Latest radio news broadcast at 12.00 on 14 April
RADIO HERCEG-BOSNA (12,00hrs) | BH Radio 1 (12,00 hrs) | RTRS (12,00 hrs) |
Invalids still in FBiH Govt building | Disabled persons’ issues | Popovic to surrender to The ICTY |
Grey economy rules in BiH | Protest of Fagus company workers | IMF delegation visiting B. Luka |
Crans | CoE meting on employment in SA | 2 suicide attacks in |
TV news broadcast on 13 April
RADIO HERCEG-BOSNA (18,00hrs) | TV PINK (18,00 hrs) | BHT 1 (19,00 hrs) |
FBIH HoR in session | European Parliament in session | Algerian group reps sue USA MoD |
HR in BL discusses police reform | HR in BL discusses police reform | BiH Charge d’Affaires in |
OHR on SCG Feasibility Study | State crime data base | Update to smuggling explosives |
Cavic on SCG Feasibility Study | Sutra II return project to start | 3 arrested for human trafficking |
NTV Hayat (19,00 hrs) | FTV (19,30 hrs) | RTRS (19,30 hrs) |
HR in BL discusses police reform | 3 arrested for human trafficking | Schook on PIFWCs support networks |
ICTY update: Beara pleads not guilty | State crime data base | HR in BL discusses police reform |
ICTY update: Trbic postpones plea | Disabled persons in FBiH Govt | State crime data base |
BiH Charge d’Affaires in | Tax evasion in Brcko District | EUFOR, RS Police vs. org. crime |
Oslobodjenje | Topcagic: EU door will be ajar for us in autumn |
Dnevni Avaz | Ivanic: To end (to resolve the issue of) with Mladic and Karadzic |
Dnevni List | Banks will do business in accordance with sharia (Islamic) code |
Vecernji List | Federation MoI being abolished |
Slobodna Dalmacija | Election Commission: Colak cannot go to Presidency |
Nezavisne Novine | Professors sexually harass one third of female students |
Glas Srpske | I will file a suit – even I am to lose |
EuroBlic | Gas station employee and Taxi driver murdered from woman’s gun |
Vecernje novosti | Features Serbian related topics |
Nacional | Features Serbian related topics |
No money for disabled persons in this year’s FBiH Budget
| BH Radio 1, RHB – FBiH Minister of Labour, Social Welfare Radovan Vignjevic reiterated at a meeting with representatives of the FBiH Association of Disabled Persons in |
IMF’s Doyle in
| RTRS – IMF delegation to BiH is paying a visit to |
Matijasevic escorts Popovic to surrender in Hague
| RTRS – RS Army Colonel, Vujadin Popovic, will today leave for |
Police reform / Coop. with ICTY/ Euro-Atlantic integrations | |
Ashdown announces last set of talks on police reform for 24-27 April
| PINK Dragica Tojagic – The High Representative, Paddy Ashdown on Wednesday met with the RS President, Dragan Cavic, and stated that the final four-day talks on police reform will start on April 24, while the final solution should be reached by May 19. Ashdown added that three main principles set by the EC had to be met underlying they did not present a threat to RS since its existence was guaranteed under the Dayton Agreement. On regional organization Ashdown noted that it will be difficult to reach an agreement. “My personal opinion is that there is no problem in having efficient regions as long as they are within entities”, said Cavic. He also expressed hope that the upcoming NATO summit [20-21 April] will acknowledge progress RS made in cooperation with the ICTY, and that no sanctions are going to be imposed. Cavic also hopes that BiH will start negotiations on Stabilization and Association Agreement this year. HR also held meeting with the representatives political parties behind the closed doors. RTRS – “The only way to build the future of this country is through compromise and that means nobody gets everything they want but everybody gets something. Something is better that nothing” stated Ashdown. BHT 1 – Cavic agreed that the police control has to be at the state level, but he disagreed with the offered model of territorial organization of police in BiH. FTV – “I don’t want to hide, the police reform will be hard to realize. That would need a lot of courage and significant political