
OHR BiH Media Round-up, 16/4/2006


TV news broadcast on,15 April 2006


TV PINK  (18,00 hrs)

BHT 1 (19,00 hrs)

Explosion in Mostar

Body of Safet Sabanovic found

Funeral in Memici

Report on the Holy Saturday

Explosion in Mostar

ICTY on Stanisic/Simatovic indict.

Easter congratulations

Seven persons arrested in Trebinje

Justice Report on Vujin

A French mine-sweeper in BiH

Cadjo and Kasipovic on school trips

Puljic’s Easter message


NTV Hayat (19,00 hrs)

FTV (19,30 hrs)

RTRS (19,30 hrs)

The Day of R BiH Army

42 Bosniaks buried in Memici

Body of Safet Sabanovic found

42 body remains of Bosniaks buried

Sabanovic’s body found

Dixon ,Dzombic & Ivanic on ITA issue

Safet Sabanovic’s body found

PSC Trebinje report on explosions

Report on Hidrogradnja issue

Two explosions in Trebinje

Bomb explosion in Mostar

Poverty in BiH



Funeral for 42 exhumed Bosniaks from Podrinje

Dnevni Avaz

Del Ponte does not believe us Karadzic is not in BiH

Nezavisne Novine

New explosion shook Mostar

NOTE: Dnevni List and Vecernji List were not published today, owing to Catholic Easter celebration.

Constitutional changes / Political affairs

Face to Face: SNSD’ Zivkovic: SNSD will support const. amendments / NSS Kunic: we will not support it







NTV Hayat – Guests of Face to Face were Milorad Zivkovic, SNSD representative in the BiH Parliamentary Assembly and Petar Kunic, independent representative in the BiH Parliament and New Srpska Force (NSS) member. They discussed proposed constitutional amendments in BiH. Kunic said that the proposed amendments should not be accepted due to the fact that they were radically changing the RS’ political-legal status and that they were leading towards centralization in BiH by transferring certain crucial authorities, such as agriculture, defence, science and technology, to joint BiH institutions. Kunic says that the ones who singed the constitutional changes agreement were blackmailed and that they would sign anything imposed by the USA Ambassador to BiH Douglas McElhaney. On the other hand, Zivkovic relates the whole issue with the terms BiH has to meet in order to join Europe by saying that, in that sense, the current Constitution is not functional and adds that the EU wants a single contact address in the BiH Presidency. Zivkovic also said that the proposed amendments clearly define entity and state authorities, denying allegations that they foresee abolishment of the RS. While commenting whether the BiH Parliament would pass the proposed amendments, Zivkovic said SNSD was going to support them and added that the whole issue largely depended on Croat representatives and the way they were going to vote, while Kunic said that he could not foresee what was going to happen but that he and the Club he belonged to were not going to support them.

Franciscan Theology Professor in Sarajevo Markesic: Constitutional changes contain no sense for justice


Dnevni Avaz pg 5 ‘Constitutional changes contain no sense for justice’ by Husein Orahovac – In an interview to daily, Fra Luka Martkesic, professor of Science on Church and Mystery of God at the Sarajevo Franciscan theology says that Easter is the most significant Christian holiday celebrating resurrection of Jesus Christ. On constitutional changes, he says: “The constitutional changes are far more important to be discussed without sense for justice criterion.” Responding to press question whether he is of the view the agreed changes to Constitution are not just, he explains: “Those cannot be just if they failed to eliminate division into entities, neither the issue of equality was resolved – they maintain discrimination amongst peoples, they failed to achieve principle of constitutionality of peoples…I hope they will not adopted in the form they were agreed.”

SDP ’ Popovic: No changes to Constitution without assent of all three peoples from both entities


Oslobodjenje pg 2 ‘No changes to Constitution without assent of all three peoples’ by S.Smajlovic – At public debate held in Zvornik on constitutional changes Friday evening, Slobodan Popovic, member of SDP of BiH Chair Board, stated that: “As far as changes to Constitution are concerned, there are two opposed blocks. One pro constitutional changes, and other against it. Both blocks are multi-ethnic..” he added that it is not possible to change BiH Constitution without the assent of all three peoples from both entities, adding: “Constitution can be changed in a constitutional manner, by force of international community – who does not want to do that – or through war, which will not take place in this region fortunately.”

