
OHR BiH Media Round-up, 12/3/2005



TV PINK (18,00 hrs)

BHT 1 (19,00 hrs)

CFT urges police reform, ICTY coop.

EUFOR searches Maunaga’s house

HR on Covic’s case

Algerian group issue

Cavic on BiH/ICTY cooperation

Stanisic arrived inthe Hague

NATO, EUFOR raid Maunaga house

Mico Stanisic arrives in The Hague

Regional news

Mico Stanisic arrives in The Hague

CFT urges police reform, ICTY coop.

Priebe on police reform, ICTY coop.


NTV Hayat (19,00 hrs)

FTV (19,30 hrs)

RTRS (19,30 hrs)

CFT urges police reform, ICTY coop.

Anti-corruption activities in BiH

Venice Comm. on BiH Constitution

Venice Commission in session

CFT urges police reform, ICTY coop.

Assisting isolated RS villages

Indictment against Covic

Venice Comm. on BiH Constitution

NATO, EUFOR raid Maunaga house

Mico Stanisic arrives in The Hague

Discussion on BiH Traffic Safety Law

Stanisic arrived in the Hague



700 veterans committed suicide in the past 3 years; SIPA investigates 15 corruption cases; Mico Stanisic in the Hague ; Covic: Recorded talks and protected witness confirm bribing

Dnevni Avaz

Ashdown removes Covic?; SIPA: ‘Quite war’ between Croats and foreigners over Sredoje Novic; Sickness and hunger in isolated villages

Dnevni list

Covic case: Andric key witness for prosecution; Hadzipasic: Government better be brought down by foreigners than veterans

Vecernji list

Floods and epidemics to follow the snow; Interview: OHR write tapped Lijanovics

Nezavisne novine

CTF: No visa abolishment; EU expects from Dragan Covic to resign; Stankovic: There are no persons from Mladic’s security in RS Army’

Glas Srpske

Ratko Dubajic has been demanding for 15 years from Cazin Health Institution to pay a debt: ‘Court wants to rob’


Indictment vs. Covic, others

Media speculate HR will dismiss Covic if he doesn’t resign









BHT 1 by Damir Simic – According to BHT’s source from the OHR, the High Representative Paddy Ashdown will dismiss the BiH Presidency member Dragan Covic if he doesn’t resign. Covic has been accused of abuse of power, organized crime and receiving a bribe. BHT’s source also confirmed that the stance of the international representatives is not to meet with the officials indicted from crime. “Nobody wants to rush Mr. Covic to make a decision. There is no doubt as to what that decision should to be. The International Community clearly informed Mr. Covic on what is being expected from him”, said the HR and added that time for making such decision isn’t unlimited. Dnevni Avaz pg 2 inset ‘International Community clearly said what it expect’ – carries HR’s statement given to BHT1.

Dnevni Avaz cover splash, pg 2 ‘Ashdown removes Covic?’ by S.N. – DA also brings that its source close to EU claims that Paddy Ashdown would remove Dragan Covic if he doesn’t resign.

Dnevni list pg 3 ‘If he doesn’t resign, Covic will be removed’ by Zvonimir Jukic – In addition to saying that HR would remove Covic unless he resigns, DL source also informs the international community will in the next few days strongly insist for Covic to leave his position as soon as possible. “Nobody wants to damage the Covic’s  dignity… however time for thinking is limited,” says the source.

International Community expects from Covic to resign


PINK byZeljko Mandic – The OHR Spokesperson, Vedran Persic said that persons accused of criminal activities were expected to resign. “Only in that way they can prepare their defence before the court. We believe that Dragan Covic is going to think through what would be the best way of having the issue solved”, said Persic.

RTRS – carries details of the indictment, and HR’s statement that IC told Covic what he is expected to do now.

Dnevni Avaz cover splash, pg 2 ‘Ashdown removes Covic?’ by S.N. – DA says that the Director of the EC Western Balkans Directorate, Reinhard Priebe, met briefly with Covic on Friday and informed him of a stances of EU High Representative for Foreign Policy, Javier Solana, and EU Enlargement Commissioner, Olli Rehn, who expect Covic to resign. DA also says that there are speculations that Martin Raguz could take over the position of Croat member of the BiH Presidency.  