leadership, but we must achieve the agreement, which will be in accordance with EU principles”, said the HR. As for the cooperation with the ICTY, Ashdown stressed that process cannot be finished until Karadzic and Mladic are in Hague. Hayat – “I have to admit that chances for BiH to enter Partnership for Peace during the summit are low, but this is my estimation”, said Cavic. RHB, Dnevni Avaz pg 2, mentioned ‘Police reform is like climbing Mount Everest’, by J. Stojanovic, Oslobodjenje pg 5 ‘Police reform the last task on the path to Europe’ by O. Vukovic, Dnevni List, pg 5 ‘Ashdown hurried Police reform and cooperation with The Hague’, by NINA, Vecernji List, pg 3 ‘Police an obstacle to European path’, by Branka Stevandic, Slobodna Dalmacija, pg 12 ‘Compromise on Police reform’, by A. Macanovic, Nezavisne Novine pg 4, announced on cover ‘Cavic: Agreement on police reform in BiH possible’ by V.Popovic, Glas Srpske pg 3 ‘Srpska is also consulted’ by G.Dakic, EuroBlic RSpg 2 ‘BiH must go to Europe’ by Rajna Radosavljevic– also reported. |
HR in B. Luka / Reactions by local politicians on PRC model
| Nezavisne Novine pg 4 ‘Police as prosecutors offices’ – Nevenka Trifkovic, Head of PDP Caucus at RS NA, on Wednesday stated that PDP supports police reconstruction and its organisation resembling the constitutional order of BiH with two entities. Milanko Mihajlica, President of RS SRS, commented that delegates of this party cannot accept the offered model, expressing their readiness to discuss solutions acceptable for RS. Glas Srpske pg 3 ‘Playing by the tunes of Bosniaks and Croats?’ by N.Diklic – Drago Kalabic from DNS said: “Pretext EU wants a reform according to the model proposed by Wilfred Martens, OHR representatives gave us no chance to discuss the issue of anti-constitutional regional division.” Tomislav Savkic from SDS says that SDS is not “running away from reforms, neither from creation of region that must be conducted within |
HR in RTRS programme: Maps are open for negotiation
| Nezavisne Novine pg 4 ‘Ashdown: Maps are open for negotiation’ by D.R. – In RTRS programme Wednesday evening, Paddy Ashdown said that the issue on future structure and number of police regions is open for negotiations, adding he personally prefers the proposed concept of 10 regions. He also said: “The proposed maps are just proposals, and they were not offered according to principle “take it or leave it”. According to him, the proposed model is aimed at fulfilling basic principles of EU: elimination of politics from police, its efficient work and state control. He stressed that EU would not give up on these principles. Giving assessment on transformation of the existing police concept as the last “hardest reform”, noting “BiH will have a future, if we implement this concept.” |
McElhaney meets Dodik who supports police reform, but not maps
| RTSR by Momcilo Ostojic – |
Hadzipasic on Police reform: Five regions is optimum solution; FBiH HoR opposes 10 regions
| Dnevni List, pg 4 ‘Britain announces new investments into economy’, by NINA – During a meeting that he had with the UK Ambassador to BiH, Matthew Rycroft, the FBiH Prime Minister, Ahmet Hadzipasic, stated among other things that the position of the FBiH Government is that the organization of Police in BiH with five regions is the optimum solution and that with an increased number of regions, the influence of politics onto Police increases too. Both Rycroft and Hadzipasic said that this and similar issues need to be solved through consensus. Dnevni Avaz pg 8 inset ‘Current police structure not efficient’ – FBiH House of Representatives at the session held on Wednesday adopted the information on the work of the Police Reform Commission, and concluded that while the proposal of 9+1 maps is not functional. |
NN int. with Italian Amb: Unified police is interest of all the peoples of BiH
