover, by Ivica Glibusic – FBiH Defence Minister, Miroslav Nikolic told DL that the guard, to which he objected, was placed by former FBiH Army Commander Atif Dudakovic upon Tihic’s request. He also believes that the guard was not legal. |
Tihic says guard was already abandoned
| FTV, BHT 1 – BiH Presidency member Sulejman Tihic responded immediately, saying that this request came far too late, because honorary guard in front of Izetbegovic’s grave was removed some fifteen days ago. Dnevni Avaz pg 4 ‘Paravac wants information on something that is not there anymore’ by H. Orahovac – In addition to Tihic, DA also carries that the Director of the Kovaci cemetery, Emir Zlatar, also confirms that the guard doesn’t keep Izetbegovic’s tomb anymore since 10 August. |
Lozancic says pardoning Prce was just ‘act of mercy’
| Dnevni Avaz pg 4 ‘Pardoning did not question Milorlsav Prce’s verdict’, Oslobodjenje pg 2 ‘Provisions of Constitution and Pardoning Law were respected’ by Fena – The FBiH President, Niko Lozancic, answered to the demand of the OHR to explain his decision for pardoning Miroslav Prce within the set deadline. In a letter to Paddy Ashdown, Lozancic said that the decision to pardon former FBiH Defence Minister was not illegal nor it questioned the work of the Court/Prosecution. He further says that Prce wrote to the FBiH President, “like any other citizen could do”, asking him for pardon, and was further processed with participation of all authorized institutions. “This is entirely act of mercy,” concludes Lozancic. RHB, Hayat, Nezavisne novine pg 2 ‘Lozancic did not respect OHR’s demand by the end of business’ by M. Cubro, Dnevni list pg 5 ‘Decision on Prce’s pardon on Monday’ – Please note these reports are outdated, as they were made just after the close of business when Lozancic had still not sent the letter. Letter was sent to OHR later in the evening. |
HR Ashdown: Ethnic channels in BiH are illegal
| RHB report by Milan Vego – In an interview to RHB radio, HR Paddy Ashdown, commenting demands for Croat channels, stated that the establishment of the ethnic channels in BiH is illegal, especially since just broadcasters were the one of the war’s main mechanisms. Ashdown claims that the PBS production center in Mostar will protect Croats’ rights, as the European Commission went a long way to provide every safeguard within the law to ensure the Croat language is represented and added that one Mostar center is one of them. HR concluded that if Croats want to challenge the law on public broadcasting they are free to do so in the European Court of Human Rights. Dnevni Avaz pg 5 ‘Ethnic PBS channels are illegal’, Dnevni list pg 5 ‘Ashdown: nationalistic TV channels lead to war’ – also carries. |
Terzic to settle scores with Dokic? | Oslobodjenje cover splash, pg 6 ‘Adnan Terzic announces settling scores with Dokic’ by Azhar Kalamujic – Oslobodjenje carries that the BiH Transport Minister Branko Dokic on Friday removed Izet Bajrambasic from the position of the coordinator of the Vc corridor project without any previous announcements. He replaced him with Namik Kupusovic, one of associates in the project. Daily carries that this opened a new conflicts in the BiH Council of Ministers, which was also proved by Adnan Terzic’s announcement that he will settle score with Dokic. Terzic told daily that Bajrambasic worked extremely well and that there was no reason for his removal, adding Dokic’s had only person reasons for this. Oslobodjenje also carries that the background of this removal the joint political attack of the Serb parties and HDZ against Bajrambasic, who strongly defended adopted highways’s route. |
| Police reform |
OHR confirms meeting on police reform with SDS officials held in Jahorina
| RTRS, Hayat, PINK, RHB, BHT 1, Nezavisne novine pg 2 ‘OHR confirmed the meeting’, Oslobodjneje pg 3 ‘Seeking compromise on police reform’, Glas Srpske pg 5 ’Dinner in Jahorina’, Vecernji list ‘SDS under pressure’– OHR confirmed on Friday that the High Representative, Paddy Ashdown, on Thursday evening met with the SDS representatives at mount Jahorina. Noting that the HR is holding a series of meetings with the political parties, the OHR announced that the next of the meetings would take place on Monday, August 22, during Ashdown’s visit to |
NN claims Ashdown said if RS refuses police reform, they could be in position of isolated part of
| Nezavisne novine pg 2 ‘If they don’t accept police reform, EU is to welcome FBIH’, mentioned on cover, by V. Popovic – NN claims that the HR Paddy Ashdown told SDS representatives at the Jahorina meeting that if there is no progress made at the police reform talks in Mostar on Tuesday, EU seriously considers possibility of accepting BiH without RS. Allegedly, he also warned them that the banning the SDS or removals of the party’s officials was also possible. Ashdown met on Thursday with SDS and RS president Dragan Cavic, RSNA Speaker Dusan Stojicic, BiH Presidency member Borislav Paravac and SDS Vice President Mladen Bosic. According to one of the SDS officials who attended the meeting, told NN that Ashdown underlined that if the reform fails, RS will suffer consequences and could be in position alike the isolated part of |
VL: RS MOI to survive?
