
OBN News Review, 29 August 2000



  • $5 million of US aid have been allocated for refugee return
  • Local authorities in Srebrenica and Bratunac are against movement of Mudzahedins from Bocinja to these areas
  • Dominik Ilijasevic will not be transferred to the Hague
  • The World Bank granted $ 15 million of loan for reducing entity armies
  • There is the lack of table water in B&H


9 Iranians drowned last night in the river Sava, trying to pass across the B&H border illegally. “The Croatian and RS police are searching the river for survivors or the bodies of the people who drowned”, said the UN Spokesman, Douglas Coffman. Vedran Persic produced the report.


The US Government provided additional $5,1 million for refugee return in B&H. The money was originally allocated for support to the Federation budget. Due to wrong policy of Federal officials, it was re-directed. As for Abu Hamza’s statement on movement of mudzahedins to Srebrenica and Bratunac, Mr. Miller said: “I support the return of refugees to their homes. I haven’t heard that citizens of Bocinja are returning to their homes”. Reported by Vedran Persic.

Banja Luka

Serb authorities in Srebrenica and Bratunac are strongly against movement of Mudzahedins from Bocinja to these areas. According to the Head of the Bratunac Municipality, Miodrag Josipovic, this would be a political disaster. He added that these were probably pre-election games. Biljana Arsic reported.


According to the polls, only 10% of refugees from Bukvik do not want to return to their homes. 491 houses were destroyed in the area. Significant financial investments are necessary for reconstruction. Refugees are waiting for help, because, as they say, they cannot do much alone. Slobodanka Radojkovic produced the report.

Sanski Most/Prijedor

Many returnees cannot move into their houses, because they are either occupied or destroyed. They are in a very difficult situation, the winter is very close. Reported by Biljana Arsic.

The Hague

Trial to the indicted war criminal, Dominik Ilijasevic will take place in B&H. The ICTY officially confirmed this information. “We will closely observe the trial, because a new evidence, important for the Tribunal, might be revealed”, said the Spokesman of the Main Prosecutor, Paul Risley. The report was produced by Mirna Sadikovic.


The Croatian Government confirmed the existence of a document called “Discoveries of the Croatian Internal Ministry on the events related to crimes in Ahmici, with suggestions for further procedures”.

A Spanish politician, member of the City Council was killed in Basqia.

The US President, Bill Clinton met the Egyptian President in Cairo. They discussed a peace agreement for the Near East.

The Libyan leader Gadafi will receive 6 hostages who arrived in Tripoli, after Islamic rebels had released them in the South Philippines. Gordana Frimel reported on world events.


The B&H Parliament House of Representatives adopted a law proposal on vault for B&H joint institutions. The session ended because there was no quorum for discussion on passports. Reported by Adis Saranovic.


The World Bank granted financial aid for army members who will be demobilised. “The financing should help people get trained, in order to find new jobs”, said the Director of the World Bank for B&H, Christian Portman. The initial aid for employment is $15 million. Mr. Portman met B&H authorities. They concluded that the priority in near future would be privatisation in banking. Zeljka Lekic produced the report.


The Temporary Management of the Commercial Bank in Tuzla made a list of debtors. A commission for collection of debts and protection of the Bank’s property was founded. Reported by Adis Nisic.

New York

The World Summit for Peace was opened in the UN’s Head Office in New York. About 1000 religious leaders gathered at the Summit. The Muslim religious leader, Mustafa Ceric attends the Summit, Gordana Frimel confirmed.


The state of emergency was proclaimed in B&H due to fires. Long droughts endangered the whole water supply system. The authorities prohibited citizens to use table water for agriculture. Anes Alic produced the report.


Owner of a destroyed house in the settlement Vratnik in Sarajevo, Lutvo Sehovic cannot get licence for construction because of a dispute with the pre-war inhabitant of the house. Reported by Slobodan Maksimovic.


70 B&H students graduated at the Faculty of Mathematics in Sarajevo. Most of them will probably have to look for employment abroad, due to difficult situation in B&H economy. Meliha Hasanbegovic produced the report.


Reports on local football and WTN tennis tournament in Mostar were presented.