
OBN News Review, 5 March 2000



  • This morning around 10.30 near Prijedor, SFOR arrested Dragoljub Prcac, indicted by the Hague Tribunal
  • NATO will not intervene in the South of Serbia
  • The first contingent of the Euro Corp for Kosovo arrived in Skopje
  • Heavy fighting in the South of Chechnya
  • Representatives of the Croatian Serbs explain whether Serbs will return to Croatia this year


This morning around 10.30, in the Jelicka village 20 km from Prijedor, SFOR arrested Dragoljub Prcac. Dragoljub Prcac is on the public list of those indicted by the Hague Tribunal for war crimes in the concentration camp Omarska. Another individual, Rado Mikanovic, who is not on the Hague list, was arrested. The report for TV INFO was produced by OBN reporter from the area, Milena Letic-Joves.


Representatives of the International Peace Troops in Kosovo announced that KFOR and NATO do not intend to intervene in the South of Serbia. The first contingent of the Euro Corp, which will take over the leadership of KFOR until the middle of April, arrived in Skopje. The US Secretary of State said that intensifying the international police forces in Kosovo was absolutely urgent. The Israeli Government decided unanimously to withdrew its troops from the South of Lebanon by July after 18 years of occupation. China warned Taiwan not to try anything in connection with the establishment of independence. In the South of Chechnya, Russian troops attacked Chechen guerillas and surrounded one thousand Chechen troops. The piece on current events in the world was produced by OBN journalist, Adis Saranovic.

Banja Luka

Representatives of the Croatian Serbs expect that the change of the Government in the Republic of Croatia will result in the change of Croatian attitudes towards Serbs. However, they do not expect that 2000 will be the year of return to Croatia. The Serb Representative in the Croatian Parliament, Milan Djukic, explained that currently there are six discriminatory laws regarding Serbs in Croatia. OBN reporter from Banja Luka, Sanela Zivkovic, produced the report.

This was followed by a piece on Bosniaks and Croats in Banja Luka who have lived as refugees in their own town for years. They were forbidden access to their homes from which they were expelled. OBN reporter, Amarildo Gutic, produced a report on the difficult living conditions of these people.

Bosanska Krupa

In April 1998, the first returnee family from the RS, returned to the Bosanska Krupa municipality in April 1998. Now, the Cubro family live in a small room and wait for their house to be reconstructed, OBN reporter from the area, Azra Bajric, confirmed.


The OBN Supervisor for Brcko, Robert Farrand, announced that the Prime Minister of the Brcko District Government will be the current Brcko Mayor, Sinisa Kisic. The President of the Brcko District Assembly will be Mirsad Djapo and the Deputy Prime Minister, Ivan Krndelj. The names of other members of the Government and Parliament will be announced on March 8th when the District will be officially proclaimed.


An item on the establishment of the trade union of artists in the BiH Federation. The trade union will ask the BiH Federation Government to support exhibitions, concerts, firms and other projects which have been funded by the artists themselves or through donations. OBN reporter, Anes Alic, produced the item for TV INFO.


A religious and tourist location in Medjugorje succeeded in staying interesting for tourists even after the war. Although these days the place is empty because of the winter, they expect the situation to be better during the summer, especially having in mind that the security situation in the region is more stable this year. OBN reporter from the area, Blazica Kristo, confirmed.


A piece on the association for the protection of animals. They want to establish an organisation which would provide sanctuary for abandoned animals according to European standards. The report was produced by OBN reporter, Mirna Sadikovic.


A report on local football matches was presented.