
OBN News Review, 30 September 2000



  • The RS Police Forces confiscated 144 kg of heroin and cocaine
  • Negative reactions in the RS after imposing of the Law on single passports by the High Representative, Wolfgang Petritsch
  • The USA rejected any agreement with Slobodan Milosevic about the second election round
  • Clashes between Israelis and Palestinians have lasted for three days
  • OBN starts broadcasting pre-election shows on 2nd October

Banja Luka

The RS customs and police confiscated 144 kg of heroin and cocaine in Banja Luka last night, and another 70,5 kg of drugs this morning. The RS police are searching for smugglers.

Banja Luka

“By imposing the Law on single passports, the High Representative chose one side in B&H, and parliamentary life in B&H became meaningless” said the Deputy Chairman of the B&H Parliamentary Assembly, Mirko Banjac. On the other hand, according to the RS Prime Minister, Milorad Dodik single passports are not “as terrible as some people in the RS are trying to present”, and the RS will have to make concessions in the future as well.


As OBN has already reported, archives of secret services, older than 45 years will be accessible for B&H citizens. Can this influence current political situation in the country? Analysed by Amarildo Gutic.


Slobodan Milosevic addressed the new generation of officers in the Yugoslav Army, emphasising that wars in the area were history. Democratic opposition announced protests because of non-recognition of Kostunica’s election victory.


Clashes between Israelis and Palestinians have lasted for three days in Jerusalem. The USA and the EU called for an urgent cease of violence.

A meeting of high officials from Iraq and Iran was organised after the OPEC summit in Venezuela. According to the agencies, a progress was made in several issues, especially the exchange of prisoners. Mladen Maric reported on current world events.


The Municipality of Tuzla withdrew the licence they had issued for construction of the memorial for dead soldiers. Families of dead B&H Army soldiers protested, because the memorial would have been dedicated only to Croats.


Family Basic exchanged their property in Pale for a house in Ilidza. They cannot move into their house, because it is still occupied, and local authorities refuse to evict current occupants. Reported by Svjetlana Celic.


B&H Computer Expert, Zlatan Njego was deported from Switzerland, after 5 years of living in this country. According to Njego, he was arrested and deported because he had refused to give up one of his projects, and work on it within a team. Mr. Njego sued the Swiss Government for violation of human rights. Anes Alic produced the report.


“The European Literary Encounters” continued in Sarajevo, enabling B&H citizens to meet several famous writers. Reported by Gordana Frimel.

OBN starts broadcasting pre-election shows on 2nd October, as well as regular reports and chronicles on political subjects, participants in the B&H elections.


Reports on the 27th Summer Olympic Games in Sydney and local football were presented.