Nezavisne novine pg 3 ‘EU expects resignation’, mentioned on cover, by A. Sisic – Outgoing UK Ambassador to BiH, Ian Cliff, stated that EU and Peace Implementation Council’s countries also expect Covic to resign.

Covic will not make decision on resigning or react to indictment before reading it


BHT 1 – Dragan Covic’s lawyer, Josip Muselimovic, says that his client will not take stance on his withdrawal until he reads the indictment. President of the BiH Constitutional Court Mato Tadic has been accused of breaching legal procedures. Tadic previously stated he is innocent thus he has not intentions to withdraw from the position.

Nezavisne novine pg 3 ‘EU expects resignation’, mentioned on cover, by A. SisicLjerka Bojic from Presidency’s press office stated also that Covic would react only after reading the indictment. In addition, NN claims that it is obvious he doesn’t plan to resign, as he book ticket to Rome for next week.

McNair: Trail of Covic, others to start latest by beginning of June; media bring details of indictment


Oslobodjenje pg 7 ‘Recorded talks and protected witness to confirm bribing’, mentioned on cover, by Az. Kalamujic – The Head of Special Department for organized crime, economic crime and corruption, John McNair, confirmed that the trial of Dragan Covic, Mato Tadic, Lijanovics brothers and Zdravko Lucic will start within the legal deadline of two to three months, latest by the beginning of June. He added that the Prosecution did not demand detention for suspects, and explained that the BiH Court will hold pre-trial hearing within 15 days for suspects to plead on the indictment, after which the case will forwarded to the Court’s Council to establish the date of trial. Oslobodjenje further gives the details of the indictment, saying it focuses on the testimony of protected witness S1, and recorded talks he held with Lucic, accused of being a mediator in bribing process.

Dnevni Avaz pg 2 ‘[Covic] got money, car and apartment from Lijanovici’ by M. Kukan – DA also brings the details of the indictment. 

Dnevni list cover splash, pgs 2-3 ‘Covic case: Andric key witness for prosecution’ by Nermin Bise, Zvonimir Jukic – DL says that in addition to protected witness S1, the key witness will be Filip Andric, HDZ representative in BiH Parliament, who at the time was Director of FBiH Customs. He will testify that the letters Covic sent to Customs were taken as orders without any opposition. Indictment says that those Covic’s instructions damaged FBiH budget for millions KM. Important will also be testimony of Mira Bradara, than chief of Covic’s cabinet, who would state that facsimile with Covic’s signature could not have been used without his approval, thus he was aware of Lijanovici case. 

VL int/ with Jerko Lijanovic: ‘OHR wire-tapped Lijanovics’

Vecernji list pg 5 ‘SMS messages were ‘downloaded’ in Ashdown’s office!’, mentioned on cover ‘OHR wire-tapped Lijanovics’, by Zoran Kresic – In an interview to VL, Jerko Ivankovic Lijanovic, denies all accusations from the indictment stating that it was “motivated with something entirely different, and not by alleged criminal activities.”  He stresses that those “some” desire Lijanovici company’s breakdown, noting that this firm is one of the rare exporters in BiH. “We can see that political competition has a motive to eliminate Lijanovics from party ‘Working to Prosperity’ through this protected witness,” says Lijanovic. He further says he met once protected witness [who is said to have represented company before the courts] explaining that once company saw he is not capable of representing it adequately they gave up on this cooperation. Asked by VL to comment whether he believes that the indictment is staged by a part of the international community, since OHR experts downloaded a questionable SMS message and 2 OHR experts were present at Dragan Covic’s hearing, Lijanovic answered that “indictment states that a part of evidences were gathered in OHR from protected witness’ mobile phone. It is obvious OHR is familiar with all this.” [Note interview doesn’t mention anything else that would further relate with claim that OHR wire-tapped Lijanovics


Political issues and reforms

CTF notes progress in meeting Feasibility Study conditions, urge police reform and coop. w/ICTY










PINK by Adriana Domazet – BiH has achieved substantial progress in fulfilling the priorities from the Feasibility Study, but the full cooperation with the ICTY and police reform are crucial for opening the negotiations on a Stabilization and Association Agreement with the EU, was declared at the 5th meeting of the EU-BiH Consultative Task Force (CTF) in Sarajevo.  For the first time, the CTF meeting also focused on the BiH’s visa regime with the EU, and the basis for considering this matter was the BiH’s Security Report for the first six months of 2004. CTF also noted that progress has to be achieved regarding the adoption of the PBS Law and the Law on refugees in RS.

