
OHR BiH Media Round-up, 18/5/2006


Latest radio news broadcast at 12.00 onMay 18, 2006


BH Radio 1 (12,00 hrs)

RTRS (12,00 hrs)

BiH HoR on confidence in BiH CoM

BiH HoR assesses work of BiH CoM

RS Govt committed to reforms

Terzic on BiH- CRO borders at sea

Borovcanin denied pre-trial release

BiH HoR to hold session

Outbreak of cholera in Angola

‘Osvetnici’ sentenced to 15-20 years

ICTY rejects temporary release claim

TV news broadcast on May 17, 2006


TV PINK (18,00 hrs)

BHT 1 (19,00 hrs)

Jovic to attend Stolac manifestation

Explosive devices not set in BL

PDP supports  Terzic’s removal

Rupel meets Del Ponte

Financial support to BiH Judiciary

RS NA on transfer of authorities

HNC Unions on HNC Government

Issue of BiH border with Croatia

HJPC on RS Special Prosecutors

Peric’s letter to Ceric

Conference on bankruptcy proceed.

Donor conf. on judiciary reform


NTV Hayat (19,00 hrs)

FTV (19,30 hrs)

RTRS (19,30 hrs)

First election applications

Protests of workers in Lukavac

HJPC disputed appointments

Requests for Terzic’s dismissal

“Agrokomerc” workers in strike

RSNA in session

BIH farmers announce protests

Liquidation processes in BiH

Live from the RSNA session

Tender for BIH passports

New meeting on “Energopetrol”

Kovacevic on alleged prep. of assas.



[BiH CoM Chair Terzic] Croatia is trying to close BiH at sea

Dnevni Avaz

[EU Parliament’s reporter Fava] CIA had multiple flights over BiH

Dnevni List

Croat returnees live nearby mines (problem with mines in Brcko district)

Vecernji List

Sanader can help BiH (Schwarz-Schilling interview)

Slobodna Dalmacija

Boy ran away from kidnappers (attempt of kidnapping in Livno)

Nezavisne Novine

Conflict over Judge Simmons

Glas Srpske

Agreement is unacceptable


EUFOR was violating mandate, everybody is evading truth

Vecernje novosti

Features Serbian related topics



BiH CoM Chair: It is unserious to try to vote no confidence in BiH CoM at time of SAA talks

RTRS – Adnan Terzic, BiH CoM Chair, has today stated that it is unserious that the BiH Parliamentary Assembly is trying to vote no-confidence in the BiH CoM, that is currently engaged in talks with the EU on SAA .


ICTY rejects motion for temporary release of Borovcanin


BH Radio 1, RTRS – The Hague Tribunal has rejected the motion for temporary release filed by former Deputy Commander of RS MoI Special Brigade Ljubomir Borvcanin, charged with genocide in Srebrenica. The Judges concluded that if detainee were temporary released, he would not respond to court summons for trials.


Political issues

BiH HoR to discuss confidence vote to CoM on Thursday/ PDP to support vote announcing all RS parties would do the same



























