Latest radio news broadcast at 12.00 on 13 January
RADIO HERCEG-BOSNA (12,00 hrs) | BH Radio 1 (12,00 hrs) |
Colak on decertified police officers | Belkic: BiH without entities |
Prices in | Kozaric: CB to supervise banks |
Hajj: 345 dead | World News |
TV news broadcast on 12 January
RADIO HERCEG-BOSNA (18,00 hrs) | TV PINK (18,00 hrs) | BHT 1 (19,00 hrs) |
Raids in Mostar | World news | 345 pilgrims killed in Hajj stampede |
HDZ on EPP’s decision | Samardzic pleads not guilty | Offices of the HNK MoI raided |
| OHR supports EUFOR action | Nedjo Samardzic pleads not guilty |
BiH CoM in session | CoM session | Hartmann: Mladic is hiding in |
NTV Hayat (19,00 hrs) | FTV (19,30 hrs) | RTRS (19,30 hrs) |
World News | 345 pilgrims killed in Hajj stampede | World news |
Raids in Mostar | Offices of the HNK MoI raided | FBIH police search action in HNC |
EUFOR on raids in Mostar | Privatisation of Tuzla Bank | Samardzic pleads not guilty |
Samardzic pleads not guilty | Zero VAT rate on medicines? | Hartman on Mladic |
Oslobodjenje | Stanisic and Simatovic indicted for crimes committed by Scorpios |
Dnevni Avaz | [Silajdzic] No one in |
Dnevni List | Police has been searched from basement to attic |
Vecernji List | Special Police members raided Government and MoI |
Slobodna Dalmacija | Mostar: EUFOR and Special Police members ‘occupied’ Government and MoI |
Nezavisne Novine | Government and MoI searched |
Glas Srpske | Abazovic’ did not fire a shot |
EuroBlic | 36 doctors caught performing duties illicitly |
Vecernje novosti | Features Serbian related topics Abazovic’ did not fire a shot |
Const. changes: SBiH to demand abolishing entities; HDZ, SNSD in favour of tripartite Presidency
| BH Radio 1 – SBiH official Beriz Belkic stated that in continuance of talks on constitutional changes on January 15 and 16 this party would advocate for BiH without entities, with one President. HDZ Spokesperson Miso Relota stated the closest option for HDZ is to preserve current, tripartite Presidency. Relota deems that consensus on this issue could be reached in continuance of negotiations. Co-Chair of SNSD Krstan Simic stressed that SNSD would also advocate for tripartite Presidency, which would function on rotation principle; where every President would have 16-month mandate. |
Cvrtak says everything went well during yesterday’s raids in HNC | |
ZeDo PM Polic resigns | FENA – The Zenica-Doboj Canton Prime Minister, Nedzad Polic, submitted an irrevocable resignation today. Polic decided to do so after the President of SDA, Sulejman Tihic, on Thursday received a memo from the OHR, which suggested that the Prime Ministers in Ze-Do and Podrinje Cantons be replaced owing to sanctions of the BiH Temporary Election Commission from 2000. Polic comments that the OHR’s request is ungrounded, however he decided to resign in order not to risk sanctions against him, the canton and SDA. |
Police raids HNC MoI, Govt | |
FBiH police raids facilities of HNC MoI, HNC Govt, ‘Croatia Hercegovina Auto Mostar’
| BHT1 by Seid Masnica – Members of the FBiH Police, in cooperation with EUPM in BiH and EUFOR, searched the facilities of the Herzegovina-Neretva Cantonal Ministry of Interior and seized certain documents related to the investigation carried out by the BiH Prosecutor’s Office. As BHT learns, the Prosecutors investigates decisions on purchasing 87 “Opel” vehicles and payouts of severance pay for formers members of Cantonal MoI. FBiH Police, EUPM and EUFOR raided Cantonal MoI Headquarters, three police administrative offices and nine police stations, as well as the offices of Cantonal Government and the premises of Croatia-Herzegovina Auto Mostar company. “The only thing I can say is that this is an investigation carried out by the BiH Prosecutor’s Office for a long time in HNK, and this operation is only a part of that investigation”, explained FBiH MoI spokesperson Robert Cvrtak. HNK MoI Tomislav Martinovic stressed that similar unexpected intrusion already happened two months ago. “I don’t know why this happened, especially since this is the first time that we have done everything they asked us to do. Why this show today – well, you will have to figure it yourself”, added Martinovic. Talking about the purchase of controversial cars, minister Martinovic and Cantonal Prime Minister Miroslav Coric stressed that there is nothing wrong with it, and that everything has been done according to the decision of the Cantonal Government. HAYAT– EUFOR Spokesperson Jem Thomas said that EUFOR members took part in the action, as requested by the FBiH Police Administration. EUFOR was in charge of providing security in the area of certain offices while the Police carried out the investigation. |
