
OHR BiH Media Round-up, 19/2/2004



BH TV 1 (19,00 hrs)

FED TV (19,30 hrs)

RT RS (19,30)

Stevic supported by RS

Paravac on Stevic

Agreement btw parties

Russia will support RS

Hercegovacka Bank case

Agreement btw parties

Paravac on Stevic

Paravac on Stevic

Agreement btw parties

FBiH Army structure

IFIMES studies

Agreement btw parties

Mostar Statute

Changes of Law on Tariffs

Law on High Education

Conference in Banja Luka



Twelve signatures for urgent reforms; Paravac wont let Stevic go; Mufti Ceric: Islam-phobia is an incident, not a rule

Dnevni Avaz

Censorship official introduced in BiH; Halilovic: They have to explain me what am I guilty for; Veterans reactions: First the law, than revision of the lists

Dnevni List

Spiric: Leaders of political parties signed statement; Pre-war employee of Aluminij announce radical measures: Blockade of Sarajevo-Mostar main road

Vecernji List

Ruling parties and opposition in BiH together on road to EU; Dangerous waste in Mostar: Poison goes to Germany

Slobodna Dalmacija

State Prosecution investigates into crime linked to authorities: Investigations against 30 BiH power-wielders

Glas Srpske

Croats officially requested abolishing of the FBiH – In changes incautiously; Letter of Serb Patriarch Pavle – Not to happen again; Karla’s muddy waters; Taking a blindfold down; Catholic bloody Sunday

Nezavisne Novine

Leaders of all Parliament parties signed joint declaration – with consensus to European Union; Complaints to Telekom Srpske – Internet responsible for high phone bills; Modrica Oil Refinery case before Council of Ministries – Milan Jelic: “Abuse of registered trade marks becomes political problem”; Three persons in Tuzla indicted for trading of substances for narcotics production; Train exploded in north-east Iran – 182 dead


70 infected with trichinosis; Defense without Minister: Stevic is out of question, SDS is searching for someone else; Removal at the head of Center for Public Safety in Prijedor


Defence and security

Paravac demands Terzic to explain his decision on Stevic





























RHB, Dnevni Avaz pg 2 ‘Vitomir Popovic an Ombudsman, Rejla Kovac director of SBS?’, Dnevni List pg 3 ‘Paravac wants explanation about Branko Stevic’, Nezavisne novine pg 4 ‘Paravac insists on Stevic’s appointment’, Vecernje Novosti pg 6 ‘Branko Stevic without a chance’, Blic front, pg 13 ‘SDS calculates’, Nacional Belgrade daily ‘Terzic rejected Stevic’s candidacy’ – The Serb members to the BiH Presidency, Borislav Paravac, continues to support Branko Stevic as the candidate for first BiH Ministry of Defence. Paravac stated that parties that nominated Stevic for would not change their opinion. After holding talks with Adnan Terzic in Sarajevo on Wednesday, Chairman of the BiH Council of Ministries, Paravac said that Terzic must provide clear explanation for his decision to disregard Stevic in written. Paravac added he now expected problems with further nominations: ”We will have problems with nomination of the Chief of Staff for the Operational Headquarters because they need to be at the rank of general. I do not know any general, who did not participate in the war”, said Paravac.

RTRS, FTV – “If the explanation is adequate and really opposed some principles, of course that we can make correction, but if there is no explanation why should we drop out our suggestion? We have some attitude of our own”, said Paravac, who added that outrageous campaign was led in FBiH against every candidate from RS, and concluded that Chairman Terzic was only under pressure by FBiH media.

BHTV 1 – “We haven’t nominated new candidate, we are waiting for response form Mr Terzic to give precise answers why can’t he accept Mr Stevic”, said Borislav Paravac. “Analysing political consequences for myself and consequences the state that could follow on the road towards Euro-Atlantic integrations, I decided to place interests of the state first and I haven’t accepted the nomination”, stated Adnan Terzic. While Paravac denied that Terzic and he discussed appointment of Defence Minister, Terzic said that they discussed the issue and that Paravac informed him that he would discuss this matter further with his party. Adnan Terzic believes that Paravac will submit the nominations soon and that new Minister will be appointed on newt BiH Parliament’s session, scheduled for 24th February.

