Latest radio news broadcast at 12.00 on
RADIO HERCEG-BOSNA (12,00 hrs) |
HR Ashdown to address media |
Session of BiH CoM |
Cavic to ‘adequately’ reply to HR |
TV news broadcast on
RADIO HERCEG-BOSNA (18,00 hrs) | BH TV 1 (19,00 hrs) | FED TV (19,30 hrs) | RT RS (19,30) |
Events in Glamoc | Police restructuring report | Police restructuring report | HR response to Matijasevic |
HDZ re attack on Brkic | Possible sanctions vs. RS | Charges against M. Anic | Police restructuring report |
Police restructuring report | Pandurevic not in ICTY | Charges against V. Felkic | Reactions to sanctions |
FBIH HoR in session | Immunity of int. officials | Charges against A. Sabic | Pandurevic not in ICTY |
Oslobodjenje | Ashdown to announce Draconian measures against RS today |
Dnevni Avaz | Martens: Single police structure agreed upon |
Dnevni List | Lucic is not shareholder and he owes 3,2 million Kunas |
Vecernji List | State Police to be divided into regions |
Slobodna Dalmacija | Ashdown will not abolish RS MoI |
Glas Srpske | Has Martens ruled already?; Decision should be rejected, Ashdown should be sued |
Nezavisne Novine | Strict measures for RS; Dragan Cavic: Should Ashdown’s measures turn to be draconian, I will surely undertake certain steps; Police must be organized by regions; OBS officials have provided SFOR with false information; Approximately 150 children were sold in BiH; RS Government too is culpable of the situation in “Srpske Sume” |
Blic | Prosper offers Karadzic and Mladic to stand trial in |
Vecernje Novosti | RS NA on “Srpske Sume”: Auditor determined a damage was caused |
Nacional | Features Serbian related titles |
US’ Prosper: Karadzic, Mladic must be tried
| Onasa, Dec 16 – Radovan Karadzic and Ratko Mladic must be tried in The Hague, Washington’s special war crimes envoy Pierre-Richard Prosper said today. The |
RSNA discussing 2005 budget
| Onasa, Dec 16 – The RS parliament today begun debating the 2004 budget revision and the 2005 draft budget. Delegates are also expected to discuss a draft law on protection of national minority rights and adopt amends to the Law on tax administration. The parliament is expected to take a stand on the Report of the Board for Economy and Finance on consideration of the Head Auditors’ report on revision of financial reports of budget beneficiaries and consolidated report of the 2003 budget of Regulatory Commission for Electricity. |
BiH CoM in session
| Herceg Bosna Radio – BiH Council of Ministers is in session today. The BiH CoM will be discussing, among other issues, changes to the Law on criminal procedure, and proposal of instruction on application of the law on public procurement. The BiH CoM should also discuss the information on distribution of monetary gold among countries of former |
Police reform | |
PRC ends its session
| Herceg Bosna Radio, BHT, FTV, RTRS, Oslobodjenje pgs 4-5 ‘Agreement on number of regions not reached’ by Antonio Prlenda – The Chair of the Police Reform Commission, Wilfred Martens, stated on Wednesday that the Commission’s four-day session resulted with the agreement on single police at the level of BiH and its division in the regions, but that they have not agreed of number of regions. Martens added in the statement to FTV that there are three proposals to be sent to OHR. The Member of the Commission and the Deputy BiH Security Minister, Dragan Mektic, stated that no PRC member from RS gave up on the guidelines given by the RS National Assembly to preserve RS Interior Ministry. Daily comments that in this way, the Commission has ended its work with half success. According to an unnamed source from PRC, its members have not agreed on the number of regions, concluding that the only thing left to do is to have HR Paddy Ashdown to impose decision. Dnevni Avaz cover splash ‘Martens: Deal for single police reached’, pg 2 ‘Martens sends three proposals to Ashdown’ byE. Sarac – All members reached consensus that the police at the state level will include SIPA, State Border Service and Interpol, with Security Ministry as cover institution. On the number of regions, DA says that first proposal is about given region centers with names given according to their geographical position; second option is ‘nine plus one’, which sees nine regions of former Public Security Centers and another one is Sarajevo; and third option is same with ‘11 plus 1’ regions. BHT – According to unofficial information, the position of future head of Police could be offered to RS Minister of Internal Affairs Darko Matijasevic. Nezavisne Novine, cover and pg. 3 ‘Police should be organized by regions’ by M. Cubro, Glas srpske, cover page story ‘Has Martens ruled already?’ by E. G. S., EuroBlic, pg. RS2 ‘One step away from extorted unity’ by Nedeljka Breberina and Marija Jandric, Slobodna Dalmacija, front pg splash and pg 18 ‘Ashdown will not abolish RS MoI’, by Aleksandar Macanovic, Vecernji List, front pg splash ‘State Police to be divided into regions’, and pg 3 ‘Police becomes unified’, by Zoran Kresic also covered the issue including Mektic’s statement. Dnevni List, pg 3, mentioned on front ‘OHR will divide Police into regions’, by Danka Polovina-Mandic carries PRC member statement Damir Hadzic on 3 proposals. |
PRC report: Police reform commission proposes formation of a single police structure
| Dnevni Avaz pg 2 ‘There is consensus amongst experts on single police in BiH’, FENA – The work of the seventh and last working session of the police restructuring commission ended on Wednesday. The commission will propose to the BiH Council of Ministers and the High Representative “to have a single police structure under the general political supervision of one or more ministries in the Council of Ministers,” a statement issued by the commission says. Having concluded that “there is an acceptable level of expert consensus” about this issue, the statement stresses that “the proposal is in line with the 12 principles for police restructuring cited in Article 2 of the High Representative’s decision [The Official Gazetteer BiH 36/04], including the one demanding that the police service be, inter alia, capable and efficient, financially sustainable, reflecting the national composition of Bosnia-Hercegovina, protected from inappropriate interference and responsible to the law and society”. The proposal, the statement continues, “meets the minimum reform conditions set by the EU and EU special representative Javier Solana: to form a single structure with full competencies for legislation in the areas of police and of financing the police at state level, and that the BiH Security Ministry supervises the police in BiH”. The statement sums up “the key elements of the agreement reached by experts, which at the same time make up the main plank of the commission report”. Vecernji List, front pg splash ‘State Police to be divided into regions’, and pg 3 ‘Police becomes unified’, by Zoran Kresic, Slobodna Dalmacija, back pg ‘Single MoI of Bosnia and Herzegovina in the future’, by B. Kristo also covered the issue. |
HR Ashdown: I cannot impose solution
| BHT, FTV, RTRS, Oslobodjenje pg 6 ‘I cannot impose solution’, Dnevni Avaz pg 2 ‘Martens sends three proposals to Ashdown’, Slobodna Dalmacija, pg 18 ‘Selection between three maps’, by M. Landeka, Dnevni List, pg 3 ‘Solve issue of Police by agreement’, by S. Bjelica, Vecernji List, front pg splash ‘State Police to be divided into regions’, and pg 3 ‘Police becomes unified’, by Zoran Kresic, FENA – High Representatives Paddy Ashdown warmly welcomed the successful completion of the PRC’s working phase extending his thanks to all the members of the commission for the huge effort they made in preparing these technical recommendations. “This was without doubt the most formidable gathering of international and BiH policing experts,” said Ashdown in his statement. According to Ashdown, police restructuring is explicitly listed as one of the requirements for the EC’s feasibility study. “The European Commission has clearly stated that a single structure of policing with all competency vested at the state level operating in functional areas based on technical policing criteria is required. This is why I cannot impose a solution and why BiH’s Parliaments must pass this key reform. Until we do the odds will be stacked in the criminals’ favour. If BiH is to have a prospect of persuading European countries to liberate their visa regimes, it will have to show it is serious about reforming its law enforcement structures,” emphasized the High Representative. “It is unfortunate that the RS’s political representatives, appointed to the Commission on the basis of their appointive or elected positions, felt unable to agree to this concept of modern policing even though the entire Commission recognized early in the process that policing in BiH does not function properly. The Commission’s mandate is technical; the political debate is a matter for the Parliaments,” he added. The Chairman of the Commission Wilfred Martens will now finalise his report incorporating the technical discussions that took place during the meetings, said the HR. Nezavisne Novine, cover and pg. 3 ‘Police should be organized by regions’ by M. Cubro, inset ‘Ashdown: there is no imposing of the solution’, Glas Srpske, cover page story ‘Has Martens ruled already?’ by E. G. S., EuroBlic, pg. RS2 ‘One step away from extorted unity’ by Nedeljka Breberina and Marija Jandric also carried Ashdown’s statement. |
Cavic: Bosnian police reform commission working against RS
| Herceg Bosna Radio, Oslobodjenje pg 6 ‘Unconstitutional decision’, SRNA – RS President Dragan Cavic believes that the BiH police reform commission is not working according to the principle of consensus because the Serb member has been outvoted on every single issue. “Indeed there is a consensus against the RS in the commission and this is the essence,” Cavic said in |
RS Veterans’ Association collects signatures for removal of HR | Glas Srpske, cover page ‘Decision should be rejected, Ashdown should be sued’ by V. B. – RS Veterans’ Association held a special session in Modrica on Wednesday, during which it was concluded that should non-constitutional solutions be imposed in field of police reform, they would demand from RS Government not to implement it and to sue the High Representative over violation of the Dayton Agreement and overstepping of the authority. ‘Apart from this, we have decided to start collecting signatures for removal of Paddy Ashdown. We think he acts towards RS and Serb people in BiH in a discriminatory way’, the President of the Veterans’ Association, Savo Cvjetinovic, has stated. |
DL op-ed on Police reform, Ashdown to take decision yet again
| Dnevni List, pg 2 ‘Ashdown is back on stage’, by Jurislav Petrovic – Speaking about the Police reform in BiH, the author notes that, if you take into consideration what’s happening during the reform process and the talks about it, it would be more appropriate to call it “an attempted reform” because the talks in the Police Reform Commission got stuck a little bit. In that context, the author notes it would appear that the hardest issue is to reach an agreement on how many (Police) regions there will be in the future, and the author reckons that it all leads into conclusion that the High Representative for BiH, Paddy Ashdown, will have the key role in it i.e. he will take a decision about which there will be no discussion later on. The author concludes the piece by saying that BiH politicians have that habit, meaning they do not like to take decisions, instead they let HR Ashdown to do that for them, and by doing so they are not responsible, and one cannot complain that they are not making enough efforts. |
NN op-ed on police reform
| Nezavisne Novine, pg. 7 ‘From Radovan to flood’ by Pero Simic – the author is referring to the police reform and other reforms in this country, and he is critical of the fact RS officials are protecting Radovan Karadzic on the detriment of RS people and institutions. ‘One cannot like Radovan, sing him songs and, at the same time, have his own Ministry of Interior’, the author concludes among other. |
Njegus withdrew from CoM
| Nezavisne novine, pg. 5 ‘Njegus withdrew from BiH CoM’ by D. R. – Former RS Police Director Radomir Njegus has, according to a source close to BiH CoM, withdrew from the position of the advisor to BiH Minister for Security. |
Draconian measures against RS/cooperation with ICTY | |
High Representative not to abolish RS Interior Ministry
| Herceg Bosna Radio, BHT, RTRS, Oslobodjenje cover page, pg 5 ‘Ashdown to announce draconian measures against RS today’, Dnevni Avaz pg 8 ‘Ashdown’s measures to be in effect until April’, Slobodna Dalmacija, front pg splash and pg 18 ‘Ashdown will not abolish RS MoI’, by Aleksandar Macanovic, Vecernji List, pg 3 ‘Ashdown’s measures are beginning of process’, by F, Nezavisne Novine, cover ‘Strict measures for RS’ and pg. 2 ‘Measures against RS authority today’ by M. C., EuroBlic, pg. RS3 ‘Sanctions today’ not signed, SRNA – The speculation among the public that High Representative Paddy Ashdown will tomorrow take radical measures against the RS, such as scrapping the Ministry of Internal Affairs and dismissing politicians, is untrue, OHR Spokesman |