BHT 1 int with FBiH MoI spokesperson Cvrtak, HNK MoI Martinovic: Cvrtak refuses to gives any details, Martinovic surprised
| BHT 1 late news: The guest of BHT late news magazine was FBiH Ministry of Interior spokesperson Robert Cvrtak. Cvrtak avoided to directly answer to the question as to what exactly the investigation in HNK was all about and repeated the operation was carried out by the order of BiH Prosecutor’s Office. He also refused to say what is the focus of the investigation or comment on BHT presenter’s speculations that the Thursday’s operation is somehow related with the fact that there is many unsolved crimes, especially murders, in the HNK. Cantonal Minister Tomislav Martinovic stated that he does not know what was confiscated from the Cantonal MoI Headquarters, three police administrative offices and nine police stations. He reiterated that he was surprised with the way this operation has been carried out. Asked whether he can confirm that this police operation is related with controversial decision on purchasing 87 Opel vehicles, Martinovic stressed that those vehicles were legally acquired through tender, and that they have not been bought from the Croatia-Herzegovina Auto Mostar company, whose premises have been raided on Thursday. |
Dailies: Raids related to investigation against HNC MoI Martinovic, police commissioner Glibic
| Dnevni Avaz, pg 3 ‘Big raid in HNC MoI’, by F. Vele – According to Avaz, the raid into the HNC MoI was carried out at the order of BiH Court’s judge Salem Miso, within investigations on the HNC Interior Minister Tomislav Martinovic and HNC Police Commissioner Srecko Glibic, who are charged with abuse of office and authority and making of detrimental contracts. According to DA, the BiH Prosecution possesses many evidences related to financial frauds and various abuses within official structures of HNC MoI. DA writes that BiH prosecution is also focused on purchasing of officials vehicles, abuse of funds and illegal payment of personal incomes (worth over Km10, 000). Oslobodjenje, pgs 4-5, mentioned on front ‘Prosecution interested in ‘Opels’ and severance pays to pensioners?’, by D. Pavlovic, Dnevni Avaz pg 3 ‘Everything has been done in line with law’ by F.V – statements by Martinovic and Coric saying everything was done in accordance with law. Sources close to Croatia Herzegovina Auto stated they got the job of servicing the police vehicles following regular tender procedure adding there is nothing to find in their premises. Nezavisne Novine cover pg splash ‘Government and MoI searched’, pg 3 ‘Raids over reports against employees of Government and MoI’ by A.Durmo – NN reports referring to its source close to the investigation that the list of those against whom reports were filed for office abuse and bad conduct includes the name of Martinovic. Glas Srpske pg 2 ‘Police took the Prosecutor’s Office “for a spin”’ by Z. Janjic– also reported. |
HNC Govt unanimously supports HNC MoI/ HNC Prime Minister Coric: Action was initiated by former HNC MoI members BHT 1
| Vecernji List pg 3 ‘They were looking for decisions published in Official Gazette’ by Z. Kresic, Slobodna Dalmacija pg 19 ‘This is act of former MoI members’ not signed and Dnevni List cover pg splash ‘Police has been searched from basement to attic’ by S. Bjelica, N. Dedic report on the HNC Government emergency session whish was held due to the search of HNC MoI, HNC Government etc. HNC Prime Minister Miroslav Coric stated that the HNC Government unanimously supported the HNC MoI. Coric believes that the initiator of the whole action are 9 former HNC MoI members led by Enes Tucakovic, who signed the letter written by Tucakovic on October 24 last year and sent it to all competent institutions including the OHR. The letter said that certain irregularities are present in the HNC MoI’s work and a special stress was placed on HNC Minister of Interior Tomislav Martinovic. SD also says that Coric was surprised that the action took place since Tucakovic made a testimony on December 14 last year in which he denied claims from the aforementioned letter and demanded suspension of the further investigation. |
