- NATO strikes continued – new target is TV Novi Sad
- Talks between Clinton and Chernomyrdin without progress towards peace – Clinton announced possibility of brake in air strikes if Milosevic comply with all five conditions
- There would be no extension of deadline for the new passports issue
- Session of the Council of Ministers
- In Seliste, near Busovaca, a bomb thrown on the Bosniak weekend houses
- Anniversary of Josip Broz’s death in Sarajevo
- Strong tornado hit the US state, Oklahoma
During the last 24 hours, NATO has bombed a wide range of military targets in Serbia, especially in Kosovo. Targets of the strikes were, among others, armored vehicles, command sites, artillery and the Serbian military and police troop. OBN’s reporter from Belgrade, Natasa Narancic, reported that NATO was again active in the Valjevo and Pristina area. Also, the building of the TV Novi Sad was hit during last night. Shops in Belgrade are supplied.
Kosovo Crisis – World
Talks between the Russian Envoy, Chernomyrdin, and the US President, Clinton, did not result with a progress in the peace process. Although the American President announced there could be a brake in the NATO strikes, this would happen only if Milosevic comply with all five conditions made by the Alliance.
Today, Clinton went to Germany in order to discuss the Kosovo crisis with their European allies. German Government made a decision on sending another 600 troops to Albania and Macedonia. The US Senate rejected a measure that would allow Clinton to make decision on sending ground troops, Reuters reports.
Kosovo – refugees
Kosovo refugees are facing with a very restricted entering into the West countries and efforts of their neighboring countries to alleviate the crisis. The OBN’s reporter from Skopje, Safet Bisevac, reported on 11,000 refugees who spent last night in open because refugee camps in Macedonia are full.
Banja Luka
Meteeng between the SFOR Commander, Montgomery Meigs, and the RS Defense Minister, Manojlo Milovanovic, was held in Banja Luka today. Milovanovic said that the meeting was a routine one and probably they would meet once per week from now on.
Council of Ministers
BiH Council of Ministers adopted measures for providing help to the Yugoslav refugees. Same body suggested to the OHR to extend the deadline for issuing of new passports. The OHR said there would be no extension and the passports had to be issued until June 30th. Reports on this issue were made for TV INFO in Sarajevo and Banja Luka.
Seliste (Busovaca)
In the Seliste village, near Busovaca, two Bosniak weekend houses were damaged in explosion of a bomb. The Busovaca police officers were not able to give official information on the incident to the OBN crew. Similar problems have the Bosniak returnees to the Sevac village near Pocitelj.
The Hague Tribunal
A report on trial to the Croatian General, Tihomir Blaskic. He said he would never accept to participate in the implementation of the “Great Croatia” idea on the territory of BiH.
A piece on a strong tornado that hit the US state Oklahoma and Kansas. This was the strongest tornado for the last couple of decades.
Head of the BiH Parliament Assembly delegation, Edhem Bicakcic, went to the 50th anniversary of the European Council scheduled from May 4th to 8th in London and Budapest. The BiH Federation Prime Minister did not waste his time. The OBN’s reporter from London, Milan Trivic, reported that the leading financial institutions had expressed their interest for participation in the process of privatization in BiH.
The Univerzal Bank from Sarajevo and the authorities of the Mostar town organized a public presentation of new credit lines that should help reconstruction of the economy in this town.
Process of small privatization has officially begun in the Tuzla Canton. This issue was discussed at the meeting of the Canton Privatization Agency Managing Board session.
Nova Bila
A piece on promotion of the first tele-medical system in BiH in a hospital in Nova Bila. The system should include clinical centers in Sarajevo, Tuzla and Mostar.
Results from the local basketball matches were followed by reports from hockey in Norway.