Hayat Lejla Gutlic – During 2004, all 16 terms EU set for BiH should had been met. “We have concluded that BiH had a lot more to do; I think that the most important issue is a cooperation with the ICTY. We are going to deal with this issue in next several weeks. Another important issue is a police reform. Progresses in domain of governing and public administration reform have been achieved”, said Dirk Lange, the EC representative. “This time we have discussed on visas regime and this presents a beginning of a dialogue on technical level”, said the Chair of the BiH European Integrations Agency, Osman Topcagic.

BHT1, FTV, Nezavisne novine cover splash, pg 2 ‘No visa abolishment’ by M. Cubro, Oslobodjenje pg 6 ‘The beginning of negotiations depend n BiH meeting its obligations’ by Onasa, Vecernji list pg 2 ‘Through police reform to negotiations’ by Eldina Medunjanin – The next meeting will be held in May when BiH authorities expect to be granted the chart for negotiations on SAA.

Priebe urges police reform, coop. w/ ICTY, solving conflict over FTAs


BHT1, RTRS, RHB, Dnevni Avaz pg 4 ‘Priebe: EU could soon start negotiations with BiH’ – Director of the EC Western Balkans Directorate, Reinhard Priebe, stated that EC cannot give a green light to BIH to launch negotiations on SAA. However he did note that BiH has made significant progress when it comes to reforms, and that if those are continued BiH could soon launch those negotiations.  

PINK – “As you know, greater progress has to be achieved in domain of cooperation with the ICTY. Some serious steps have been taken but we hope that in several next months greater progresses are going to be achieved, so to say that the full cooperation with the ICTY has been achieved”, said Priebe.

Dnevni list pg 5 ‘EU interested to see solution to issues between BiH and neighbours’ by Mensud Zorlak – Priebe also told that solving the issues between the countries of Western Balkans caused by the implementation of the Free Trade Agreements would be a clear sign for EU that the entire region ahs moved towards realizing good neighbouring relations. He added that the FTAs are important for regional cooperation, but that the EU is not a final arbiter for such disputes and that it will not interfere in trying to solve them. 

Venice Comm. concludes BiH constitutional structure not efficient, HR powers should be reduced


Hayat, RTRS, BHT1 – The Venice Commission of the Council of Europe has concluded that current constitutional solution in BiH is not effective or sustainable, thus disabling the BiH to move forward in the direction of European integration. At the session held in Strasbourg , Commission also concluded that powers of the High Representatives have to be gradually reduced. 

FTV, Dnevni Avaz pg 3 ‘Strengthening the state a priority among reforms’ by Srna, Dnevni list pg 4 ‘Constitutional changes possible through agreement, without imposing’ by De.L., Nezavisne novine pg 3 ‘Reduce HR’s powers’ by Srna, Glas Srpske pg 2 ‘Constitution as a break’ by Srna– The Commission recommended the BiH to deem strengthening of state authorities as a priority. It was also said that the authorities of Cantons in FBiH should be decreased or cantons all together repealed. In addition, Venice Commission says that administrative structures must be simplified, decision-making process at all levels harmonized and the influence of nationalists parties to be reduced.

Cavic expects Venice Comm. to confirm IC breaches human rights


Glas Srpske pg 2 ‘Nothing out of agreement’ by S.R.T. – RS President Dragan Cavic he hopes that the Venice Commission would confirm that the international officials in BiH breach human rights. In an interview to Bijeljina based TV BN, Cavic reminded that when Venice Commission visited BiH, he delivered them documentation on HR’s decisions allegedly proving they breached human rights. He repeated that the eventual constitutional changes could only be a result of the consensus.