Ivo Miro Jovic on FBiH police action in HNC: ‘It is sad that Croats are under strike again’
| Vecernji List pg 3 ‘Jovic: It is sad that Croats are under strike’ by A.D. – Commenting on the FBiH Police action in the HNC, Croat member of the BiH Presidency Ivo Miro Jovic stated: ‘It is sad that we have in BiH the police forces that search and control each others. The worst of all is that the institutions in the places with the Croat majority have been under strike again. It is especially sad that the search order was signed by judge Salem Miso who has been awarded with the position in the |
DL op-ed condemning FBiH Police search of HNC MoI, HNC Gov. and ‘Croatia Hercegovina Auto Mostar’ | Dnevni List pg 2 ‘Sham justice’ by I. Rozic condemns the FBiH Police action carried out in the HNC MoI, HNC Government etc. on Thursday and the author says: ‘It is well known that 4 years ago a real administrator in BiH passed such decisions on the ground of which competence over certain cases was taken from Herzegovinian courts and it was transferred to the court in Sarajevo. Thanks to this decision it was made possible to individuals in the |
Political developments | |
FBiH pol. parties wait for Dodik to present his plan before deciding on joining him in coalition; DNS and Pensioners Party from RS would not support the dismissal of RS Govt
| BHT1 – Opposition leaders in FBiH see the SNSD’s attempt to take over the government so close to the elections is a very risky move. Therefore, they would wait for the SNSD leader Milorad Dodik to present his party’s program, before they decide whether they would make a coalition with SNSD or not. According to BHT reporter, SDA will support SNSD’s initiative for removing RS Government, but they would support the new RS Government only if they get the ministerial positions for Bosniaks. Party for BiH still have not taken the concrete stance regarding the possibility of supporting the new RS Government. “Our Caucus in the RSNA would decide, after consultations with the leadership of the Party for BiH, of course”, stated Party for BiH’s Safet Halilovic. |
Dokic: We will not accept demands of parties from FBiH
| Nezavisne Novine pg 2 ‘We will not accept demands of parties from F BiH’ by |
Political parties still unclear about their stances on RS Govt: Support or not to support initiative, that is the question now
| Nezavisne Novine pg 2 ‘SNSD has the majority for removal of the Government’ by V. Popovic – NN carries statements ofPDP, |
Oslobodjenje op-ed: New majority in RSNA would establish unthinkable political alliance
| Oslobodjenje pg 9 ‘Time of Dodik’ op-ed by Zija Dizdarevic – Commenting recent political moves of SNSD leader Milorad Dodik,author says that by the end of January it would be clear whether Dodik’s time has begun. Editorial comments that SNSD could not form majority in the RS National Assembly without SDA and/or even the SBiH, commenting that it is the most delicate moment for SNSD. Author reminds that Dodik has been ultimately rejecting coalition with nationalistic parties, with particular dislike for the SDA, adding that new majority would establish political alliance that used to be unthinkable. At the same time, author notes that |
EPP: HDZ status frozen because three members were deprived of their democratic rights
| BHT1 by Angela Cvitanovic – EPP’s press officer Javier Jimenez confirmed for BHT that HDZ’s status would be frozen, among other things, because three members of this party were deprived of their democratic rights. EPP urged HDZ to convene a Court of Honor, which would have to discuss whether it is appropriate for party’ leader Dragan Covic to perform that duty with all the judicial proceedings against him, confirmed Jimenez, adding that the majority of EPP members believe that expelled HDZ members Bozo Ljubic, Martin Raguz and Josip Merdzo were deprived of basic democratic rights as the party did not discuss their appeals, and they were prevented from attending the Main Board session. “This EPP’s move is exceptionally important for the political processes, not only in HDZ BiH, but in the whole country as well, especially since there are two other political parties with the observer status in EPP – SDA and PDP”, explained analyst Pejo Gasparevic. Although the confirmation came from the EPP itself, HDZ representatives deny that EPP urged HDZ to remove Dragan Covic from the position of HDZ president. According to some unofficial BHT sources, it is very likely that the new HDZ Convention will be convened very soon. |
