Latest radio news broadcast at 12.00 on 14 October
RADIO HERCEG-BOSNA (12,00 hrs) | BH Radio 1 (12,00 hrs) | RTRS(12,00 hrs) |
Presidents’ | BiH HoR endorses police reform | BiH HoR on police |
Jovic on const. changes | “Croatian Summit 2005” opens | B.Brod refinery workers on strike |
FBiH HoR on police reform agreem. | Brussels discusses avian flue | OHR and Brit. Embassy on Sa Airport |
TV news broadcast on 13 October
RADIO HERCEG-BOSNA (18,00 hrs) | TV PINK (18,00 hrs) | BHT 1 (19,00 hrs) |
FBiH HoP passed police agreement | NATO raid in Pale | Dozens BiH fans injured in |
OHR on passing of police agreement | OHR on police reform agreement | BiH national team back to |
NATO’s action on Pale | Teachers on segregation in schools | Football game differently accepted |
Expo in | RS Gov. on Audit Report on “Sume” | NATO searched photo shop at Pale |
NTV Hayat (19,00 hrs) | FTV (19,30 hrs) | RTRS (19,30 hrs) |
Soccer match SiCG vs. BiH | Hooliganism of football match | NATO’s action on Pale |
HR on start of | Regional News | Balance of the football match |
Feature on constitutional changes | Announcement of sport programme | FBiH HoP passed police agreement |
EU discussing future of EUFOR | Licence plates Fraud | HR on passing of police agreement |
Oslobodjenje | Supporters from RS caused a war in audience |
Dnevni Avaz | Images of fascism displayed at Marakana toured the world |
Dnevni List | Federation Government abolishing Financial Police? |
Vecernji List | Cardinal wiretapped too (Croatian intelligence involved in alleged wiretapping) |
Slobodna Dalmacija | Back to |
Glas Srpske | Someone has to pay |
Nezavisne Novine | Firm of Karadzic’s son-in-law searched |
BiH HoR adopts agreement on police reform
| BH Radio 1 Mustafa Karahmet, RS Radio – At the session today, the BiH House of Representatives has adopted the Agreement on the police reform, which was presented by the RS President Dragan Cavic. Even though the agreement was forwarded for vote without a possibility of amendments, the delegates launched the discussion. Delegate from the Radical party have strongly criticized the agreement, while the parties from FBiH mainly objected the five-year duration of the police reform. Despite all criticism, the representatives agreed that the fact the agreement endorses 3 EC principles is a reason enough to support it. As for the proposal that the destiny of the Cantonal Interior Ministries is linked with the destiny of the RS MoI, the BiH HoR concludes this is to be later discussed by the Collegium of both houses. |
Croatian Summit 2005 opens in
| BH Radio 1 Mirza Sadikovic – “Croatian Summit 2005” dedicated to the discussion on the European unification process and EC economic and social models has been launched today in |
Jovic on BiH const. Organization
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B.Brod refinery workers on strike
| RS Radio – Around 1500 workers of Bosanski Brod Oil Refinery, who have been on strike since 05 September over backlog salaries, have blocked all entrances to the company as of this morning. President of the Striking Board, Danilo Brocilo, stated that all entries/exits from the facility is possible under the escort/control of workers, who control the flow through the gates. According to him, workers have decided to undertake this step over RS Government and Refinery management’ failure to respond to workers demands. |
Incidents/Crime/Legal Proceedings | |
17 injured at
| Oslobodjenje cover splash, pgs 4-5 ‘Supporters from RS caused a war in audience’, Dnevni Avaz cover splash, pgs 2-3 ‘Images of fascism displayed at Marakana toured the world’ – Both dailies dedicated two pages to a number of articles on the football match held in Belgrade on Wednesday when Pink, BHT, Hayat, FTV, RTRS, Slobodna Dalmacija, front pg splash and pg 51 ‘Back to Bosnia with heads smashed up’, by Zeda, Vecernji List, pgs 46-47 ‘Knife, wire, Srebrenica’, by Dalibor Kasac, Dnevni List, pg 40 ‘They were throwing huge firecrackers at us’, by Zeda also covered the issue. |
Prosecutor McNair: We still do not have official confirmation Jelavic is in
| Oslobodjenje pg 2 ‘No confirmation Ante Jelavic is in Croatia’, FENA – Head of the BiH Court’s Special Department for Organised Crime, Economic Crime and Corruption John McNair told FENA on Thursday that the Prosecutor’s Office still does not have confirmation that Ante Jelavic is in Croatia, even though Croatia has been requested through official channels to check if Jelavic is in this country. The |