BH journalist Mijovic : International community will give up on BiH


NTV Hayat – Commenting the issue of constitutional amendments in BiH, famous BiH journalist Vlastimir Mijovic says that although completely different, stances of political leaders in BiH lead to the same conclusion – namely that the International Community would, regardless of the outcome of constitutional amendments, give up on BiH. Mijovic denies it by saying that the International Community is going to stay in BiH for a long period of time, no matter whether the domestic politicians like it or not and adds that all events, which took place in past 10 years, whether supported or condemned, have been made by the International Community.

SRS’ President reiterates opposition to constitutional changes’ agreement / Pres. of Nova snaga srpske Kunic: political leaders cannot alter constitution of state


Oslobodjenje pg 5 ‘State of BiH as thorn in the side of radicals’ bgy O.Vukovic Milanko Mihajlica, President of the Serb Radical Party, reiterated SRS’ opposition against proposed constitutional changes’ agreement, especially in regard to defence and security aspects that are supposed to be transferred into state level. He explained it is not acceptable BiH Parliament is legislative authority holder in BiH, since transfer of powers onto it raises the issue of justification of entities’ parliaments and their work. Petar Kunic, President of New Force of Srpska (Nova snaga Srpske), says that there is no need to transfer the entire security aspect onto state level, but instead classic police works should be maintained at entities’ level. Kunic also said that “political leaders cannot alter constitution of state and it is an absurd of present time, absurd of Balkan’s BiH and international community, that has imposed and allowed it.”

RS Pres. Cavic: trial to Mandic aimed at discrediting SDS


BHT 1 – Because of the trial in case of Momcilo Mandic, Mirko Sarovic, Milovan Bjelica and Milorad Govedarica,whohave been charged with organised embezzlement within “Privredna Bank East Sarajevo” in order to finance the pre-election campaign of SDS, it was stated by the above-mentioned party that they are not worried by the accusation regarding them as political propaganda. SDS Leader Dragan Cavic deems that the entire trial is aim at discrediting SDS at the next elections in October. “I’m absolutely convinced that the trial has political background, which is same as other decisions that were issued by High Representative (note: Cavic did not say the name of HR he was referring to)” said Cavic. Reporter added that BIH Prosecution announced filing charges against few other SDS high officials in connection to “Privredna Bank East Sarajevo”, what is again regarded as political decision by Cavic. Regarding the charges against Sarovic, Cavic compares the case to the case of HDZ Leader Dragan Covic. “everything in the case is the same, both were former members of BIH Presidency, both posses dual citizenships, while the only difference is that Sarovic is not at liberty” explained Cavic. According to reporter, SDS fears that individual trials could be turned into collective one, which again is deemed by analysts as possible since everyone in SDS benefited for the activities in Privredna Bank. Reporter added that Mandic’s organised group still exists in Serbia including some high Governmental officials.

French ship sailed in BIH waters


FTV – The French mine sweeper ship has sailed in BIH harbour in Neum in the mark of the 200th anniversary of diplomatic relations between BIH and France. French Ambassador to BIH Henry Zipper de Fabiani stated that their goal is to help BIH and neighbouring countries to become EU members. “We hope that it will be as soon as possible but it depends mainly on your efforts. There are lot of things to be done but we are supporting you” stated Fabiani at the occasion. Reporter ironically noted that French war ship wasn’t obliged to demonstrate any military actions but just to serve members of BIH Presidency and other guests. BIH Authorities consider this visit as need for having the access to the open sea. BHT 1 – Chairman of BIH Presidency Sulejman Tihic stated that this visit of French Navy represented the recognition of BIH sovereignty in the naval sense as well. “Therefore the entrance of this ship in BIH waters confirms the fact that BIH needs the free access to the open sea which again refers to revision of the construction plan of the Peljjesac bridge. Authorised institutions should take care of this issue” explained Tihic. Dnevni Avaz pg 4 ‘Confirmation of friendship between France and BiH’ by F.Vele – also report

Pres. of RS Board for selection of Pol. Director Lukic: No update on selection of new RS Pol. Dir / Lukic: “As everything is changing in RS lately, it is possible Government demands from RS NA to remove us.”

