Latest radio news broadcast at 12.00 on 18 July
RADIO HERCEG-BOSNA (12,00 hrs) | RTRS (12,00 hrs) |
DRC to adopt Draft Defense Law | DRC to adopt Draft Law |
FBiH Gov. delegation visits | Verdicts for Stambolic murder |
Ajanovic on BiH lawsuit agst SCiG | NATO SG on Kosovo |
TV news broadcast on 17 July
RADIO HERCEG-BOSNA (18,00 hrs) | TV PINK (18,00 hrs) | BHT 1 (19,00 hrs) |
DRC signs defence reform proposal | DRC will adopt the Draft Law | 120 dead in suicide attacks in |
A. Karadzic released | Tenth anniversary of DPA | BiH soldiers in |
Cases before ICTY | Ashdown to address BiH HoR | Police work/entities’ border |
Babic and Deronjic’s appeal | Aleksandar Karadzic released | NATO released Sasa Karadzic |
NTV Hayat (19,00 hrs) | FTV (19,30 hrs) | RTRS (19,30 hrs) |
Ashdown to address BiH HoR | Hurricane in | A. Karadzic released |
Radovanovic on BiH soldiers in | Traffic jams all over | Radovanovic satisfied with BiH Unit |
Aleksandar Karadzic released | Lack of passport booklets in BiH | DRC signs defence reform proposal |
Milosevic and Krajisnik case | Heat in Mostar | HR addresses Parliament on Tuesday |
Oslobodjenje | New airport in Visoko to be constructed in three years? |
Dnevni Avaz | Adnan Terzic: I am concerned about the BiH Presidency’s position |
Dnevni List | Entering to Croatia full of upleasantness for BiH citizens |
Vecernji List | Gotovina before he ran away : I am running away beuase they want to kill me |
Slobodna Dalmacija | Features |
Glas Srpske | Trebnik did not decay (remains of murdered martyrs found near Foca) |
Nezavisne Novine | BiH citizen attempted to smuggle 41 kg of heroin from |
Blic | Explosions reduce prices (tourist in |
Vecernje Novosti | Mladic is not a condition |
Srpski Nacional | Dinkic versus Tijanic ( |
FBiH Government’s delegation visits
| RHB – The Federation of BiH Government’s delegation visits |
BOSS’ Ajanovic on BiH lawsuit against SciG
| RHB – BOSS President Mirnes Ajanovic sent a demand to Bosniak member of the BiH Presidency Sulejman Tihic to organize a donors’ conference in order to collect money for financing the BiH’s lawsuit against |
Incident in Bijeljina – investigation ongoing
| RS Radio – Bijeljina PSC is engaged in investigation regarding the Sunday incident, when a group of Bosniaks (approximately 50) stoned Serbs, who were placing the cross near the Hotel “Vidikovac” near returnee settlement of Divic near Zvornik. According to Dragomir Peric, PSC Bijeljina Spokesperson, there was no physical conflict between Bosniak returnees and Serbs. |
Political Developments/Reforms | |
DRC to formally adopt Draft Defense Law today
| RHB, BHT, Pink, FTV, RTRS, Dnevni Avaz pg 2 ‘Agreement on defence reform to be signed today’, Vecernji List pg 3 ‘Signing of the defence reform proposal today’ by f, Glas Srpske pg 3 ‘Signatures to laws today’ – The BiH Defense Reform Commission will formally adopt the Draft Law, which it has been developing during last seven months, at a signing ceremony scheduled for Monday, stated NATO Headquarters in Sarajevo. The Draft Law foresees abolishment of the entity Ministries of Defence, entity command and the regular military service/conscription, and it introduces a single budget and chain of command at the state level. New BiH professional armed forces should not have more than 10.000 soldiers. Oslobodjenje pg 2, mentioned on cover ‘Agreement on military to be signed today? A. Prlenda – The daily quotes a source close to the BiH Presidency as saying that the leaders of ruling political arties in BiH met last week in an attempt to agree on the amendments to the Defense Law. The source could not confirm if anything was agreed at the meeting. The Defense Reform Commission members also did not want to give any details about the meeting. However, one of them told the daily that the main disputes are related to the units that should represent a continuation of the current components of the armed forces in BiH: RS Army, BiH Army and HVO i.e will the current components remain existing? |
Nikolic: HVO must preserve its identity