Oslobodjenje cover, pg 6 ‘Paravac wont let Stevic go’ – Paravac said that it is in nobody’s interests to have defence reforms delayed, however added that ruling coalition from cannot change candidates every time someone makes such wish, because they don’t like it. In addition, Paravac stressed that Serb side never made an issue with appointment of any Bosniak or Croat official.

Oslobodjenje pg 6 ‘SDS has eligible candidates for Defence Minister’, Dnevni List pg 2 ‘New talks on BiH defence minister’ – SDS President in resignation, Dragan Kalinic, stated that SDS has a list of more eligible candidates, and that the new discussions on the MoD candidate are underway. Kalinic said he could not given any concrete names. Commenting Terzic’s demand to withdraw Stevic’s candidacy, Kalinic said that this must be “well and strongly argumented”.

Vecernji List pg 2 ‘Terzic and OHR succumbed to persecution’ – VL carries Paravac as saying: “I do not have information that the Stevic candidacy passed the vetting at the OHR. However, media reports obviously had a great influence of the OHR’s decisions”. Reportedly, Paravac also said that he had great difficulties with nominating people to duties because all his proposals are received “on the knife” in the FBiH.

Slobodna Dalmacija pg 15 ‘Stevic: I am proud of my wartime history’ – SD carries Branko Stevic as saying that he was surprised to hear that Terzic withdrew the candidacy. “There were no indications that my candidacy would be withdrawn”, said Stevic, noting that he was proud about the fact that he saved his face during the war when he was the Police Chief in Bijeljina.

DA op-ed on Stevic 

Dnevni Avaz pg 3 ‘Stevic’s shameful candidacy’ op-ed by Mirela Kukan – Editorial reads that the candidacy of Branko Stevic for the position of the first BiH Defence Minister “was nothing else but one in a series of obstructions in implementation of reforms necessary for BiH admission to Euro-Atlantic integrations.” Noting that SDS must have been familiar with Stevic’s past, author wonders “why RS constantly put forward people which in no case can perform vital state functions,… is in someone’s interest to intentionally reduces the value of BiH institutions in comparison with entities.”

Halilovic did not resign; OHR on FBiH MoI

Oslobodjenje pg 8 ‘Principles more important from tackling crime’ – OHR openly voiced its dissatisfaction with the work of FBiH Minister of Interior, Mevludin Haliovic, but according to Nedzad Vejzagic, Chief of FBiH MoI Analytical Department, Minister Halilovic is not thinking about resignation. Vejzagic also dismissed accusations that Halilovic disturbs police work. 

Dnevni Avaz pg 5 ‘Minister Halilovic did not resign’ – FBiH Prime Minister Ahmet Hadzipasic denied for DA speculations that Halilovic resigned, and he added that he would not allow Police Director and Interior Minister to interfere with each other’s work. 

BHTV 1 – “OHR supports the work of FBiH Police in its effort to deal with increased number of criminal activities in the FBiH territory, but it seems to us that FBiH Minister of Interior is making their work difficult. Finally he is responsible for successful or unsuccessful work of Interior Ministry”, stated Vedran Perisic, OHR Spokesperson. 

DA int with Halilovic

Dnevni Avaz cover ‘They have to explain what I am guilty for’ by Edina Sarac – In an interview with DA, FBiH Interior Minister Mevludin Halilovic rejects all allegations made against by the OHR and EUPM. Halilovic states that FBiH Police Director, according to the Law, is responsible for the management of police, which, he adds, proves that accusations for ‘worsened security situation in FBiH’ could not be an issue addressed to him. “I am not in conflict with anybody personally, at least with Police Director. However, … Mr [Zlatko] Miletic has full support by the international community, and when it comes to operation things that is fine. However I … present civilian authority… How can I be responsible for situation inside FBiH Interior Ministry when I know almost nothing about things being done in police, I am a supervisor but only on the paper”, said Halilovic commenting possibility of OHR dismissing him: “I don’t see at this moment a single strong reasons for my dismissal. I whish we spoke the language of arguments which would explain to me what am I guilty for?”    