Relota: HDZ status would be frozen as long as a court procedure against Covic lasts; new HDZ Convention or Covic’s resignation are out of question; EPP denies HDZ claims
| Dnevni List pg 4 ‘Relota: New HDZ Convention is out of question’ by Dn. L – With regard to media writings which said that European People’s Party (EPP) demanded from HDZ President Dragan Covic to submit a resignation or organize a new HDZ Convention, HDZ Spokesperson Miso Relota stated that untrue information with regard to the EPP session appeared and EPP Secretary Kostas Sasmatzoglou was brought in certain context. Relota added: ‘We have contacted Sasmatzoglou and received an e-mail in which Sasmatzoglou confirmed that he was not giving statements to journalists. Sasmatzoglou confirmed to us that the HDZ status would be frozen as long as a court procedure against Covic lasts and that a new HDZ Convention or Covic’s resignation are out of question.’ Vecernji List pg 3 ‘After all EPP does not demand new HDZ BiH Convention’ by Z. Kresic, Slobodna Dalmacija pg 18, mentioned on cover ‘Covic will not leave’ by M. Karacic carries a similar statement given by Relota. VL also says that the support for continuation of an -party struggle within HDZ BiH was promised to Bozo Ljubic’s supporters by HDZ Croatia in |
German Ambassador to BiH disappointed with SBIH and HDZ
| Vecernji List, pg 5 ‘Germans want to take over supremacy in business operations in BiH’, by vl – According to an anonymous source of VL, who allegedly had a meeting with the German Ambassador to BiH, Arne Freiherr von Kittlitz, a few days ago, the German diplomacy is disappointed with activities of ‘Silajdzic’s SBiH’ and HDZ. Allegedly, the Ambassador stressed that the SBIH took upon itself the role of ‘the master who decides who can and who cannot invest in BiH’, which endangers the German capital in BiH, whilst opening the door to the ‘Islamic’ capital. Apparently, the Ambassador especially minds the ‘destructive behaviour of SBiH’ in the ‘Aluminij’ case. When it comes to the HDZ, Ambassador von Kittlitz noted that the HDZ was dealing too much with internal issues, whilst neglecting economic issues in the Croat areas. VL also learns that with departure of the current HR, Paddy Ashdown, ‘who had excellent relations with (Haris) Silajdzic’ and arrival of Christian Schwarz-Schilling, the power of the SBiH should decrease, which should lead to German economy taking over the leading role in investments in BiH. |
SB on
| Slobodna Bosna cover splash ‘Germans are coming’, pgs 6-9 ‘Schwarz-Schilling instead Ashdown’ by Danka Savic – SB praises appointment of Christian Schwarz-Schilling to the position of the High Representative, adding that this is encouraging moment that deserves a support. Author speculates that Schwarz-Schilling will make serious changes in the OHR leadership. Author describes |
Ashdown to introduce the BiH Parliamentarians with a set of law which should improve functioning of the state level management
| Hayat by Snjezana Mulic – On January 17th, the High Representative to BiH Paddy Ashdown will introduce the BiH Parliamentarians with a set of laws which should improve functioning of the state-level management. The set consists of draft amendments to the Law on BiH Council of Ministers, BiH Crime Code and additions to the BiH House of Representatives’ code of conduct. The new vetting procedure for the ministerial position should also be presented. “The BiH Parliament will be in charge of vetting the candidates, investigating whether they are suitable [for the position] and the best way of having this done is by establishing a public process of parliamentary investigation”, said the OHR Spokesperson Sanela Tunovic. Even though the OHR does not want to make any statements about the details of the future law on vetting procedure, NTV Hayat managed to find the draft law; and according to it SIPA and BiH Election Commission be conducting the vetting procedure for future ministerial candidates. The Parliamentary Commission, namely the BiH HoR, instead of the OHR, will bring the final decision. |