| Dnevni List pg 5, mentioned on cover ‘Nikolic: HVO must preserve its identity’ by M. Karacic – Federation of BiH Defence Minister Miroslav Nikolic stated that the agreement on the defence reform should be signed on Monday (today). Nikolic added that he would support the agreement only if the agreement does not imply abolishment of the HVO identity and the identity of other 2 components. Nikolic stressed that playing of ceremonious songs during the oath-taking ceremonies (Serb and Croat anthems) would be also defined by the agreement. |
RS Defence Minister Stankovic on DRC proposal
| EuroBlic RSpg 1 ‘Army without recruits as of January’ by Rajna Radosavljevic, Srpski Nacional pg 10 ‘Republika Srpska without protection’ – Apart from carrying NATO press release, dailies carry statement of Milovan Stankovic, RS Defence Minister, has stated that DRC proposal stipulates the abolishment of the conscription and reserve and establishment of professional armed forces, that would number around 10 thousand members. He has noted: “The current proposal of DRC does not coincide with the RS NA conclusions, especially in the part referring to transfer of authority. Hence, the abolishment of RS Defence Ministry will again depend on RS NA decision.” He has also noted that NATO did not accept any proposal regarding display of identification, religion or letters. |
Entity parliamentarians announce adoption of defence reform
| Nezavisne Novine pg 4 ‘No discussions on defence reform before Parliaments before autumn time’ by R.Cengic – Daily refers to delegates at both entity parliaments (Sadik Ahmetovic from SDA, Marin Vucer from SDS at RS NA and Nermin Vila at F BiH Parliament) claiming that the defence reform stipulating the abolishment of entity defence ministries and armies will be passed on the basis of practical reasons. Ahmetovic notes that “RS NA will adopt defence reform, but it will most certainly slow down police reform.” Vucer notes there are pressures from DRC regarding the adoption of the Law by middle September. Daily notes delegates reject any possibility of having this issue discussed within shortened procedure. |
Pol. parties on today’s meeting of DRC
| Nezavisne Novine pg 4 ‘SDS says Parliaments should reach decisions’ by V.Popovic – The representatives of the majority of political aprties in BiH (Sefket Hahizovic from SDA, Radovan Bjelogrlic from SNSD, Slobodan Popovic from SDP of BiH) share the view that today’s session of the DRC would see signing of the final text of the Report of DRC, which will – in the form of proposed shape and organisation of armed forces – be forwarded for parliament procedure and hence terminate the existence of entity defence ministries and entity armies. Stanko Pivasevic from SDS notes that SDS sticks to its position that RS Defence Ministry and RS Army cannot be abolished without decision of RS NA. Mladjen Zaric, PDP Vice President, says PDP remains faithful to its stance RS Defence Ministry must remain. Petar Djokic from SPRS says that ruling parties have cheated on electorate, since they promised completely different reform concept. Drago Kalabic from DNS says: “It is shameful that SDS reaches solutions in a primitive manner through deceits and frauds.” |
UNDP: Croats most loyal to national politics
| Dnevni List pg 7, mentioned on cover ‘Croats most loyal to national politics’ by I. Rozic carries results of the UNDP’s research of the BiH social and political scene. Among the other things, the research showed that when the loyalty to the national parties is in question, Croats are the most loyal to the national politics, while Serbs and Bosniaks slowly distance themselves from the national parties. |
HR Ashdown to address BiH HoR on July 19
| Pink, BHT, Hayat, RTRS, Oslobodjenje pg 2 ‘Discussion on the HR’s mandate/powers’, Dnevni List pg 5 ‘Addressing HoR’ by NINA, Vecernji List pg 4 ‘Ashdown to address BiH Parliament tomorrow’ by f, Nezavisne Novine pg 4 ‘Ashdown to address BiH Parliament tomorrow’ by Agencies, FENA – High Representative Paddy Ashdown will address the BiH Parliamentary Assembly’s House of Representatives in Sarajevo on Tuesday when the chamber will examine the attitude of BiH institutions towards the mandate of the High Representative, the OHR announced on Sunday. The High Representative welcomes and encourages this debate as part of the process of BiH becoming a complete state. Ten years have passed since the |
