
OHR BiH Media Round-up, 14/1/2006


TV news broadcast onJanuary 13, 2006


TV PINK (18,00 hrs)

BHT 1 (19,00 hrs)

Copola on FBIH police action in HNC

NATO Commander on ICTY indictees

SDP and Terzic on zero VAT rate

Demands of HNC education workers

Deadline to hand over Mladic

Market Inspectors review bakeries

Lozancic on FBIH 2006 budget

Stojicic regarding RS crisis

SDS on CoM and RS Government

Stojicic on SDS action in CoM

Lozancic on FBiH budget

Pfanner juice toxic


NTV Hayat (19,00 hrs)

FTV (19,30 hrs)

RTRS (19,30 hrs)

Obhodjas and Polic resign

D.Brcko NA adopts budget

RS Gov. on incident in Rogatica

Dye found in Austrian juice

Lozancic on adoption of FBIH budget

Loss of Oil Refinery

FBIH police action in HNC MoI

Polic resigns

Mirkovic resigned

Feature on salary contributions

Ney on Becirspahic’s comments

Stojicic regarding RS crisis



Mladic’s security guard, a criminal from Srebrenica, now lives in Sabac

Dnevni Avaz

Mladic in the Hague for 7,5 million €

Dnevni List

New details on investigation

Vecernji List

Angry Finnish is protecting AID people

Nezavisne Novine

They hid 27 million KM

Glas Srpske

They have damaged their own reputation


Political issues

RS NA Speaker Stojicic: SDS will launch initiative to cast vote of non-confidence in CoM if non-confidence in RS Government is supported;

Politicians’ reactions re crisis at RS Government



























RHB, TV Pink, BHT1, TV Hayat, RTRS, Dnevni Avaz pg 4 ‘If RS Government is overthrown, SDS will overthrow CoM’ by Fena, Oslobodjenje pg 2 ‘SDS will overthrow BiH CoM if RS Government is overthrown’ by Fena, Nezavisne Novine pg 2 ‘Pressure of SDS on SDA’ by V. Popovic  – RS NA Speaker Dusan Stojicic stressed that if parties that create majority that supports Council of Ministers vote for no confidence in RS Government, then SDS will launch an initiative for casting a vote of no confidence in CoM. Stojcic said that the crisis in RS will affect BiH level of governmental power and that SDS will not give support to BiH budget.

TV Pink – With regard to constitutional changes, Stojcic said that he is satisfied that there is consensus of political parties in RS and added that BiH should have Presidency that will function with President and two Vice Presidents who would rotate every sixteen months.

BHT1 By Tanja Alavuk – The reporter reminded that opposition claims to have the needed parliamentary majority to cast the vote of non-confidence in RS Government adding that it is still unknown if they have enough votes for forming the new Government. Tomislav Tomljenovic from RS NA stated that different conditions are set when gathering the parliamentary majority for establishing the new Government. “There will be parties with demands for ministerial seats. So it is still the open question” added Tomljenovic. Reporter noted that SDA asks for ministerial seats while SNSD still claims that they will not form Government with nationalistic parties. Head of Centre Club Rajko Todorcevic deems that it is not good to replace RS Government. Without SDA’s support, the establishing of the new RS Government is questionable. Head of Bosniak Caucus in RS NA Tarik Sadovic stated that this is a sort of justice “because they used to remove SDA from the Government talking about their so-called “only- Serbs- parliamentary- majority”. So, let them have it now”.

RTRS – Stojcic said RSNA would not be dismissed if non-confidence is voted to the current RS Government and if new Government is not elected. Milos Jovanovic, SDS Representative in RSNA, believes that opposition has no good arguments regarding actual RS Government and that PDP and SNSD will need votes from SDA Representatives. Tomislav Tomljanovic, RSNA Deputy Speaker said that 49 signatures are collected for the initiative to cast vote of non-confidence to the Government. Petar Djokic, Chair of RS Socialist Party said that RS Socialist Party Representatives would not support Pero Bukejlovic’s Government. However, Nedjo Djuric, RS Socialist Party Representativein RSNA, said that RS Socialist Party Representatives would not vote non-confidence to actual Government if regulations on new Government’s election were not previously determined. Bukejovic’s Government will not have support of two Representatives of Democratic Party if Bukejlovic does not show up in public in next seven days with information on privatisation of Banjalucka Bank and Birac and work of Telekom, RS Railways and Oil Refinery in Brod. Besides SDS and Serb Radical Party, RS Government will get support of four Representatives of Club Centre in RSNA. Serb Radical Party “Dr. Vojislav Seselj” believes that establishment of Government of National Salvation would be the best option.