| Nezavisne Novine pg 8 ‘Unified police is interest of all the peoples of BiH’ by P. Klincov – In a half-a-page interview to NN, Alessandro Falavolita, Italian Ambassador to BiH, says that the continuation of the cooperation with the ICTY and police reform are two key conditions for further process of BiH integration towards EU. He stressed that over the past few weeks, RS authorities have progressed regarding cooperation with the ICTY, noting that it is necessary to reach a political agreement on police reform. On this he added: “The interest of all the peoples of BiH is to get one efficient and non-political police force, capable of facing crime and protecting citizens.” |
Ivanic: BiH is held hostage by war crime indictees
| Dnevni Avaz cover page ‘To end (to resolve the issue of) with Mladic and Karadzic’, pg 5 ‘BiH is held hostage by war crime indictees’ – In an interview with the daily, BiH Foreign Minister Mladen Ivanic said that latest PDP officials’ resignations in the RS and BiH state governments had positively influenced change of political climate including the understanding of relations towards The Hague Tribunal. Ivanic also emphasized that, in his opinion, the time had come for Radovan Karadzic and Ratko Mladic to go to |
VL: FBiH MoI to be abolished
| Vecernji List, front pg splash, pgs 2-3 ‘Federation MoI being abolished’, by Zoran Kresic – The article notes that the police reform, which envisions the abolishment of the entity MoIs and introduction of police regions will fail because of resistance coming from the RS. VL goes on to say that the only way that the foreigners running the whole operation could present to |
Rycroft: BiH can start talks with EU even before extradition of Karadzic and Mladic
| Dnevni Avaz pg 2 ‘BiH can start talks with EU even before extradition of Karadzic and Mladic’, ONASA – In an interview with ONASA news agency, British Ambassador to BiH Matthew Rycroft said it was possible that BiH starts talks on SAA with EU even before Radovan Karadzic and Ratko Mladic are transferred to The Hague but the talks cannot be completed before that. Regarding the possible change to BiH Constitution, Rycroft said that the international community would not impose any new constitutional solutions. “It is up to the citizens and leaders of this country. But we will surely support all changes leading to progress in view of functioning of BiH as a state,” stated Rycroft. Rycroft also emphasized the importance of the ongoing police reform on BiH’s road to |
Topcagic says gaps in cooperation with ICTY not to be obstacle to start of talks on SAA
| Oslobodjenje cover page, pgs 4-5 ‘EU door will be ajar for us in autumn’ Marina Kavaz Sirucic – This week BiH has received a message from EU that it might get recommendation for start of talks on Stabilization and Association Agreement with EU in May this year. Director of the BiH Directorate for European Integrations Osman Topcagic shares optimism of BiH Council of Ministers Chair Adnan Terzic that this will happen, that the talks will start this year and that the SAA might be signed by the end of the current CoM’s mandate (autumn next year). In an interview with the daily, Topcagic emphasized that, bearing in mind the latest Peace Implementation Council’s assessment on significant progress made in cooperation with ICTY, certain gaps in this cooperation would not be an obstacle to start of talks on SAA. Commenting on the EU recommendation for start of talks on SAA with |
EuroBlic on BiH admission to PfP: No admission, sanctions not to follow
| EuroBlic RSpg 3 ‘Hague burden is too heavy’, announced on cover ‘Slight chances for PFP’ by Rajna Radosavljevic/Marija Milic – The article features comments of local politicians regarding BiH admission to the PfP at the upcoming NATO Summit on 20 and 21 April. Nikola Radovanovic, BIH Defence Minister, Vlado Vukovic, Advisor BiH Presidency member Paravac, Mladen Ivanic, BiH Foreign Minister, and Dusan Stojicic, RS NA Speaker, in general share the view that BiH will not be invited to PfP at the upcoming NATO session. Furthermore, they also agree that sanctions should not be imposed against RS, as