RS President Cavic does not think about resignation
| BHT, RTRS, Oslobodjenje pg 2 ‘I love RS more than two Vice-presidents together’, SRNA: RS President Dragan Cavic said in Nezavisne Novine, cover ‘Dragan Cavic: Should Ashdown’s measures turn to be draconian, I will surely undertake certain steps’ and pg. 2 ‘I will reply to Ashdown’ by V. Popovic, EuroBlic, cover and pg RS1 ‘They expect from Cavic to appoint a new trustee’ by Mirna Soja, Glas Srpske, pg. 3 ‘It is not the time for settling of accounts’ by G. Dakic, Vecernje Novosti, pg. 5 ‘A reply to Paddy’ by M. L.U also carried Cavic’s statement. |
Cavic blames Terzic for non-apprehension of Hague fugitives
| Dnevni Avaz pg 4 ‘Cavic blames Terzic for non-apprehension of Hague fugitives’, FENA – RS President Dragan Cavic said in Banja Luka on Wednesday that it was clear that sanctions and removals would follow on Thursday when the High Representative announces his measures in reaction to the non-cooperation of the RS with the ICTY and added that he would respond to those measures. Cavic told a press conference that his response would follow after the announcements of sanctions but he refused to go into detail. He said that there was not a single reason for sanctions or punishment of RS officials/institutions. He said that the RS has done its best this year to fulfil its commitments towards the ICTY and that it had no help in doing this. Cavic asked if it was possible that four security agencies at the BiH level, whose work was controlled by BiH Council of Ministers Chair Adnan Terzic, were not found responsible for the lack of arrest of indicted war criminals. |
Terzic: It is obvious to everybody that the responsibility is on RS
| Dnevni Avaz pg 4 ‘It is obvious to everybody that the responsibility is on RS’ by F.C. – The Chair of CoM, Adnan Terzic, in statement to DA answers to accusations of RS President, Dragan Cavic, who accused Terzic for RS MoI’s failing to arrest PIFWCs: “When we establish Intelligence Agency, when we establish SIPA, when we have full authority over police administration in BiH, I am sure that president Cavic will be right and the responsibility will be on CoM and on me, in a capacity of the CoM chair.” Terzic underlines that agencies he mentioned have just been starting with their work: “Once all that functions, nobody will have to warn me that it is one of my obligations [arrest of PIFWCs]. However, current level in implementation of reformatory laws makes it clear to everyone that MoI and security institutions in RS are responsible for failures to carry out arrests.” |
Association for endangered peoples call on HR Ashdown to abolish RS
| Dnevni List, pg 8 ‘Final abolishment of RS requested’, not signed – The Association for endangered peoples of BiH has called on the “protector of the UN”, the High Representative for BiH, Paddy Ashdown, to abolish the Republika Srpska. The Association claims the RS has been established on mass expulsions of non-Serb population, mass killings, deportations to concentration camps, mass rapes, tortures and executions. |
DNS launched initiative for removal of RS Government
| Nezavisne Novine, pg. 2 ‘Delegates demand removal of the Government’ by V. P., EuroBlic, pg. RS1 ‘DNS collects signatures against RS Prime Minister’ by R. R. – DNS launched an initiative for removal of RS Government on Wednesday. Delegates who have signed the initiative asked from RS NA Chairman Dusan Stojicic to include in the agenda the item on casting the vote of confidence in RS Government. DNS delegate Drago Kalabic has stated that 27 delegates have signed the initiative and they have asked for a removal of RS Government since it has no stabile Assembly majority. ‘RS Government has brought RS in a difficult situation, it has put its vital institutions in jeopardy and has caused a great dissatisfaction of a high number of citizens by violating laws, decisions and conclusions of RS NA’, Kalabic explained. |
ICTY Hartmann on new indictments, Pandurevic