Dnevni Avaz pg 4 ‘NHI too supports overthrowing of RS Government’ not signed, Oslobodjenje pg 2 ‘NHI will vote for removal of the Government’ by Fena, Dnevni List pg 4 ‘NHI supports removal of RS Government’ not signed – carry Tomljenovic’s statement.

Glas Srpske pg 5 ‘Let them reach an agreement’ by M. S. – carries statement of SRS “Dr. Vojislav Seselj”.

Glas srpske pg 5 ‘Where are the facts?’ by S. R. T. – statement of SDS’s Milos Jovanovic.

Dnevni List pg 4 ‘Questionable voting of non-confidence’ not signed – statement of Centre Club.

PDP’s Ivanic: PDP will not support CoM, current RS crisis will have no influence on SAA talks

Dnevni Avaz pg 4 ‘Ivanic will not change his stance and support Terzic’ by N. Diklic – PDP’s Mladen Ivanic on Friday rejected the possibility PDP members would support CoM after CoM lost the support of 5 SDS delegates at the state Parliament. He also claims SNSD and SPRS delegates too would not support CoM. He also added he believes the current crisis in RS would have no influence on the start of SAA negotiations.

F BiH President Lozancic: F BiH budget should be adopted by end of January


RHB, TV Pink, BHT1, FTV, Dnevni Avaz pg 4 ‘Budget should be adopted by the end of January’ by Fena, Oslobodjenje pg 7 ‘Financing of new obligations was blocked’ by Fena, Glas Srpske pg 4 ‘The Government is on the move’ by Fena, Dnevni List pg 5 ‘An appeal to Government and Parliament to adopt budget’ by Nina, Vecernji List pg 2 ‘Lozancic: Budget should be adopted by the end of January’ by vr, Nezavisne Novine pg 6 ‘Budget should be adopted by the end of January’ by SrnaPresident of Federation BiH Niko Lozancic called on the FBIH Government to urgently propose the budget for 2006 to the Parliament and to adopt the budget by the end of January. He stressed that adoption of the budget would enable the implementation of previously adopted decisions and laws.

Talks on constitutional changes to resume on Sunday;

P for BiH’s Belkic does not accept model of entities, SNSD’s Dodik thinks it is possible to reach agreement, PDP’s Radovanovic says it will be difficult to reach any agreement, SDA’s Tihic pleads for forming state institutions, HDZ’s Relota supports preservation of tri-partite Presidency


RHBTalks on constitutional changes in BIH should continue on Sunday in Sarajevo. It is expected that leaders of 8 political parties will discuss the issues related to BIH Presidency and BIH Parliament. So far political leaders reached an agreement on human rights, Council of Ministers and certain issues related to House of Peoples. US Ambassador Douglas McElhaney stated that this process has full support of US Government. He also stated that his instructions from Washington stress that participants of the talks need to do everything in their power in order to reach the agreement.

Dnevni Avaz pg 4 ‘Parties support opposing stances’ by A. M. – carries announcement on continuation of constitutional talks. P for BiH’s Beriz Belkic said model and philosophy of entities was not acceptable for this party. SNSD’s Milorad Dodik said it was possible to reach an agreement that would satisfy all sides involved, added it would not be good for bIH to have a single President but he refused to reveal any more details. PDP’s Vinko Radovanovic said it would be difficult to reach any agreement, while SDP pleads for BiH to get a single president and two deputy presidents without the right to rotate. Inset ‘State institutions’ – SDA’s Sulejman Tihic will continue insisting on the establishment of state institutions, not joint institutions that would have legitimacy in entities. Inset ‘Relota: Parity for crucial functions’ – HDZ’s Miso Relota said HDZ, at the moment, prefers the option of preservation of tri-partite Presidency.

Nezavisne Novine pg 6 ‘State institutions should have legitimacy’ by Srna – carries Tihic’s statement.

Oslobodjenje pg 5 ‘Presidency and Parliament on the agenda’ by Fena, Dnevni List pg 9 ‘Only the Parliament can adopt constitutional changes’ by Resad Dautefendic, Vecernji List pg 3 ‘On constitutional changes’ by F – also announced continuation of the talks.