BHT1- At the BiH House of Representatives’ session scheduled for Thursday, the Deputies should cast a confidence vote to BiH Council of Ministers and its Chair Adnan Terzic. The initiative for the Terzic’s removal was submitted by a Mixed Club within the BiH HoR composed of Tihomir Gligoric, Mirko Blagojevic and Petar Kunic. PDP stated on Wednesday that the Deputies of this party are going to join the initiative for the Terzic’s removal and a confidence vote to BiH CoM.  PDP believes that the lack of efficiency of the BiH CoM is Terzic’s responsibility. PDP Deputy Jelina Djurkovic stressed that Terzic has left the position of “primus inter pares” two years ago, and started working on his own. BiH HoR Deputy Vinko Radovanovic stated that Terzic’s independent acting, arrogant behaviour and office abuse provide sufficient ground for his removal. SDA deputy Sefik Dzaferovic stated that, according to SDA, there is no a single reason for dismissal of the BiH CoM and Terzic. SDP leader Zlatko Lagumdzija said that the parties, which started the initiative for dismissal of BiH CoM should immediately come with a proposal on a new CoM in order to avoid further crisis. Commenting on the PDP’s announcement, Terzic stated that the BiH CoM is not worried about the next session of the BiH HoR. “If Deputies believe that we are not doing a good job, we will withdraw from our positions with pleasure”, said Terzic. The Association of old foreign currency depositors in BiH and Diaspora, who believe that the present BiH CoM is a group of individuals who only represent their personal or party interests, also supports initiative for dismissal. RTRS – Djurkovic said that Terzic should have initiated dismissal of Joly Dixon, Indirect Taxation Administration Steering Board Chair, but he has failed to do so. SDP will also vote no-confidence to the CoM and Terzic. “After these results that we have behind us, I doubt that the BiH Parliament would vote non-confidence. But in BiH all is possible”, said Terzic. Hayat – Radovanovic stresses that Terzic does not have majority in the BiH Parliament and reminded that Terzic still has not appointed a replacement for the BiH Minister of Foreign Affairs Mladen Ivanic who is performing his duty in the technical mandate. “The CoM with Ivanic in the technical mandate has led BiH towards the EU doors”, says Terzic. PDP stated that RS parties will vote no confidence to Terzic. Dnevni List, pg 3, mentioned on front ‘Council of Ministers crumbling?!’, by D. P. MandicBeriz Belkic (SBiH) says his party will not support the initiative, since there are no arguments for BiH to be left without the Government 5 months prior to the elections since the initiators do not offer any alternative. Martin Raguz (HDZ 1990) says his party has no official position yet, adding that the party will listen to arguments related to the work of the BiH CoM, its relations towards the Parliament and dedication to reforms. Nezavisne Novine pg 5 ‘With difficulties to majority for removal of Terzic’ by M. CubroSDS’s Momcilo Novakovic confirmed majority of FBiH delegates will not support the initiative for removal of Terzic, noting the CoM has no legitimacy because there are two outgoing Ministers while Serb Ministers do not have a support of RS parties. SPRS’s Tihomir Gligoric stated RS parties would support the initiative while votes of FBiH parties are still uncertain. HDZ 1990’s Martin Raguz said 5 months before the elections it would be more important to point on irregularities than to remove the Government. SDA and SBiH announced they would not support the initiative. EuroBlic pg RS3 ‘CoM on check-up today’ by D. S. and N. B., Nezavisne Novine pg 5 ‘With difficulties to majority for removal of Terzic’ by M. Cubro, Glas Srpske cover pg ‘Again on removal of Terzic’ – PDP Djurkovic and SDPLagumdzijaon removal of Terzic; Dnevni Avaz pg 3 ‘PDP would vote for replacement of Adnan Terzic’ Insets ‘Initiative would be rejected’ and ‘Belkic: we see no better solution”- carry statements of Dzaferovic and Belkic’ respectively. Dnevni Avaz pg 3 ‘PDP would vote for replacement of Adnan Terzic’ by H.Orahovac carriesDjurkovic and Radovanovic’s statements. DA inset ‘Zoric: we would abstain’- Head of Croat caucus in BiH HoR Vinko Zoric said that this Caucus has no desire to compose some new CoM and announced that five Mps of this Caucus would abstain from voting or would vote against the initiative for casTing of no-confidence vote. Oslobodjenje pg 7, mentioned on cover ‘Adnan Terzic should go’ by A.T.– Djurkovic and Radovanovic’

CoM Chair Terzic: Reasons for the initiative are clear, we stripped power from smaller entity


Dnevni Avaz pg 3 ‘Terzic: I do not expect that vote of no-confidence to the CoM would pass’ by S.S.– Council of Ministers Chair Adnan Terzic said that he does not expect that no-confidence vote would pass the BiH House of Representatives, stressing that motives for launching of this initiative are crystal clear. ‘It is certain that one Government, which stripped the power of a smaller BiH entity in many segments…cannot gain sympathies of those that sit in the BiH Parliament and come from the RS” said Terzic. He added that anything can happen, but…”If deputies feel that we are not doing our job, we would gladly withdraw ourselves from the positions and allow arrival of those that would do it better then we did”.

HR Schwarz-Schilling interview prior to visiting Zagreb : I will tell PM Sanader what he can do


Vecernji List, front pg splash and pg 6 ‘Sanader can help BiH’, by Dejan Jazvic – carries an interview with the High Representative, Christian Schwarz-Schilling, prior to his departure for Zagreb that is to take place today (Thursday) where he is to meet, among others, with the Croatian PM, Ivo Sanader. Asked what he would tell the PM, the HR says ‘’(…) I will tell PM Sanader what I think he should support or initiate, and in return I expect from him to tell me what he thinks I should do. We will talk about the role of the Catholic Church and bishops, constitutional changes and situation in Mostar. I believe there are issues related to situation in BiH in which PM Sanader can help and I will tell him that”.

Issues of borderlines with Croatia in Kostajnica and Kozarska Dubica prove that many people in Sarajevo see protection of BiH interests as denial of RS’ interests – said RS President Cavic


PINK – RS President Dragan Cavic said that BiH institutions are competent to solve problems of the municipalities of Kostajnica, Novi Grad and Kozarska Dubica, resulting from the Agreement on border between BiH and Croatia . It was emphasised that 1600 km of border between BiH and Croatia is not disputable and that problem is reflected through lower current of Una river, where border passes from one to another side of the river on 20 locations. According to the Agreement that was signed in 1997, Croatia enters urban area of Kozarska Dubica and Kostajnica. If this Agreement were applied, both municipalities would collapse infrastructural and communal regard. “This problem includes the whole border, not only these municipalities, from Neum through Martinbrod, at many locations. This is why this Agreement has never been fully applied except here in Kostajnica… BiH got resources, BiH built bridge and after that Croatia registered bridge as its property [in Kostajnica]. This proves readiness of many people in Sarajevo to understand the politics of BiH interests’ protection as denial of RS’ interests. They believe that it is good to give something to Croatia and that way cause problems to Serb municipalities”, said Cavic. BiH Minister of Foreign Affairs Mladen Ivanic believes that this issue should be solved by the agreement. Dnevni Avaz pg 2 ‘Border on Una river is not logical’ – Ivanic’s statement. RTRS – “There is a possibility of incident here every day. It is not good for neighbouring relations. This is not the RS problem, this is the BiH problem”, said Cavic. Dnevni List pg 4 ‘Problems of borderlines with Croatia’ not signed, Glas Srpske cover pg splash ‘Agreement is unacceptable’ by V. Babic, Nezavisne Novine pg 3 ‘The border is making citizens’ lives more difficult’ by D. Kondic – also report

