
OBN News Review, 26 March 2000



  • A large number of voters voted in Russian Presidential elections
  • Pope John Paul II preyed on the sacred Jewish place, the Wailing Wall
  • Why does the Montenegro Orthodox church demand independence?
  • The canal which links the rivers Drina and Sava was opened today
  • What motivates young people to deal with politics?


There was a great turnout in the Russian presidential elections today. The acting President, Vladimir Putin, has the best chance to be elected. According to some unofficial information, the Communist leader is just behind him.

According to some sources of information, Cechenian rebels defeated the Russian Army in the eastern part of Cechenia. Russian Ministry of Defence denied this.

Pope John Paul II prayed on the sacred Jewish place, the Wailing Wall. He asked the Jews to forgive the Christians for their sins towards the Jewish people.

The American President, Bill Clinton and the President of Syria started a meeting that is considered as the last chance for salvation of Israeli-Syrian negotiations. The American Foreign Ministry warned that the world should not expect too much from these discussions.

The UN High Representative for refugees, Sadako Ogatha, demanded the strengthening of security in Kosovo, in order to protect the remaining minorities there.

The ICTY judge from the Hague Antonio Cassese expressed his disappointment for the Italian magazine “Republica”, because Governments are incapable of arresting the indicted war criminals, such as Karadzic and Mladic.

The Internal Ministry of Montenegro and Yugoslav Army will establish a check point on the Albanian border crossing of Bozaje.


After a priest froom the Serb Orthodox church attacked the Montenegro Metropolitan last year, the citizens of surrounding villages of Cetinje decided to join the Montenegro church, because they feel jeopardised by aggressive Great Serbia-politics. Additional problem is that the Serb Orthodox church has not recognised the Montenegro church yet. This is a political issue, which could lead to conflict in Montenegro. The Montenegro Metropolitan Mihailo believes that a large part of the valuable property of the Montenegro Monastery has already been transported to Serbia. The report was produced by OBN reporter Amarildo Gutic.

The delegation of the B&H Federation Government, led by Prime Minister, Edhem Bicakcic, left for Slovenia today. The purpose of this visit is exploring the possibility of strengthening economic relations between the two countries.


The “Circle 99” organised a round table today. The theme was “Why Nationalism Always means Racism as well?” The teacher was the French philosopher, Etienne Balibar. He said that in Bosnia there was a racism without the races. “In each country, there are nations who feel jeopardised, and they demand their rights in a political way. This very often ends up with a conflict”, said Professor Balibar. The report was produced by Anes Alic.

Internal Ministry of RS announced that the investigation is underway on the incident which took place near Prnjavor, when Samir Mujanic died in an explosion, and Fadil Mijanic was seriously injured. They found out that the returnee, Ibrahim Mujanic was preparing the house for moving in.

Banja Luka

OBN reporter Sanela Zivkovic asked young people in Banja Luka about their interest in politics. Opinions of the young are divided. Some think that politics and problem solving will link young people, while the others feel that politics is the cause of the present situation, and they intend to boycott the forthcoming elections.


The canal which links the rivers Drina and Sava was opened today. The main investor was the RS government, and the contractor was the company “Higra” from Bijeljina. This canal will be very useful for the irrigation of Semberia. The report was produced by OBN reporter Jelena Lazic.


The new Regulatory plan for Prijedor caused many discussions, above all regarding the private land in the area of the Old Town. There is a flea market now, in the ruins of Bosniaks’ houses. Bosniaks claim that, according to the new plan, the road to Novi Grad will be built at a place where there used to be a mosque. The Serb parties representatives deny this, claiming that they respect human rights on this issue. The new Regulatory Plan is to be adopted or rejected at the next Assembly session. The report was produced by Milena Letic-Joves.


There are some positive results in Brcko, after the RS Government adopted the provision on the unregistered employees. More owners of private enterprises registered their employees. Nevertheless, many people who work unregistered, because this is the only way to survive. The report was produced by Slobodanka Radojkovic.


The Austrian Red Cross will stop their support for the public kitchens in Banjaluka. About a 1000 users in Banjaluka will be in a very difficult situation. The social programme which would protect them should have been adopted 6 months ago, but it is still uncertain whether it will be adopted at all. The report for TV INFO was produced by OBN reporter from the area, Suzana Vukcevic.


After the war, there are many children without parents in B&H. The piece on the children center “Most” in Zenica was produced by Ninoslava Kolar.


Two painting exhibitions of the school “Esnaf” were organised in the “Semberija” gallery in Bijeljina. The report was produced by Jelena Lazic.


The reports on football, Formula I competition and NBA league were presented.