HR Paddy Ashdown severely warned in December. They agree that RS has achieved a great progress, also recognised by PIC last week. Werner Wnendt, SDHR, is of the opinion that changes did indeed take place regarding cooperation with the ICTY, noting that the only pre-requisite for PfP is that all war crime suspects are detained in According to inset “Analysts sceptical’, Antonio Prlenda, columnist of “Oslobodjenje” and Ostoja Barasin, military and political analyst from RS, also share the view progress has been achieved, but the issue of cooperation with the ICTY still remains obstacle on the BiH path towards PfP. |
Former SCG Justice Minister says Mladic was in Topcider last year
| Oslobodjenje pg 2 ‘Mladic is in Serbia’, mentioned on cover, by B. Boskov, Dnevni Avaz pg 5 ‘Mladic was hiding in Topcider in 2004’ by Onasa – Former SCG Justice Minister, Vladan Batic, told journalist that SCG Army is trying to discredit its former troop Miroslav D. Petrovic who told “Danas” daily that Ratko Mladic was hiding in Topcider military premise in 2004 [under protection of SCG Army]. Batic adds that there is intelligence information that Mladic was in Topcider at the time there two guards were killed [Petrovic speculated they were killed because they saw Mladic]. Vecernje Novosti pg 7 ‘We will sue Vladan Batic’ by M.Vuksanovic – Prvoslav Davinic, SiCG Defence Minister, says in a statement to daily that Ministry would launch criminal proceeding against Vladan Batic, if Batic failed to submit evidence proving his claims that Ratko Mladic was at Topcider. |
European Parliament discusses Balkans
| PINK, Glas Srpske pg 2 ‘Balkans accelerated its pace’- The European Parliament on Wednesday in |
OHR welcomes EC approving SCG’s Feasibility Study
| RHB – OHR Mostar Spokeswoman, |
Terzic: Feasibility Report for SCG is good thing for entire region, but leaves bitter taste
| Dnevni Avaz pg 9 ‘Good sign for region, but bitter taste for BiH’ by E. Sarac – The Chair of the Council of Ministers, Adnan Terzic, commented that the EC decision to approve beginning of the negotiations on SAA between EU and SCG was a welcoming development which will have a positive impact on entire region. However, Terzic added that it was also disappointing to see that SCG would receive this approval before BiH. “It showed that, when it comes to European path, it is not only the issue of meeting the standards as they claim in Brussels, but there is also a lot of politics in it. But, what can we do now. We move forward, and I am certain we will also receive this approval in May,” said Terzic. |
Cavic, Ivanic welcomes SCG Feasibility Report | RHB – RS President Dragan Cavic deems that the fact that SCG on Tuesday received a Feasibility Report assessing its readiness for association with the EU is good not only for SiCG but also for the entire region, and that this is the final confirmation that all Western Balkans countries are making their way towards the EU, only in different phases. Hayat – Mladen Ivanic, BiH Foreign Minister, is of the view that a positive report on SiCG Feasibility Study represents a good development for the entire region. He said that this is encouraging, noting that regional activities are accelerating their path towards EU. |
Security issues | |
Memorandum of Understanding on state Criminal Analysis Network
| BHT 1 Boris Grubesic – The unique database on criminals and crimes they have committed will be established in BiH. Representatives of BiH, EC delegation to BiH and the US Government on Wednesday signed the Memorandum of Understanding on development of the Criminal Analysis Network (CAN) and the Information System within the SIPA. The creation of the State system for criminal analysis of data represents the establishment of State servers, which will store all information in this sector and enable linking of analysts and subscribers from different levels. “We in the EU are directly interested in this, because if BiH isn’t able to fight against organized crime than [the crime] will spread into other parts of RTRS, Hayat, PINK, RHB, Oslobodjenje pg 8 ‘More efficient fight against cirme’ by Fena, Dnevni Avaz pg 2 ‘Information of the police structure will go into one place’ by Srna, Dnevni List, pg 3 ‘Police gets database on organized crime’, by Mensud Zorlak, Vecernji List, pg 2 ‘Security agencies united in fight against crime’, by eme, Nezavisne Novine pg 10 ‘Swift data exchange system established’ – also reported. |
