CROAT RADIO HERCEG-BOSNA (18,00 hrs) | BH TV 1 (19,00 hrs) | FED TV (19,30 hrs) | RT RS (19,30) |
BiH House of Peoples confirms appointment of Borislav Paravac | BiH Parliament committed to fulfil conditions for entering EU by 2009 | 28 deaf pupils died in fire in dorm in Dagestan capital | RS Army and RS Ministry of Defence completed report on Orao |
BiH SCMM discussed reconstruction of defence | Visit of NATO delegation | Visit of NATO delegation | Criminal charges against management of RS Elektroprivreda |
Federal Government promised easing of damages caused by frost in Neretva River valley | RS President Cavic announced removals in Ministry of Interior and RS Army | Session of the BiH Parliament on accession to EU | Robertson receives promises on joint Army command establishment |
Anniversary of Serb wartime attack on Kupres marked | RS Interior Ministry press charges against former officials in power sector | BiH House of Peoples confirms appointment of Paravac | Borislav Paravac – new member of BiH Presidency |
Oslobodjenje | RS issued arrest warrant against Radovan Karadzic |
Dnevni Avaz | SFOR action in Tuzla: Naser Oric (Srebrenica defense wartime commander) apprehended |
Dnevni List | Damages in Gabela Polje in excess of 2 million KMs; Terzic: BiH wants into EU in 2009; BiH must have one Ministry of Defence |
Vecernji List | NATO Secretary General Robertson sends message: This sort of army is unacceptable; INA buying Lijanovici’s gas stations |
Slobodna Dalmacija | Ashdown pleased with analysis of situation and planned action against Mafia: Local criminals linked to authorities; Josip Merdzo, HDZ principal, on non-formation of cantonal government: SDA deserves punishment from OHR |
Glas Srpski | Former officials of RS Elektroprivreda charged: Dampers under high voltage; Banja Luka: Milica Bisic is leaving |
Nezavisne Novine | International community continues investigation into arms sale to Iraq: Military command at BiH level to be established following Orao affair; George Robertson in Sarajevo: Grand reform of entity armies to follow; Owing to misuse of office: Criminal reports against Bosko Lemez and Svetozar Acimovic |
Vecernje Novosti | Zoran Zivkovic: Legija is hiding in the country |
Blic | George Robertson: The main task is a single army command; Humphreys: it depends on BiH when it will join Europe; Dragan Cavic: A single army is not possible |
Slobodna Bosna | A criminal headquarters: Milosevic, Simatovic, Legija and Abdic responsible for inside-Bosniak massacre |
BH Dani | New TV scandal: Who will pay back millions-worth debts of Shearer and Durakovic; Kemal Monteno (a famous Sarajevo singer): Sarajevo is a special town |
Military reforms in BiH | |
NATO delegation visit to BiH
| Oslobodjenje front page, pg. 5 ‘RS issued warrant for arrest of Radovan Karadzic’, Dnevni Avaz pg. 2 ‘A single army by the end of the year’, mentioned on the front page ‘BiH must have a single army’ – The NATO Secretary General George Robertson said in Sarajevo on Thursday that RS President Dragana Cavic had told him the valid warrant for the arrest of Radovan Karadzic existed in the RS. “President Cavic told me today that he considered himself personally responsible for the arrest of Karadzic. He said that the arrest warrant had been issued already by the RS authorities and that Karadzic would be apprehended if he is found,” said Roberston following his meeting with the BiH Presidency members. Roberston accompanied with the ambassadors of the North Atlantic Council (NAC) arrived in BiH for one-day official visit to meet with the state and entity’s officials and discuss the security situation in the country as well as the ongoing reforms. The NATO delegation members got assurances from the BiH Presidency members that, by the end of this year, a single army under command of the collective head of the state would be established in BiH together with the state defence ministry. “NATO request us to make swift moves related to security, army and BiH defence ministry. We also discussed the economic reforms,” said Croat member of the BiH Presidency Dragan Covic following the meeting. Vecernji List (front “This sort of army in unacceptable” and page 3 “This military structure is unacceptable”, by D. Jazvic) reports that a senior NATO delegation led by NATO Secretary General, George Robertson, visited Sarajevo