Soldiers warn FBiH Army restructuring still not defined

BHTV 1, Dnevni Avaz pg 9 ‘Still not publicised article on beneficiary retirement’, Oslobodjenje pg 9 ‘Uncertainty worries soldiers’ – The structure of the FBiH Army in line with the Decision of BiH Presidency on reduction of the armed forces, including the defining of the final organisational-formation structure, will be known by February 25, which is the deadline for completing this activity segment envisaged by the current reform.  However, FBiH Army Joint Command expressed its concern with delays in the process of troops reduction, which according to the set deadline, has to be completed by 1 April. However, according to the Hamza Visca, Chief of Information Department of FBiH Army Joint Command, criteria to apply for retirement are unknown, as the FBiH Government hasn’t reached that decision, and it is only assumption that about 2000 soldiers will be eligible. FBiH Government also did not decide on the severance pays, while army officials assume that amount to be about 10.000 KM. For time being, only the criteria for those wishing to stay with the Army are known, and according to Zoran Duspara from FBiH Army Information Department everything will be taken into consideration.

Novic on SIPA

Dnevni List pg 9 ‘SIPA is becoming first state Police Agency’ – DL carries that Director of SIPA Sredoje Novic stated that by adoption of a set of laws by mid this year this institution will definitely get a form of the first, state, police agency with typical police authorities and this is of crucial importance for BiH. He stressed that in this way SIPA will become the main body in the struggle against criminal acts that are under competence of the BiH Prosecution. Novic also said that in case that they hire people to SIPA on the ground of their affiliation to political parties and not according to professional criteria, BiH can say good by to the efficient, security system. 

Solana submits report on EUPM work 

Nezavisne novine pg 5 ‘BiH Police can not fight against crime’, Blic pg 12 ‘Solana: SDA interferes in the work of the Federation of BiH police’ – EU High Representative for Foreign Politics and Security, Javier Solana, has submitted the report on the work of EUPM for the second half of the last year to UN Security Council. Solana emphasized that in the last three months of the year 2003, EUPM was preventing political parties, SDA in the first place, from interfering the work of the police in the Federation of BiH. Report also notes that the structure and number of policemen are not good enough for efficient work.

Scheffer: I want to see BiH in PfP

Dnevni Avaz pg 2 ‘I want to see BiH in PfP’ – “I want to see BiH as the member of Partnership for Peace programme. Therefore, we will continue to maintain presence of NATO in that country, even when SFOR leaves, in order to assist authorities in defence reforms, but also in other important tasks”, stated NATO Secretary General Jaap de Hoop Scheffer addressing the International Institution for Strategic Studies in London. He added that we wants to see Serbia and Montenegro also in PfP, but stressed that the cooperation with ICTY was a key condition.


Political issues

BiH Parliamentary parties sign statement supporting reforms






















RHB, Oslobodjenje cover splash, pg 7 ‘Twelve signatures for urgent reforms’, Vecernji List front, pg 2 ‘Ruling parties and opposition in BiH together on road to EU’, Slobodna Dalmacija pg 7 ‘Faster to democracy and Europe through consensus’, Dnevni List front, pg 5 ‘Spiric: Leaders of political parties signed statement’, Nezavisne novine cover, pg 2 ‘Everybody wants to EU’, Blic pg 12 ‘Parties ready for consensus’ – Presidents of political parties in the BiH parliament on Wednesday in Sarajevo signed a statement by which they confirm their readiness for political consensus and further BIH democratisation in the frame of the constitutional order because of entering the EU and Partnership for Peace, PfP. The statement, with a testimony of Speaker of the BiH 0House of Representatives Nikola Spiric, was signed by Chairmen of the SDA, SBiH, Coalition of the HDZ and Christian Democrats, SDS, SDP, SNSD, PDP, BOSS, DNZ, NHI, SPRS and BiH Party of Pensioners. The statement was signed and initiated to speed up the implementation of the reforms and to ensure fulfilment of conditions for successful start of negotiations on the Stabilisation and Accession Agreement.