| Vecernji list pg 2 ‘Compromise to be seen – RS MoI to stay?’ by Mirjan Ivesa – VL unofficially learns that the compromise solution which would stipulates survival of RS Interior Ministry and Cantonal MoIs is more and more possible. Under the same agreement, the FBiH MoI would be abolished, while a Bosniak would head the body in charge of coordinating the work of BiH Security Ministry, RS and Cantonal MoIs. |
Bosic, Paravac: There was no pressure at the meeting
| BHT1, RTRS by Dragana Knezevic – Reporter comments that the meeting caused great media attention. SDS Vice President Mladen Bosic stated that the conversation was reasonable. BIH Presidency and SDS member Borislav Paravac stated that SDS members asked HR to help so solution for police reform in BIH could be found. He also stated that HR didn’t make pressure against SDS members. |
Ashdown believes police reform to be agreed in Mostar
| BHT 1 – In his interview for BH Radio 1, HR Paddy Ashdown expressed his belief that the next negotiations, scheduled for Tuesday in Mostar, will result in harmonized proposal for the police reform. Ashdown stressed he was more realistic than just optimistic in this case. Dnevni Avaz pg 5 ‘Agreement on police reform will be reached in Mostar’ – also carries. |
FBIH Govt appoints delegation for negotiations
| Hayat, Dnevni Avaz pg 4 ‘Hadzipasic, Vrankic and Halilovic to negotiate on police reform’, Oslobodjenje pg 8 ‘Hadzipasic, Vrankic and Halilovic to negotiate on police reform’- The FBiH Government on Thursday authorized FBiH Prime Minister Ahmet Hadzipasic, FBiH Finance Minister Dragan Vrankic and FBiH Interior Minister Mevludin Halilovic to represent the FBiH at the talks on police reform to be held on Tuesday in Mostar. Government stated that they will follow the basis of the Final Report of the Police Restructuring Commission chaired by Wilfred Martens and the agreement reached at the Vlasic talks. All definite decisions and their acceptability must be confirmed by the FBiH Government and FBiH Parliament, was concluded by the Government on Thursday. |
SNSD to support RS proposal
| RTRS, Nezavisne novine pg 3 ‘SNSD will support every single RS authorities’ proposal’ – SNSD stated they will support any proposal by the RS authorities on the police reform. Party explained that the reform was a condition for the euroepan integration, adding that the process must satisfy set three EU principles. |
Editorial on police reform
| Nezavisne novine pg 7 ‘Police reform and ethno-politics’ op-ed by Ugo Vlaisavljevic – Editorial refers to the police reform and talks about the police regions, noting that there is no more important political issue than the one who controls which territory. Stressing that politicians linked the control of territories to survival of entire ethnic groups, author – critical of especially RS authorities – says that politicians are following principles of “ethno-politics, which is actually politics of collective survival, and for which the role of modern state and its institutions serve primarily to ensure such territory as the guarantee for survival of people. It is not than strange that this politics leads to most widely spread interpretation of the authorities as being the power of police or military command.” |
OHR believes BIRN report just gossip | RTRS, Dnevni Avaz pg 10 ‘Collection of gossip and tendentious statements’ – OHR BiH believes that a report of the International Crisis Group (ICG) on the work of the EUPM, which was published on Thursday by the Balkans Investigative Reporting Network (BIRN), appears to be largely a collection of gossip and tendentious statements. The report reads that the EUPM is not able to oversee the implementation of police reforms in BiH before the very structure of the EUPM is reformed. “This report, if covered accurately in the media appears to be largely a collection of gossip and tendentious statements. It seems to lack the credibility and balance usually associated with the Crisis Group; presumably this is why this impressionistic, leaked first draft was not published by the ICG itself,” the OHR said in a press release. |
| War crimes issues |
Montenegrin newspaper claim Mandic arrest agreed by secret polices in July