| Dnevni Avaz cover splash pg 2 ‘No one in Europe wants ethnically divided BiH’ by E.Sarac – Following a series of meetings with the political parties in the European parliament, the SBiH founder Haris Silajdzic, says that Europe doesn’t want ethically divided BiH, but state with civic democracy. Author further reminds that US senators and congressmen expressed almost the same stances, a month ago during Silajdzic’s visit to US. Silajdzic said: “There would probably be no second chance for thorough constitutional changes to tear down Milosevic’s project in BiH.” |
Feral op-ed criticizing behavior of BiH religious leaders
| Feral pgs 26-27 Europe made of sceneries’ by I. Lovrenovic criticizes behavior of BiH religious leaders with a special stress on the recent statement given by Reis Mustafa Ceric, who demanded from SBiH founder Haris Silajdzic to write a new Constitution. The author says that it has been estimated that the basic point of the Reis’ petty political statement is giving of the support to Silajdzic who prepares his return to politics before the 2006 general elections. The author concludes that, by all accounts, beneath the surface of messages sent for religious holidays one can perceive that the election year in BiH would bring a lot of dynamics and that we shall have quite enough to see and hear. |
Economic and social stories | |
Sub-fund for sustainable returning process finally established
| Hayat – Decision on establishment of a sub-fund for sustainable return has officially been made by BiH Commission for the Refugees and DPs. The fund would largely depend on donations. “In order to serve as an example, the BiH Council of Ministers allocated 500,000 KM to the fund”, said BiH Minister for Human Rights Mirsad Kebo. “I hope that this initiative will contribute to a better future. My wife and I will also give a small contribution; 1,500 KM as a sign of gratitude to all refugees who offered their hospitality”, said the HR to BiH Paddy Ashdown. “Great number of people is still waiting for their return to take place. Being a social community, we should leave no man neglected”, said Chairman of BiH Presidency Ivo Miro Jovic. PINK, |
PDHR Butler visited Klas due to VAT
| PINK– Principal Deputy to HR Larry |
FBiH Tax Administration believes tax system mostly suits tax-evaders; in 2004, tax evasions worth 50 million KM
| FTV – After BiH Foreign Trade Chamber warned that recently introduced VAT would not decrease import and foreign-trade deficit, which was 1.04 billion KM only in December 2006, FBiH Tax Administration expressed similar opinion. In fact, representatives of FBiH Tax Administration believe that current VAT suits tax evaders most. The weakest link in the chain of VAT implementation is the market inspection, responsible for illegal turnover and black market. In order to collect taxes in a more efficient way in BiH, it is necessary to have much more drastic punishments for those who violate the regulations. “You have the illegal sale of all kinds of goods in the main street of BiH capital… I think that it is the most important thing, to direct activities towards illegal sale. And it is up to the market whether the products will be a little cheaper or a little bit more expensive”, stated Director of the FBiH Tax Administration Midhat Arifovic. Oslobodjenje pg 6 ‘Criminal charges for tax evasion worth 50 million KM’, mentioned on cover, by A.Omeragic – Arifovic said that market inspectors have filed 40 lawsuits for tax evasion worth 50 million KM. Dnevni Avaz pg 9 ‘Tax evasion worth 50 million KM last year’ by M.K – also reported. Hayat, Dnevni List pg 21 ‘Payment of public incomes increased by 350 millions KM’ by D.P. Mandic – also carried the statement. |
Tirak: It is possible to reduce prices of medicines
| Nezavisne Novine pg 9 ‘It is possible to reduce prices of medicines’, announced on cover ‘Possible drop in medicines prices’ by R.Cengic – In a brief interview to daily, Ibrahim Tirak, operational head of the F BiH Price Monitoring Team, says that it is possible to reduce the prices of medicines in F BiH. He also announces that the first detailed report on results of the inspections (on prices) in the entire of F BiH will be made public Tuesday. He reminds of penalties for those merchants illicitly increasing prices. |
VAT causes increases of prices all over BiH
| |
Lagumdzija: Decertified policemen to hold hunger strike before OHR building on Jan 16