BHTV 1 – Parties’ leaders stressed there was no time for political games, and remarked that it was time to move from dead point and show that BiH was ready to fulfil promises it made. “Once more, I want to say that this is a good day for Bosnia-Hercegovina and its citizens and now it is up to the leaders to respect what they have signed today”, said BiH HoR Speaker Nikola Spiric, “We are dissatisfied with rate and depth of the current reforms. We are dissatisfied with current government and representatives of the international community, which persistently have sent us messages saying that if only opposition would say that they are for it, everything would be fine. We are for it. We have signed that”, stated Zlatko Lagumdzija, SDP President. “I believe that in one new ambient, atmosphere of reaching consensus, tolerant discussions, presenting of facts pro and against, we will succeed … and make sure that BiH really moves into the Europe and that internally people in BiH respect all specific of its internal constitutional structure”, said Dragan Kalinic, SDS President in resignation. 

Dnevni Avaz pg 2 ‘Consensus reached on admission to EU and PfP’ – Chairman of CoM Adnan Terzic said that the statement was “a big encouragement that confirm clear determination of the political parties to support CoM entirely in order for BiH to use extraordinary chance and strengthen its rhythm of reforms for successful admission to Euro-Atlantic integrations.”

RTRS, FTV – Due to different delays, BiH authorities have to pass 44 Laws in the next four months and to establish 22 new institutions. The main issue is what will be a consequence for those violating the Statement. “They will be more responsible for processes of reforms and it is better this way than having others to impose solutions to us. This is a proof of great political seriousness of parties in the government and of in opposition”- said Dragan Kalinic, SDS President in resignation. “I believe in this, if I don’t I wouldn’t sign it. I am satisfied that oppositional parties have agreed to sign something like this”, said Barisa Colak, HDZ President.    

Ashdown welcomes statement signed by parties

RTRS, FTV – The High Representative, Paddy Ashdown, welcomed the signature of a joint declaration by all the parties represented in the BiH House of Representatives pledging their readiness to find consensus in order to achieve membership of the European Union and NATO’s Partnership for Peace. Ashdown stressed that the first test of this statement will be today’s session of the Council of Ministers, which will focus on the discussion on a set of Laws with regard to the tackling crime, including the Law on SIPA.

Wnendt in Mostar: Statute implementation goes right on schedule; Ashdown in Mostar today

RHB, FTV, BHTV 1, Dnevni Avaz pg 3 ‘Interantional community stands behind Statute’, Vecernji List pg 4 ‘Implementation of new statute goes according to plan’, Slobodna Dalmacija pg 16 ‘Croats unhappy with electoral rules’ – The Senior Deputy High Representative Werner Wnendt said that the implementation of the New Mostar Statute was going right on schedule, and that several committees and administrations had been formed in the City that were working on its implementation. At the press conference held in Mostar, Wnendt together with Mostar mayor and his deputy, Hamdija Jahic and Ljubo Beslic respectively, pointed out that a difficult task lies ahead of them when it comes to the implementation of the New Statute, but they will try to implement the Decision of the High Representative although, as they said, most people do not agree with such Decision. Wnendt announced administrative unification of the city to take place as of 15 March, which is the first phase of the Statute implementation. He also discussed the process with religious leaders. The High Representative Paddy Ashdown visits Mostar today. 

Dnevni List pg 14 ‘Wnendt: Implementation of new Statute of Mostar goes according to plan’ – Ljubo Beslic, reminded that the Croat side was not happy with the imposed solution relating to the electoral rules, stressing that the Croat side will look for a legal remedy in a legal procedure. Beslic however stresses if there’s the will, there could be full implementation of the Statute.

Oslobodjenje pg 3 ‘Insight into implementation of City’s Statute’, Dnevni List pg 5 ‘Evaluation of what has been done on implementation of Statute’, Vecernji List pg 3 ‘’High Representative in Mostar’ – announcement of Paddy Ashdown’s visit to Mostar today.

Slobodna Dalmacija pg 18 ‘Ashdown in Mostar today’ – OHR spokesperson, Mario Brkic, responded to a journalist’s question whether the visit is triggered by some reports suggesting resistance to implementation of the Statute by saying that there is no room for such speculations since the process goes according to the plan, also noting it is about a regular visit.