BiH CoM Chair Terzic: Croatia is trying to close BiH at sea


Oslobodjenje cover splash, pgs 4-5 ‘Croatia is trying to close BiH at sea’ by Azhar Kalamujic – BiH Council of Ministers Chair Adnan Terzic told the daily that the demand for talks’ re-launch on the interstate border in the Neum region, made by the Croatian Government, “is a try to close our country at see, i.e. to be deprived of a status of maritime state.” Terzic confirms that the BiH Border Commission provided him a line of evidence proving that cape of Klek and two islands Veliki and Mali Skolj are within the BiH territory, adding that there would be no new negotiations with Croatia regarding this issue. Two states already signed interstate border agreement in 1999. Terzic noted: “It is peculiar that thr Croatian Government comes out with new proposals regarding Neum-border, only month after Croatian Prime Minister Ivo Sanader stated that 2 states have defined the border.” Terzic said that the Peljesac bridge will probably be built, but not without an approval from BiH. Asked to comment on the Port Ploce issue, Terzic said that he has no intention to reopen negotiations on that issue again, since Croatia has been postponing ratification of the agreement that had already been made. “It seems like international treaties signed by Croatia are valid only for one Government’s composition. What would Brussels say if BiH would act in similar way and quit the Treaty on free trade with Croatia?, concluded Terzic.

RSNA rejects RS Government’s report on effects of transferring authorities from RS to BiH level/MPs claim that administrative costs have increased proportionally to each transfer


BHT1 – At the session held on Wednesday, RS National Assembly rejected the information of the RS Government on effects of decisions on transfer of authorities from the RS to BiH level. SDA Deputy Tarik Sadovic believes that this transfer is effective, because it strengthens BiH. SDS Deputy Borislav Bojic stated that the EU is moving towards regionalisation. However, explained Bojic, SDS deputies voted against the information because it did not include a comparison of costs before and after transferring. According to this information, the RS has been increasing the administration costs proportionally with the transfer of authorities to the state level in period since 2001. PDP deputy Nevenka Trifkovic stated that the information is correct, and in accordance with a request of the RS NA. RS Minister for Economic Relations and Coordination Jasna Brkic stated that RS Government is going to continue with monitoring of efficiency of state institutions. SRS believes that all authorities should be returned from the state to the entity level. SBiH believes that the transfer of authorities should continue, stating the implementation of VAT as a positive example of centralisation.

HR Schwarz-Schilling interview prior to visiting Zagreb : I will not hesitate to point finger at failures in Mostar if necessary


Vecernji List, front pg splash and pg 6 ‘Sanader can help BiH’, by Dejan Jazvic – carries an interview with the High Representative, Christian Schwarz-Schilling, prior to his departure for Zagreb. Responding to press question what he would do regarding situation in Mostar, the HR says “we will considerably focus on situation in Mostar”, however the HR underlines there is no other way but for the local authorities to assume responsibility for what they are doing. In that context, the HR says if someone wants Mostar to fail, to have a divided city, he will not hesitate to stress it, which will undermine the authorities’ credibility prior to the forthcoming elections.

DL: Mostar budget to be adopted at next session of City Council


Dnevni List, pg 10 ‘City budget to be adopted soon?’, not signed – DL learns from sources close to the OHR that the Mostar City Council MCC) could adopt the city budget for 2006 at its next session. Apparently, following a strong pressure exerted by the OHR and their party HQ, SDA Councillors in the MCC decided to give in and support the proposal of the budget. DL notes it was the Vice President of SDA, Bakir Izetbegovic, who was instrumental in ‘disciplining’ the SDA of Mostar related to the budget, unification of Mostar institutions and creating better climate in Mostar. DL also notes that Izetbegovic indirectly asked that the leader of SDA Mostar, Zijad Hadziomerovic, stood down. Inset ‘Mostar comes under supervision?’ – notes that should the blockade of Mostar institutions continue, the HR, Christian Schwarz-Schilling, will propose to the Peace Implementation Council 2 solutions, namely early elections for Mostar or introduction of international supervisor until the Mostar Statute is fully implemented. DL however comments the latter is highly unlikely given the reduction of the role of the OHR and IC in BiH.

HDZ 1990’s Ljubic: We advocate unification of Mostar


Danas, pgs 22-25 ‘B. Ljubic: HDZ 1990 will strongly advocate for unification of Mostar’, not signed – carries an interview with the leader of HDZ 1990, Bozo Ljubic, in which he mostly reiterates statements pertaining to establishment of HDZ 1990 and rejection of constitutional amendments. Questioned about the position of HDZ 1990 regarding situation in Mostar, Ljubic says he proposed back in 2000 a platform on unification of Mostar, which included the abolishment of 6 municipalities and national parallelisms and unification of Mostar as one functional unit, the platform he has supported until present days.

