
OBN News Review, 26 April 2000



  • The B&H Presidency appointed Tihomir Gligoric as the candidate for the Council of Ministers Chairman
  • Certificates are excluded from the process of large privatisation
  • The World Bank will not guarantee the construction of Sarajevo-Zenica highway
  • Law on flat purchase has been adopted in the RS
  • The “JAT” manager, Zivorad Petrovic was killed in Belgrade


The B&H Presidency appointed Tihomir Gligoric as the candidate for the Council of Ministers Chairman. The B&H Parliament will decide whether to accept this appointment on Friday. Misunderstandings between Bosniacs and Croats regarding the Foreign Minister position should be resolved by then, OBN reporter Damir Kaletovic confirmed.

Tihomir Gligoric was this evening’s guest in TV INFO. “I don’t think that my appointment will cause any crisis in the RS”, Gligoric said. There are many issues that the Council of Ministers will have to deal with, he added. Social issue is the priority, and implementation of the Annex 7 of the Dayton Peace Agreement.


Certificates are excluded from the process of large privatisation. The tender prices will be paid exclusively in cash. The Privatisation Agency representatives feel that, in this way, foreign and local investors will be equal. It is still not clear who will have the benefit of the cash payments. OBN journalist Sanjin Beciragic produced the report.


The World Bank will not guarantee the construction of the highway between Sarajevo and Zenica.

“We have other priorities that we want to finance”, said the World Bank Director for B&H, Christiaan Poortman. OBN reporter Amarildo Gutic produced the report.

Banja Luka

The RS Assembly adopted the Law on Flat Purchase today. Price for a square meter is from DM400 to DM800. The amendment which enables municipalities to grant refugees the tenancy right, after 5 years of living in someone else’s flat, as a consequence of war, was also adopted. Reported by Tatjana Lajsic.

Banja Luka

The Council of Europe envoys visited Banja Luka today, in order to inform themselves on implementation of property laws in the RS. They met the local authorities and discussed the issue. The report was produced by Nedeljka Breberina.


New municipal authorities should be established by 20th May, announced the OSCE officials in Sarajevo. After the completion of process of officials appointment, the Temporary Election Commission Chairman will issue the final certificate. The report was produced by OBN journalist, Vedran Persic.


The Director of JAT, the Yugoslav Public Airways was killed last night in Belgrade. He was prominent agriculturist and the SPS member.

A few thousand Kosovo Albanians blocked the roads around Pristina, demanding the release of all Albanian prisoners in Serbia.

At the beginning of June, the OSCE will form the Court for war crimes in Kosovo.

The new Italian Government was inaugurated before the Italian President, Carlo Ciampi today.

14th Anniversary of the Chernobyl catastrophe was marked in Ukraine today, in which several thousands of people died from radiation.

The report on current world events was produced by Duska Jurisic.


The City Council of Mostar agreed with appointment of the joint water supply system board members. It is still not clear why the credit was reduced from $67 million to $12million. Gerhard Sontham, the Head of the OHR office in Mostar, called the City Council decision historical.


The process of recording the Federation Army weapons that should be destroyed started in the Army Barracks in Tuzla, confirmed OBN reporter Adis Nisic.


Sevko Bajic produced a piece on 12 children, mine victims who went in Slovenia for rehabilitation today.


Reports on local football and NBA league were presented.