PDP’s Dokic: Tihic is demanding for impossible


Glas Srpske pg 5 ‘Tihic demands for impossible’ by N. Zelenovic – PDP’s Branko Dokic says negotiations on constitutional changes had entered a dead end street due to unrealistic demands coming from F BiH with regard to the Presidency and some other issues. He thinks it is not good to present maximalistic demands, as SDA’s Sulejman Tihic does, since it creates lack of political trust and aggravates reaching of agreements on crucial issues.

Bosna-Podrinje Canton PM Obhodjas and Zenica-Doboj Canton PM Police resigned; SDA’s Tihic criticises OHR for not allowing this issue to be resolved in BiH institutions


TV Hayat Report by Lejla Gutlic – Bosna-Podrinje PM Salko Obhodjas and Zenica Doboj PM Nedzad Polic resigned on Friday. They decided to do so after SDA Chair Sulejman Tihic received a letter from OHR suggesting their dismissal. Polic stressed that OHR had no right to ask for his dismissal but he decided to resign so that SDA and Ze-Do Canton wouldn’t suffer consequences. Tihic stated that he had suggested to both Obhodjas and Polic to resign so they wouldn’t be dismissed by OHR. The reporter comments that Obhodjas didn’t have a comment for media unlike Polic. Tihic stated that OHR has once again meddled in BiH legal system not allowing for this issue to be resolved within BiH institutions. “HR Paddy Ashdown has substantiated his threat by opinion of BiH Election Commission that was not based on facts”, stated Tihic. He also stated that both HR and BiH Election Commission are violating human rights.

FTV and BHT1 – report only on Polic’s resignation, carry statements of Polic and Tihic.

Dnevni Avaz pg 11 ‘Prime Minister of Zenica-Doboj Canton Nedzad Polic resigned’ by A. Dzonlic, Oslobodjenje pgs 4-5 ‘Z-D Canton PM Nedzad Polic resigned’ by E. Beslic, Dnevni list pg 15 ‘Prime Minister Polic resigned’ by Zeda, Nezavisne Novine pg 4 ‘Nedzad Polic resigned’ by A. Mujkic – report on Polic’s resignation and carry his statement.

Dnevni Avaz pg 11 ‘OHR is applying double standards’ by Fena, Glas Srpske pg 2 ‘Double standards of the Office’ by Srna, Nezavisne Novine pg 4 ‘SDA: Behaviour of OHR was arrogant’ – carry SDA’s statement, similar to the statement of Sulejman Tihic reported above. The statement also reads OHR had already amnestied a large number of persons who had committed criminal acts, while Obhodjas and Polic have had all needed approvals at the time when they were appointed to their positions, adding OHR had showed it is applying double standards.

Obhodjas: I do not know why OHR is in such a hurry


Dnevni Avaz pg 11 ‘Obhodjas; I do not know why OHR is in such a hurry’ by Al. B. – Prime Minister of Gorazde Canton Salko Obhodjas said he does not know why OHR is suggesting he should resign if it [OHR] has the needed authorities to remove him at any moment. He also added this OHR’s suggestion was unnecessary since he had already resigned on October 4, 2005 and it is now up to the Cantonal Assembly to present its stance on the resignation.

Farmers asked BiH Chief SAA Negotiator to include representative of farmers in negotiating team

TV Hayat, Dnevni Avaz pg 8 ‘Farmers want to have their representative in negotiations with EU’ by Fena, Oslobodjenje pg 2 ‘Demand to participate in negotiations wit EU’ by Fena, Dnevni List pg 5 ‘Farmers want negotiations’ not signedBIH Farmers Association asked Chief BiH negotiator in negotiations with EU Igor Davidovic and Council of Ministers Chair Adnan Terzic to allow a representative of this Association in BIH negotiating team.

RS Govt established Coordination Team for EU integration


RTRS – RS Government established Coordination Team for EU integration. Milovan Stankovic, Jasmin Seferovic, Nemanja Draskovic and Natasa Zrilic are members of team. Coordination Team will on behalf of RS have responsibility to follow Stabilization and Association Agreement, give opinions on certain issues and ask opinions of Work Groups. RS Government brought decision on appointments of members of eight Work Groups for negotiations on Stabilization and Association Agreement. Task of these Work Groups will be to represent interests of RS.