| FTV, Oslobodjenje cover page, pg 2 ‘New indictments in January’, Dnevni Avaz pg 8 ‘Carla Del Ponte to announce bew indictments in January’, Slobodna Dalmacija, pg 9‘ICTY Prosecution will submit remaining bills of indictment by end of month’, by H – ICTY Prosecution’s spokeswoman, Florence Hartmann, announced on Wednesday that the ICTY Prosecution would submit to judges by end of December 2004 all the remaining bills of indictment that need to be verified by them. Hartmann says that the indictments that get verified could be made public in January 2005. She also noted that the indictments cover 6 cases that include 10 to 12 people, for crimes committed in BHT, FTV, RTRS, Oslobodjenje pg 2 ‘Pandurevic not in The Hague’, Slobodna Dalmacija, pg 16 ‘Pandurevic in prison in Sremska Mitrovica’, by A. Macanovic, Nezavisne Novine, pg. 3 ‘Vinko Pandurevic was not extradited’ by Sn. K. – ICTY Prosecution’s spokeswoman, Florence Hartmann, denied the information published by the Belgrade-based ‘Beta’ agency that a retired RS Army general, Vinko Pandurevic, who is charged with crimes committed in Srebrenica, has been transferred to The Hague. |
Blic and VN on negotiations with Karadzic and Mladic
| EuroBlic, cover ‘Prosper offers Karadzic and Mladic to stand trial in Belgrade’ and pg. 4 ‘Prosper offers Karadzic and Mladic to stand trial in Serbia’ by Dejan Vukelic – Serbian Minister for Diaspora Issues Vojislav Vukcevic says that, while listening a conversation between US Ambassador for War Crimes Issues Pierre Richard Prosper and a lawyer of a distinguished surgeon from USA, Borko Djordjevic, he heard that USA are asking from Belgrade to authorize Djordjevic to be a mediator, together with former USA President Carter, in negotiations on surrendering of Radovan Karadzic and Ratko Mladic, who would, in return, stand trial in Belgrade. Vecernje Novosti, pg. 2 ‘Radovan and Ratko to stand trial in “a branch office”?’ by Dubravka Savic – the article carries a statement of Dr. Borko Djordjevic on the same matter. |
Mikerevic denies there are any contacts with Karadzic and Mladic | EuroBlic, pg. RS3 ‘Mikerevic: There are no contacts with Hague indictees’ by Beta – RS Prime Minister Dragan Mikerevic denied the existence of alleged contacts of RS authorities with Hague indictees Ratko Mladic and Radovan Karadzic. ‘I can only say these are speculations of certain media from the Federation of BiH’, Mikerevic said. |
NN int with Drago Vuklic
| Nezavisne Novine, cover ‘OBS officials have provided SFOR with false information’ and pg. 6 ‘High officials of RS OBS have set me up’ by Snjezana Karic – This is a full-page interview with former police officer Drago Vuklis, whose apartment in Banja Luka was recently searched by SFOR. He claims SFOR had received false information on his contacts with Hague indictees from certain high-ranking officials of RS OBS (Intelligence Service) who have been following him for the past two and a half years. One of these persons, according to Vuklis, is Trifko Buha, the Head of RS OBS. |
HR sent a letter to RS Defense Minister
| Nezavisne Novine, pg. 3 ‘RS Army has failed to provide with a photo of Goran Borovnica’ by S. K. – HR Paddy Ashdown has recently sent a letter to RS Defense Minister Milovan Stankovic, by which he warned him that the list of wanted persons does not include a photo of Goran Borovnica from Prijedor, although it has been several years since the Hague Tribunal has brought an indictment against him. |
HR sent a letter to RS Minister of Interior
| Nezavisne Novine, pg. 4 ‘To address BiH Chamber for Human Rights with regard to investigation on sufferings of Serbs in Sarajevo’ by Srna, Glas Srpske, pg. 2 ‘As “Mothers from Srebrenica”’ not signed, Vecernje Novosti, pg. 6 ‘Search for your dead’ by Sl. P. – HR Paddy Ashdown has replied to RS Minister of Interior Darko Matijasevic, with regard to establishing of a commission for investigating crimes against Serb people in Sarajevo, and said ‘it is open to any person who believes that these matters should be looked into to pursue the same course followed by the Srebrenica Mothers. They placed this matter before the Human Right Chamber on the basis that their human rights were being denied’. |
Political developments | |
Ashdown in Mostar