BH authorities still investigate involvement of BiH citizens in smuggling explosive
| BHT 1 by Suzana Stambol – State Information and Protection Agency (SIPA) and the other police structures from BiH and the regional countries, investigate the origin of explosive ‘Sentext’, which five-member group from the former Dnevni Avaz pg 29, mentioned on cover, ‘I don’t have information whether ‘Sentext’ was from BiH’ by E. Ha. – Director of BiH Interpol, Brane Pecanac, told daily that there is still not information which would confirm or deny speculations by media that the explosive was from BiH. |
Other political issues | |
BiH to appoint Charge d’Affaires in
| Hayat, BHT, RHB, Dnevni List, pg 6 ‘Charge d’affaires will be appointed in Croatia instead of BiH Ambassador’, not signed, Vecernji List, pg 3 ‘Charge d’affaires goes to Zagreb’, by eme, Slobodna Dalmacija, pg 8 ‘Croatia is yet to submit note on rejection of Kesic’, by Zlatko Tulic, Nezavisne Novine pg 3 ‘Foreign Ministry is not responsible that Kesic did not get agrement’ by A.S.– BiH currently does not have an ambassador in Croatia and will soon appoint Charge d’Affaires of the BiH Embassy in Zagreb, who will be assuming this position on a temporary basis until the new ambassador in appointed, spokesperson for the BiH Ministry of Foreign Affairs Lepa Babic said on Wednesday. She added that the decision on who would perform this duty has not yet been made. FTV – “All nominations for this position performs the BiH Presidency, not BiH Ministry of Foreign Affairs”, explained Babic. |
HDZ urges Parliament to discuss HR’s decision
| Dnevni Avaz pg 4 ‘Ashdown is responsible for the crisis in the authorities’ by F. Vele – The HDZ leader, Barisa Colak, says he admits there is a crisis in the authorities in BiH, adding that his party is not responsible for it. Colak says that Paddy Ashdown is exclusively responsible for it. “We don’t want blockades and we will do everything to solve the crisis as soon as possible,” Colak told Dnevni Avaz. Asked why HDZ delays appointment of Dragan Covic’s replacement, Colak says that BiH Parliament should consider the decision to remove Covic beforehand. Oslobodjenje pg 6 ‘HDZ In favour of resolution which would condemn Ashdown’ by V.Z. – HDZ Presidency at the session on Friday will not discuss the candidates for replacing Dragan Covic in Presidency. HDZ Spokesperson, Pero Pavlovic, confirmed to daily that the Presidency will only discuss the preparations for upcoming HDZ Congress. The member of the Presidency, Dubravko Horvat, repeats that HDZ insist on the extraordinary session of the BiH Parliament to discuss the HR’s decision, and daily claims that in that case the party would request adoption of the resoiltuion against the removal decision. |
SD: HDZ wanted that Colak succeeds Covic
| Slobodna Dalmacija, front pg splash and pg 12 ‘Election Commission: Colak cannot go to Presidency’, by Marin Erceg – Carries an article about a successor to Dragan Covic in the BiH Presidency. SD learns from a member of HDZ Presidency, who wants to stay anonymous, that the HDZ Presidency would immediately nominate its candidate, if it were sure that he would be supported in the Parliament. To be more exact, says SD, HDZ wanted to have Barisa Colak in the BiH Presidency, however the BiH Election Commission rejected a possibility that Colak returns to the BiH Parliament, which was one of pre-requisites. SD argues that the essence of the whole story is that Covic, Colak and Niko Lozancic, “people who tailor the policy in HDZ”, do not want to see Martin Raguz in the BiH Presidency and that’s why they are stalling the process. |