SDHR Nay disappointed over SDA’s reaction on BiH Defence Minister’s attendance of celebration marking RS Day


FTV – The Senior Deputy High Representative Martin Ney expressed his disappointment over the events following the attendance of the BiH Minister of Defence Nikola Radovanovic and his staff at the RS Day events (on 9, January, 2006). He stated that he was disappointed that the SDA chose to politicise the attendance of the Minister of Defence and his staff. “I see the invitation to them as a clear signal that the RS fully accepts the creation of a single BiH Army, and their decision to attend to ceremony as asserting their rightful place as representatives of the single Army that represents all the citizens of BiH“, said Ney. He added that he was disturbed by the inappropriate comments of Deputy Minister of Defence Enes Becirbasic, adding OHR feels these serve to undermine the single state level command and control of the single BiH Army.

RTRS, Dnevni Avaz pg 2 ‘Martin Nay disappointed over SDA’s politicising’ by Fena, Oslobodjenje pg 5 ‘Ambassador Nay is disappointed with SDA’s stance’ not signed, Glas Srpske pg 2 ‘Politics placing obstacles before the army’ by Srna, Nezavisne Novine pg 4 ‘SDA attempted to politicise the army’ by A. Sisic – also reported.

European National Party froze HDZ’s observer status over trial to HDZ Chair Covic


TV Hayat – European National Party has decided to freeze HDZ’s observer status due to outstanding trial to HDZ Chair Dragan Covic. HDZ Spokesman Miso Relota stated that HDZ will not organise another election assembly nor will Covic resign from his position. He reminded that HDZ Main Board held a session recently on which absolute support was given to Covic. Relota also stated that HDZ will enter election campaign in January and added that all part activities will be directed at October elections.

OHR: SIPA must not be an object of political games


Nezavisne Novine pg 2 ‘It is not known whether SIPA will be seated in Lukavica or Sarajevo’ by N. Krsman – The article reads it is still not known whether SIPA HQ would be seated in Sarajevo settlement Nedzarici or in Lukavica in East Sarajevo. Inset ‘OHR: SIPA must not be an object of political games’ – OHR is of the view that the lack of a permanent HQ for SIPA is now seriously undermining the effective development of SIPA, which is a key pillar in the Rule of Law in BiH and whose establishment was a major requirement of BiH’s accession to the European SAA process. Further delay will also pose the risk that SIPA will lose the provisions established in the Budget to enable it to fund the new permanent headquarters. This ought not to be a political football, since a Council of Minister’s own working Party has already set out clear recommendations as to the relative merits of the sites involved. This decision cannot be delayed further without damaging SIPA, the Rule of Law and BiH institution’s reputation for ability and seriousness in fulfilling the conditions necessary to complete the tasks for progress on the EU road, as OHR Spokesperson Sanela Tunovic has stated.


VAT introduction/economy

Inspections of prices were carried out in BiH towns










RHBCitizens in Livno are reporting many cases related to forming of prices after VAT has been implemented. Chief Inspector in Herceg-Bosna Canton Zeljko Konta stated that citizens are reporting price irregularities in all products. He reminded that citizens should report only irregularities related to price of basic life groceries.

RHBMarket inspectors in Tuzla Canton checked 46 shops were they checked the prices of basic life groceries. Inspectors found irregular prices at only 2 shops.

BHT1 – RS Market Inspectors reviewed 38 bakeries in RS finding 9 to have unjustified price increase. F BIH Market Inspectors have reviewed 9 bakeries in Sarajevo without having any bakery with unjustified price increase. Andjela Cosic, from ITA, expressed satisfaction with the work of Market Inspectors.

FTV – Report features the visit of FBIH Market Inspectors to two bakeries in Sarajevo accompanied by FTV crew reviewing the bread prices. In one bakery the Inspectors concluded that the bread price was increased to 0.60KM, which was an unjustified increase. Inspectors re-visited the other bakery in order to determine if the conclusions submitted to them after the first inspection were applied. The results were positive.

RTRS – Market Audit performed audit in 38 bakeries in Banja Luka , Trebinje and Bijeljina and in nine cases found unjust increase of price of bread. Market Audit brought charges against owners.