Comments on BiH HoR’s session on HR’s mandate
| EuroBlic RSpg 2 ‘Dayton stone in Bosnian shoe’ by Mirna Soja – Milorad Zivkovic, SNSD delegate at the BiH Parliament says that the conclusion of the BiH Parliament’ Commission for Foreign Affairs (framed in document “Relation of BiH institutions towards HR’s mandate to BiH” on agenda of 19th July session of BiH HoR) are aimed at re-launching initiative for the change of BiH Constitution, since it promotes reduction of HR’s powers parallelly with reform of BiH Constitution. Zivkovic says it is completely wrong to bring these two issues in connection. Furthermore, representatives of political parties at BiH HoR have already announced they would not vote for these conclusions (Tihomir Gligoric from SPRS named). |
HR Ashdown in private visit to Mostar
| Oslobodjenje pg 2 ‘In private visit to Mostar’, Dnevni Avaz pg 2, mentioned on cover ‘Ashdown toured Stari Most’, Dnevni List pg 13, mentioned on cover ‘Ashdown: UNESCO would help unification of Mostar’ by E. Milavic – Two days after Mostar was placed on the UNESCO’s list of protected cultural heritage, High Representative Paddy Ashdown visited Mostar with his family. Among the other things, the HR stated: ‘I hope that placing of Mostar and the |
DA: Op-ed by EU’s Rehn on reconciliation in BiH, way to EU
| Dnevni Avaz pg 8 ‘Way to Europe through reconciliation’, mentioned on cover ‘I am well familiar with reconciliation pain’ carries an editorial signed by European Enlargement Commissioner Oli Rehn who, among the other things, writes about the Srebrenica commemoration and says that it is our duty to remember the Srebrenica tragedy so that it does not happen again. Rehn believes that this commemoration contributes to reconciliation and that ethnic hatred and destructive nationalism must be buried. Rehn also says that reconciliation is a very painful process after such terrible war, but it is the process, which is necessary. He added: ‘The EU, as the biggest project of peace and reconciliation that has been launched so far, can testify and serve as an example of the things that can be achieved.’ |
Jose Cutiliero on first peace plan for BiH offered
| EuroBlic pg 2, announced on cover “The USA encouraged Izetbegovic to refuse the offered peace plan for BiH’ by Nikola M.Jovanovic – In a statement to daily, Jose Cutiliero, the author of the first plan of the international community for BiH, says that if Serbs, Bosniaks and Croats had accepted the plan offered to them, the war in BiH would have been avoided and reconciliation process would have proceeded far more smoothly. He stresses that if plan had been adopted, there would have been no war neither Srebrenica. He notes that the Americans have encouraged leader of Bosniaks Alija Izetbegovic to refuse the offered peace plan. |
Adnan Terzic: I am concerned about the BiH Presidency’s position
| Dnevni Avaz cover page, pg 2 ‘Adnan Terzic: I am concerned about the BiH Presidency’s position’ – “If the BiH Presidency believe that I should resolves crisis in Council of Ministers with parties from RS then we will do it that way. It is simply unbelievable that they (BiH Presidency members) are now trying to distance themselves from the issue,” BiH CoM Chairman Adnan Terzic said in a statement for the daily. He adds that this would not be the first time he must resolve certain issue by his own. Note that Terzic refers to Friday statement by BiH Presidency member Suljeman Tihic in which he said that the current crisis in CoM should be resolved by Terzic and Serb political parties from RS. |
NN op-ed critical of Cavic/IC
| Nezavisne Novine op-ed pg 7 ‘Cavic’s hostages’ by Aleksandar Sekulic – The author stresses that everything ahs been forgiven to Dragan Cavic, who is now keeping the international community to BiH as a hostage since the key of reforms in BiH, as well as the key of success of the world diplomacy in this state, is in the hands of RS President. The author stresses this has clearly pointed at hypocritical policy of IC, who has in public praised the opposition while making secret agreement with the SDS and other creators of the most notorious war destructions and criminal networks. |