Croatian judiciary: Without verdict of Croatian court Jelavic cannot serve his term in
| Dnevni Avaz pg 9 ‘Without verdict of Croatian court Jelavic cannot serve his term in Croatia’ by S.T. – DA learns from the Croatian Ministry of Justice that Ante Jelavic cannot serve his term in Croatia until some of Croatian courts pronounces a sentence against him in the same case. DA inset ‘No extradition’ says that the Croatian Justice Ministry denied announcements that Jelavic might be extradited to the BiH authorities. Another DA inset ‘Jelavic’s bail amounting to 500 000 KM to be transferred to state budget’ carries |
DL: ‘Former Croatian state top under extensive investigation!?’
| Dnevni List pg 3, mentioned on cover ‘Former Croatian state top under extensive investigation!?’ by DL investigative team carries that Croatian President Stjepan Mesic announced a few days ago that the Croatian institutions should reveal as to who was sending money to BiH through illegal channels. A high-ranked Croatian Government official during the 1990s, who wanted to stay anonymous, stated that only 3 persons knew through which channels money from |
NATO raids a shop in Pale
| Nezavisne Novine cover pg splash, pg 3 ‘Firm of Karadzic’s son-in-law searched’ by M.Cubro – Danka Tesic, Spokesperson of the East Sarajevop |
Gligoric case
| BHT, RTRS, Dnevni Avaz pg 4 ‘Tihomir Gligoric sentenced to ten months on probation (ten-month suspended prison term)’, Dnevni List pg 4 ‘Only 10 months of suspended sentence to Gligoric’ by E. Mackic, Nezavisne Novine pg 11 ’10-months probation term to Gligoric’ by A.D. – Representative in BiH Parliament, Tihomir Gligoric was found guilty before BiH Court due to his failure to carryout the decision of BiH Constitutional Court and he was sentenced to ten months probation term. Appealing Council has confirmed that decision of the Court was final and executive. BiH Court Appeals Chamber upheld this sentence, also finding guilty Stamenka Kozomara and sentencing her to 6 months probation term. They were sentenced for the office abuse while serving in the RS Administration for geodetic and Property-Legal Affairs. |
GS on BiH CC’s decision for compensation regarding Subotic case
| Glas Srpske cover pg splash ‘Somebody ahs to pay’ by D.M. – Daily writes about the recent decision of the BiH Constitutional Court regarding Bogdan Subotic, when BiH was ordered to pay BAM 3 thousand for failure to protect his basic human rights related to EUFOR detention. It carries comments of Krstan Simic, Amnesty International and RS Ombudsmen, warning that such arrest are in violaition of human rights. Slobodan Radulj admits those actions DA has entrusted vast powers to international forces, which still do not include violation of human rights. |
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FBiH HoP adopts police reform agreement
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SDA supports police reform based on three EC principles; Party not supporting initiatives for census, establishment of the third entity
| Oslobodjenje pg 3 ‘To implement European principles in police reform’, Dnevni Avaz ‘Census possible to be carried out in 2010’, FENA – The Party of Democratic Action (SDA) supports police reform based on the three principles of the European Commission. SDA requests the European Commission to remain consistent during the implementation phase in the interpretation of those principles which include a state police structure without police authorities in the entities and cantons, and that police regions be established based on technical criteria, which means that they cross the inter-entity line. SDA General Secretary Amir Zukic told a press conference in |
British Embassy, NN op-ed on change of name of
| Nezavisne Novine pg 3 ‘Change of name of Sarajevo airport is not a wise decision’ – Daily carries press release British Embassy to BiH released Thursday, saying it is not a wise decision in a multi-ethnic state as BiH to change the name of the International Airport in Sarajevo without mutual agreement. Release further reads: “Regardless of somebody’s views on Alija Izetbegovic, such a decision – without assent of all three peoples – cannot be reached in BiH, ten years after the war. Still, decision on this is not to be dealt with by the international community.” Nezavisne Novine op-ed pg 7 ‘A public secret’ by Slavko Kukic – Writing about developments in BiH, author also criticizes the initiative for change of name of |
Ashdown: Agreement not perfect, but it is only way to move forward