DL: HDZ’s Covic offering coalition to SNSD and SDP after failing to form grand Croat coalition


Dnevni List, pg 9 ‘Covic ‘offering’ himself to Lagumdzija and Dodik’, by Z. Jukic – According to DL’s sources, after failing to gather a grand Croat coalition that would foremost include the NHI, the leader of HDZ BiH, Dragan Covic, is these days offering coalition to leaders of SNSD and SDP, Milorad Dodik and Zlatko Lagumdzija respectively in which Covic is allegedly prepared to make all sorts of concessions. Apparently, SNSD does not mind such coalition, however SDP is having a second thought since SDP has been saying it would not form coalitions with national parties, since it could cause displeasure within SDP membership. DL also notes that in order to win Lagumdzija over, Covic has started lobbying with the IC officials using the argument that his party strongly supported the concept of constitutional changes. Inset ‘Cardinal distances himself from Covic’ notes that Covic’s HDZ has been particularly shaken after Cardinal Vinko Puljic withheld his support to HDZ BiH.

Danas speculates with names of candidates for Croat member of BIH Presidency: Jurisic, Tadic, Krizanovic, Lozancic and Ljubic in race for BiH Presidency


Danas, front pg splash and pgs 14-17 ‘Jurisic, Tadic, Krizanovic, Lozancic and Ljubic in race for BiH Presidency’, by Z. Jukic speculates with names of possible candidates for the office of Croat member of BiH Presidency, saying that HSP Djapic-Jurisic is planning to nominate its leader, Zvonko Jurisic, Croat Coalition for Changes (consisting of HSS, HKDU, HD and HDU) plans to nominate the HSS leader Marko Tadic, HDZ 1990 will most likely nominate its leader Bozo Ljubic although Martin Raguz is not completely out of picture, whilst the most interesting situation is in HDZ BiH since its leader Dragan Covic is burdened with several criminal reports, therefore there are several possible candidates including Ivo Miro Jovic, Niko Lozancic and Miroslav Coric. According to Danas’ sources in SDP, should the party decide to run for the office, its candidate will be Jozo Krizanovic. It would also appear that the SDP would not run for the office of a Bosniak member of the BiH Presidency.

SP Petar Djokic: We do not want coalition with SDS in FBiH


Oslobodjenje pg 8 ‘Time of divisions in BiH has passed’ by A.T. – BiH Socialist Party leader Petar Djokic told press conference that this party will consider possibility of forming ‘patriotic block of Serb parties’ for the October elections in the FBiH, adding that there will be no joint lists with SDS: “We have no intention to save a disastrous politics. With its moves, SDS made great damage to Serb people and state of BiH.”

British Ambassador Rycroft: Brussels ’ magnet has attracting power to stimulate regional countries to implement reforms necessary for their membership


Oslobodjenje pg 2 ‘European policy of enlargement is right’, Dnevni Avaz pg 4 ‘EU should not raise ramps for Western Balkans countries’, Nezavisne Novine pg 3 ‘Correct European enlargement policy’ by N. N. – At the international conference on Western Balkans organized by Hungarian European Society in Budapest on Wednesday, British Ambassador Matthew Rycroftstressed that the European policy of enlargement is right and that it must continue. Rycroft said that the EU and NATO could use the influence they have in the region: “Brussels’ magnet has attracting power to stimulate regional countries to implement reforms necessary for their membership. The EU enlargement towards Western Balkans countries will not be more complex nor will it last longer than the enlargement towards the Central European countries two years ago… We should not raise ramps to make progress of candidates harder., nor should we allow them to get under the ramps before they are ready.

Reis Ceric: BiH has reasons to become full member of OIC


Slobodna Dalmacija, pg 13 ‘Ceric wants BiH in Organization of Islamic Conference’, by H – The leader of Islamic community in BiH, Reis-ul-ulema, Mustafa eff. Ceric, stated in an interview for ‘TV Mostar’ on Tuesday night that BiH had reasons to become a full member of the Organization of Islamic Conference because “more than half of citizens in it are Muslims”. SD notes that Ceric did not state under whose data Muslims make more than 50% of the citizens in BiH. (also reported in Vecernji List, pg 20 ‘BiH is alliance of Islamic countries’, by H, Vjesnik, pg 12 ‘Ceric wants BiH to become part of OIC’, by Alenko Zornija)


Constitutional changes/Police reform

BiH Presidency Chair Tihic: Path to Europe impossible without constitutional changes




Nezavisne Novine pg 3 ‘Path to Europe is impossible without changes to Constitution’ by Fena, Dnevni Avaz pg 5 ‘Tihic: I hope that amendments will be practiced at elections’ by L.S., Dnevni List pg 9 ‘Way towards EU impossible without amendments to Constitution’ not signed  – Chairman of BiH Presidency Sulejman Tihic on Wednesday stated he believes it is in the interest of all citizens and peoples of BiH, as well as in the interest of the state, to adopt amendments to the BiH Constitution and to hold the October elections in accordance with these amendments. Tihic especially noted the current Constitution provides the state with “extremely reduced” competences and one cannot even imagine pre-requisites that would be set for BiH might be efficiently and quickly fulfilled with such competences.