BiH Presidency in session, Paravac nominates SBS Director and BiH Ombdusman

FTV, RTRS, BHTV 1, RHB, Dnevni Avaz pg 2 ‘Vitomir Popovic an Ombudsman, Rejla Kovac director of SBS?’, Vecernji List pg 3 ‘V. Popovic third Ombudsman’, Slobodna Dalmacija pg 7 ‘There was no discussion on Defence Minister from RS’ – At the session of BiH Presidency held on Wednesday, Borislav Paravac nominated Vitomir Popovic for the position of the new BiH Ombudsman for Human Rights, instead of Snjezana Savic, who resigned previously. The BiH Presidency agreed with nomination of Relja Kovac as the new Director of State Border Service.

Dnevni Avaz pg 2 ‘Tihic voted against Popovic’s candidacy’ – Avaz claims that Sulejman Tihic voted against appointment of Vitomir Popovic as the state ombudsman, because allegedly Popovic was an official of Banja Luka court during the war, and the RS Vice President at the time when Radovan Karadzic was President, and because he voted against decision on constituency of peoples in BiH. 

EU and BiH officials discuss reforms

FTV, Oslobodjenje pg 7 ‘BiH slowly progresses towards Europe’ – BiH officials and the representatives of the EU on Wednesday discussed the 16 conditions, whose execution would bring BiH on the road to Europe. International   officials warned that lately BIH has been slow in implementation of the reforms. In addition, participants agreed that progress was achieved in the area of financing, arrangement of internal market and legislature. Reinhard Priebe, Director of General EC Direction for Foreign Relations said that in the future only passing the laws will not be enough, while their implementation will be strictly supervised. Osman Topcagic, Director of Direction for European Integrations said that EC recognized complex system of BiH but that no one must hide behind it and avoid the responsibilities.

PDP slams SNSD-initiated Statement of Political Will

Oslobodjenje pg 2 ‘Cheap political trick’, Blic pg 13 ‘PDP: Cheap trick of the opposition’ – “Theatrical signing of a statement on alleged strong determination not to change BiH Constitution by some political parties is nothing else but a direct invoking of changes to the Constitution along with an attempt to collect cheap political points”, reads PDP press release which comments the Statement of Political Will signed by SNSD, SPRS, DNS and PDS. PDP also said it “was working responsibly on preserving RS and implementing the existing BiH Constitution, as well as that it had no intention to deal with shallow pleading and cheap theater shows.”

DL editorial slams Dodik for singing Statement of Political Will

Dnevni List pg 2 ‘Dodik’s will’ by V. Kljajic – Article carries that exactly when we thought that SNSD President Milorad Dodik is a realistic alternative to ruling, national troika, Dodik signed Statement on Political Will with a few minor parties from the Republika Srpska that means nothing else but preservation of the RS. The author says that in this way Dodik confirmed that he and his party are the best ally of SDS and retrograde political forces in the RS but also in the whole BiH and that interests that lead towards strengthening of the RS are his priority.

Cavic on visit to Russia

RTRS – Moscow approved 10 million KM of the loan to Republika Srpska, was promised to the RS delegation at the first day of their visit to Russian Federation. Dragan Cavic, RS President, stated that the loan would be implemented in 20 days:  “I can say that we had very useful discussions about political situation in RS and BiH. Jevgeni Primakov, President of Economic Chamber of Russian Federation, and Luckov expressed satisfaction over the stabilisation in BiH, especially in RS. We also discussed development of trade with Moscow city, in other words, presence of RS companies in Moscow and its market. We had another meeting today with Primakov. We also discussed about development of trade between RS and Russia Federation, especially in the fields of mining and energy, where Russia has huge capacities.”

DL interview with Russian Ambassador

Dnevni List front, pg 7 ‘We are viewing problem of Kosovo and BiH separately’ by Z. Jukic – DL carries an interview with the Russian Ambassador to BiH, Aleksandar Griscenko. Griscenko confirmed that Russia expressed its disapproval with regard to the last decision passed by HR Paddy Ashdown, about “the black list” of persons that also included Mirko Sarovic. Asked whether this issue will cause some bigger cracks in the Peace Implementation Council (PIC), Griscenko says: “Of course it will not. Basically, we are satisfied with our cooperation with the PIC Steering Board, OHR and other international structures in Sarajevo.” Asked about his stand with regard to the Dayton Peace Accord and perspectives for the change of organization of BiH, the Russian Ambassador says: “The internal organization of BiH envisaged in Dayton still remains ground of the BiH stability.” He goes on to say that they are aware that BiH and its citizens are faced with numerous problems that should be resolved as soon as possible and he added: “We are not sure that the change of the political structure only will bring positive results immediately…We believe that modification of the state organization of BiH through changes of the Constitution of this country is possible with consensus of its constituent peoples.”  