| Herceg Bosna Radio, BHT, Oslobodjenje pg 3 ‘Ljubo Beslic is the best solution for Mostar’, Dnevni Avaz pg 8 ‘Ashdown: We are prepared to guarantee future to all Mostar citizens’, Slobodna Dalmacija, pg 17, mentioned on front ‘Four Beslic’s request to OHR’, by M. Landeka, Nezavisne Novine, pg. 4 ‘Ashdown promised help to Beslic’ by V. C. – The High Representative for BiH, Paddy Ashdown, visited Mostar yesterday (Wednesday), when he met with the newly elected Mayor of Mostar, Ljubo Beslic. Following the meeting, HR Ashdown and Mayor Beslic held a press conference at which, Mayor Beslic stressed, among other issues, that he pointed out to 4 issues to HR Ashdown for which he will be asking the HR’s support. Mayor Beslic asked the HR to continue to have in place the Mostar Implementation Unit (MIU) in Mostar in order to continue working on building of a unified city and to put the Vecernji List, pg 6 ‘World supports unified Mostar’, by M. R. – Carries HR Ashdown as saying that “personally, I do not believe anyone can be better than Ljubo Beslic in the office of Mayor of Mostar because he put interests of citizens of the city before any other interests”. Also reported by Dnevni List, pg 13 ‘Ljubo Beslic is best for Mayor’, by Sanja Bjelica |
BiH Presidency members meet with leaders of the BiH Catholic, Jewish Communities
| Herceg Bosna Radio, Oslobodjenje pg 6, mentioned on cover ‘Agreement between BiH and Holly Seat priority’, Dnevni List, pg 2, mentioned on front ‘Agreed not be realized’, by Danka Polovina-Mandic, Vecernji List, pg 2 ‘Agreement with Vatican to be considered again’, mentioned on front ‘Equality for Catholics in BiH’, by Dejan Jazvic – Members of BiH Presidency talked to the Archbishop of Vrhbosnia, Cardinal Vinko Puljic, in Sarajevo yesterday (Wednesday), during which Cardinal Puljic explained all the problems that need to be solved in order to secure that Catholics in BiH “feel like at home and to be in position to achieve the equal rights”. According to Cardinal Puljic “what’s most interesting to us right now is the issue of restitution, in other words the return and protection of (Catholic) Church’s property”. Oslobodjenje pg 6 ‘Half-century long contribution of Jewish’ by Fena – BiH Presidency members on Wednesday visited the leader of the Jewish community in BiH, Jakob Finci, this way ending their two-day meetings with religious leaders. The Chair of the BiH Presidency, Borislav Paravac, stated that all talks were open and that demands coming from religious communities were justified. Presidency, says Paravac, will make up conclusions and send it to CoM. BHT, Dnevni Avaz pg 2 ‘Inter-religious council cannot be built as expected by political forces’ also reported on the BiH Presidency members meetings with leaders of the BiH Catholic and Jewish Communities. |
Statement of Day: Sulejman Tihic | Dnevni List, pg 2 carries in its ‘Statement of Day’, the Bosniak member of BiH Presidency, Sulejman Tihic, as saying: “All religious communities ought to be equal”. |
BiH Presidency visit BiH Central Bank
| RTRS, Dnevni List, pg 5 ‘State institutions to get 40% of profit’, by E. Mackic, Slobodna Dalmacija, back pg ‘Members of Presidency visit CBBiH’, by D. Pasic – BiH Presidency’s members on Wednesday visited the BiH Central Bank, where they met with Governor Peter Nicholl. After the meeting, Nicholl said that the Central Bank had no capital in 1997, while today, its capital amounts to 243 million KM. He added that the Bank started its activities with an initial balance of 130 million KM, which has increased to 3.4 billion KM. “Based on the financial results of the past few years, we can guarantee that we will start paying dividends to the state”, Nicholl said, and announced several changes for next year. BiH Presidency Chairman Borislav Paravac said that the Bank had achieved credit and monetary stability, adding that he expects the Bank to allocate 40% of its annual income for financing BiH institutions. |
Economic/social affairs | |
Report on economic competitiveness