BiH Presidency Chair Tihic answering speculations regarding his visit to USA : I demanded support in further reform, and I received it/ Leaders of parties that signed Agreement on const. changes will meet on May 23


Oslobodjenje pg 3, mentioned on cover ‘I demanded from USA further support to constitutional changes’ by A.Omeragic – BiH Presidency Chair Sulejman Tihic told  that leaders of parties that signed the Agreement on constitutional changes will meet on May 23, when they will discuss possibilities of adopting constitutional amendments before the October elections. Tihic added that he has a concrete suggestion, refusing to come up with details before meeting political parties’ leaders. Denying all speculations and political attacks regarding his visit to the USA, Tihic stressed: “I demanded USA to help constitutional changes. I said that 60% of representatives in the Parliament vote in favour of the amendments and that most of citizens support changes. I explained that it would be damaging for BiH if in 2006, the authorities would be formed following the old system… I demanded support from the USA in further reform, and I received it.” Tihic also announced talks with the representatives of the parties that were against the proposed amendments to the BiH Constitution.

SNSD Secretary General Vasic:No talks on constitutional changes before elections


Dnevni Avaz pg 5 ‘Constitution cannot be discussed in corners’ by Fena – SNSD Secretary General Rajko Vasic told at the press conference on Wednesday, that as far as his party is concerned, activities regarding constitutional changes before the October elections are over. He added that only the Constitution adopted in Parliaments could be a valid legal act, while all other actions are similar to political improvisation and imposition. Vasic stressed that all negotiations on constitutional reform must be led in Parliaments, and not “in corners”. Oslobodjenje pg 7 ‘No talks on constitutional changes before elections’

HR Schwarz-Schilling interview prior to visiting Zagreb : Const. reform after elections


Vecernji List, front pg splash and pg 6 ‘Sanader can help BiH’, by Dejan Jazvic – carries an interview with the HR, Christian Schwarz-Schilling, prior to his departure to Zagreb . Inset ‘Constitutional changes after elections’ – the HR was asked whether it is realistic that the constitutional amendments would be supported in the BiH Parliament before the October elections, to which he replied that he did not believe in success of the whole package. However, the HR believes parts of the said package, such as human rights issues, harmonization of BiH Constitution to requests of the Council of Europe can be adopted before the elections. The constitutional reforms itself, notes the HR, will be on agenda after the elections.

MP in European Parliament Swoboda criticizes US administration for trying to impose const. changes

Vecernji List, pg 2 ‘American pressure was wrong’, by Zoran Kresic – MP in the European Parliament and the Parliament’s Deputy President of the Committee for South-east Europe, Hannes Swoboda, on Wednesday stated that the US administration was wrong to force BiH politicians to accept constitutional changes that were not acceptable to certain groups. “It was stupid to impose constitutional changes from the outside. They must find solutions themselves”, said Swoboda.

SBiH leader Halilovic: Every compromise with RSNA’s stance regarding police reform would mean quitting model that implies BiH as sovereign state


Dnevni Avaz pg 5 ‘RS is constantly imposing thesis that BiH is a confederation’ by Edina Sarac – In an interview SBiH leader Safet Halilovic said that the police reform issue is a test to valuate real intentions of RS politicians and relevant international figures: “If the international factor allows the police reform model advocated by the RS to be imposed at the state level, than it is for sure that constitutional changes, they are in favor of, are heading the same direction, in line with strengthening model that imply sovereignty of RS and pre-conditions for its secession.” Halilovic explained that the stance of Police Reform Directorate [PRD] is implying that sovereignty is to be found exclusively at the state level, which is directly opposed by the RS National Assembly and their stance regarding the PRD. Answering the question whether that means that RSNA implies that RS is sovereign state and not just an entity, Halilovic said: “That is right, and not only a sovereign but also an independent state that is in confederative relation with other entity and Brcko DistrictThis is why every compromise with the RSNA stance that would the PRD eventually make, which is unfortunately to be found in statements of certain international officials, would mean quitting the model that implies BiH as a sovereign state, and allowing model that implies the RS as a sovereign state with opening perspective of its international recognition.


Judicial issues/Crime/War crimes/ Security

HJPC press release: Appointment of special RS Prosecutors is in contradiction with Law on HJPC






BHT1 – The High Judicial and Prosecutorial Council [HJPC] issued a press release on Wednesday, which reads that the appointment of Prosecutors in the RS Special Prosecution is in contradiction with the Law on HJPC, adding that the appointed Prosecutors cannot perform this duty. HJPC also stated that some regulations of the set of laws, which enabled establishing of RS Special Prosecution, are in conflict with some regulations of the Law on HJPC. HJPC stressed that the RS authorities did not ask the opinion of the Council regarding this issue, although they were obliged to do so. FTV- HJPC recommended the RS Government to urgently start the procedure for change of this set of laws. HJPC is willing to provide full expert help in finding a solution for this case. Dnevni Avaz pg 2 ‘RS Special Prosecutors cannot perform duties’ by Onasa, Oslobodjenje pg 6 ‘Appointment of prosecutors is not in accordance with the law’ not signed, Nezavisne Novine pg 2, announced on cover ‘Appointments of special prosecutors disputed’ by D. Risojevic, EuroBlic pg RS2 ‘Appointment of special prosecutors disputed’ by M. S., Glas Srpske pg 2 ‘Procedure knows no needs’ by Z. M. and M. D.  – also report

