- Negotiations in Kumanovo suspended – NATO air strikes intensified in Yugoslavia
- Bonn: Foreign Affairs Ministers of G8 discussed newly risen situation
- Belgrade ask for adoption of UN Resolution in Kosovo as a precondition for realization of peace agreement
- Prijedor: SFOR arrested Dragan Kulundzija, suspected of war crimes
- Srebrenica: multiethnic governmental bodies appointed
- Cameraman from Serb TV released
- Sarajevo Canton: small privatization started today
- Mostar: BiH’s football play off under question
SFOR arrested Dragan Kulundzija, suspected of war crimes. He was transported to the Hague. According to the accusation, he broke the Geneva Convention, war rights and custom. He also made crimes against humanity while he was Commander in charge of the camp Keraterm near Prijedor. OBN’s reporter Vedran Persic asked SFOR Spokesman, David Scanlon, about this action. Jovan Madjar was arrested too, but he was released after SFOR checked his identity.
Negotiations between NATO and the Yugoslav Army representatives in Kumanovo were suspended and intensified NATO air strikes on Yugoslavia followed. According to the stand point of Yugoslav authorities, Yugoslavia would be ready to continue negotiations and would accept ground troops in Kosovo in the case of adopting the UN Resolution on Kosovo. NATO Spokesman said that contacts were not interrupted but suspended and that negotiators are in contact by the phone. Safet Bisevac, OBN reporter from Skopje, reported on this issue.
NATO announced today that there is no alternative for them to proceed with the air campaign against Yugoslavia until Yugoslavia shows its readiness for peace agreement implementation. Last night NATO targets were South of Serbia and transmitters. OBN reporter from Belgrade, Natasa Narancic, sent her report for TV Info.
Kosovo – refugees
The situation in the refugee camps in Macedonia and Albania is difficult. Even if the number of Kosovo refugees decreases, UNHCR announced that there was no indications of Yugoslav Army withdrawal from Kosovo. German Government asked for 2.500 soldiers to be sent to the Balkans.
Foreign Affairs Ministers of G8 considered the Resolution on the Kosovo crisis, which would be delivered to the UN Security Council. Finnish President Athisaari cancelled his visit to China and joined the meeting in Bonn. In Brussels the NATO Council held a meeting in order to estimate the recent situation. Mirko Klarin sent report from Brussels for OBN.
World – reactions
There is a gap between Russia and est countries. USA and Great Britain announced continuation of NATO strikes. USA Minister of Defense, William Cohen, announced that the negotiations in Kumanovo were suspended. Robin Cook declined the suspension of NATO strikes against Yugoslavia. He said that Russia and NATO do not have the same approach to the text from the UN Resolution on the Kosovo crisis. OBN journalist, Duska Jurisic, reviewed world reaction.
Banja Luka
Suzana Vukcevic reported the meeting of the Ministers of Defense from Sweden and Republika Srpska. Manojlo Milivanovic denied RS Army involvement in Kosovo
Cameraman SRTV, Rade Popovic was released today. The Court will charge him on 17 June, again. Popovic was arrested due to a warrant issued in 1997 by the Court in Sarajevo.
The first session of the Srebrenica Municipality Assembly since municipality elections in 1997 was held today. Heads of the multiethnic bodies of government were appointed today in Srebrenica, which means that elections from 1997 were finally implemented. Chief of the OSCE Mission in BiH, Robert Barry, presided over the session. OBN’s reporter Amarildo Gutic reported from Srebrenica directly. Next session was scheduled for 29 June, 1999.
After 10 months in Fojnica there was an assembly of the Municipality Council. Representatives of the international community reminded the meeting that the complete function of common authority could provide better results on mutual return in relation to Fojnica – Kiseljak.
Rastani (Mostar)
Citizens of Rastani cannot obtain water for their homes. Administration of this town accused the Public Enterprise “Vodovod” from the West Mostar for this and asked OHR to mediate.
Milorad Milojevic for OBN reported that the High Representative was now reserving the Serbian refugees from Croatia the right to use the public ground originally assigned to them by the RS Government.
OBN reporter from Brcko, Slobodanka Radojkovic, reports that six villages from the Ravne municipality declared their willingness to be involved in the district Brcko. Robert Farrand said this was an issue to be decided.
BiH Parties
As President of the New Croatian Initiative, Kresimir Zubak, announced the possibility for the NCI to participate in the session on the position of the Croatians in BiH. He said that NCI would not make association with the HDZ.
Privatization process officially started today with the promotion of the Auction Center and the first auction. The first company bought was “Drvotrade d.j.l.” by Hasan Becarevic who worked in the company for more than 20 years.
Cigarettes in RS
On the 1 May 1999 the RS Government proposed regulations with reference to the illegal trade of goods in RS in order to persuade those selling to reconcile all duties through the RS.
World News
Mladen Maric made a piece on the election in Indonesia and another events from the world.
A report on the further BiH football play off. Results on volley matches. NBA and tennis results from Roland Gaross were presented.