when they met with COMSFOR, Standing Committee for Military Matters and a BiH delegation led by members of BiH Presidency. Lord Robertson stated that the NATO delegation came to BiH to deliver a clear message about the need to have thorough reforms in the area of defence. “One cannot tolerate the existence of this defence structure in BiH. Joint command and control are an absolute pre-requisite for BiH joining the Partnership for peace”, said Lord Robertson. (Dnevni List, front and page 3, unsigned, “BiH must have one Ministry of Defence” and Slobodna Dalmacija, back page, by D. Pasic, “Even for NATO a cooperation with The Hague is needed, Vjesnik, page 2, “Robertson: Military reform necessary in BiH”) Nezavisne Novine, page 3/also cover page, ‘Armies to be reformed’; Glas Srpski, page 3, ‘Joint military command’ – 19-memebr delegation of the NATO, led by its Secretary General, George Robertson, yesterday visited BIH and met with the most senior officials of this state. According to Stjepan Pocrnja, Secretary General of the Standing Committee for Military Affairs, NATO delegation demonstrated great interest in the current economic and political situation in BiH, but the greatest interest indeed was given to the level of the implementation of the reforms in the field of defence policy. According to Pocrnja, “HiRep recently imposed decree, which ensures necessary pre-requisites for drafting law on defence at state level.” According to Glas Srpski, Robertson expressed satisfaction by the NATO over the progress made in consolidation of the role given to BiH Standing Committee for Military Affairs, stressing that many things are still left to be done in order to place the entity armies under one civil control and command. |
Ashdown meets with NATO’s Robertson | Dnevni Avaz pg. 2 ‘NATO should appoint its provisional representative in BiH’, Oslobodjenje (the meeting was just mentioned in the front-page story) – Rapid economic, political and military reform is a prerequisite for normalising Bosnia and Herzegovina and preparing the country for membership of NATO’s Partnership for Peace Programme as well as promoting further integration in European structures, the High Representative, Paddy Ashdown, said on Thursday. The High Representative was speaking in Sarajevo at a meeting with NATO Secretary-General George Robertson and representatives of the North Atlantic Council, NATO’s principal decision-making body, according to a press release issued by OHR. |
RS President Cavic says BiH Army is not possible | Vecernji List (page 3, by FENA, “Dragan Cavic: Joint army is not possible at all”) reads that the RS President, Dragan Cavic, stated that the RS supported BiH joining the Partnership for peace and that there should be gradual changes that should lead to joining the organization. Cavic also stated to journalists that “joint BiH army is not possible neither constitutionally of practically” (Slobodna Dalmacija, back page, by M. Labus, “Joint army – no”, Oslobodjenje pg. 4,) Blic pg. 7 headline ‘Cavic: Impossible’; Vecernje Novosti pg. 3 ‘It is impossible’ carries only Cavic’s statement also carry Cavic’s statement and report on Robertson’s visit to BiH. |
Covic on BiH Defence Ministry establishment | Dnevni Avaz pg. 8 ‘There is not a single reason to thing of my removal’ – Interview with Croat member of the BiH President Dragan Covic. Asked when BiH would get the state defence ministry Covic said: “If we continue behaving like nowadays, I believe that will happen in ten years or so. But, on the other side, I believe, if we find enough courage, that will happen by the end of this year.” |
VL on military reforms in BiH | Vecernji List (page 3, by Z. Jurilj, “One army with national brigades by 2004”) says the ultimate goal of NATO is to transform the current entity armies into a BiH Army that would have three national brigades and joint air force and anti-aircraft defence. According to VL, on top of the pyramid there would be some sort of main HQ or joint HQ located within the BiH Ministry of Defence whilst the use of the armed forces would be in the competence of the BiH Presidency. |
Crimes | |
SD: “Local criminals linked to authorities”