RS PM Dodik: HJPC’ reaction inappropriate; criminals were informed about this before I was- that shows how hard it is to fight organized crime


RTRS – Commenting on the press release of the HJPC, RS PM Milorad Dodik expressed his belief that the HJPC’ reaction is inappropriate: “We want everything to be transparent in order to avoid problems with the Constitutional Court. The Constitutional Court but not the HJPC is the only one to decide whether something is in accordance or not. We will discuss how to solve some of these issues in the upcoming days… It is obvious that whatever comes from the RS is not welcomed in Sarajevo and not only in local institutions but also in the institutions of the International Community.”  Dodik said that by this decision the RS has lost its right to appoint Special Prosecutors. “The criminal community here was earlier informed about HJPC decision than I was, and I am a PM. This tells you how hard it is to fight the organized crime…I have no intention to give up”, said Dodik. “If someone believes that this is not in accordance with the Constitution, then s/he should start the proceeding before the Constitutional Court”, said Igor Radojicic, RS NA Speaker. SDS deems that this decision is not surprising since even before enactment of the Law on Special Prosecutions, the HJPC had its stance regarding this issue. “The RS will lose nothing with the fact that these gentlemen that were appointed to the positions of Special Prosecutors will not take over duties. This whole process was accompanied with many political pressures”, said Dusan Stojicic, SDS Deputy Leader.  PDP believes that there are problems regarding BiH and RS laws but that changes and amendments could correct that. RS Chief Special Prosecutor Milan Tegeltija did not want to comment on this decision. BHT1 late news: PDP member Veselin Poljasevic expressed hope that this problem is soon going to be solved by harmonization of the laws. The RS Government stated that the decision of HJPC does not oppose the essence of special prosecutions and courts, but only some procedures. Dnevni Avaz pg 2 ‘Dodik now challenges the authorities of HJPC as well’ by N.Diklic – carries Dodik’s comment

DA op-ed harshly criticizing RS PM Dodik for acting unlawful regarding issue of RS Special Prosecution


Dnevni Avaz pg 3 ‘Dodik’s new disgrace’ by Husein Orahovac – Commenting on HJPC’ statement (saying appointment of prosecutors to the RS Special Prosecution is unlawful), the editorial reads that “[RS Premier] Milorad Dodik should leave politics, in disgrace….” The author notes that Dodik only wanted to fight his political enemies, not the crime, “in style of an official from a totalitarian regime. For it is known that only in such political frameworks one could act in spite of law and cynically play with judicial authorities.” Editorial concludes that Dodik would hopefully finally stop to act like that no one could touch him.

NN op-ed: Mafia proved it has influence even in judicial institutions


Nezavisne Novine op-ed pg 7 ‘Who is bothered with the Special Prosecutor’s Office’ by Aleksandar Sekulic – According to the author, the RS Government with RS PM Milorad Dodik at the head, had faced numerous obstructions in the fight against the organised crime but the latest obstruction, which came from the HJPC, is definitely without a precedent. The author notes: ‘Remarks presented with regard to forming of the Special Prosecutor’s Office and yesterday’s decision on disputing the appointment of special prosecutors got the character of holding only one side – the side of Mafia’ and he added Mafia once again proved it is powerful and it demonstrated it has an influence in numerous institutions, even in judicial ones.

Donors’ Conference for BiH Judiciary; Swedish Ambassador promised EURO 2 million for judiciary


BHT1 – The donors’ conference for the BiH Court that had started in Brussels continued on Wednesday in Sarajevo hosted by Council of Ministers Chair Adnan Terzic. The Swedish Government announced a donation in amount of EURO 2 million for the judiciary reform process. Earlier in Brussels, representatives of the EU countries promised donations in amount of EURO 7.7 million. PINK – Mr. Schwarz Schilling and Mr. Pocar pointed out great results of the BiH Court and BiH Prosecution. They also pointed out to all donors importance of continuation of work of BiH Court and BiH Prosecution”, said Meddzida Kreso, BiH Court President. “I believe that those who promised support in Brussels but did not state the amount would discuss this issue with their governments and provide promised support. I hope that issue of financial resources would be solved by the end of the year”, said Terzic. Oslobodjenje pg 2 ‘Sweden promised two million euros” by A.O., Dnevni Avaz pg 10 ‘Sweden donated two million euros to BiH Court’ by S.Skuletic, Nezavisne Novine pg 6 ‘Two million Euros for judiciary’ by M. Cubro – also cover

NN learns BiH Court President opposed extension of mandate of International Judge Simmons due to dissatisfaction with his work

Nezavisne Novine cover pg splash ‘Conflict over Judge Simmons’, pg 3 ‘Kreso requested protection of independent judiciary’ by A.Djozo/N.Krsman learns that the HR to BiHChristian Schwarz-Schilling on 5 May has extended the mandate to International Judge with the BiH Court, Malcolm Simmons, although Meddzida Kreso, theBiH Court President opposed this since she was not satisfied with his work. To the daily’s knowledge, Kreso on Friday had a bitter discussion with the British Ambassador to BiH, Matthew Rycroft, who insisted that the Simmons’ mandate is extended. After this, Kreso on Monday addressed a letter to Adnan Terzic, BiH CoM Chair, Sulejman Tihic, BiH Presidency Chair, and Mladen Ivanic, BiH Foreign Minister, asking from them to undertake measures in order to protect the independent judiciary. Sanela Tunovic, OHR Spokesperson, on Wednesday confirmed the HR extended mandate to Simmons, without commenting on the mentioned claims.