| FTV, Oslobodjenje pg 16 ‘BiH racing with Chad instead of with Austria’, Dnevni Avaz pg 15 ‘BiH only on the 85th place by business/economic competitiveness’, Dnevni List, pg 6 ‘Country is not attractive to foreign investors’, not signed, Nezavisne Novine, pg. 5 ‘Competitiveness of BiH is at the bottom of the World ladder’ by N. Krsman – In the Global Competitiveness Report for 2004-2005 prepared by the World Economic Forum, BiH takes the 81st of 104 places in the growth competitiveness index and the 85th place in the index of business competitiveness. This is the first time that BiH was officially included in the Report, and the Management and Information Technologies Centre (MIT Centre) of the Faculty of Economics in The BiH Council of Ministers Chair, Adnan Terzic, declared that grey economy is the greatest problem to attracting foreign investments in BiH, and thus, to BiH’s competitiveness in the world. Terzic announced that with the aim of improving BiH’s competitiveness in the world, the Council of Ministers will in the beginning of 2005 allocate approx one million KM for scientific-research activities in the country and establish the national council for competitiveness. |
Update to dispute in ‘Euroherc’ Insurance Company
| Dnevni List, front pg splash and pg 4 ‘Lucic is not shareholder and he owes 3,2 million Kunas’, not signed – Carries a reaction of the ‘Agram’ Company of Zagreb to accusations that were earlier made in the press by Milan Lucic that are related to ownership in the ‘Euroherc’ Insurance Company of Zagreb (private company). Agram and Lucic are disputing who has how many shares in ‘Euroherc’. |
Oslobodjenje: State leadership did not ask for money for Paravac’s Audi’
| Oslobodjenje pg 5 ‘State leadership did not ask for money for Paravac’s “Audi”’, mentioned on cover, by Az Kalamujic – Member of the BiH Presidency, Sulejman Tihic, informed the chair of the BiH Council of Minister, Adnan Terzic, that the Presidency did not ask from CoM to approve 100.000 KM from budget reserves to cover the costs. Daily wrote on Wednesday that the audit report on Presidency for 2004 shows that it asked for mentioned amount in order to pay for the expenses made in 2003. Tihic asked from Terzic to urgently submit him demands for additional money sent from Presidency to CoM, underlying he did not know about them. Article concludes that this case shows that the Presidency has no single and transparent control of the spending, that there is no communication between CoM and Presidency. |
RSNA session
| BHT, FTV, RTRS, Nezavisne Novine, pg. 4 ‘RS Government had a great influence on the work of the firm’ mentioned on cover by P. Klincov, Vecernje Novosti, pg. 21 ‘Auditor determined damage’ by M. Labus, Glas Srpske, pg. 2 ‘Auditors have passed’ by D. Zec – Chief RS Auditor Bosko Ceko on Wednesday stated that the RS Government had significantly influenced the conduct of business of “Srpske Sume” and it had not published certain decisions at the Official Gazette. Ceko addressed RS NA delegates, on which occasion he reminded that the audit service had found a number of irregularities in the conduct of the work of “Srpske Sume”. RS NA has adopted the audit report and conclusions that should contribute to improvement of the situation at the mentioned firm. |
RS Government adopted Draft 2005 Budget
| RTRS, Dnevni List, pg 7 ‘Draft budget amounting to 945,6 million KMs adopted’, not signed, Nezavisne Novine, pg. 4 ‘RS budget for the next year amounts 945,6 million KM’ by P. Klincov – RS Government adopted Draft 2005 Budget in the amount of 945,6 million KM and has forwarded it to the parliamentary procedure. The article carries details on the distribution of budgetary funds. |
Miscellaneous | |
Croat association call on HR Ashdown to stop ‘farce’ against Dragan Covic
| Vecernji List, pg 2 ‘You were wartime advisor to Karadzic, do not pin on Dragan Covic’, by Zoran Kresic – The Croats association that gathers families of the killed and missing persons from the Homeland war in BiH has requested the High Representative for BiH, Paddy Ashdown, to stop the “farce” that is being announced against the Croat member of BiH Presidency, Dragan Covic. Comparing the Covic case to cases of Ante Jelavic and Jozo Leutar, the association stresses that HR Ashdown “cannot administer justice since he was a mercenary of the war crime indictee Radovan Karadzic”. |
SiCG Defense Minister says SiCg is not helping RS Army
| EuroBlic, cover ‘Prvoslav Davinic: SiCG Army is not helping RS Army’ and pg. RS3 ‘SiCG Army is no longer helping RS Army’ by Srna, Glas Srpske, pg. 3 ‘We are not helping the Army of Srpska’ not signed – SiCG Defense Minister Prvoslav Davinic says neither SiCG nor SiCG Army are financially helping RS Army any longer. He has explained this help was abolished several years ago and he claims he does not know what kind of a stoppage of a financial help does the international community refer to. |