RADIO HERCEG-BOSNA (18,00 hrs) | TV PINK (18,00 hrs) | BHT 1 (19,00 hrs) |
Agreement on const. chang. reached | Agreement on const. chang. reached | Agreement on constitutional changes |
Covic on constitutional reforms | HR regarding Agreement | HR on agreement on cons. changes |
Round table on const. reform | Milosevic’s funeral | Analysts on const. changes |
HVIDRA on Bugojno crimes | Regional News | Four died in traffic accident |
NTV Hayat (19,00 hrs) | FTV (19,30 hrs) | RTRS (19,30 hrs) |
Agreement on const. chang. reached | Agreement on constitutional changes | Agreement on const. chang. reached |
Farewell bid to Milosevic in | Round table on BiH Constitution | HR regarding Agreement |
Milosevic’s funeral | Constitutional position of BiH Croats | Milosevic’s funeral |
Protest in BN against BIH Lawsuit | Tulic to be dislodged from his home | “SPONA” organized meeting |
Oslobodjenje | State deputies will elect members of BiH Presidency |
Dnevni Avaz | McElhaney: This is good for everyone in BiH |
Dnevni List | Two sisters and two friends killed [report on traffic accident in Prijedor] |
Vecernji List | Croats will elect their Presidency member |
Nezavisne Novine | Presidency will be elected in the Parliament |
Agreement on Constitutional changes | |
BiH political leaders reached agreement on constitutional changes; President and Vice- Presidents to be nominated from directly elected MPs in BiH Parliament
| BHT1– Leaders of seven major political parties [SDA, HDZ, |
NN: by now political leaders have agreed on enlargement of CoM, increase of HoR and reducing of HoP’s role
| Nezavisne Novine cover splash and pg 3 ‘Presidency will be elected in the Parliament’ by M.Cubro– Daily carries the article on reached agreement on constitutional changes, reminding on changes that were agreed so far. It was stated that political leaders have agreed to increase number of deputies in both Houses of BiH Parliament and to enlarge Council of Ministers. Laws are still to be passed by simple majority, with obligation that every decision gets votes of at least of one-third of deputies from ach entity. BiH House of Peoples would serve as protective mechanism for vital national interests and would not be passing laws. CoM would pass decisions by simple majority, where minimum one Minister from each people have to support it. Chairman of the CoM would now be a Prime Minister and would have authority to replace certain number of Ministers. |
HDZ’ Covic: I see no reason for Croat MPs not to support this agreement
| Vecernji List cover splash and pg 2 ‘Croats would elect their Presidency member’ by Zoran Kresic– Talking about reached agreement on constitutional changes HDZ leader Dragan Covic in statement for VL expressed his satisfaction, stressing that equality of all three peoples is now insured at the state level. Asked about announced boycott of HDZ deputies, Covic said “I see no reason for Croats MPs not to support this agreement, because they would approve ‘status quo’ which is the worst for Croats” said Covic. |
| Oslobodjenje cover splash and pgs 4-5 ‘State deputies will elect members of BiH Presidency’ by A.Omeragic – |
BiH political leaders inform US State Secretary Rice about reached agreement; second round foreseen for after elections
| |
HR Schwarz-Schilling congratulated reached agreement; warns about urgency for parliamentary procedure
| PINK– High Representative to BiH Christian Schwarz-Schilling congratulated for the reached agreement to the participants in the negotiations on constitutional changes. Schwarz-Schilling stressed that it is the first crucial step in the long reform process toward more efficient and functional institution of BiH. Schwarz-Schilling believes that it is necessary for BiH Parliament to give necessary support to the Agreement on constitutional changes, or in contrary these changes of the Constitution would not be in effect before the elections in 2010. BHT1, FTV, RTRS – reported. Dnevni Avaz pg 2 ‘Support to BiH’ road toward EU’ by S.N., Nezavisne Novine cover splash and pg 3 ‘Presidency will be elected in the Parliament’ by M.Cubro, Inset ‘Schwarz-Schilling congratulated participants of negotiations’, |
Ambassador Rycroft: reached agreement is a good step toward European future
| Dnevni Avaz pg 2 ‘I congratulate parties’ leaders’ by S.N.– British Ambassador to BiH Mathew Rycroft greeted the agreement on constitutional changes and stated for DA that “this is a good step toward European future of BiH”. “State structures are strengthening, parliament is becoming more efficient and within it is decided on a simple way and the state becomes more functional” stated Rycroft. |
DL op-ed: HDZ deputies should show political wisdom, since this is unique chance to ‘cut into
| Dnevni List op-ed pg 2 ‘Equal status of Croats’ by Resad Dautefendic– Commenting the agreement on constitutional changes and announced boycott of HDZ MPs in BiH Parliament, Dautefendic stresses that this agreement is not against interests of any of peoples. Further on Dautefendic comments that SBiH would certainly support HDZ, since few months before elections SBiH decided that entities should be abolished and that they are harmful for Croats and stood at their defence. Dautefendic concludes with a hope that HDZ deputies would show ‘political wisdom’ and put aside their disputes with HDZ leader Dragan Covic, because “this is a unique opportunity to cut into the |
Hayat’s poll shows that citizens are dissatisfied with reached agreement on constitutional changes