NN op-ed: It is strange BIA released information on assassination plot against Dodik and acted opposite in case of Djindjic’s assassination


Nezavisne Novine op-ed pg 7 ‘Fight for Dodik’ by Pero Simic – Referring to the most recent information on possible assassination of RS PM Milorad Dodik, the author says RS PM’s announcement on fight against the crime and corruption, as well as on forming of a special court and prosecutor’s office is obviously standing in the way of certain criminal organisations. He notes it is interesting the information came right after a private visit of Serbian President Boris Tadic and adds that the visit obviously frightened and bothered someone in Belgrade. The author further compares the assassination plot against Dodik and assassination committed against late Serbian PM Zoran Djindjic by saying it is strange that Serbian Intelligence Agency [BIA], which is under the command of SiCG President Vojislav Kostunica, made public the information on the first case and acted the opposite way in the case of Djindjic. He noted that the information that came from BIA and MoI, even if it is not true, are equally dangerous because ‘even misinformation have its goal and political background’.

DSS’s Kovacevic: assassins are in connection with group that planned attack on Dodik in 1999

Nezavisne Novine pg 2 ‘Assassins are in connection with the group that had the same goal in past’ by V. PopovicDSS Chair Predrag Kovacevic said that a group of people that recently planned assassination of RS PM Dodik is in connection with a group that planned assassination of Dodik in 1999 in Slatina near Banja Luka. Kovacevic said that DSS would report names of these people if the RS MoI does not report them in seven days.

People that allegedly made payments to SDS helping it to pay debt to PB ES very surprised claiming that money is being laundered trough their names


RTRSSDS bank account was unblocked one month ago when 1.900.000 KM was collected for the payment to “Privredna Bank East Sarajevo” [PB ES]. Some persons that allegedly made payments are very surprised. They say that have never made any payments and that some one abused their names. There is a suspicion that money laundry stands behind these transactions. SDS reported it has no knowledge of such payments. Milan Kikovic, Chair of NGO Forum from Banja Luka allegedly made payment to SDS in amount of BAM 2.330. Kikovic is very surprised and Razvojna bank confirmed this payment.  The same account was used under different names for the payments to SDS. Stojan Lazarevic, SNSD Doboj whose name was also used said that this is about money laundry. Lazarevic allegedly made payment to SDS through Nova banjalucka bank. RTRS did not get in touch with Nova banjalucka bank manager who is on a business trip. Borislav Bojic and Branislav Stojanovic, SDS Representatives at RS NA said they have no knowledge of this. RS Minister of Finance Aleksandar Dzombic is informed about this issue, announcing possible audit.

RS MoI’s Cadjo: MoI involved in work of Commission investigating Palic’s case


FTV, Dnevni Avaz pg 4 ‘RS MoI included into the search’ not signedAt Wednesday’s session of the RS National Assembly, SDA deputy Sadik Ahmetovic demanded from the RS Government information on actions taken in order to investigate the faith of colonel Avdo Palic [who has gone missing in 1995, during the negotiations with the RS Army representatives on evacuation from Zepa]. RS Minister of Interior Stanislav Cadjo stated that the RS MoI is actively involved in the work of Commission tasked to investigate the case of Palic.

Oslobodjenje: Nothing new in ‘Palic case’


Oslobodjenje pg 3 ‘I’ve gone crazy in wilderness’ by E.K. Milan Dupor Chair of the RS Government’s Commission tasked to find Avdo Palic, said on Wednesday he “heard nothing new”. This refers to his talk with Dragi Milasevic, former chief of crime-service who is working of the field, trying to locate sources that could locate the Palic’s grave. Dupor said that Milsaveic informed him that ‘he has gone crazy in that wilderness’ (probably referring to the locations where he was looking for the Palic’s grave).

Update to “Abazovic case”: BiH to demand Information on the issue from Council of Europe and raise the issue to international level accordingly


EuroBlic cover pg splash, RSpg 1 ‘EUFOR was violating mandate, everybody is evading truth’ by Tijana Veselinovic Tihomir Gligoric, delegate with the BiH House of Representatives, told daily that he would propose to the BiH HoR to demand information from the Council of Europe whether responsibility of EUFOR members (who took part in action related to “Abazovic” case, i.e. attempted action of arrest of war crime suspect in January 2006 resulting in death of his wife and serious wounding of him and his son) was determined. According to him, this is the only manner in which “something can be done and issue raised to international level”. He suspects that local investigation and security bodies “are afraid of international institutions in BiH, owing to which reason they are stalling with investigation on this case”. Bosko Siljegovic, President of a Joint Commission of both Houses of BiH Parliament for defence and security policy, expressed expectation that at today’s (Thursday’s) session of the BiH Parliament, delegates would raise the issue of responsibility of EUFOR soldiers who took part in Abazovic arrest. He reminded of Commission’s assessment that “EUFOR exceeded its mandate during action”.