| Slobodna Dalmacija (page 17, by Zlatko Tulic) carries that High Representative Paddy Ashdown paid visit to Belgrade where he met with representatives of Serbia and Montenegro and the focus of the talks was creating of the Alliance against crime. The author wonders whether Sarajevo and Belgrade are preparing a joint action for a showdown with criminals. SD says that, according to their information, the HR took to Belgrade the whole plan of the fight against the link of the authority and criminals, which was made in details and presented to OHR by Head of Police of the Federation of BiH Ministry of Interior Zlatko Miletic. SD says that the HR liked this plan. The article says that the plan refers to the Federation of BiH, however, it can be applied for the efficient struggle against crime in the region. Miletic believes that the situation in BiH is different then in Serbia and Montenegro because in BiH local criminals are linked to the representatives of the authority in BiH but also in the Federation of BiH. |
Ashdown’s interview for Avaz on regional fight against organised crime
| Dnevni Avaz pg. 5 ‘Bosses of the organised crime in BiH must be treated as the state enemies’ – Sead Numanovic interviewed the High Representative Paddy Ashdown during his recent stay in Belgrade, where he attended the SEECP Summit and met with a number of the senior Serbian-Montenegrin officials. “I was very concerned about the information I received from Serbian Interior Minister Dusan Mihajlovic that the BiH authorities were expressing the smallest interest in fights against the organised crime at the scene in Serbia”, Ashdown said among other things. |
HR’s statement for FoNet | Nezavisne Novine, page 4, ‘Police and judges protect criminals’ – According to FoNet agency, HiRep to BiH, Paddy Ashdown, stated in an interview to FoNet that he strongly supports political authorities of Serbia in their decisive fight against organised crime and its attempts to establish the rule of law and consolidate democratic order. He also addressed a message to Reatko Mladic and Radovan Karadzic, that they would end up in The Hague. HiRep also assessed that the assassination of Serbian PM, Zoran Djindjic, resulte din crisis in Serbia, upon which authorities responded well. According to Ashdown, criminals are protected through cooperation “at lower level”, referring hearby to cooperation between police and judges from both sides of the border. |
US Bond in Banja Luka on organised crime | Nezavisne Novine, page 4, ‘A moment to confront organised crime’ – Clifford Bond, American Ambassador to BiH, yesterday assessed that the present moment would be the best for RS Government to confront the organised crime. During yesterday’s visit to Banja Luka, Bond congratulated to the Banjaluka Mayor, Dragoljub Davidovic, for the progress made in the implementation of the property legislation. Dnevni List (page 5) carries that American Ambassador in BiH Clifford Bond stated in Banja Luka that a detailed investigation on the claims that companies from the Federation of BiH were involved in trade with Iraq through Banja Luka and Belgrade should be carried out. After the talk with RS Prime Minister Dragan Mikerevic Bond said that an end was put on the Orao affair and that resignation of former Chairman of the BiH Presidency Mirko Sarovic and decisions passed by High Representative Paddy Ashdown should prevent that these things happen again. |
Naser Oric arrested | Dnevni Avaz front page, pg. 4 ‘Naser Oric apprehended’ – The SFOR troops apprehended late on Thursday in Tuzla the wartime commander of the Srebrenica defence structures, Naser Oric. The newspaper unofficially learned that SFOR had informed the authorized state bodies about the action and the alleged transport of Oric to The Hague. |
Slobodna Bosna on Ashdown’s talks with Serbian-Montenegrin officials | Slobodna Bosna pgs. 5-10 ‘Zivkovic criticised Ashdown claiming that the politicians from RS protected by him had participated in assassination of Djindjic’ Signed by SB Investigating Team – This week, the High Representative, Paddy Ashdown, left for Belgrade announcing in media he would offer BiH’s assistance to the Serbia and Montenegro authorities in their fight against organised crime. “This is just another one in a series of his stupid statement and it illustrated his political immaturity (stupidity) and total misunderstanding of the character and the extent of the organised crime, which the Belgrade authorities have been fighting against following the assassination of Zoran Djindjic,” the article read. According to the magazine, Ashdown was actually invited in Belgrade because the Serbian and Montenegrin officials wanted to tell him that not only Serbian but the Mafia from RS/BiH was standing behind Djindjic assassination. |