BHT1: some parties considering filing demands for changes to VAT rate


BHT1 By Boris Grubesic – Reporter stated that politicians now talk about introduction of different VAT rate and confuse already confused citizens. Recently, Chairman of BIH Council of Ministers Adnan Terzic sent to the parliamentary procedure a proposal on zero VAT rate for publications while SDP sent the proposal on zero VAT rate for basic nutritional goods. SDP official Jozo Krizanovic reiterated that SDP demands on zero VAT rate. Reporter commented that their request has been rejected by the parliament. SDS delegates at the BIH Parliament stated that they will support SDP’s and CoM’s proposal. SDA party officials claim that the issue of zero VAT rate is SDP’s attempt to frighten the public although there is no need for it since no drastic change in prices has happened. Head of SDA Caucus in BIH Parliament Elmir Jahic stated that his party will not support SDP’s proposal. “But we will analyse the market change in next six months and we will discuss the possibility of a different VAT rate introduction” said Jahic. HDZ still has no stand on this issue.

EC Delegation’s Daviddi: VAT introduction will not cause inflation to grow


Dnevni Avaz pg 5 ‘VAT introduction will not cause inflation’ by S. Numanovic – EC Delegation’s Renzo Daviddi said the claims on enormous increases in prices, following VAT introduction, are not justified and he added a research shows prices have increased 7% – 8%. He claims “Interex” firm is the only firm that had not changed prices after the introduction of VAT and added significant increases in prices were noticed only in small shops and pharmacies. He noted that if there is no spiral increase in prices, it might be expected the annual inflation rate would increase from 2% t 3%, which is acceptable from macroeconomic point of view.

RS Government gave compliance on Draft Statute of Joint Holding of “Elektroprivreda RS Trebinje”


RTRS, TV Hayat, TV Pink, Oslobodjenje pg 8 ‘1,5 billion € for Ugljevik and Gacko?’ by Fena, Glas Srpske pg 3 ‘Czechs increasing voltage’ by G. Dakic, Dnevni list pg 6 ‘Compliance to the statute of RS Elektroprivreda’ not signed, Nezavisne Novine pg 9 ‘Czechs want to invest 1,5 billion €’ by D. RisojevicRS Government gave compliance on Draft Statute of Joint Holding of “Elektroprivreda RS Trebinje”. The holding will be consisted of eleven stockholders. Miladin Gligoric, RS Minister of Economy, Energy and Development said that this will be an easier way of management and Government will through the Holding make an influence on development, investments and business activities in “Elektroprivreda”. Gligoric added that RS Government was informed on Friday about agreement on future cooperation of Elektroprivreda RS and Electrical Industry of Czech Republic and readiness of Electrical Industry of Czech Republic to invest 1, 5 billion Euros in two buildings in Ugljevik and Gacko. Gligoric stressed that the Czech company is very serious partner. 

Director of RiTe Ugljevik Savo Markovic resigned upon request of RS Government and competent Ministry


RTRS, Oslobodjenje pg 7 ‘Executive director resigned’ by V. Du., Glas Srpske pg 2 ‘Resignation of Savo Mirkovic’ by R. Jelic Savo Mirkovic, director of “Rudnik i Termoelektrana Ugljevik” resigned upon the request of RS Government and competent Ministry. Steering Board of this company appointed Tomo Benovic on this position. RS Governmet’s request states as reasons for Mirkovic’s resignation: non-elimination of irregularities that were found in two audits, international audit conducted in 2002 and RS audit from 2004. However, Mirkovic said he does not agree with Government’s reasons but he decided to resign due to the present political situation. Unofficial statements saying that OHR is behind Mirkovic’s resignation were denied since Mirkovic got a letter with an explanation that the whole issue was related to Mirkovic and his employer and that OHR was not involved in the decision. Mirkovic suspects on political reasons since he is the only member of PDP in management of electrical industry. Steering Board of   “Rudnik i Termoelektrana Ugljevik” confirmed Mirkovic’s resignation and appointment of Benovic, who was by now on the position of technical director and is member of SDS.

Audit results show Bosanski Brod Refinery suffered loss amounting 278 million from 2000 to 2004, claims management failed to report on 27 million KM of loss


RTRS, Nezavisne Novine cover pg splash and pg 3 ‘They hid 27 million KM’ by R. SegrtBosanski Brod Oil Refinery has 278.500.000 KM loss in period from 2000-2004. Audit found that the loss for 2003 and 2004 is for 27 million KM higher than in the report of the Management of this company. Miladin Gligoric, RS Minister of Economy, Energy and Development said that the audit was not completed as yet and he had no knowledge on the company’s loss so far. Syndicate of the Refinery believes that responsible people should bear responsibility. The management of this company did not establish an internal control, did not respect the Law on Public Procurement, had no contracts on sale of derivates and had signed contracts on detriment of company.