UK Ambassador to SCG: Serbian Gov did not do all within its power to find Mladic

Oslobodjenje pg 3 ‘Serbian Government did not do all within its power to find Mladic’ by Onasa – UK Ambassador to SCG David Gowen stated for Belgrade-based daily Vecernji List that, although Serbian Government has the capacity to find Ratko Mladic, he does not believe the Government did everything within their power to do so.

Coordination group for defence reform: Export of weapons to Iraq done in legally

Oslobodjenje pg 4 ‘Weapons export to Iraq in line with regulations’ – Examining Amnesty International report on BiH export of surplus of small weapons to Iraq, Coordination group for defence reform stated that the job was done in legitimate, legal and transparent manner.

Member of the EU Parliament’s inquiry commission for CIA flights: CIA had multiple flights over BiH


Dnevni Avaz cover splash, pg 2 ‘CIA had multiple flights over BiH’ by S.Numanovic, Vecernji List, pg 2 ‘CIA’s planes flew over BiH’, by zkGiovanni Claudio Fava, member of the EU Parliament’s inquiry commission for CIA flights, stated for DA that CIA had over thousand flights over Europe, and some of them were over BiH. He said that EU Parliament is still waiting for the response of BiH authorities, following the EU questionnaire. Fava noted that his Commission will focus more on flights over Kosovo, BiH, Macedonia , Romania and Poland during the second phase of its work, announcing that they might visit BiH in summer and check information regarding secret CIA flights.



RSNA passes the Law on RS IDB/ DEPOS and SDS object Law saying that Articles of law are in contradiction one with another








RTRS – At its Wednesday’s session, RS National Assembly [RSNA] passed the Law on RS Investment- Development Bank [RS IDB], which foresees new ways in managing over the RS property and resources. Investment Bank will manage funds such as development and employment fund, housing fund, action fund, restitution fund and fund for over RS property and claims. RS IDB will work on creation of the business environment for the development of the RS economy; increase of competition; increase of jobs and production. The RS Privatization Agency should transfer all the documentation to the RS IDB by December 31. “Project of the RS IDB should provide higher level of capital resources’ productivity, total level of efficiency regarding use of resources will be increased”, said Aleksandar Dzombic, RS Minister of Finance. SDS and DEPOS Representatives did not support this Law. SDSBranislav Stojanovic said that this concept would break the RS, adding that this concept does not exist in any country in the region. DEPOS’ Nedjo Djuric said that the Articles of the Law are not in accordance one with another. “It never happened that you have so many solutions in one Law.”, said SDSDusan Stojicic. Rejecting all objections, RS Prime Minister Milorad Dodik said that the RS IDB will answer the RS Government and RS NA and that this is not pre-election marketing but project of the crucial significance to the RS. PINK, Hayat, Nezavisne Novine pg 4 ‘Delegates adopted the Law on Investment – Development Bank’ by V. Popovic, EuroBlic pg RS3 ‘State takes over the control over funds’ by R. R., Glas Srpske pg 2 ‘Steering wheel of all funds’ by G. Dakic and Z. Markovic– reported.

SERDA Conference in Sarajevo ; five regional development agencies supported by EC contributions to improvement of small and medium enterprises


PINK, Hayat, Dnevni Avaz pg 10 ‘EU supports economic development of regions’ by T.L., Dnevni List, pg 5 ‘Easier to EC’s funds’, by D. P. Mandic– The conference on regional economic development and BiH way to the EU was held on Wednesday in Sarajevo. Representatives of BiH and Cantonal institutions and Head of EC Delegation Michael Humphreys were present at the conference. “I am glad that all five regional development agencies are established… These are the agencies that may play a role in opening of new jobs and development of flexible and dynamic economy”, said Humphreys. According to Humphreys, recognition that the EC gave to SERDA and other regional development agencies is connected with the BiH improvements toward EU integrations. 

Farmers ask protection of milk exporters, announce boycott of Croatian products


BHT1, RHB, Hayat, Dnevni Avaz pg 11 ‘To protect domestic producers’ by Fena,Dnevni List pg 8 ‘New blockade of border crossings with Croatia?!’ by A. BeusBiH Farmers’ Association (FA) once again invited BiH authorities to protect milk exporters, who are exporting milk to Croatia. Head of FA Ranko Bakic reiterated that otherwise Farmers would be forced to block pass through of merchandise from Croatia to BiH and call BiH citizens to boycott the Croatian products.

Madunic (MP in FBiH HoR, Croat Bloc): Bosniak parties want to destroy ‘Aluminij’ of Mostar


Dnevni List, pg 5, mentioned on front ‘Bosniaks want to destroy Aluminij’, by Mensud Zorlak commenting on the Draft law on privatization, which was withdrawn from the procedure in the FBIH HoR by the FBIH PM, Ahmet Hadzipasic, an MP in the FBiH HoR, Ivan Madunic (Croat Bloc), says the Draft was withdrawn because there are attempts not to adopt it since it is favourable towards the ‘Aluminij’ company of Mostar. He explains that “the Bosniak parties” would rather like to destroy the ‘Aluiminij’, decrease its value and only then go into the privatization of the company, pointing the finger foremost at the SBIH.