Political developments | |
BiH House of Peoples confirmed appointment of Borislav Paravac
| Slobodna Dalmacija (last page, by D. Pasic, “Appointment of Borislav Paravac for position of BiH Presidency member confirmed”), Vecernji List (front page, “In European Union in 2009” and page 2, “BiH will become EU member by 2009”, by Eldina Medunjanin) and Dnevni List (page 3, by Fena, “Paravac appointed member of BiH Presidency”) carry that the House of Peoples of the BiH Parliamentary Assembly confirmed the appointment of Borislav Paravac from SDS for a position of a Serb member of the BiH Presidency. Oslobodjenje pg. 3 ‘Paravac: I hope I will not use veto’, Dnevni Avaz pg. 2 ‘HoP confirmed appointment of Paravac’, Nezavisne Novine, page 5, ‘Appointment of Borislav Paravc verified’; Glas Srpski, page 3, ‘Election of Borislav Paravc verified’ also reported on the issue. |
Reactions to Paravac appointment | Oslobodjenje pg. 2 In Focus column by Zija Dizdarevic ‘Inside destruction’ – “Borislav Paravac, a follower of Karadzic and the wartime President of the municipal government in Doboj, is the Head of the B-H state. This is in many terms a crushing and humiliating fact for the Bosnians and Herezegovinians. Let us just recall a number of persons of various kinds who were members of this country’s top leadership. And where they are now. Inside both political and moral destruction of BiH is continuing,” wrote Dizdarevic. Oslobodjenje pg. 2 ‘SDU: SDS hard-line still in Presidency’, Dnevni Avaz pg. 10 – The BiH Social Democratic Union President, Miro Lazovic, believes that, by the election of Borislav Paravac, the hardest SDS line had come back to the body. |
Both houses of BiH Parliamentary Assembly discusses prospects for BiH’s EU membership | Vecernji List (front page, “In European Union in 2009” and page 2, “BiH will become EU member by 2009”, by Eldina Medunjanin), Dnevni List (front and page 7, by H, “Terzic: BiH wants to join EU in 2009”) carry that Chairman of the BiH Council of Ministers Adnan Terzic addressed yesterday representatives of both Houses of the state Parliament and stated that BiH might become a valid EU member in 2009. Terzic explained his optimistic expectations with a belief that it is possible to meet a big number of EU conditions relatively fast and without bigger inner upheavals. Terzic is also convinced that prerequisites for drafting of Feasibility Study might be met by October this year. EC Ambassador in BiH Michael Humphries also called on the representatives in the state Parliament to support reforms that would lead towards approaching of the EU. (Oslobodjenje pg. 6 ‘Into EU in 2009’, Dnevni Avaz pg. 2 ‘BiH strategic goal is to become EU member by 2009’, Nezavisne Novine, page 5, ‘Admission to EU in 2009 is the goal’, (Blic pg. 7 ‘Road to Europe depends on BiH’ carries Humphries’ address to the Parliament)) |
Mikerevic visits Washington | Glas Srspski, page 3, ‘Mikerevic in Washington’ – Dragan Mikerevic, RS Prime Minister, yesterday left to Washington where he will meet the officials of the World Bank and discus the loan arrangements aimed at strengthening business environment and social programmes. |
RS NA session | Blic pg. 7 ‘Auditor found a lot of irregularities’ – The RS NA MPs adopted all 13 reports of RS Chief Auditor Bosko Ceko who conducted revision in the RS public sector institutions and these reports mostly point to the irregularities in the institutions’ work. At the same time, the MPs requested the RS Chief Auditor to revise dealings of Srpske Poste, RS Telekom, Public Housing Fund and the privatisation of Nova Banja Luka Bank. Vecernje Novosti pg. 19 reports that at the RS NA session Tomislav Tomljanovic of the NHI was elected as the RS NA Deputy Speaker, while Omer Brankovic, Minister of Foreign Economic Relations and Boris Gaspar, Minister of Trade and Tourism, were elected as vice-presidents of the RS government. Glas Srpski, page 3, ‘Tomljanovic Deputy Speaker’ also report on the session. |
