- The indicted war criminal, Dusko Sikirica was arrested in Prijedor
- The Association “Circle 99” supports the foundation of a Commission for Truth & Reconciliation
- 3 people died, and 40 were injured in an explosion in an oil refinery in Kuwait
- The Association of the displaced in Banja Luka announced protests
Milena Letic-Joves reported on the arrest of Dusko Sikirica, the indicted war criminal in Prijedor.
Banja Luka
The NATO Secretary General, George Robertson welcomed the arrest of Sikirica by SFOR. SFOR confirmed the arrest. In hills near Bosanska Krupa, forensic experts exhumed the bodies of 30 Bosniacs, who were at the concentration camp of “Omarska”. Bodies will be identified in Sanski Most.
About 2.30 p.m., Dusko Sikirica arrived in the Hague. He is accused of crimes committed in the concentration camp “Keraterm” during the war in B&H. Prosecutors are preparing evidences for his trial, which should start in September. The ICTY is searching for Dragan Fustar, who is also indicted of crimes in the “Keraterm”. OBN reporter Vedran Persic produced the report.
A session of the “Circle 99” took place today, in Sarajevo. Members of this association supported the foundation of a Commission for Truth and Reconciliation. Collection of information and evidences would last 18 months. After that, a history of B&H, based on facts, would be written. Reported by Mirna Sadikovic.
At least four people died in an explosion at an oil refinery in Kuwait.
7 people were injured in a bomb explosion in north-east Spain.
Parliamentary Elections continued today in Zimbabwe.
Parliamentary Elections are also taking place in Japan. According to preliminary results, the leading Coalition will win the elections.
The Slovenian and Croatian presidents met today. They discussed international initiatives for south-east Europe, as well as bilateral issues.
Zeljka Lekic produced the piece on current world events.
Banja Luka
The Association of the Displaced from Banja Luka organised a session today. They are not satisfied with the implementation of property laws and with the work of the RS Ministry for Refugees. Reported by Anes Alic.
Banja Luka
Citizens of Banja Luka are worried about their security, because of frequent shootings in this town. The RS Internal Minister, Sredoje Novic warned that the security situation in the RS was very serious. “All citizens of the RS should be protected, and not just certain politicians”, Mr. Novic said. The report was produced by Tatjana Lajsic.
30 Bosniac returnee families in the village of Recice, near Capljina are in a very difficult situation. They returned to their homes two years ago. They say that local authorities haven’t offered them help so far.
About 1000 refugees returned to their homes in Tramosnica and Turici, in the Municipality of Pelagicevo. 145 houses were reconstructed in Tramosnica. But only a few young people returned to these villages. Returnees hope that the reconstruction of agriculture and economy will attract the young to return. Reported by Slobodanka Radojkovic.
The Union President Sulejman Hrle announced workers’ protests in the autumn, if the B&H Government doesn’t solve their problems. The Federation Prime Minister, Edhem Bicakcic doesn’t take these threats seriously. Sulejman Hrle called the Government to accept the Union as the only partner in negotiations. OBN reporter Amarildo Gutic produced the report.
Thousands of Muslims gathered in Ajvatovica, the greatest Muslim sanctuary in Europe today. The Muslim religious leader, Mustafa Ceric addressed the gathered believers.
19th Anniversary of appearance of the Lady of Medugorje was celebrated today. Thousands of pilgrims from all parts of the world came to Medugorje. Reported by Blazica Kristo.
Reports on international football and athletics were presented.