- Ante Sliskovic and Tomo Vlajic were arrested in Zadar
- Jadranko Prlic is no longer a member of the HDZ
- Voting on common passports was postponed
- Jaundice epidemic in Tesanj
- The UN Millennium Summit started in New York
Ante Sliskovic and Tomo Vlajic were arrested in Zadar. They have been suspected of committing war crimes in Ahmici in 1993, Gordana Simonovic reported.
The Hague
The Main ICTY Prosecutor, Carla Del Ponte demanded formation of an anonymous special group for arrest of the indicted war criminals in B&H.
New York
The Millennium Summit of more than 150 countries started in New York. Among others, the US President will meet the Israeli and Palestinian leaders, the Russian and Chinese presidents during the Summit. The B&H delegation will also meet several world leaders. Reported by Kemal Kurspahic from New York.
The B&H House of Representatives postponed voting on proposed changes in the Law on passports. RS representatives did not accept the offered version, because entity names would not be written on the passport, Amarildo Gutic confirmed.
The RS Government consulted RS representatives at the B&H Assembly and Serb members of the Council of Ministers. “We feel that passports are already common, regardless the fact they carry entity marks”, the B&H Presidency member, Zivko Radisic said. Tanja Grujic produced the report.
Jadranko Prlic resigned from the HDZ yesterday. He denied claims that he joined another party.
“Prlic’s resignation is a huge loss for HDZ”, the replaced Head of the University of Mostar, Marko Tadic said.
At least three UN workers were killed in an attack of pro-Indonesian militia and several thousands of refugees in West Timor.
Professional drivers are still blocking rafineries and gas stations in France. The French Government decided to reduce fuel prices by 15%, but drivers’ associations did not accept the decision.
The Israeli and Palestinian leaders mutualy demanded more compromises in peace negotiations.
The German Defence Minister, Rudolph Scharping was injured in a car accident today.
Adis Saranovic reported on current world events.
Representatives at the Federal Parliament did not adopt changes in the Law on retirement and social insurance, Mirna Sadikovic reported.
Jaundice emidemic is spreading in Tesanj. More than 20 infected people have been registered so far. Reported by Sanjin Kotoric.
ICMP will open a laboratory for DNA analysis in Tuzla by the end of the year. They also intend to open such laboratories in several other B&H towns. Amra Hadziefendic produced the report.
Life in a refugee camp in Kravica is very difficult. Local authorities have not provided alternative accomodation for refugees here, although the winter is very close. Reported by Vesna Mladenovic.
The EC will invest more than EURO 35 million in projects for return in the whole of B&H. “People want to return to their homes, and we want to help them as much as possible”, said the EC Press and Information Adviser, Frane Maroevic. Sevko Bajic produced the report.
An exhibition “Pjesnicka Ponornica” about life and work of the B&H poet Skender Kulenovic was opened in the “Mak” Gallery in Sarajevo. The ehxibition will close on 22nd September, Meliha Hasanbegovic confirmed.
50 B&H youth organisations sent a letter to the richest computer expert in the world, Bill Gates asking him to donate computers to them, so that they could co-operate mutualy. Reported by Slobodan Maksimovic.
Reports on football and international tennis were presented.