DL: “Candidate for Head of FOSS is not known yet!?” | Dnevni List (page 2, by Fena) carries that President of the Federation of BiH Niko Lozancic confirmed yesterday that a proposal of a candidate for Head of the Federation of BiH Intelligence Service has not been forwarded yet to his office. Lozancic also believes that the Federation of BiH Government should discuss soon the overall situation with regard to the security system of the Federation of BiH. In Lozancic’s opinion the most optimal solution would be the establishment of one Intelligence Service at the state level. |
Federation of BiH Government session | Vecernji List (page 4, by Z. Kresic, “Each citizen of Federation owes even 1200 Marks”), Dnevni List (front and page 4, by Miso Relota, “Law on financing of City of Mostar passed”) and Slobodna Dalmacija (last page, by Miroslav Landeka, “In 2003 204 million Marks should be allocated for paying of foreign debt!”) carry that the Federation of BiH Government session took place in Mostar yesterday. Talking about the foreign debt that amounts to 3,65 billion Marks, Federation of BiH Minister of Finances Dragan Vrankic stated: “This is about debts that approximately make three annual budgets of the Federation of BiH.” During the session it was also decided to re-program debts to two Elektroprivredas in the Federation of BiH. Vrankic also said that American Ambassador in BiH Clifford Bond and Principle Deputy High Representative Donald Hays were clear in their claims that the companies from the Federation of BiH were also violating embargo on export of weapon to Iraq and that the Federation of BiH Government has some information that this was the case and that the Government will sanction the responsible ones when the investigation is completed. Federation of BiH Prime Minister Ahmet Hadzipasic confirmed that 8 million Marks from the Federation of BiH budget will be allocated for Mostar in the next year. The Government also proposed a special law on financing of Mostar. |
Ahead of 8th HDZ Convention | Vecernji List (page 2, by Z. K., “8th HDZ Convention on April 26″) announces that HDZ will hold the 8th Convention on April 26 this year saying that one should not expect big movements within the party given the good election results the party achieved unlike at previous conventions when many prominent HDZ officials left the party. In this context the author notes HDZ improved its behavior in the sense that the party realized it is more effective to be active in the State institutions. |
HDZ Herzegovina-Neretva Cantonal Board on Cantonal Government formation | Dnevni List (front and page 12, by Valerija Coric, “SDA hinders appointment of HNC Government mandatory”), Slobodna Dalmacija (front and page 15, by Darko Juka, “SDA deserves OHR punishment”) and Vecernji List (page 5, by F, “HDZ demands consistent application of law”) carry that HDZ Cantonal Board of the Herzegovina-Neretva Canton held a press conference with regard to the forming of the HNC Government. President of the HDZ Cantonal Board Josip Merdzo stated that after all it is clear that SDA does not want implementation of the election results and it persistently wants to preserve some position of parity, although it is clear that the special regime was abolished by Amendments to the Federation of BiH Constitution. They also expressed disappointment over behavior and double standards of OHR that does not want to sanction more than obvious SDA obstructions. |
Session of Inter-State Council for Cooperation between BiH and Croatia tomorrow | Dnevni List (page 3, by D.L., “Session of Inter-State Council for Cooperation tomorrow”) and Jutarnji List (page 2, by S.P., “Mesic with BiH leaders in Brijuni tomorrow”) carry that the 7th session of the Inter-State Council for Cooperation between BiH and Croatia will take place tomorrow in Brijuni, Croatia. The two state delegations will be led by members of the BiH Presidency and President of Republic of Croatia Stjepan Mesic. (Oslobodjenje pages-45) |
Affairs; other issues | |
Eronet/third GSM license
