
OBN News Review, 8 September 2000



  • The OHR and OSCE replaced 15 officials due to obstruction of property laws and return in B&H
  • The RS Assembly confirmed the non-confidence vote in the RS Government
  • The Millennium Summit in New York ended today
  • The US Government cancelled suspension of aid for privatisation in the Federation of B&H


The OHR and OSCE replaced 15 officials due to obstruction of property laws and return in B&H. Therefore, they will not be allowed to participate at the forthcoming elections as candidates. Reported by Amarildo Gutic.

Banja Luka

The RS Assembly confirmed the non-confidence vote in the RS Government today. According to the Chairman of the Assembly, Petar Dokic, the Government is obliged to work until the elections take place. The RS Prime Minister, Milorad Dodik refused it, adding that the Government will demand urgent session of the Constitutional Court in order to discuss the issue. Reported by Tatjana Lajsic.

“We expect that the RS Assembly withdraw this unconstitutional decision”, said the OHR Spokesperson, Alexandra Stiglmayer, talking about the non-confidence vote in the RS Government.


The B&H Parliament session took place today. The Law on vaults was adopted. The draft law on B&H archive was also adopted in today’s session, Slobodan Maksimovic confirmed.

New York

The Millennium Summit of the world countries ended today in New York. There was no agreement between the participants about the future role of the UN.


According to the UN, 20 people died in violence between East and West Timor.

Association of lorry drivers in France decided to stop the blockage of refineries and fuel storage. Protests were announced in Great Britain and Germany as well, due to high prices of fuel.

The USA expressed their regret because the Greek Foreign Minister met Slobodan Milosevic in Belgrade yesterday. Adis Saranovic produced the report on world events.


The new SFOR Commander in B&H is General Michael Lee Dodson. “SFOR co-operated very well with the Main ICTY Prosecutor, Carla Del Ponte. We will continue with that effort”, said the Supreme NATO Commander for Europe, Joseph Ralston. Zeljka Lekic produced the report.


The US Government cancelled suspension of aid for privatisation in the Federation of B&H, the US Ambassador, Thomas Miller announced today.

The OHR, IMF and the World Bank met high officials of the Federation, and called for them to adopt a law on pensions.


The UN Deputy High Commissioner for Refugees, Soren Jessen Petersen met the Federal Prime Minister, Edhem Bicakcic today. “Although the Government invested efforts in order to improve refugee return, aid from donors is necessary”, Mr. Bicakcic said. “Winter is coming and we have to implement property laws and reconstruct the destroyed houses. Otherwise, the situation might destabilise”,the Deputy High Commissioner said. The report was produced by Mirna Sadikovic.


A conference on professional audit of judges and prosecutors took place in Sarajevo. The audit should be completed in 18 months. Svjetlana Celic produced the report.

Banja Luka

Strategy for development of agricultural and food industries was presented in the RS.


The Consumers’ Association warned citizens about spoiled food in shops. Sanitary inspectors found certain quantity of products with irregular expiry date. Reported by Sevko Bajic.


The epidemic of jaundice in Tesanj is spreading. The situation is alarming due to the lack of water, Rifa Vilasevic reported.


The first Festival of studying was opened in Tuzla today.


Reports on international tennis and football were presented.