
OBN News Review, 3 September 2000



  • Will the High Representative be forced to adopt a Law on common passport?
  • “No Mudzahedin will be allowed to move in the RS”, said the RS Prime Minister, Milorad Dodik
  • The SDA in Vogosca accuses SDP for unnecessary demolition of several facilities in the municipality
  • 3 indicted war criminals escaped from prison in Kosovska Mitrovica
  • Grape gathering in the region of Mostar started

Banja Luka

The Senior Deputy High Representative, Ambassador Ralph Johnson visited Banja Luka. He warned B&H politicians that it was high time for adoption of a Law on common passports. According to the Deputy Chairman of the B&H Parliament, Mirko Banjac, no decision was made on common passports. “We are against imposing of solutions that were not mentioned in the Dayton Peace Accords”, Banjac added. Reported by Tatjana Lajsic.


Antagonism between local and regional authorities in Doboj continues. The RS Prime Minister admitted that he had no influence in Doboj. According to one of the members of the Municipal Council, Momir Dejanovic, local SDS authorities have a single aim: personal enrichment. They expressed no interest in start of production. There are 10 000 unemployed people, and only rare Bosniacs return to this town. Most of Croats already sold their properties in the area, Amarildo Gutic confirmed.


The SDA Vogosca accused SDP of unnecessary demolitions in the municipality. SDP representatives deny such accusations. Correspondence between former and current authorities gets more and more frequent, as the elections are approaching. The report was produced by Anes Alic.


The announced movement of Mudzahedins from Bocinja to Srebrenica and Bratunac caused numerous reactions among citizens of these areas. According to local authorities, there are no official information on giving of property by Bosniac refugees to Mudzahedins. Reported by Vesna Mladenovic.


Citizens of Mostar are embittered because of problems with mortuary in Mostar. Alternative location for the mortuary was found during the war, and it has not changed yet. Ivan Pavkovic produced the report.


Russia and Japan have not signed an agreement on ending the Second World War yet, due to the dispute over the Curril Islands. According to the Russian President, Vladimir Putin, Moscow does not intend to relinquish the Islands.

Leader of the rightist party in Israel was sentenced to 3 years in prison for fraud, accepting bribes and abuse of trust.

Annual meeting of Arab countries started in Cairo. The main theme will be the peace process for the Near East. Adis Saranovic produced the report on world events.


Debts of “Zenicatrans” company are much higher than its claims. A new general manager of the Company, Sead Tahirovic will be appointed next week. Employees of the company believe that he would solve the company problems. Nela Kacmarcik produced the report.


Production in the company “Sodaso” started again, after employees’ protests last month. According to the employees, the situation has significantly improved. Reported by Damir Slepcevic.


Despite of long droughts, quantity of grape in vineyards in satisfactory. 200 workers participate in the grape gathering, Sinisa Jokic reported.


A new method for mine destruction should be applied in B&H soon. It was promoted by the US marines in the SFOR base near Banovici. Reported by Amra Hadziefendic.


Reports on local fieldball and international football were presented.