| Dnevni Avaz pg. 3 ‘Bets: CRA is not above the law’ – Communication Regulatory Agency (CRA) Chief Executive David Bets does not consider scandalous a decision that Eronet, a party interest in getting the third GSM license, pay 260,000 KM for the license evaluation to the Prague-based Price Water House consulting company. “I believe that the price should have been paid neither by the BiH citizens nor by the operators that possess licenses already. Since the Council of Ministers should issue the licence exactly to Eronet, according to our opinion, the company was the right subject to pay for the evaluation making,” said Bets. Oslobodjenje pg. 4 ‘Adnan Terzic: It is stupid that Eronet pay for the study’ – Adnan Terzic, the Chairman of the BiH Council of Ministers, told the newspaper that a decision according to which Eronet had paid 130,000 euro for the third GSM license evaluation could be described at least as the stupid one. “This proves that CRA cannot be as independent as they request,” said Terzic. BH Dani op-ed by Senad Pecanin mainly on Eronet/third GSM license issuance – Pecanin basically repeats his well-known position about the robbery of the BiH citizens first by the nationalists (in the name of the national interests of Bosniaks, Croats and Serbs) and now by the internationals: Paddy Ashdown, David Bets, John Shearer. After yesterday’s reports in “Oslobodjenje” that “Eronet” funded the estimation of value of the third GSM license that was completed by Prague based “PriceWaterHouse”, when Oslobodjenje carried the BiH Deputy Minister of Communications, Haris Basic, as questioning the whole procedure, today’s Dnevni List (page 3, by J. T. K., “We paid the study, but before tender was invited”) carries the Chair of Eronet Steering Board, Bozo Knezevic, as admitting that “Eronet” indeed paid the cost of estimation. However, Knezevic stresses “Eronet” paid it at a request by CRA before the company even knew who was going to do the evaluation. The daily also carries a spokesperson of CRA, Amela Odobasic, as saying that “Eronet” paid the cost before the tender for selection of an independent consultant was even invited. |
Orao affair | Nezavisne Novine, pages 2 & 3 (bottom halves), ‘Bosnia and Herzegovina must urgently establish civil control over army’ – In a document last week delivered to the RS authorities on Orao affair, William Ward, SFOR Commander, says that: “It is clear to us that reforms in defence system are matter of emergency. If reforms are implemented, BiH has a chance of entering Partnership for Peace and avoid bringing the state under international sanctions.” Nezavisne Novine carry the most interesting bits and pieces of the document on Orao affair, such as per headlines: Summary of basic points of SFOR document on Orao affair; Business dealings of Orao with Iraq; Illegal trade with Iraq did not solely involve leadership of Orao and RS Army command; RS authorities wanted to transfer the responsibility; Violation of UN embargo by Cajavec and Kosmos; Pre-requisites for PfP. Nezavisne Novine, pages 2 & 3 (upper halves)/also cover page, ‘Command over armies be established at BiH level following Orao affair’ – Well-informed western official yesterday told Nezavisne Novine that the dealings of Aviation Centre Orao and other companies from BiH, that violated UN SC embargo against Iraq, represents the most serious issue since the signing of the Dayton Peace Agreement. Accordingly, the international community will undertake all measures possible to prevent such violations from taking place in the future. The same official told NN that the investigations are still ongoing at some firms in BiH Federation, suspected of violating the UN embargo as well. He also stressed that the investigation is ongoing at some firms in Republic of Srpska, which were delivering arms to Baghdad. However, these firms were not under command of RS Army General Staff, but under command of Government and Ministry of Defence. He also added that Orao affair is the only affair, which was thoroughly investigated, but stressing that the story on this issue is not over yet, it has rather transferred onto another level. According to NN inset, (reported in Glas Srpski as separate article on page 3, ‘We will review consequences’) Commission of the RS General Staff delivered the report on performance of intelligence services of RS Army to Dragan Cavic, RS President, who said he would discuss this document at the meeting with Cvjetko Savic, RS Army Head of Staff, on Monday, 14 April. (Blic pg. 7 ‘Strictly confidential’) Moreover, according to NN inset 2 referring to the same well-informed western official, the report does not contain any information proving that 410th Intelligence Service was engaged in planning of the assassination of the Serbian PM, Zoran Djindjic. |