OHR welcomes Venice Comm. report 


BHT 1, Oslobodjenje pg 5 ‘Necessary to reexamine BiH constitutional structure’ – OHR has welcomed the Venice Commission report which concluded that “a process of reconsideration of the present constitutional arrangement in BiH” may now be timely, and that “Constitutional reform is indispensable since present arrangements are neither efficient nor rational and lack democratic content.” OHR also noted that BiH’s integration in Euro-Atlantic structures cannot be completed until the functionality of its government has been substantially improved.


War crimes

Stanisic arrives in the Hague ; Bukejlovic announces more voluntary surrenders








RTRS by Sandra Zrnic – Former RS Minister of Interior Mico Stanisic arrived in the Hague on Friday, where he voluntary surrendered to the ICTY while accompanied by the Serbian Minister of local Self-Governance Zoran Loncar and RS Minister of Interior Darko Matijasevic. Stanisic has been charged of committing war crimes against non-Serb civilians in BiH in 1992. RS Prime MInister Pero Bukejlovic stated that Stanisic’s surrender is the RS’ contribution to the cooperation with the ICTY, adding more voluntary surrenders are expected in the future. OHR also welcomed the surrender and added that RS is finally starting to seriously consider its obligations towards ICTY. RS President Dragan Cavic stated for FBIH Press that the problem with ICTY cooperation is the fact that all war crime suspects have dual citizenship so “solution is in fact in Belgrade”. Bishop Nikolaj, who spoke with EUFOR commander David Leakey on Friday, stated that all war crime suspects should be brought to justice.

RHB, BHT1, Hayat, PINK, FTV, Dnevni Avaz pg 10 ‘Mico Stanisic yesterday turned to ICTY’, inset ‘Bukejlovic announces new surrenders’ by Tanjug, Oslobodjenje pg 3, mentioned on cover ‘Mico Stanisic in the Hague’, inset ‘Bukejlovic: Contribution to cooperation with the ICTY’ by B. Boskov, Dnevni list pg 7 ‘Former Minister Stanisic arrived in the Hague’ by Nina, Vecernji list pg 2 ‘Mico Stanisic departed for the Hague’, Nezavisne novine pg 2 ‘Mico Stanisic in the Hague’ by NN., Glas Srpske pg 2 ‘Stanisic in the Hague’ by Srna  – also reported on Stanisic arrival in the Hague.

NATO, EUFOR raid house of former military policeman 


RTRS by Branka Kusmuk – On Friday in Lukavica, NATO and EUFOR troops raided the house owned by former member of RS military police Branimir Maunaga. They confiscated 2 mobile phones, a computer, photographs and some documentation. NATO spokesman Dwight Mood confirmed that this action was carried out on grounds of request from the ICTY.

Glas Srpske pg 3 ‘I thought they were joking’ by N. Zelenovic – GS brings account of the raid by members of Maunaga family, who said that about 30 masked troops raided the house. They said soldiers did not mistreated them, but added it was not ‘comfortable’ experience.

RHB, PINK, BHT1, Hayat, FTV, Dnevni Avaz pg 10 ‘House of former RS Army generals’ bodyguard raided’ by S. Skuletic, Oslobodjenje pg 2 ‘Maunaga’s house raided’ by Fena, Dnevni list pg 5 ‘EUFOR raided house of former military policeman’ by M.B., Nezavisne novine pg 3 ‘EUFOR confiscated computer and documentation’ by D.M.  – all carry factual report on the raid.

Stankovic: RS Army or RS MoD do not employ people who protected Mladic


Nezavisne novine pg 10 ‘In RS Army there are no persons who protected Mladic’, mentioned on cover, by V. Popovic – RS Defence Minister, Milovan Stankovic, claims that there are no persons from Ratko Mladic’s personal security service in either RS Army or RS MoD. The HR Paddy Ashdown set 15 March as deadline for RS MoD to prove that no individual from 410th military intelligence centre, which was involved in illegal wire tapping, or personal Mladic’s security is still employed with the Army or MoD. Stankovic said that by 15 March Ministry will submit the names of individuals who were in those units. “In RS Army and RS MoD there are no persons who were in personal security… of general Mladic, but there are persons who were in some specific duties within those units, ranging from privates or privates first class and similar,” says Stankovic adding the investigation showed there are no indications that people currently working in the army are engaged in Anti-Dayton activities.