ESI’s Knauss on
| Nezavisne Novine pg 6, announced on cover ‘Dayton Agreement can only be changed with some new international conference’ by V.Popovic – In an interview to daily, Gerald Knauss, President of the Executive Board of the European Stability Initiative (ESI) says that RS will not be abolished, since such action would demand assent of all sides in BiH, adding: “The Dayton Peace Agreement is a historical document and it cannot be changed unless some new international conference, that nobody wishes and that will never take place, is held.” He assesses BiH is nowadays more isolated than it used to be few years ago, stressing it is not late as yet to compensate for the time lost. |
HJPC President Peric says HJPC is an independent body
| Dnevni Avaz pg 5 ‘Ashdown insists that foreign judges must be as responsible as the domestic ones’ – BiH High Judicial and Prosecutorial Council President Branko Peric said in an interview with the daily that the HJPC had become a fully independent body without any political influence on its work. Peric also said that they had in general very good experience with international judges and prosecutors particularly because HR Paddy Ashdown insisted that the same standards regarding the appointments and responsibility were applied on the internationals as on the domestic judges and prosecutors. |
Nikola Radovanovic: BiH soldiers in | BHT Damir Simic – BiH Minister of Defence, Nikola Radovanovic, stated after visiting |
Reactions on proposal of RS Gov. reg. RS holidays
| Nezavisne Novine pg 6 ‘RS Government has showed frivolity by proposing Day of army and police’ by V.P. – Daily carries comments of political officials (Stanko Pivasevic from SDS, Petar Djokic from SPRS, Mladen Zaric from PDP, Drago Kalabic from DNS, Slobodan Popovic from SDP of BiH, Nikola Spiric from SNSD, Sefket Hafizovic from SDA)regarding the proposal of the RS Government Law on Holidays (according to which 12 May would be celebrated as RS Army Day and 4 April and RS Police Day). Politicians say RS Government has demonstrated a maximal level of frivolity and triviality by having proposed this. |
War Crimes | |
NATO forces in BiH release Karadzic’s son
| RHB, Pink, BHT, Hayat, FTV, RTRS, Oslobodjenje pg 3 ‘NATO release Aleksandar Karadzic’, Dnevni Avaz pg 4, mentioned on cover, Dnevni List pg 4 ‘Sasa Karadzic released’ by NINA, Slobodna Dalmacija pg 5 ‘NATO released Karadzic’s son’ by H,Glas Srpske pg 2 ‘Sasa Karadzic released’ by S.Sekara, Srpski Nacional pg 2 Sasa arrived home!’ by U.Mrdic, EuroBlic RSpg 2 ‘NATo released Aleksandar Karadzic’, SRNA – NATO forces in BiH early on Sunday released Aleksandar Sasa Karadzic, Radovan Karazdic‘s son, who was suspected of aiding war crime indictees, NATO has confirmed. “Aleksandar Karadzic was treated in line with International Humanitarian Law and a delegation from the International Committee of the Red Cross has visited the detainee,” the spokesman of NATO forces in BiH, Derek Chappell, said in a statement. |
Italian daily publishes Karadzic’s letters to his wife
| Oslobodjenje pg 3, mentioned on cover ‘Karadzic claims The Hague will never prove his guiltiness’, Vecernje Novosti pg 7, announced on cover ‘Not so much time for response’ by Zeljko Pantelic – Daily re-reports letters Radovan Karadzic addressed to his wife, and which EUFOR seized during one of searches. The letters were reported by Italian weekly “espresso”. The letters carries advises Radovan gives to his wife ranging from political to family related. |
Serbian official on arrest of Mladic
| Vecernje Novosti cover pg splash, pg 2 ‘Mladic is not a condition’ by Dubravka Vujinovic – In a page-long interview to daily, Trivo Indjic, Advisor to Serbian President, says that the launchment of talks with EU is not connected with the issue of Ratko Mladic, adding that talks will not take place soon or succeed unless issue of arrest and cooperation with the ICTY are settled. |
NATO SG says Mladic might soon be arrested