RS Elektroprivreda | Glas Srpski, cover page story, ‘Dampers under high voltage’; Nezavisne Novine, page 5/also cover page, ‘Charges against Acimovic, Lemez, Mirkovic and Solaja’ – Both dailies report on yesterday’s announcement by the RS Interior Minister, Zoran Djeric, saying that the RS Interior Ministry has pressed criminal charges for misuse of authority against former Director of RS Elektroprivreda, Svetozar Acimovic, and Directors of Thermal Power Plant Ugljevik and firm Tesla from Brcko respectively, Savo Mirkovic and Novak Solaja. Ministry has also pressed charges against Bosko Lemez, former RS minister of energy. After yesterday’s meeting with Minister Djeric, RS President, Dragan Cavic, stated that he would propose to the RS Government to forward to parliament procedure the Law on special prosecutor and prosecutor’s office as a specific institutions dealing with processing of organised crime cases. (Blic pg. 6, Vecernje Novosti pg. 19) |
Milica Bisic is leaving the office/RS | Glas Srpski, cover page story, ‘Milica Bisic is leaving’ – Glas Srpski learnt from the sources close to RS Finance Ministry that Milica Bisic, Director of the RS Tax Administration, was yesterday appointed as the Serbian Deputy Minister of Finance and Economy. She is then to assume her position at the Cabinet of Bozidar Djelic, Serbian Finance Minister. According to unofficial information, Bisic will resign from the position of the Head of the RS Tax Administration some time next week and assume her new position in Belgrade. |
Dani on financial situation in FTV/PBS | BH Dani pgs. 38-41, mentioned on the front page ‘Fresh TV scandal: Who will pay back debts of Shearer and Durakovic amounting millions?’ By Emir Imamovic – Social contributions to the employees in FTV/PBS have not been paid for six months now, they have not received salaries for the two past months as the previous ones were reduced due to the media house’s debt. The FTV and PBS are in minus of (their debts total) 10 million KM and no one cares. Reasons for nerves are of a different nature: everyone cares about who will take over a newly-established and very important office on the BHTV 1, and the first favourite is the FTV Director, who is in this capacity paying 25,000 per episode for the Visa for Future soap opera produced by himself. And regardless of all these developments, the overpaid (too much paid) international experts (who have achieved no results) are satisfied, read the article. |
RS Trade Union: fresh capital to firms | The RS Trade Unions Association offered on Thursday to the BiH Council of Ministers the strategy of economic development of BiH, in which the investment of fresh capital in profitable activities such as electric power sector, agriculture, cattle breeding, tourism, is requested. The RS Trade Unions Association said in a press release there will be no political stabilisation without development of economy in the RS and BiH. (Blic pg. 7) |
Refugees: they threaten with protests | Coordination Board of the RS Association of refugees and DPs has announced organised protests if the RS leadership does not start to solve the problems of this population. According to the Board President Vojislav Milisic, they have requested the budget rebalance in order to provide money for those refugees who do not want to return to their home of origin but what to stay. “It is shameful that seven years after the Dayton the refugees’ problems have not been moved from the deadlock,” Milisic said. (Blic pg. 7) |
Federation Association of Craftsmen seeks audience with HR Ashdown | Dnevni List (page 35, by ONASA, “New Bulldozer package for small business necessary”) carries the President of Federation Association of Craftsmen, Pane Skrbic, as saying that recommendations of the “Bulldozer” Committee do not change anything important when it comes to small businesses. Saying that craftsmen are not against the “Bulldozer”, Skrbic says the main objection is related to a recommendation that mandatory membership in the Craftsmen’s Associations and Chambers be abolished. “The Brochure says the membership fee is expensive and that’s is not true because it is 4 KMs a month for an owner of a ‘business'”, says Skrbic. Skrbic adds that the Association seeks audience with the High Representative. |