CBBiH Governor Kozaric: banks from F BiH and RS want to be under supervision of CBBiH

Dnevni Avaz pg 5 ‘All banks in Federation and RS want the Central Bank of BiH to be their supervisor’ by Fena – Governor of the BiH Central Bank (CBBH) Kemal Kozaric stated on Friday that all commercial banks in FBiH and RS still support the stand that CBBH should conduct the supervision over their operations and that supervision should certainly be conducted at the state level. ‘The problem is in the fact that the Entity constitutions state that finance should be at the Entity level and we need to have formal consent of the Entity parliaments for this reform. Sometimes politics are before profession, but I hope this time will pass and that people will start thinking professionally because the reform of supervision is in the best interest of all citizens and deponents in BiH’, Kozaric noted.

Oslobodjenje pg 11 ‘All banks support supervision’ by Fena – also reported.


Police, judiciary issues/war crimes

EUPM’s Coppola: action in HN Canton MoI was well planned and executed;

F BiH MoI Spokesperson Cvrtak: BiH Prosecutor’s Office planned and carried out investigation in this case











RHB, TV Hayat – EUPM commissioner Vinzenzo Coppola stated that the action of FBiH police carried out on Thursday in Hercegovina Neretva Canton was well planned. He added that EUPM monitors stressed that the work of local policemen involved in the action was very professional. FBiH MoI Spokesman Robert Cvrtak stated that BiH Prosecution has planned and carried out the investigation in this case. He also added that Thursday’s action was a part of ongoing investigation that BiH Prosecution is carrying out in HNC. Cvrtak couldn’t divulge any details regarding the investigation.

Dnevni Avaz pg 3 ‘Investigators confiscated large quantity of documentation’ by F. Vele – Carries Cvrtak’s statement, as well as statement of Prosecutor from BiH Prosecutor’s Office, Ismet Suskic, who also confirmed the raid was carried out upon his suggestion. Inset ‘Documents on 29 murders’ – reads that the confiscated documents contained documents on murders of 29 persons, mostly Bosniaks, in Mostar after the war.

Dnevni Avaz pg 3 ‘It’s a lie that we have returned the documents to Mostar’ by F. V. – FBIH finance police Chief Inspector Zufer Dervisevic is denying information on alleged return of confiscated documentation from Herzegovina Neretva Canton MoI. He added that the documents were forwarded to the Prosecutor’s Office.

Dnevni Avaz pg 3 ‘Action in H-N Canton was very well planned and executed’ not signed – carries Coppola’s statement.

Dnevni List cover pg splash and pg 3 ‘New details on the investigation’ by Resad Dautefendic – carries a full-page report on the action. Inset ‘Vrankic: It could have been done without weapons as well’ – F BiH Minister of Finances Dragan Vrankic was asked to comment the action and he said he thinks there was too many members of special police unit and armed men during the action.

Nezavisne Novine pg 4 ‘Search was conducted over investigation on corruption’ by A. D. – reports on the action and carries Cvrtak’s statement.

H-N Canton minister of Police Martinovic: Sarajevo policemen did not need to “demonstrate force”

Oslobodjenje pg 7 ‘Is it worth to do anything, or is it better only to play cops’ by D. Pavlovic – H-N Canton policemen and H-N Canton Minister of Police Tomislav Martinovic think there was no need for Sarajevo policemen to “demonstrate force” during the action and he wonders is it worth to do anything or is it better just to pose as a policeman or as a Minister because, in that case, no person would be able to use anything against them.

VL: Raids at H-N Canton were conducted to protect AID officers


Vecernji List cover pg splash ‘Angry Finnish is protecting AID people’, pg 3 ‘Raids of police due to protection of AID officers’ by Zoran Kresic – The article reads Finnish policeman of EUPM Jari Kinnunen was leading teams during the search of H-N MoI and also claims the same person, on several occasions, had threatened officials of the Canton police because of sending to retirement eight Bosniak police officials. The article also claims Head of Mostar EUPM Lars Moensch too had lobbied for these officials to remain at their posts. Several of these officials had been cooperating with secret Bosniak intelligence service AID during and after the war in the area of Herzegovina.