| BHT1– Representatives of the Association of FBiH and RS Decertified Police Officers announced for Monday, January 16, the hunger strike in front of the OHR and joint institutions buildings in |
RS Unions would not support RS Budget and Economic Policy for 2006; RS Govt. refutes RS Union’ Confederation claims
| RTRS – RS Confederation and Trade Union stated that they would not support the proposed budget for 2006 and RS Government’s economic policy since their objections on it have not been accepted. They feel that RS Government should have dedicated more attention to development of economy, objecting against lack of focus at the employment and social programs. HAYAT, BHT1, Nezavisne Novine pg 9 ‘Against the budget’ by S.G.– also carried. Glas Srpske pg 2 ‘Ignorance or politics’ by G.Dakic – The RS Ministry of Economy, Energy and Development Thursday refuted the Unions claims saying that “the proposed budget and economic policy for 2006 contain elements that would influence creation of environment for more intense launch of production, a s well as for social component much stronger than previous budgets had.” |
FBiH Government adopted privatisation plan and program of work of FBiH Privatisation Agency | Dnevni List pg 6 ‘Privatisation of 24 state companies as of this year’ by D. Kozina,– At its session held in Mostar on Thursday the FBiH Government adopted the plan of privatisation and program of work of the FBiH Privatisation Agency for this year. Also reported by Vecernji List, pg 2 ‘Solving of legal and labor status of de-mining people’, by F, Slobodna Dalmacija, pg 22 ‘Public revenues bigger by 5 percent’, by Z. Zekic. |
War crimes | |
Samardzic pleads not guilty for war crimes in Foca
| BHT1 by Boris Grubesic – Nedjo Samardzic, indicted before the Court of BiH for the crimes against humanity committed against Bosniaks in Foca, pleaded not guilty on all counts of the indictment, including murders, persecution, rape and sexual harassment of Bosniak women and in Foca area 1992-1993. Samardzic was apprehended by EUFOR in Bileca 14 months ago. According to the pre-trial hearing judge Hilmo Vucinic the Trial Chamber now has a deadline of 90 days to schedule the main hearing in this case. Court of BiH agreed that the indictments filed against Samardzic by the District Prosecutor’s Office in Trebinje and the BiH Prosecutor’s Office in Sarajevo are merged, so it is expected that BiH Prosecutor’s Office will soon submit new, expanded indictment against Samardzic. PINK, HAYAT, FTV, RTRS, Oslobodjenje pg 7 ‘Nedjo Samardzic denies maltreatment and rape’, mentioned on cover, by A.Omeragic, Dnevni Avaz pg 4 ‘Nedjo Samardzic plead not guilty for crimes committed in Foca’ by S.Turcalo, Dnevni List, pg 2 ‘Nedjo Samardzic claims he is not guilty’, by E. Mackic, Nezavisne Novine pg 8 ‘Samardzic pleaded not guilty’ by A.D. – all carried the report. |
Indictments against Stanisic and Simatovic extended to include Scorpios crimes
| Oslobodjenje cover splash pg 3 ‘Stanisic and Simatovic indicted for crime committed by Skorpioni’ not signed, Vecernji List, pg 4 ‘Recording of Scorpions accuses Serbia’, by ra – ICTY changed indictments against former Head of Serbian Secret Police Service Jovica Stanisic and his former assistant Frank Simatovic Frenki. On Thursday, ICTY announced that that they withdrew part of indictment that charges them for crimes committed in |
Hartman: Serbian authorities did not want to apprehend Mladic
| RTRS – ICTY Spokesperson Florence Hartman stated that Serbian authorities never tried to arrest Ratko Mladic since there is no political will for that. She also stated that Mladic is under protection of one part of Serbian military intelligence service. At the same time RS Government announced that orders on appointment and dismissal of Mladic have been found and sent to ICTY. PINK, BHT1, HAYAT, Oslobodjenje pg 2 ‘If there is a will, Mladic would be in The Hague in 48 hours’, Vecernji List, pg 2 ‘Hartman: There is no will to arrest Mladic’, by B. S. – all carried the statement. |
OHR supportive toward EUFOR action in Rogatica; Sarajevo Prosecution yet to raise the indictment
| PINK– OHR deems that EUFOR had to attempt the arrest of the war crimes suspect, Dragomir Abazovic, since the RS Interior Ministry failed to do so. RS police spokesperson Radovan Pejic stated that RS MoI didn’t have an outstanding warrant for Abazovic’s arrest. OHR spokesperson LJiljana Radetic reminded that |
