
OBN News Review, 7 September 1999



  • Series of earthquakes struck Greece capital, Athens, today – there were four casualties, several dozen wounded and an unknown number of people trapped under the rubble
  • In 18 schools in the BiH Federation, Bosniak and Croat children attend classes in separate classrooms
  • Sweden continues its engagement for BiH be accepted into the European Council
  • The RS Prime Minister refused request for reconstruction of the government
  • Decision on the establishment of the future Kosovo army will be made soon
  • East Timor – new victims of the clashes – state of emergency announced


Bosnia and Herzegovina will not become a member of the European Council this year for it did not fulfill necessary preconditions – one of them being the joint schooling system. In 18 elementary schools in the BiH Federation, Bosniak and Croat children attend classes in separate classrooms. The report was produced by OBN reporter, Damir Kaletovic.

This was followed by a report on the visit of a delegation from Sweden, headed by the Swedish Foreign Minister, Anna Lindh. The Kingdom of Sweden donated approximately DEM 450 million to BiH up until the beginning of this year. Anna Lindh said that there was a lot of work to be done in the future. OBN reporter, Amarildo Gutic, produced the report.


A report on the visit of the Special Representative of the UN Secretary General, Jacques Paul Klein, to Mostar. The Special Representative talked to the officials of the canton authorities mainly about the functioning of the canton police. OBN reporter from the town, Elvedina Zlomuzica, produced the report.

Banja Luka

As from September 2nd, the RS Government decided to cancel telephone lines, vehicles and premises for the RS President, Nikola Poplasen, who was dismissed by the last High Representative, Carlos Westendorp in BiH. The RS Prime Minister, Milorad Dodik, said that there will be a new president elected in the RS and in the meatime Nikola Poplasen reamins the ex president, OBN reporter from Banja Luka, Valentina Knezevic, confirmed.


A report on the current events in Kosovo was produced by OBN journalist, Zeljka Lekic. Last night, an attack on the Orthodox church occurred in Prizren. This was followed by a report on the current state in Montenegro.


A report on the meeting between representatives of the roof associations for refugee return with the representatives of ministries which deal with the same issue in both entities. OBN reporter from the area, Ana Drmac, produced the report. The participants of the meeting discussed the Law on Refugees and Displaced Persons for the whole of BiH which could be made soon.

Doljani (Jablanica)

A piece on the project about construction of completely destroyed houses currently going on in Doljani near Jablanica. During the first phase, six houses will be constructed, and the project is worth 17,000 DEM.


A report on the current events in East Timor was followed by reports on Dagestan, Russia, Middle East and Lybia.The reports were produced by OBN journalists, Mladen Maric and Sobodan Maksimovic.


A piece on the offer of the European Union made to BiH for the export of 1,5 tons of beef to the EU countries. A similar offer was made two years ago when BiH was not able to meet the requirements. OBN reporter, Anes Alic, researches whether BiH would be able to do the job this year.

This was followed by a report on the fifth International Conference, held between September 6th and 10th in Sarajevo, for the support of the reconstruction of the health system in the post-war period. Representatives from more than 33 countries are taking part in the work of the Conference. The report was produced by OBN reporter, Sevko Bajic.

A piece on the award for the best book in 1998 in BiH. The Association of BiH Authors rewarded Irfan Horozovic for his book “Berlinski nepoznati prolaznik” (Unknown Passerby from Berlin).


A report on the international football matches was followed by reports on the second international Handball Tournament in Sarajevo and US Open tennis tournament.