DA: Serbian Diaspora and businessmen collected 7,5 million € for Mladic’s surrender


Dnevni Avaz cover pg splash ‘Mladic in the Hague for 7,5 million €’ and pg 2 ‘7,5 million € were collected for Mladic’s departure to the Hague?’ by E. Sarac – According to DA’s information, Serb Diaspora from USA and Serbian businessmen have collected 7,5 million € – the amount Ratko Mladic had demanded for his security guards and their families before he is extradited to the Hague Tribunal.

Oslobodjenje claims a person responsible for war crimes in Srebrenica currently lives in Sabac [SiCG]


Oslobodjenje cover pg splash and pgs 4-5 ‘Mladic’s security guard, a criminal from Srebrenica, now lives in Sabac’ by Edina KamenicaOslobodjenje contacted, via phone, Dragomir Pecanac – person that was mentioned in the indictment against Milan Gvero and Radivoje Miletic as one of ten most responsible persons for events in Srebrenica in July 1995. Oslobodjenje claims Pecanac currently lives in Sabac [SiCG]. A person that answered the phone told the reporter they were busy because they were packing things and moving. He passed Pecanac on the phone and he, after finding out who he was talking to, terminated the call.

NATO HQ Commander Webber: there are still 6 ICTY indictees at large

TV Pink – Louis Weber, NATO HQ Commander in Bosnia and Herzegovina said on annual reception in Sarajevo that there are still six ICTY indictees that are free and that arrest of them would be last condition for BiH to join Partnership for Peace.

Detention to Mandic was extended


TV Hayat, RTRS, Dnevni Avaz pg 12 ‘Detention to Momcilo Mandic was extended’ by S. T., Oslobodjenje pg 3 ‘Detention to Mandic was extended’ by A. N., Dnevni List pg 6 ‘Detention to Mandic was extended until February 13’ by E. Mackic, Nezavisne Novine pg 4 ‘Detention to Mandic was extended’ by A. D.BiH Court has extended custody to Momcilo Mandic until 13th February. Mandic was accused of several crime acts related to dealings of Privredna bank Eastern Sarajevo.

DA: Matijasevic received more than 100 warrants from IC in November 2004, possibly including warranty for Abazovic as well

Dnevni Avaz pg 2 ‘Darko Matijasevic was handed over 100 warranties in November 2004’ by E. SaracDA learned from diplomatic circles that the international community handed over approximately 100 warranties and orders of Sarajevo Canton Court, with regard to arrests of war crimes suspects, to RS Minister of Interior Darko Matijasevic in November 2004. Numerous warranties still lay intact in desk drawers of Matijasevic and RS Police Chief Dragomir Andan and the warranty for Abazovic was most probably among these warranties.

RS MoI Spokesperson Pejic: RS MoI was informed on the investigation on Abazovic, but never received any court order

Dnevni Avaz pg 2 ‘RS MoI was informed on the investigation but we have never received a court order’ by E. S. – The RS MoI Spokesperson Radovan Pejic has stated that RS MoI was informed on the investigation Sarajevo Canton Prosecutor’s Office was carrying out over past several years in case of Dragomir Abazovic but RS MoI had never received an order to arrest him and extradite him until a certain deadline. RS MoI still believes the action aimed to arrest Abazovic was conducted in an unprofessional manner.

DA and OSL op-eds: indictments against Stanisic and Simatovic confirm justification of BiH’s lawsuit against SiCG

Dnevni Avaz op-ed pg 3 ‘Stanisic’s Scorpions’ by Edina Sarac, Oslobodjenje op-ed pg 9 ‘Scorpions again’ by Daniel Omeragic – The authors note that the changed indictments against Jovica Stanisic and Franko Simatovic, saying that the “Scorpions” unit was a unit of Serbian MoI, was yet another confirmation of justification of BiH’s lawsuit against SiCG.



Vucurevic: Bosniaks and Croats left Trebinje upon order of SDA Sarajevo


Glas Srpske cover pg splash ‘They have damaged their own reputation’ by M. Bestic – Wartime President of Trebinje Municipality Bozidar Vucurevic claims he is in possession of documents proving he had been protecting minority peoples in Trebinje during the war, as well as proving Bosniaks and Croats have decided to leave Trebinje upon an order of leadership of SDA from Sarajevo.