| Nezavisne Novine pg 2 ‘Indications from Belgrade Mladic would be arersted’ by N.N. – Jaap de Hoop Scheffer, NATO Secretary General, stated in an interview to Television B92 that there are certain indications from Belgrade Ratko Mladic might soon be arrested, adding: “Mladic should be in The Hague even before he is there – this condition remains.” |
BiH Registry Office Head Johnson says
| Dnevni Avaz pg 5 ‘ |
Former UN military observer on Srebrenica
| Glas Srpske pg 5 ‘Comparison as a lesson’ by Carlos Martins Branko – The author of this sort of introductory note is the UN military observer, who speaks about the fall of Srebrenica, a text of which was first published seven years ago. He stresses he has no intention to speculate on number of victims, noting it is clear these figures are used for propaganda purposes and do not help to understand the conflict in former Yugoslavia states. He stresses there is no doubt almost 2 thousand BiH Muslims died during clashes with better trained RS Army, raising the issue of time frame during which they died. Glas Srpske pg 5 ‘They did not do anything’ by Carlos Martins Branko Part 1 – Writing about Srebrenica, the author stresses that discussions on Srebrencia cannot be limited to genocide and mass graves, noting that majority of reports is limited to media reports without thorough analysis. He notes that defence of Srebrenica would make it public that protected zones were not demilitarized at all as it was claimed and the military resistance would have jeopardised the image of “victim” that was carefully designed. |
Lawyer Ivanovic on circumstances of Gorvina’s runaway
| Vecernji List cover pg splash ‘I am running away because they want to kill me’ and pgs 14 and 15 ‘They want to kill me and not arrest me’ by D. Ivankovic carries lawyer Marin Ivanovic who was with ICTY fugitive Anto Gotovina on the night when Gotovina ran away. Ivanovic said that on that night the Croatian Parliament had an extraordinary session and before |
Economic/Social Issues | |
Oslobodjenje: New airport in Visoko to be constructed in three years?
| Oslobodjenje cover page, pgs 4-5 ‘New airport in Visoko to be constructed in three years? – According to the daily, a long-standing idea on construction of the Airport in Visoko has been closer and closer to its realization. The potential investors include MIS AG America Inc. supported by Seabury Group. The investment would amount up to KM 500 million. Zenica-Doboj Canton Government has supported the project and Prime Minister Nedzad Polic has promised to the potential investors he would as soon as possible initiate a meeting with representatives of all level of authorities in BiH to discuss the issue. |
SD: Interview with General Manager of ‘Aluminij’ M. Brajkovic
| Slobodna Dalmacija pgs 8 and 9 ‘Workers from |
Miscellaneous | |
On problems to enter
| Dnevni List cover pg splash and pg 3 ‘Entering to Croatia full of unpleasantness for BiH citizens’ by A. Beus carries that the Croatian State Border Service officers were checking in details BiH citizens who were entering Croatia on Sunday at the border crossing Crveni Grm and for this reason it took hours for BiH citizens to enter Croatia. DL concludes that the goal of the Croatian side was to make so-called BiH weekend tourists (who go to the coast during the weekend only) that they give up their visit to |
Bulgarian police arrested BiH citizen at border crossing point Kapetan Andrejevo | Nezavisne Novine cover pg splash ‘BiH citizen attempted to smuggle 41 kg of heroin from Turkey’ by R.Segrt – The Bulgarian police arrested Sunday 41-year old citizen of BiH with initials A.M., who attempted to smuggle 41 kg and 340 grams of heroin from Turkey to BiH. |
Analyst Copley says British and US Governments hiding evidence on terrorist network in BiH | Glas Srpske pg 5 ‘AN open door to Jihad’ by D.Majstorovic – The US weekly “defence and Foreign Affairs” has recently published that the British and American Government are trying to hide evidence on creation and existence of terrorist network in BiH. According to report, they are also trying to isolate those officials, who might raise the issue of their political correctness in this case. The author of the analysis is Gregory Copley. |