NN: alleged conflict btw Terzic and Sanader over Ploce, FTA
| Nezavisne Novine pg 3, announced on cover ‘The hidden conflict between Sanader and Terzic’ by M.Cubro – NNreports referring to its source at the BiH COM that Premiers of Croatia and BiH respectively, Ivo Sanader and Adnan Terzic, are engaged in a silent diplomatic war over the Free Trade Agreement and Ploce Harbour. The NN collocutor notes that it is evident the relations between the two have cooled, proved with the fact that Terzic did not go to |
Mostar City Council stil has not adopted the budget
| BHT 1 bySeid Masnica – Functioning of the Mostar City Administration has been put into question due to failure to adopt the budget for 2005, and the deadline for this will expire on April 20. Reporter says that the existence of the parallel institutions is the reason that political parties in Mostar cannot achieve the agreement regarding this issue. Mostar City Council say that parallel institutions will not have the place in the budget. “I believe that the decisions of the Mostar City Council have to be obeyed”, said Mostar City Council President, Murat Coric. Oslobodjenje pg 8 ‘Adopting the budget important task’ – OHR Mostar spokeswoman, |
Former HR Petritsch: IC did not suffer failure in BiH
| Dnevni List, pg 9, mentioned on front ‘International Community did not suffer failure in BiH’, by Danka Polovina-Mandic – Carries an interview with former High Representative, Wolfgang Petritsch, in which he notes that the IC in BiH did not suffer a failure. According to his belief, when all things that have happened from the war until the present days are considered, the final mark (for the IC) will be positive. Speaking about the DPA, Petritsch says: “Considering it was a first intervention of that sort by the IC, it (IC) was simply not prepared and it did not have the experience to foresee the hard, deep and long-lasting difficulties the country needs to overcome”. |
Globus on HR Ashdown
| Globus, pgs 46-47 ‘After Ashdown – Kucan?’, by Miljenko Jergovic – Carries an op-ed in which the author, whilst commenting on possible successor to the current HR, Paddy Ashdown, argues that former Slovenian President, Milan Kucan, is the right man for the job, given his knowledge of the situation and experience. As for Ashdown, Jergovic says that he did everything to preserve the status quo. Moreover, Jergovic notes that Ashdown spoke about local nationalisms with detestation, however he never met with BiH intellectuals and politicians that are “anti-nationalists”. |
Sarajevo City Council and Mayor will have to be re-elected; SD:
| Oslobodjenje pg 7 ‘Heads of City Council and Mayor must be elected again’ by A. Terzic – Following the decision by the BiH Election Commission to annul the elections in Sarajevo municipal councils Stari Grad and Novi Grad, the Comm. Chair Vehid Sehic told it is not true that the decision was brought because of the lack of Serb representatives in the Councils as reported by the media, but due to breaches of the Election law regulating secrecy of the vote. Daily says that the procedure of electing Sarajevo City Council will have to be re-elected as well as the new Mayor. Slobodna Dalmacija, pg 17, mentioned on front ‘Elections annulled, results stay the same’, by Zlatko Tulic – Commenting on the decision of BiH Election Commission, the author says that nothing significant will change even after the decision, because the new Council will not have any Serb representatives and the Mayor and President of City Council will come from the line of the same people, which practically turns Sarajevo into a mono-ethnic, Bosniak city. |
Croat parties say no to abolishment of cantons prior to abolishment of entities