| Oslobodjenje pg 3 ‘Agreement on police leads to Europe’ by A.O. – The HR Paddy Ashdown told daily that while the Agreement on police reform adopted by the RSNA is not the perfect solution, he still hopes that BiH parliament will adopt it today as it is the only way to move forward. He adds that in that case, almost overnight BiH will move from Dayton to Brussels phase and will move “towards the time when there will be no more of OHR and Bonn powers will not be needed anymore.” However, Ashdown adds that OHR will stop using its powers only when “ Dnevni List, pg 8 ‘Keep entity by police reform, not entities’, by Erna Mackic – Carries an interview with High Representative, Paddy Ashdown, in which he explains the course of police reform in BiH. According to the HR, although there is concern in the FBiH about the agreement on the police reform, especially among the HDZ, because the agreement does not mention the cantons, the paragraph 3 of the agreement says that everything must be done in accordance to the BiH Constitution. On top of this, the HR stresses that the EC and US will keep an eye on the implementation of the agreement, which will make sure that there are no political interferences into the implementation process. |
OHR: Local police to cross IEBL
| FTV, RTRS, Nezavisne Novine pg 3 ‘Police regions will cross entity lines’ by |
| Glas Srpske pg 5 ‘Different interpretations’ by S.S. – Milanko Mihajlica, President of |
EU Parliament’s Pack on necessity to adjust DPA
| Oslobodjenje pg 2 ‘To abandon ethnic stands in BiH’ not signed – At the session with regard to the 10th Dayton Peace Agreement (DPA) anniversary a Head of the EU Parliament Delegation for Southeast Europe, Doris Pack, stated that BiH politicians have to successfully ‘adjust’ the DPA 10 years after its adoption in order to establish an efficient and smaller state apparatus and meet pre-requisites for joining the EU in this way. She stressed that the DPA is no enough any longer and she judged that for this reason Serbs, Bosniaks and Croats must abandon ethnic stands and reach an agreement on the joint framework for BiH. Dnevni Avaz pg 5 ‘Europe will not receive country with 200 Ministers and 14 Parliaments’ by L. Sinanovic, Dnevni List, pg 6 ‘Politicians need to adjust Dayton agreement’, not signed, Vecernji List, pg 5 ‘Politicians in BiH must adjust Dayton’, by ra carried similar reports. |
Participants in drafting DA K. Trnka, M. Tadic and K. Zubak on constitutional changes
| Dnevni Avaz pg 4 ‘Zubak: RS should be reduced on Canton’ by H. Orahovac carries Kasim Trnka, Kresimir Zubak and Mato Tadic who took part in drafting the DPA 10 years ago say that the time has come to change the DPA. Trnka says that the BiH Constitution should be changed and he believes that it would be easy to make it if there were the political will from the RS. Tadic believes that through changes of the Constitution a functional state should be made of BiH in which rights of all 3 constituent peoples would be well protected. Zubak stands for drafting a completely new Constitution, however, if this is not possible corrections of the current one should be made. He added that if the RS must ‘survive’ in a new constitutional arrangement then it should be given competence that Cantons currently have. |
SDA and
| Oslobodjenje pg 7 ‘SDA and |
NN: Comments following Nicholas Burns’ initiative for constitutional changes
| Nezavisne Novine pg 4 ‘A function of President disputable’ by V.Popovic/M.Cubro – Following proposal of Nicholas Burns regarding constitutional changes in BiH (including establishment of position of President of BiH, inert alia), daily notes that leading parties from F BiH (Sefik Dzaferovic from SDA, Safet Halilovic from Party for BiH) support the initiative of the American Administration. It also carries comments of parties from RS.Milorad Dodik, SNSD President, reiterated SNSD stance on this issue, promoting SNSD Declaration recently presented (proposing BiH should be composed of federal units not entities). Mladen Ivanic, PDP President, stated that constitutional changes are not an issue here, adding that the issue of election of members of Presidency should be settled in the manner that would not harm any of three BiH peoples. ML; |
NN op-ed on political situation in the region