Dnevni Avaz pg 9 ‘It is not known whether this Independent Board will elect Andan’s successor’ by N.Diklic Ilija Lukic, President of the RS Independent Board for selection of Police Director, confirms to daily that Nijaz Smajlovic, RS MoI Police Administration Chief, will be Acting Police Director of RS until the RS Government elects new Director after Dragomir Adnan tendered resignation to this position. Lukic also says Board is still waiting for official stance of RS Government which should give view on resignation, stressing that upcoming days will show whether this Board in current composition will decide on Andan’s successor. On this he stresses: “As everything is changing in RS lately, it is possible Government demands from RS NA to remove us.”

Oslobodjenje op-ed critical of HDZ President and BiH CoM Chair


Oslobodjenje op-ed pg 9 ‘The gifts from Danai’ by Senka Kurtovic – The headline places the following two officials, Dragan Covic, HDZ President and Adnan terzic, BiH CoM Chair, in the context of ancient proverb “to fear the Danai even when carrying gifts”, respectively referring to appearance of Covic at public scene, when he was accepted by HDZ but now situation has changed and some HDZ members have formed their own party HDZ 1990 stemming to party’ roots. Secondly, Terzic was brought in this reference with his recent offering of mandate to BiH PArlaiment, which cought them unprepared and unwilling to do anything about it, since it does not pay (beraing in mind October elections and short term).



BH Pres. Chair; Del Ponte does not believe us Karadzic is not in BiH











Dnevni Avaz cover pg splash, pg 2 ‘Del Ponte does not believe us Karadzic is not in BiH’ by T.Lazovic – In a statement to daily, Sulejman Tihic, BiH Presidency Chair, says that Carla del Ponte, ICTY Chief Prosecutor, with whom he had met during his visit to Netherlands, expressed suspicious in validity of BiH authorities’ claims that Radovan Karadzic is not in BiH, adding: “She finds it unacceptable, which she stressed during talks that BiH law enforcement agencies, SIPA and services in RS do not know even approximately where he is.” According to daily, ICTY Chief Prosecutor raised the issue of responsibility of BiH institutions, since promises RS institutions give her are no longer sufficient. According to Tihic, she also referred to her recent meeting with Milorad Dodik, RS Premier, and promises she obtained. Tihic stressed ICTY Chief Prosecutor demands concrete results, adding: “Del Ponte was particularly critical of us, since she is of the view this issue cannot be prolonged any loner, bearing in mind Serbian Premier Vojislav Kostunica promised her Ratko Mladic would be arrested and handed to the Tribunal by the end of this month. “ According to inset “Holland will help Srebrenica’, during meetings with Dutch officials, the unavoidable topic was Srebrenica. The assistance of EURO 5 million was promised, and Tihic asked these resources are used for sustainable return and opening of new posts. According to inset 2 “On what Paravac’s agent is spending money’, Tihic said Del Ponte thanked to Amir Ahmice, Bosniak Liaison Office with the ICTY, over excellent cooperation they have with him. Hence, Tihic rejected last week’s accusations of Borislav Paravac, Serb member of BiH Presidency, against “too large” expenditures of Ahmic’ Cabinet. Tihic raised the issue where Serb and Croat Liaison Officers with ICTY spend resources.

Dnevni Avaz examines statements of RS PM Dodik and RS MoI on establishment of RS MoI Department for cooperation with the ICTY


Dveni Avaz pg 2 ‘RS MoI first has, and then it does not have special department for cooperation with the ICTY’ – Daily says that although Milorad Dodik, RS Premier, has been claiming for two weeks now that RS MoI has formed a Special Department for cooperation with the ICTY, Stanislav Cadjo, RS MoI, said in Saturday’s interview to daily that this job on establishment of Department has not been completed as yet, and he did not want to refer to any name regarding this. Dailies’ sources at the top of RS MoI wonder whether the establishment of this Department has any point, reminding that similar Department had already existed but Darko Matijasevic, former RS MoI, abolished it. Dodik’s insistence on its establishment is linked with general elections and demonstration of good will towards the Tribunal and The Hague. Dailies source reminds that similar department had existed, “but major results were absent. At the time it existed, the cooperation with the ICTY was bad.”

