
OBN News Review, 24 September 2000



  • The Yugoslav elections are strictly controlled by the authorities
  • 2 people were injured in a shooting during the second round of the elections in Macedonia
  • 860 double-occupancy users should be evicted in Banja Luka by 20th November
  • Prisoners of Nazi camps should receive a DM 1000 of aid from the German Government


The presidential elections took place today in Yugoslavia. Polling stations were opened at 7 a.m. and closed at 8 p.m. In Kosovo, polling stations were closed before 4 p.m., for security reasons. There were no serious incidents. About 110 displaced persons from Kosovo could not vote, because they were not registered. Reported by Gordana Frimel.


Voting in Montenegro is mostly taking place in private homes or military facilities. Although the Yugoslav Army announced a special security measures, they were not present at the polling stations. Opposition representatives were not allowed to see voting lists or enter polling stations. The Chairman of the Election Commission, Neven Gosovic approved denying access to Serbian opposition members. Members of the paramilitary group “Gepardi” organised security measures for polling stations in Herceg Novi. Reported by Amarildo Gutic.


Voting in two polling stations in Macedonia was suspended because of certain irregularities.

A Referendum on reducing of the presidential mandate was organised in France.

According to the first referendum results, citizens of Switzerland rejected again proposal on limiting the number of immigrants in this country. Currently, there are about 19% of foreigners who live in Switzerland. Zeljka Lekic reported on current world events.


The shopping mall “Pobjeda” in Bijeljina currently has two directors. After replacement of the former Director, Lazar Avakumovic, the RS Government appointed a new Director. The RS Assembly did not accept the decision, and the problem remains unsolved.

Banja Luka

Construction of the refugee camp was postponed until 20th November. Local authorities should evict 860 double occupancy users by the date.

30 inspectors will be appointed for implementation of the decision. Reported by Sanela Zivkovic.

One of the conclusions of the recent meeting in Geneva was that the refugee return was one of priorities for B&H. “I must say that refugee camps were treated as priority in our discussions in Geneva”, said the Minister of Human Rights in the B&H Council of Ministers, Martin Raguz, who attended the meeting. According to Mr. Raguz, collection centres will not be closed until another accommodation is provided for refugees.


Vencel Zovko has been trying to return to his two houses in centre of East Mostar since 1994. People who live in his house can return to their home in West Mostar, which was never occupied by refugees. Ivan Pavkovic produced the report.


The German Government, in co-operation with B&H aid agencies will distribute DM 1000 of aid to all living victims of Nazi camps, Dragana Krstanovic confirmed.


Another OBN report was broadcast on CNN. The theme of the report was the only B&H exit to the Adriatic Sea – Neum. It was produced by OBN reporter, Misijana Brkic.


Reports on the 27th Summer Olympic Games in Sydney and local football were presented.