
OBN News Review, 6 July 2000



  • High temperatures caused fires all around B&H
  • The Federal Government decided to reduce prices of medicines in the Federation of B&H
  • The US Government will invest $ 70 million for reconstruction of infrastructure in the next three years
  • The RS Assembly continued their discussion on the RS Government’s work
  • The Human Rights Chamber decided to renew trial of Edin Garaplija


There was a fire in Hladivode, Barice and Streliste, near Sarajevo. High temperatures caused several fires all around the country. The Government has not proclaimed a state of emergency yet. Mirna Sadikovic produced the report.


The main theme of today’s session of the B&H Council of Ministers was the issue of refugees who live in collection centres. “Priority is to help these people to return to their houses”, Spasoje Tusevljak, the Chairman of the Council of Ministers said. Reported by Sanjin Beciragic.


The US Ambassador in B&H, Thomas Miller and the B&H Foreign Minister, Jadranko Prlic signed an agreement on financial aid today. The US Government will invest $70 million in reconstruction of infrastructure. The programme will be implemented in whole B&H, except Prijedor, Foca and Pale. The US Government does not want to help municipalities which hide or support indicted war criminals, Vedran Persic confirmed.


According to the UNHCR, many more refugees returned to their houses this year, than in the first 6 months of the last year. UNHCR warned that a successful return requires much more money. “We are trying to help as much as we can, but there is not enough money”, said the British Ambassador, Graham Hand. The report was produced by OBN reporter, Damir Kaletovic.


The B&H Parliament adopted a draft law on funding of political parties in the country. 15 parties from both entities supported the law. The B&H Election Commission will establish a service for revision of parties’ finances. All parties will have to submit their reports to the Service. Reported by Anes Alic.

Banja Luka

The RS Assembly continued their discussion on the RS Government’s work. The RS Prime Minister, Milorad Dodik did not attend today’s session. The discussion on the Government’s work will continue, Tatjana Lajsic confirmed from Banja Luka.


The Federation Government decided to reduce prices of medicines. They discussed reduction of compensations for employees who are on the waiting lists. The Federal Parliament will discuss the proposed solutions. Denis Vila produced the report.


The Chamber of Commerce of Herzegovina-Neretva Canton was founded today.

In this way, prerequisites were fulfilled for partnership between the Federal Chamber of Commerce and the Government institutions. Reported by Blazica Kristo.


The FRY Parliament adopted a decision on changes in the Constitution, providing two more mandates for Slobodan Milosevic, Danica Ilic reported.

15 teenagers died, and 30 were injured in a car accident in the north of Spain.

Clashes between Protestants and Catholics in Northern Ireland continue.

The Russian President, Vladimir Putin visited Caucasus. He demanded more discipline and professionalism in Cechenia.

The UN Security Council prohibited trade with diamonds from Sierra Leone.

The US President, Bill Clinton visited the UN. Mladen Maric produced the piece on world events.

Banja Luka

The Head of the OSCE Mission, Robert Barry met the Presidency member, Zivko Radisic in Banja Luka. “The decision of the Constitutional Court on the three constitutional nations in B&H is final and obligatory”, Mr. Barry said. Mr. Radisic said that RS representatives would consider all legal aspects of the decision. The report was produced by Biljana Arsic.


The Human Rights Chamber decided to renew trial of Edin Garaplija before the Federation Supreme Court. He was sentenced to 13 years in prison for the alleged attempt of murder. Garaplija still claims that he is innocent. OBN reporter Sanjin Beciragic produced the report.

Velika Kladusa

Amarildo Gutic produced a piece on irregularities in the work of the company “Agrokomerc” in Velika Kladusa.


Fra Mijo Dzolan was appointed as a new provincial of “Bosna Srebrena”. Reported by Branka Vrebac.


Reports on international tennis and football were presented.