| Nezavisne Novine op-ed pg 8 ‘The end of beginning or beginning of the end’ by Miroslav Mikes – Writing about political situation in the region, the author notes nationalism, chauvinism and autism still exist here, stressing fortunately, NATO pact, which does not allow escalation of primitivism is guarding us. On police reform, he promotes police reform in line with EC principles, stressing that it is still left to be determined whether RS powers guaranteed by DA will not be respected in regard to IEBL crossing. Raising the question into reason why such Agreement on police reform was adopted now, he observes Agreement is “still undetermined” and to face with certain problems in its implementation. On this he adds it was inadmissible to leave BiH lagging behind |
An international conference Ten Years after
| BHT, Oslobodjenje pg 2 ‘New voices for BiH’, Nezavisne Novine pg 4 ‘A vision of development and future of BiH necessary’ by A.Sisic – At an international conference organized by Association ‘BiH 2005’ entitled “Ten years after Dayton” scheduled to be held in Geneva on 20 and 21 October, over 500 experts from BiH and the world shall deal with BiH future, namely constitutional and legal organisation and economic development. The existing BiH Constitution presents weakness for both of these aspects, claim the Association ‘BiH 2005’ members. Its Executive Director, Christophe Solioz, notes the mood for changes does exist stressing it was essential that the local BiH experts be initiators of all the changes and not the international ones. President of Association BIH 2005 Jakob Finci stated that situation creates the Constitution and not vice versa. He added that since there are proposals for the reform of the BIH Constitution it is obvious that something must be changed. Geneva Conference will mostly focus on economic development of BiH, but also on the issues of education, justice, reconciliation and stabilization in the region. |
VL: Covic and Martens to meet on November 7; Covic says he will not leave BiH because of trials against him
| Vecernji List, pg 5 ‘Covic and Martens will meet on November 7’, by Vlatko Ivankovic – According to VL’s unofficial information, the President of HDZ BiH, Dragan Covic, will meet the President of European People’s Party, Wilfried Martens, at Brussels on November 7, when he will be presenting Martens all evidences that will show that the 9th HDZ Congress was carried out in accordance with democratic principles. Slobodna Dalmacija, pgs 18-19, mentioned on front ‘I can leave BiH only in a coffin’, by Zlatko Tulic – Carries a brief interview with Covic, in which he announces that he would be meeting with Martens at Brussels soon. Asked whether he fears that he would be put in detention because of the Jelavic case, since he is being tried by the |
SB: If HDZ ignores EPP, it will face great problems; strong internal conflicts yet to happen
| Slobodna Bosna pgs 12-13 ‘Will Dragan Covic comply with EPP’s conclusions and leave the HDZ leadership to Bozo Ljubic?’ by S. Mijatovic – SB writes that if the HDZ top officials continue to ignore the recommendations of the European People’s Party, lead by Wilfred Martens, to carry out new elections of party’s leadership, they will face serious problems – not only the certain internal division but also loss of the observer status in EPP. Martens wrote to HDZ last week following the complaint filed by Dragan Covic’s opponent in the elections, Bozo Ljubic, who claims that the elections were fraud. SB’s source in HDZ says that the leader of HDZ Croatia, Ivo Sanader, was the one who establishment/mediated in Ljubic-Martens contact, and meeting held in Dubrovnik last month also attended by Martin Raguz, Ivan Madunic and Josip Merdzo. SB concludes that the HDZ Presidency and Main Board session clearly demonstrated division in the party, but concludes that the strongest inter-party conflicts are yet to happen especially since Ljubic collected two new 200 signatories of support and allegedly announced he will publicly present evidences next week to prove Covic falsified election results. |
HDZ’s Ivo Miro Jovic, Dragan Covic lobbying for third federal unit in BiH
| Nezavisne Novine pg 2 ‘Third federal unit or abolishment of RS’ by Glas Srpske pg 5 ‘ |
SB brings alleged OHR’s analysis: Ruling coalition must go; SNSD,
| Slobodna Bosna pgs 18-21 ‘British Lord admitted capitulation in BiH’, mentioned on cover, by Asim Metiljevic – SB obtained the copy of alleged OHR’s document titled “Elections 2006”, supposedly presented to the Peace Implementation Council Steering Board last week. According to the document, the OHR deems that the current ruling coalition of SDA, |
Economic/Social Issues/Education | |
DL: FBiH Government wants to abolish FBiH Financial Police?
