
OBN News Review, 5 August 2000



  • IPTF and SFOR members entered Police Station and Post Office in Vares
  • Reactions on the arrest of Alija Delimustafic, owner of Cenex Company and B&H Bank
  • B&H young computer experts leave B&H
  • Kofi Anan, UN General Secretary, asks for immediate release of the four British and Dutch people
  • OBN on CNN from August 2nd 2000.


IPTF and SFOR members entered the building of the Police Force and Post Office in Vares. They explained that it was the regular control of the Police stations. Some documents were confiscated. Amarildo Gutic produced the report


Members of the Police Special Forces arrested Alija Delimustafic, owner of Cenex Company and B&H Bank, last night. This arrest took place after the request of Sarajevo Canton Court. There is no official statement by the state officials. Mirna Sadikovic produced the report.


The crew members of ATV( Alternative Television) Banja Luka were surprised when they were asked to pay the tax just for shooting the situation on the border crossing Gradiska. RS Ministry of Information asked them to pay DM 50 for the allowance. Tatjana Lajsic produced the report.


16 civilians were killed and 10 injured at the South of Philippines

21 persons were killed and 27 injured in the explosion that took place in China

Palestinian leader visited Turkey

5000 international peace keeping soldiers on Israeli- Lebanon border

Kofi Anan, UN General Secretary, asked Yugoslav authorities to release prisoners immediately, who were arrested by Yugoslav army. Zeljka Lekic produced the piece on world events.


There are about 250 reconstructed houses in Brcko, which wait for their owners mostly Croats to return. International Community sponsored reconstruction of these houses, but they are still empty. Slobodanka Radojkovic produced the report


The woman lost the rights to return to her apartment because she is in the hospital with her retarded son most of the time. Mirna Sadikovic produced the report.


Municipality Ustikolina has a lot of problems; blocked bill and its workers have not received their salaries for four months. SDP took over the power from SDA, but also municipal debt of DM 200 000. The report was produced by Damir Kaletovic


Computer experts of 25 to 35 years in B&H wait to get the job for 3 to 5 years. So, they are leaving this country. Republic Germany is inviting computer experts, programmers to come to their country. Svjetlana Celic produced the report.


From August 2nd 2000. OBN on CNN. The first report was Rapid Resolve II. Vedran Persic produced the report


Reports on domestic football and international tennis events were presented.