Partner survey concludes that BiH citizens trust Ashdown the most


Nacional Belgrade daily pg 9 ‘Citizens trust Ashdown the most’ – One third of BiH population trusts no politician and other have the most of trust in High Representative Paddy Ashdown, concludes the survey carried out by the ‘Partner’ Public Opinion Survey Agency from Banja Luka. The survey conducted on a sample of 1,190 citizens from both entities, reads that apart from Ashdown, citizens have the most of trust in SNSD leader Milorad Dodik, Chairman of BiH Presidency Dragan Covic and RS President Dragan Cavic. They are followed by Sulejman Tihic, Zlatko Lagumdzija, Dragan Kalinic and Borislav Paravac. The survey showed that Bosniaks care the most about BiH as a state and they care the least about the preservation of Republika Srpska. At the same time, the opinion of Serb people is just the opposite.

FTV feature on IFIMES research on early elections in BiH

FTV – International Institute for Middle Easter and Balkan Studies [IFIMES] estimated that early elections became reality for BiH. IFIMES observed political situation in BiH, collective resignation of SDS Presidency, unsuccessful reshuffle of FBiH Government and concluded that early elections would happen in October along with local elections.  IFIMES considers SDS Presidency resignation to be only a political trick and additional impulse for early elections. Director of IFIMES, Bakhtyar Aljf said that BiH is in a kind of isolation, in which even the High Representative couldn’t provide investments, citizens lost the trust in government and that makes early elections a reality. Analyses pointed out that nationalistic parties are dragging with reforms. Oppositional parties were also criticised for demanding replacement of the government without solutions for problems.


War crimes

Karadzic posters in Belgrade

BHTV 1, Oslobodjenje pg 4 ‘‘Serb heroes’ in Belgrade downtown’ – Posters expressing support to ICTY indictees were put up all over Belgrade. In addition to the pictures of Radovan Karadzic and Ratko Mladic, posters read  “Serb Heroes”. Perpetrators are still unknown.

SDU youth protest demanding arrest of Karadzic, Mladic

Oslobodjenje pg 5 ‘Demanding arrests of Karadzic and Mladic’, Dnevni Avaz pg 4 ‘Demanded Russian to pressure SCG’, FENA – Due to failure to apprehend the most wanted indicted war crime suspects, Radovan Karadzic and Ratko Mladic, the Youth Organisation of the BiH Social Democratic Union [SDU] organized on Wednesday a protest gathering in front of the Embassy of the Russian Federation in Sarajevo. The SDU delegation was received on behalf of Ambassador Alexander Gryshchenko, by his political advisor Sergey Bazdnikin, who said that the positions of the youth on the need for apprehending of war crime suspects correspond to the official Russian stands. When asked about the last week’s reaction of Ambassador Gryshchenko in regard to the decision of the High Representative, Paddy Ashdown, on measures against the supporters of war crime suspects, Bazdnikin stressed that this was a fully procedural matter, and does not concern the essence of the decision, because such a decision should not have been reached without compliance of the Peace Implementation Council. 

Srebrenica Commission

Dnevni Avaz pg 15 ‘Examination of Department of RS Defence Ministry planned’ – Marko Arsovic, Chair of the Srebrenica Commission, stated that RS Government invested 150.000 KM into the work of the Commission, which probably will not be enough for its work. Commission Vice Chair, Smail Cekic added that the Commission so far got into the contact with ICTY, RS Army, RS Defence Ministry and RS Interior Minsitry, and noted that important information is expected from RS Defence Ministry. 