Milkan Cvijetic and Goran Abazovic claim stories on Rogatica shooting untrue: Abazovic’ did not fire
| Glas Srpske cover pg splash ‘Abazovic’ did not fire a shot’ by S.Mitrovic – Daily features a story regarding Rogatica shooting, carrying a lengthy statement of Milkan Cvijetic, eye-witness of the shooting, who says that the Abazovic’sdid not fire a bullet. He also notes that at the moment when they were hit, Rada and juvenile Dragoljub had not arms with them, adding they did not fire a bullet and all stories saying this are untrue. Glas Srpske cover pg inset ‘Far from good’ – carries statement of Goran Abazovic, the son of Dragomir,saying that he and his sister managed to visit their father at Kosevo hospital, stressing that information claiming his father’s condition was good and stable are untrue. Goran notes his father cannot speak, his arms and legs are tied, and he did not most likely recognize them. |
OHR: OHR representative attended commemoration in Kravice on 7 January
| Nezavisne Novine pg 5 ‘OHR was in Kravice’ by – OHR Spokesperson, Ljiljana Radetic, Thursday stated that the commemoration in Kravice was attended by Deputy to HR Evgeny Efimov who placed flowers on monument to killed Serbs, adding that the invitation for commemoration was not addressed to OHR main office, but instead it was handed to Bratunac office. |
BHT 1 ‘Javna tajna’ on BiH lawsuit vs. | BHT1 magazine ‘Javna Tajna’ by Amir Zukic- Members of BiH Presidency Sulejman Tihic and Borislav Paravac have very different stances in regard to BiH’s lawsuit against |
Security and judicial issues | |
BiH CoM passes security policy for 2006
| Hayat by Nebojsa Radulovic – At the first session in 2006, the BiH Council of Minister discussed the security in BiH and passed the ‘Security Policy in 2006’, which was forwarded to the BiH Presidency for enactment. By the end of this month, BiH Security Ministry should prepare and submit proposal on activities in this domain. “Taking the assessment on security environment in BiH as the starting point, elements of proposed security policy are external and interior policy, defence, social and financial policy, democratization, human rights and protection of the environment”, says BiH Security Minister Barisa Colak. |
BiH CoM: Decision on location of SIPA postponed for next session
| Dnevni Avaz pg 10 ‘Decision on location of SIPA postponed’ by S.T. – At the first session the BiH Council of Minister decided to postpone the decision on location of SIPA for the next session. BiH Security Minister Barisa Colak told press conference that possible locations for SIPA are FBiH Army barracks in Nedzarici and “one object under construction” in Lukavica. Inset, ‘Colak: No direct contacts with UN’ – Colak stated that he would love to solve the complex issue of decertified police officers as soon as possible, adding that he feels sorry for no contact with UN has been made. |
Minister Bozic: I will resolve Lukic case
| Dnevni Avaz pg 8 ‘Minister Bozic promised to solve case of Radomir Lukic’ – Nezavisne Novine pg 10 ‘I will resolve Lukic case’ by G.Maunaga – Snjezana Babic, RS Education Minister, Thursday announced she would resolve the case of Radomir Lukic, Dean and Professor at East Sarajevo Law Faculty, noting: “There is no need in announcing every step we undertake on this case. We are already resolving the problems related to Lukic case.” Education Inspector Dusko Lalovic did not want to give any detail from the Report they submitted to RS Education Minister on this issue. |
Jelavic’s lawyer: We can appeal sentence | Vecernji List, pg 4 ‘Engel did not read law, there must be appeal’, by Zoran Kresic, Slobodna Dalmacija, pgs 16-17, mentioned on front ‘Jelavic’s appeal should end up in the bin’, by Zlatko Tulic,Dnevni Avaz pg 11 ‘Sentence of Ante Jelavic to be extended to minimum 15 years’ – Regarding the claim by prosecutor Drew Engel, who noted that Ante Jelavic should not be allowed to appeal the sentence passed by the BiH Court because he left the country, Jelavic’s lawyer Dragan Barbaric assessed that Engel did not know laws of BiH and international conventions, claiming that Jelavic is entitled to appeal. Barbaric insists that the Law on criminal procedure does not mention whereabouts on an indictee nor it excludes a possibility that someone else (rather than indictee) lodges an appeal. Also reported by |