| Vecernji List, pg 5 ‘By consensus to new BiH Constitution’, by Miroslav Vasilj – Representatives of five Croat parties (HDZ, HSS, NHI, HSP Djapic-Jurisic and HNZ) met in Sarajevo on Tuesday evening in order to continue talks about the joint platform pertaining to constitutional reforms in BiH. According to HSS’ Marko Tadic, the parties’ position is clear, there needs to be a new Constitution in order to amend the unjust organization of BiH and allow Croats to be equal with other two peoples in BiH. VL notes that all participants stressed that the abolishment of cantons, prior to abolishment of entities, is out of question. (similar in Slobodna Dalmacija, back pg ‘HDZ against abolishment of cantons’, by Zoran Zekic) |
DL op-ed on position of BiH Croats
| Dnevni List, pg 2 ‘Where do constitutional changes lead?’, by Ivana Rozic – The op-ed comments on the proposal of the Venice Commission, which proposes the abolishment of cantons and strengthening of the FBiH, which the Croat officials saw as one of ways to turn the Croats into minority in BiH. The author argues: “Anyone normal would expect that the powers that be would give up the proposal after the resistance of the Croat side, however Ashdown is yet to say to the Croats that nobody can touch them (…) In all that story, Ashdown said during the visit to the RS that nobody could touch the RS.” |
Economic, social and return issues | |
FBiH HoR session brings conflict over draft law on banking
| Dnevni List, front pg splash and pg 5 ‘Banks will do business in accordance with sharia (Islamic) code’, by Nermin Bise – Reports that Bosniak MPs in the FBIH House of Representatives, by adopting a Proposal of law on banks, which contains elements of banking operations from Islamic countries, have opened the door to Islamic banks to operate in the FBiH. The Caucus HDZ-HNC-CCD voted against the proposal i.e. against the amendment, which was submitted by Izudin Kesetovic (MP, SDA). According to HDZ’s Ivan Madunic, the law would allow Islamic banking to come to force in BiH, meaning it is about sharia law (Islamic code), which is being introduced in this way in BiH. DL reckons that the Proposal of law will cause reactions of other banks, since the Islamic code forbids interest rates on loans. It only allows a one percent rate. FTV, RHB, PINK, Hayat,Oslobodjenje pg 8 ‘Opening the doors to the capital from Islamic countries’ by S.Se, Dnevni Avaz pg 8 ‘Kesetovic’s amendment on Islamic banking caused heated discussion’ by A. Basic, Vecernji List, pg 4 ‘Islamic banking principles: Loan without interest rate’, mentioned on front ‘FBiH legalizes Islamic banking’, by Milan Sutalo – also reported. |
FBiH Association of Disabled Persons and FBiH PM fail to reach agreement
| Hayat, BHT1, FTV, Oslobodjenje pg 6 ‘They adopted the law, but there is not money’, Dnevni Avaz pg 4 ‘Ivalids stayed overnight in the FBiH Govt building’ by Aj. Delic, Dnevni List, pg 3, mentioned on front ‘Invalids occupy building of Federation Government’, by T. Dragic – The delegation of the FBiH Disabled Persons Association on Wednesday held talks with the FBiH Prime Minister, Ahmet Hadzipasic, on the implementation the amendments to Law on social protection of civilian war victims and families with children, but failed to reach an agreement. The negotiations failed over the date of beginning to implement these amendments, as Veterans demand this to be done as soon as possible while Hadzipasic claims that it cannot be done before 2006. Thus, about 20 members of the Association decided to spend the night in the building of FBiH Government. They demand implementation of the law on amendments. “We said to the PM that we would not withdraw our demand to find the resources for disabled persons”- said Zijad Arapcic, the chair of the Association. |
All obstacles for BiH authorities’ returnee project removed