Killed Bosniaks from Zvornik buried in Memici


FTV, BHT 1, NTV Hayat – After exhumation of 42 Bosniaks that were killed in Zvornik area in 1992 were buried on Saturday, at the Muslim cemetery in Memici. Reporter noted that small number of killed people in Zvornik area has been found. The bodies of buried Bosniaks have exhumed from mass graves in Kazan Basca and Crni Vrh. Head of Association of Missing Persons in Zvornik region Ahmet Grahic stated that the biggest problem is the fact that few people were charged for these crimes while Amor Masovic, Director of FBIH Institute for Missing Persons stated that “no politician or the commanding officer has been trialled”. Reporter stated that grief of the families would have been eased if more representatives of BIH Institutions attended the funeral. Report also features the stories of Abralic and Delic that have lost her family members. Oslobodjenje cover pg splash, pg 7 ‘Funeral for 42 exhumed Bosniaks from Podrinje’ by V.Jahic, Dnevni Avaz pg 3 ‘They waited for 14 years to give Fatiha to their closest ones’, announced on cover ‘Victims of crimes from 1992 buried’ by E.Huremovic – also report

Seven persons arrested in Trebinje in relation with recent explosions


TV PINK, BH T 1, FTV – Public Security Centre Trebinje submitted reports to District Prosecution on measures that were taken to clear up cases of explosions that happened recently in Trebinje. Explosions took place under cars of Trebinje Crime Police inspector and under car of Trebinje District Court judge’s son. Police reported that seven persons were arrested, eight polygraph tests were done and six searches were performed due to which automatic guns were found.

Interview with Trebinje Municipal Chief: Events in Trebinje are warning for everybody


Nezavisne Novine pgs 8-9, announced on cover ‘Events in Trebinje are warning for everybody’ by Vesna Duka – In a lengthy interview to daily, Dobroslav Cuk, Trebinje Municipal Head, speaks of recent explosions in Trebinje and theft at Tools Industry. According to him, these are interpreted as “a sort of warning and message something needs to be done”. He says that security situation in the city may improve solely through good cooperation between police, local authorities and citizens, expressing regret over the fact some City Hall delegates are still pre-occupied with politics rather than security issues. 

Samir Cemalovic’s car damaged in explosion


TV PINK, RHB, FTV – Explosion took place in Marshall Tito Street 256 in Mostar and destroyed BMW car of Samir C. BMW was parked in front of family house of Samir C. Crime Police Mostar is conducting investigation. FENA unofficially learned that the owner of car is Samir Cemalovic, brother of Denis Cemalovic, former Chair of Management of football team “Velez”. RTRS – Agencies unofficially learned that this explosion is due to settling of accounts with criminal background. Two years ago, explosive was thrown at Cemalovic’s house. Nezavisne Novine cover pg splash, pg 10 ‘New explosion shook Mostar.



ITA SB Chair Dixon critical of RS Fin. Min. / RS Fin. Min. believes Dixon is not informed / PDP’ Ivanic: it is high time coefficients were restored and accounts settled








RTRS – Joly Dixon, Indirect Taxation Administration (ITA) Steering Board Chair expressed regret over tax payers in BiH since they deserve more than they are given. Dixon said that proposals of Aleksandar Dzombic, RS Minister of Finance and other members of ITA Steering Board from RS on allocation coefficients are illegal since they ask use of allocation coefficients on the basis of data on sales taxes but not on the basis of data on tax payers’ VAT reports. Dixon added that allocation has to be done on legal way. Dixon accused Dzombic that came for the last meeting of ITA Steering Board without negotiation mandate and without understanding on topics of discussion. RTRS did not get in touch with Dixon and was asked from Dixon’s office to contact Dixon on Monday. Dzombic believes that Dixon is not informed. “I proposed Mr. Dragan Vrankic, FBiH Minister of Finance that we adopt decision on temporary allocation of the resources until June 30th. By this decision, we would use existing allocation coefficients by May 30th and in June we would use coefficient on the basis of tax payers’ VAT reports. I believe that this would be enough time to perform control of VAT reports… (bad reception due to phone conversation) and after that we would be able to adopt final decision”, said Dzombic. Mladen Ivanic, BiH Minister of Foreign Affairs was firm in saying that politics is too much involved in this issue. “It is high time to restore coefficients and settle accounts…If data is updated every month; there would be no story about who steals from whom… I believe that this is dangerous for multiethnic societies. I believe that Joly Dixon has the highest responsibility taking into consideration that Dixon shows up here from time to time and gets huge pay”, said Ivanic. Reporter commented that this crisis might be solved at next ITA Steering Board meeting that is scheduled for the next week.    