| Dnevni List, front pg splash and pg 2 ‘Federation Government abolishing Financial Police?’, by Zvonimir Jukic – Learns from a source in the FBiH Government that the said Government will during Friday’s session (today) discuss a proposal according to which the FBiH Financial Police is to be abolished. According to the source, the ruling SDA and HDZ want to eliminate the Financial Police, and it is the HDZ President, Dragan Covic, who stands behind the proposal. DL notes that his main motive is the fact that the Financial Police gathered a lot of documents on his involvement in illegal privatization of ‘Soko’ company of Mostar. DL also says that Covic is in good relations with the High Representative, Paddy Ashdown, therefore many expect that the OHR would not object to the plan. |
BiH Publishers call on Terzic to exempt publishing from VAT
| Dnevni List, pg 6 ‘Prime Minister, exempt print media from VAT’, by Mensud Zorlak – The Association of BiH Publishers has sent the Chairman of BiH CoM, Adnan Terzic, a letter asking him to exempt the print media from the VAT, arguing that the imposition of the VAT on print media represents taxing of information, opinion and knowledge. Dnevni Avaz pg 10 also covered the issue. |
BiH Trade Union of primary schools education on problems in this area
| Dnevni List pg 4 ‘Children abandon school in great numbers’ by M. Zorlak carries that representatives of the BiH Trade Union of primary school education warned that the situation in this area is disastrous. President of this Trade Union Ibrahim Halvadzija stated that it is alarming that an increasing number of children abandon primary schooling and he explained that the main reason for this is poverty. The Trade Union also stressed the issue of segregation in schools and Halvadzija added that none from the BiH political structure does anything to stop this negative practice. Other media in BiH also covered the issue. |
RS Govt. discussed Audit Report on “Srpske Sume”, Lukic case
| Pink, RTRS, Nezavisne Novine pg 2, announced on cover ‘Police ordered to identify those responsible for illegal activities’ by P.Klincov – The RS Government Thursday ordered RS MoI to identify those responsible for illegal activities at JP” Srpske Sume”, mentioned in RS Chief Audit Report on this company’s dealings. According to RS Minister of Agriculture, Forestry and Water-management Goran Petkovic, RS Government expects the Company to regulate the trade of wood assortments, to increase number of constructors in forestry and to take care of increase of reserves of wood mass, while the next step will be to reduce number of forest units and appoint new management. Perkovic stressed that Directors of forest units cannot be re-elected at those units, where negative economic effects were observed or where irregularities existed, adding that local officials had an enormous influence upon the work of forest units. It was stressed that Inspection will have a lot to do, while Ministry of Interior and Prosecution will be included into the issue. Furthermore, Company has many things to do, from establishment of the central account, to the fight with pests and prevention of illegal forest cutting, while all prosecuted reports should be realized. Glas Srpske pg 3 ‘”Lumbering” waiting for director’ by G.Dakic – apart from carrying Perkovic’s statement, it includes inset “Lukic”, saying that daily learns from unofficial sources that Government Thursday “deprived” Radomir Lukic of September salary. |