| Hayat, PINK, BHT1, RTRS, FTV, Nezavisne novine pg 5 ‘Mandic transferred to Kula prison’by M. Cubro, R. Segrt, Glas Srpske pg 2 ‘Role of secret polices?’ Oslobodjenje pg 3 ‘Mandic’s lawyer announces lawsuit because of ‘illegal extradition’’, mentioned on cover, by A. Omeragic, Vecernji list pg 3’Secret polices agreed on extradition’, Dnevni list pg 5 – Podgorica based newspaper “Vijesti” published on Friday that the decision on arrest of the former RS Justice Minister, Momcilo Mandic, was issued at the meeting of chiefs of Montenegrin, Serbian and RS secret polices and CIA Chief for the Balkans held in Kolasin in July. The newspaper states that the Montenegrin police extradited Mandic to BiH authorities on basis of the protocol on cooperation between BiH and Montenegrin judicial authorities. Mandic was arrested on Wednesday at his apartment in Budva at request of the BiH Prosecutor’s Office, and was immediately extradited to BiH. Mandic’s attorney Milovan Orovic said that his client could not have been extradited to the authorities in BiH because he has Montenegrin citizenship, as its Constitution forbids extraditing of Montenegrin citizens to other countries. |
DA: Mandic still BiH citizen
| Dnevni Avaz pg 2 ‘Momcilo Mandic is on the list of BiH citizens’ by E. Sarac – DA learns from the BiH Civil Affairs Ministry that Momcilo Mandic was not erased form the list of the BiH citizens. A number of media reports caused a confusions, which lead to nobody being certain whether Mandic was SCG citizens or only possesses BiH citizenship, comments the newspaper. |
| PINK, Nezavisne novine pg 5 ‘Mandic transferred to Kula prison’by M. Cubro, R. Segrt – The Court of BiH ordered a one-month detention for Momcilo Mandic, former RS Minister of Justice who is indicted for several crime acts, the BiH Prosecutor Johnatan Rattel confirmed. He added that Mandic has already been transferred to Kula prison on Friday. |
HR Ashdown welcomes Mandic’s arrest
| FTV, BHT1, Nezavisne novine pg 5 ‘Ashdown: Mandic is not untouchable’, Dnevni Avaz pg 2 ‘Ashdown: I am glad he is arrested’, Oslobodjenje pg 3 ‘Suspect of serious crimes’ -The High Representative, Paddy Ashdown, on Friday told the RS Radio that he was glad that the former RS minister of justice, Momcilo Mandic, has been arrested. Ashdown stressed that Mandic is “indicted for serious crimes” and added that, if these accusations should be proved, it will be indicated that he had robbed many citizens. |
Ljajic denies his Ministry demanded Mandic’s arrest
| RHB – SCiG Minister for Human Rights Rasim Ljajic stated that this Ministry did not sign the demand for the arrest and extradition of Momcilo Mandic. Ljajic stressed that according to the SCiG laws this Ministry only can sign the consent for extradition. Ljajic also said that this Ministry did not even know that the arrest warrant after Mandic was issued. |
Istocno Sarajevo PSC intensifies activities to improve cooperation with ICTY
| BHT 1, Hayat, PINK, RTRS, Nezavine novine pg 3 ‘Sredoje Lukic’s brother interrogated’ by R.S. – Press released issued by the Istocno Sarajevo Public Security Centre reads that its staff members have intensified the activities in Dnevni Avaz pg 11 ‘Sredoje Lukic hides in Russia?’ by E.S. – DA carries that it learned from sources close to RS Interior Ministry that Sredoje Lukic hides most probably in Russia [his cousin is Milan Lukic]. |
Ljaljic: SCG will demand Lukic’s extradition, even knowing this will not happen
| RTRS, BHT1, Hayat, Dnevni Avaz pg 11 ‘Argentinean court awaits documents from ICTY’, Oslobodjenje pg 7 ‘SCG demand for Lukic’s extradition’, Nezavisne novine pg 3 ‘They will demand Lukic’s extradition’ by Agencies– SCG Minister of Human and Minority Rights Rasim Ljajic said that SCG would forward a request to the authorities of Argentina for extraditing Milan Lukic, however added that authorities are aware that the extradition will most probably not take place. Ljajic added that SCG has a legal commitment to request Lukic’s extradition for completing the trial procedure for murdering 16 Bosniaks from Sjeverin near Priboj. Lukic, apprehended on August 8 in |
BH War Crimes Chamber extends detention to 4 persons indicted for Kravice murders in July 95
| FTV, BHT1, RTRS, Nezavisne novine pg 6 ‘Detention to Kravice crimes suspects extended’, Dnevni Avaz pg 5 ‘Suspects for Kravicemassacre stay in detention’, Oslobodjneje pg 2 ‘Four suspects stay in detention’, Vecernji list pg 2 ‘Suspects for Kravicemassacre stay in detention’ – The Council of the BiH War Crimes Chamber brought decision to extend the detention of the four persons indicted for war crimes committed in Srebrenica region until the 20 September. Arrested persons are suspected of taking part in the massacre of Bosniaks in the warehouse in Kravice in July 1995. The Council explained the decisions stating they believes that if the indictees were released they could influence other persons linked with this crime or the witnesses. Hayat – |