| Hayat- Citizens were asked to comment the reached the agreement on constitutional changes in BIH and possible effect on their lives and future n BiH. Most of the citizens expressed dissatisfaction with the outcome but mainly by the statement issued by Zlatko Lagumdzija that SBIH and Radicals of Vojislav Seselj are alike. Some citizens stated that they cannot see why Lagumdzija and Sulejman Tihic are excited that much when the agreement is terrible. Citizens also expressed concern with the fact that everything was closed for the public and ‘wrapped in veil of secrecy’ believing that “arrogant politicians” deceived them. |
SBiH’ Silajdzic: Tihic and Lagumdzija are adversaries of single BiH
| Dnevni Avaz pg 4 ‘Tihic and Lagumdzija are adversaries of single BiH’ by M.D.-F.B.– SBiH founder Haris Silajdzic, BOSS leader Mirnes Ajanovic have held public debates in Sanski Most and Kljuc on issue of constitutional changes. Silajdzic stated that negotiations on constitutional changes are directed only toward “changing of |
| Hayat By Senad Hadzifejzovic – Commenting reached agreement on constitutional changes |
Milosevic’s funeral | |
Milosevic buried in Pozarevac, despite harsh objections of his family
| FTV– Seven days after his death in ICTY detention cell, former Serbian President Slobodan Milosevic has been buried in his family tomb in the yard of his house in Pozarevac. Several thousands attended the funeral. However, there were no members of his family or |
RS officials did not attend the funeral
| |
Mothers of Srebrenica say that too much attention was given to Milosevic’s death
| BHT1– BHT1- Commenting Slobodan Milosevic’s funeral, members of Association “Mothers of Srebrenica and Zepa Enclaves” Munira Subasic said that Milosevic was the greatest war criminal after Adolf Hitler, claiming that too much attention has been paid to his death. Another member of this Association Kada Hotic said that living in a country where Milosevic is being so honoured, she fears for the future of her grandchildren. |
Protests against Milosevic and his supporters on streets of
| BHT1– At the same time when commemoration ceremony for Slobodan Milosevic was held, several thousands of his opponents gathered in |
Political developments | |
EU official Lange: technical part of
| Dnevni Avaz pg 5 ‘We are concerned because BiH does not respects treaties’, mentioned on cover ‘Technical part of negotiations with the EU is the most important’ by Tarik Lazovic– Head of EC’s General Directorate for Enlargement and official who is leading technical EU team in negotiations on Stabilization and Association with BiH, Dirk Lange stated in interview for DA that technical part of negotiations, which considers trade relations is the essence of the agreement for which BiH authorities hope that would be signed as soon as possible. Asked about his statement that he is irritated by customs that BiH introduced to beer from Slovenia and would that be the condition for signing of |
Five BiH Ministers secretly in
| Dnevni Avaz pg 4 ‘Five Ministers secretly sojourned in Zagreb’, mentioned on cover by H.Orahovac – According to DA sources in Council of Ministers five of BiH Ministers secretly sojourned in Zagreb, where they met members of Croatian Prime Minister’s Cabinet and discussed open issues between two countries. DA learns that BiH Justice Minister Slobodan Kovac, BiH Security Minister Barisa Colak, BiH Foreign Trade Minister Dragan Doko, BiH Communication Minister Branko Dokic and BiH Civil Affair Minister Safet Halilovic have visited |
BiH Deputy Defence Minister Becirbasic: BiH would to be able to join PfP without Karadzic and Mladic
| Nezavisne Novine pgs 8-9 ‘No membership in Partnership for Peace without Karadzic and Mladic’, mentioned on cover by Mirza Cubro– In interview for NN, BiH Deputy Defence Minister Enes Becirbasic emphasised that NATO would not change its demand that BiH, if wants to become member of Partnership for Peace, has to arrest and extradite most wanted ICTY fugitives Ratko Mladic and Radovan Karadzic. He added that NATO counts on BiH as serious partner, which was confirmed by recently passed Program of Cooperation of BiH and NATO for 2006. Becirbasic explained that this Program is a step forward and gathers issues that would be defined in cooperation, starting with organization of defence institution, democratic surveillance, fight against terrorism to planning of civil protection that would assist in pre-qualification of military surpluses. Asked how much demands for resignation of BiH Defence Minister Nikola Radovanovic [ |
Daily: decertified police officers could ask for compensation | Oslobodjenje pg 6 ‘Decertified police officers before the Security Council’, mentioned on cover by E.Kamenica– UN Security Council’s Expert Group should soon, come with the stance on the issue of decertified police officers in BiH, whose certificates were taken by the International Police Task Force [IPTF], BiH Human Right Minister Mirsad Kebo should meet with decertified police officers next week and inform them about activities that are taken on this issue. Author concludes that this issue would raise more tensions, wondering if this is because of the fear that police officers could ask for compensation from domestic or UN authorities. Inset “Ashdown’s forgotten luggage’- New High Representative Christian Schwarz–Schilling is using every opportunity to import this issue to his collocutors and such he did during his last visit to Brussels, stated OHR Spokesperson Oleg Milisic. Author noted that New HR is trying to get rid of ‘the luggage’ of the former HR Paddy Ashdown. |
BiH vs. | |
| Hayat By Senad Hadzifejzovic– |
Protests of Serb NGOs in Bijeljina; posters of Karadzic and Mladic and minute of silence for Milosevic | RTRS– Associations of Serb NGOs “SPONA” organized meeting in Bijeljina due to the BiH lawsuit against |