Puta, President of Supervisory Board of “Energopetrol” asked clarification of F BiH Govt. decision


Dnevni Avaz pg 4 ‘F BiH Government did not stipulate legal basis for transfer of terminals’ by M.Kukan – The Commission for re-capitalization of “Energopetrol” two days ago addressed a proposal to MOL-INA Consortium regarding re-capitalisation of this oil company. However, it remains unclear in what manner latest decisions of F BiH Government would be realized. (Government determined to compensate terminals to “Energopetrol” with writing off debt for interest rates to toll fee of BAM 12.7 million worth.) Zahid Pita, President of the Supervisory Board of “Energopetrol” told daily this body has started with realization of Government’ decision, adding he has addressed a letter to F BiH Government over some vague elements in decisions, adding: “I have asked for interpretation of decree referring to members of Supervisory Boad on behalf of state capital, in line with which they must get opinion from federal body prior to reaching decision concerning property. Government should clarify what federal body is that.”

F BiH Financial Police investigating dealings of F BiH Employment Bureau in period from 2002 to end of 2005


Oslobodjenje pgs 4-5, announced on cover BAM 52 million allocated to private and state companies under investigation’ by Az.Kalamujic – Daily reports that the F BiH Financial Police has lately been extensively engaged in completing review of decisions and contracts F BiH Employment Bureau signed regarding allocation of BAM 52 million in the form of loans and irreversible funds to a number of private and state companies. The review is taking place upon order of Sarajevo Canton Prosecutor’s Office. The companies included in investigation are” Zenica seated BH Steel, Zepa seated Zepa Inzenjering, etc.

Issue of de-mining in BIH: donations stopped because of VAT


FTV – Reporter stated that the de-mining process in BIH for 2006 still hasn’t started because of the issue of donations. Namely, donators asked for VAT exemption for the donated money. ITF, that is coordinating the donated money, asked for reimbursement of the money paid for VAT. Reporter stated that it took four months for the government to solve this issue adding that this cost BIH million KM and lost time. Saric stressed that it is positive that donators did not turn back to BIH while the issue of season for de-mining started while the issue why donated money is not transferred through BIH Authorised Ministry is another question.



Body of RS NA Dep. Speakers’ driver Sabanovic found



RTRS, TV PINK, BH T 1, NTV Hayat , FTV, Nezavisne Novine pg 3, announced on cover ‘Body of Safet Sabanovic found’ by S.Ka.Body of Safet Sabanovic, driver of RS National Assembly was found in Banja Luka settlement Novoselija. Sabanovic went off the road to Vrbas river, close to Banja Luka on April 6th. Rade Mutic, Banja Luka Public Security Centre Spokesperson reported that fishermen informed police about body at the river bank. Mutic said that Sabanovic drawned. Relatives and working colleagues identified body. Sabanovic would be buried in Sreberenica.

Easter congratulations


RHB, TV PINK – reports on Easter messages of Banja Luka Bishop Franjo Komarica, Mostar-Duvno Bishop Ratko Peric, friars Mijo Dzolanta and Slavko Soldo congratulated forthcoming Easter. Report brings feature on their messages. RTRS – Pope Benedict XVI leads Easter Vigil Mass. RS President Dragan Cavic, RS Vice Presidents Ivan Tomljenovic and Adil Osmanovic, RS National Assembly Speaker Igor Radojicic, RS Prime Minister Milorad Dodik, Director of Secretariat of Religions Dusan Antelj, BiH Presidency Members, BiH Council of Ministers Chair Adnan Terzic, BiH Minister of Foreign Affairs Mladen Ivanic, BiH House of Representatives Speaker Martin Raguz, FBiH Prime Minister Ahmet Hadzipasic, chairs of political parties and associations and Banja Luka Mayor Dragoljub Davidovic congratulated Easter to all believers.

Requiem be served in Donja Gradina today for victims of WW II in Jasenovac

Nezavisne Novine pg 2 ‘Requiem to victims of “Jasenovac” camp today’ by D.B. – The requiem for victims of WW II Jasenovac concentration camp will be held at Donja Gradina today.