Legal and criminal

Hercegovacka Bank trials








RHB, Oslobodjenje pg 7 ‘Mediated loans to Monitor M’, Dnevni Avaz pg 11 ‘Ivica Karlovic illegally ensure profit for Jelavic and Rojs company?’, Vecernji List pg 23 ‘He still claims that he is not guilty’, Dnevni List front, pg 51 ‘I brought profit to Hercegovacka Banka on ground of my work’, Slobodna Dalmacija front, pg 19 ‘Bank made profit on Rojs’ company’ –  Former Head of Hercegovacka Banka Ivica Karlovic pleaded not guilty before the Cantonal Court in Mostar on Wednesday. In the procedure repeated due to change of the Court Council, Karlovic has been charged for approving a loan in March 2000 of total amount of 1,1 million Km to Gratex Company from Tomislav Grad, which than borrowed the money to Monitor M company from Grude, owned by Ljubo Cesic Rojs. Hercegovacka Bank was banned to approve loan to Cesic’s company, according to the decision by FBiH Banking Agency. Therefore, Karlovic is accused of violating Agency’s decision. According to NINA news agency, new interrogations could be expected soon. Vilim Primorac, Director of Mond Company, Ivan Medic, Director of Hercegovacka Bank Administration and Ljubo Cesis Rojs, currently in Croatia, could be interrogated as well.

OHR urges establishment of state HJPC

FTV, Blic pg 13 ‘OHR: RS NA is holding back the admission to EU’ – “If it wishes to join EU, BiH must adopt the law on HJPC by the end of the month”, as OHR Spokesperson Ljiljana Radetic stated at a press conference on Wednesday. According to Radetic, the Federation of BiH Parliament has already done its part of the work and it is now up to RS NA to complete its obligations.

Avaz criticises Court’s decision banning newspaper to write on Lagumdzija

Oslobodjenje pg 7 ‘Avaz [still] banned to write about Lagumdzija’ – FBiH Supreme Court on Wednesday rejected appeal filed by Dnevni Avaz following the verdict which banned this newspaper from carrying claims on Zlatko Lagumdzija, president of SDP. Court also decided that this temporary measure against Avaz will be valid as long as the procedure before the Sarajevo Cantonal Court is not completed. Lagumdzija file charges against Avaz before Cantonal Court claiming that it wrote a series of false reports on him.

Dnevni Avaz cover splash, pg 4 ‘Censorship officials introduced in BiH’ – DA Editor-in-Chief Fahrudin Djapo sent a letter to HR Paddy Ashdown protesting over the decision by FBiH Supreme Court. Avaz journalists announced they would hold protests in front of OHR building on Friday, as they decided not to blame Zlatko Lagumdzija, but Paddy Ashdown and changes in judiciary by High Judicial and Prosecutorial Council, and its Head judge Jan Eric Oja.


Economic issues

Aluminij workers announce protests





BHTV 1, Oslobodjenje pg 8 ‘Former workers of Aluminij to block the highway’, Dnevni Avaz pg 12 ‘On Monday the blockade of traffic at Salakovac’, Dnevni List pg 2 ‘Blockade of highway Sarajevo-Mostar!’, Slobodna Dalmacija last pg ‘Blockade of high-way announced’ – Association of former Aluminij workers announced the blockade of M17 road on Monday, and they repeated their demand to the FBiH Government to accelerate the process of solving the status of discriminated former employees. They expect from Government to also carry out for arbitration process to determine the ownership of this Company and to ensure their reemployment. Former Aluminij workers were supported by BiH Union of Metalworkers, who suggested that to involve International Labour Organization and OHR into solving this situation.

Prlic demands revised contract on RTV subscription

Dnevni Avaz pg 8 ‘HT Mostar will accept only revised contract for RTV subscription’ – General Director of HT Mostar Stipe Prlic confirmed for DA that the only way for this company to accept the agreement with public broadcasters would be a revised constract on the collection of RTV subscription through telephone bills. Prlic explained that the addition to the contract would be in interests of HT Mostar, enabling the company to terminate the contract if it would remark the significant fall in the profit due to the contract implementation. 

ITA gets temporary seat

Nezavisne novine pg 6 ‘BiH ITA gets temporary accommodation’ – BiH ITA will be a temporary accommodated in premise of Banjaluka Customs. 40 employees of Customs Administration moved out yesterday so ITA has got 780 sq. metres of working space. “By this RS Customs shows once again support to establishing of ITA”. This is stated in RS Customs Press Release. According to Nezavisne novine, ITA Director, Kemal Causevic and his associates will move in today. For permanent accommodation ITA needs premises with 5.000 sq. metres.