Marinkovic believes both ‘Stankovic’ and ‘Mejakic’ case to be tried in BiH

Nezavisne novine pg 6 ‘Cases ‘Stakovic’ and ‘Mejakic’ will be forwarded by ICTY to BiH’ by A.Sisic – In an interview to NN, the Chief of BiH Prosecution’s Special Department for War Crimes, Vaso Marinkovic, says that in order to overcome the problem of dual citizenships of some war crimes indictees it would be the best if BiH, SCG and Croatia sing trilateral agreement on extraditing such suspects. He also says he is certain that the case ‘Radomir Stankovic’ will be transferred to BiH for processing, and adds he hopes that ‘Zeljko Mejakic and others’ case will arrive in the Prosecution too. Marinkovic also praises the cooperation with the SIPA, which is the Prosecution’s first service, saying that to date it gave some very good results.


Anti-corruption activities / SIPA

Anti-corruption round-table commend SIPA’s efforts








Hayat by Denis Zaimovic – The round table on the anti-corruption activities in BiH, organized by the BiH Security Ministry and the regional secretariat of the Stability Pact Anti-Corruption Initiative, was held in Sarajevo on Friday. At the press conference, the Executive Secretary of the Initiative, Veselin Sukovic, commended the establishment of the Finance Unit within SIPA which in three months of its work registered and investigated 15 larger cases of corruption, out of which 6 were sent to the BiH Prosecution. Reporter noted that Sukovic could not give any information on corruption in BiH: “We do not do researches, and we have no possibility to research corruption. We cannot make comparisons between the states in the region, saying that the one is good while the other is not.

FTV, PINK – both were also critical towards the Sukovic’s inability to offer any information or statistics regarding the corruption in BiH.

Dnevni Avaz pg 8 ‘SIPA’s financial intelligence unit investigation 15 big corruption cases’, Oslobodjenje pg 6 ‘SIPA investigates 15 corruption cases’, mentioned on cover, by A. Omeragic, Dnevni list ‘SIPA checks 500 transactions annually’ by D. Polovina-Mandic  – also reported on the round-table.

DA says IC and Croats clash over SIPA Director position

Dnevni Avaz pg 8 ‘Croats and foreigners in a war over Novic’, mentioned on cover, by S.N. – DA says that the ‘quite war’ between the international community and the political representatives of Croat people in BiH over the SIPA Director position is coming to end. Daily learns that HDZ leader and BiH Security Minister, Barisa Colak, insists for agreement on distribution of positions, under which a Croat should occupy this position, to be respected. However, the IC insists respect of the Law on Appointments, while their “second argument” is the fact that Sredoje Novic was much better ranked in tests than two other, Croat, candidates. DA also says that Colak dislikes one of those two, ranked second at tests. Bosniaks also oppose appointment of Sredoje Novic, however journalist notes that they are not that resolute.  


Veterans issues

Oslobodjenje: 700 veterans committed suicide in last 3 yrs


Oslobodjenje cover splash, pgs 4-5 ‘700 veterans committed suicide in the past 3 years’ by Asaf Becirovic – Daily says that in the past there years 700 demobilised soldiers of BiH army committed suicide. The Chair of the FBiH Demobilized Soldiers Association, Mehmed Sisic, says this is the reliable information gathered at the field. The reason, says Sisic, is a lack of possibilities to provide for their families. 

Hadzipasic says Govt will not decrease veterans’ benefits, WB to suspend 80 mil KM worth projects?

Dnevni list pgs 8-9 ‘Better Government be brought down by foreigners than veterans’ not signed – In an interview to DL, FBiH Prime Minister, Ahmet Hadzipasic, says that the Government could not accept decrease of already minimal benefits for veterans at the time when the economy is in rise. He added he addressed the issue to OHR, World Bank and the Chair of the Council of Ministers asking them to find solution to the problem. Hadzipasic further argues that the decision to maintain the same coefficient of benefits for veterans is not in contradiction with the IMF and WB demands. He adds that it is better if the Government is “brought down by the foreigners than veterans.” Inset to the interview brings statement by the Chief of WB Press Office in BiH, Srecko Latal, who announced that WB could suspend 80 million KM worth projects in entire BiH.