| PINK by Aida Hasanbegovic – BiH Commission for Refugees and Displaced Persons held extraordinary session, during which, all obstacles regarding Sutra II project had been removed. According to the Chair of the Commission, Ivica Marinovic, 60 million KM have been collected in order to support return process in 2005. The Commission signed of the Agreement on joining funds for 2005, which defines the obligations of separate levels of authorities for the Fund for Return. Marinovic said that the FBiH Government paid the last amount on Tuesday, and by it, the Government fulfilled its obligation. Marinovic said that RS presented the only problem, since its budget was facing several problems. Hayat, FTV, Dnevni List, pg 6 ‘Obstacles to realization of Sutra II project removed’, by Erna Mackic, Vecernji List, pg 5 ‘Obstacles removed’, by ra– also reported. |
RS police officers to protests if they don’t receive pay raise
| Euro Blic RSpg 2 ‘No pay raise, and no protests, either’ by M.S. – Possible increase of salaries for the employees of the RS MoI by 20% still remains uncertain just like possible protest rallies by police officers announced in the event that the requests made by their Trade Union are not met. Dusko Jandric, the RS MoI Trade Union President, announced last week that the decision on the protests would be made if no agreement was reached with the RS Government by the 13 April. |
Judicial issues | |
Lawyers of Algerian group sue US Defence Ministry
| BHT 1, Nezavisne Novine pg 4 ‘Defence lawyers for the Algerian Group sued Pentagon’ by SRNA, Glas Srpske pg 2 ‘Pentagon sued’ – The US Defence Attorneys for the “so-called Algerian Group” have filed a lawsuit against Pentagon because of the ban imposed on publishing information on torturing and violations of human rights of detainees in the Guantanamo Military base in Cuba. They did this after one of their clients was diagnosed with facial paralysis caused by abuses at the base. |
Cengic critical of Spiric
| Dnevni Avaz pg 4 ‘Spiric cannot b anybody’s moral role model’ by A.M., Oslobodjenje pg 2 ‘Spiric’s son was travelling to Philippines’, Slobodna Dalmacija, back pg ‘Cengic: BiH House of Peoples did not interfere into work of judiciary’, by Blazica Kristo, Nezavisne Novine pg 10 ‘I did not interfere in the work of BiH Court’ by M.C. – Commenting to the statement by Nikola Spiric criticised to the request by the BiH House of Peoples for |
Oscar Vera denies that he received money in ‘Leutar’ case
| Globus, pg 18 ‘Oscar Vera: Those who stole millions in Bosnia accuse me’, by Gordan Malic – Carries a statement of Oscar Vera, former investigator into the murder of late FBiH Deputy Interior Minister, Jozo Leutar, in which he denies that he ever got any money or took part in mediation pertaining to financial award for information on killing of Leutar. Vera argues that the story, which was started by the FBiH President, Niko Lozancic, was started “by those who stole millions in |
Update to illegalities in Elektrobosna Jajce: 2 judges involved?
| Dnevni List, pg 4, mentioned on front ‘Interpol of Croatia and Slovenia involved in investigation in Elektrobosna’, by M. Batarello – The Police Administration of the FBiH Interior Ministry has submitted the BiH Prosecution a report on organized crime that’s been allegedly committed in companies ‘Elektrobosna N Jajce’ and ‘Elektrobosna d.d. Jajce’. The report apparently contains names of 13 people responsible for the illegalities, including 2 judges of the |
Investigation against Bicakcic/Covic on office abuse
| Nezavisne Novine pg 3 ‘The suit of Izetbegovic family paid from budget’ by M.C. – The Special Department for Organised Crime and Corruption at the BiH Prosecutor’s Office is investigating responsibility of the former F BiH Premier and Finance Minister respectively, Edhem Bicakcic and Dragan Covic, for the payment of BAM 1 million to American Legal Firm MWE, which was representing the family of Alija Izetbegovic in the suit against the paper “New York Times”. |
VNI Council to hold session 20 April
| Glas Srpske pg 2 ‘Council weighing complaints’ by M.D., Nezavisne Novine pg 5 ‘Disputable laws on agenda on 20 April’ by D.R. – Mirko Zovko, President of the RS Constitutional Court, on Wednesday confirmed that the VNI Council will within a month reach decision on motions filled with this Council for protection of VNI (over RS NA adoption of ten laws and conclusion). |