- New storm with snow in BiH- weather forecast for tomorrow: cloudy and low temperatures with snow
- Will pre-war deposits from “Ljubljanska banka” be paid out by the end of this year?
- Banking system in Bosnia and Herzegovina
- New education programme for elementary schools in the RS
- Violence against women in BiH – a problem which has not been addressed seriously enough
Last night and during the day, snow was falling in Bosnia and Herzegovina. The depth of snow is between 15 and 80 centimetres while in the mountains it reached 190 centimetres. Because of the snow, traffic on the most roads in both BiH entities is slow. The report was produced by OBN reporter, Adis Saranovic.
“Ljubljanska banka”
This was followed by an item on pre-war deposits of BiH citizens in the “Ljubljanska banka” from Slovenia. Every year, economic relations between BiH and the Republic of Croatia are better. However, a stumbling block is the pre-war deposits of BiH citizens in the “Ljubljanska banka” which have never been paid out. Slovenia has been insisting for a long time that this issue be solved together with other questions connected to ex-Yugoslavia. However, there were some indications that money could be paid out by the end of this year, OBN reporter, Amarildo Gutic, confirmed.
BiH Banking System
For a longer period of time, the BiH public has been expecting the final report of the BiH Federation Banking Agency for last year. BiH experts claim that although there are banks in the BiH Federation, a banking system does not exist. Investigators still did not report who was to blame for the bankruptcy of “SAB” and “BH” banks. The report was produced by OBN reporter, Sanjin Beciragic.
The situation in Grozny has not changed. Street fights continued and the Chechen soldiers have been resisting Russian troops. The Russian Ministry of Defence claim they conquered the center of the capital. Some 15,000 civilians are still in the town.
The Congress of Ecuador confirmed the dismissal of the president and the appointment of the ex vice president. The International Community condemned the coup d’etat in the country.
A piece on new fights between Christians and Muslims in Indonesia followed. Some 22 individuals have been killed, and more than 50 wounded.
More than a million of people protested in Madrid against the violence committed by the Basque organisation “ETA”.
In Chile, people demonstrated against the recently announced release of the ex dictator, Augusto Pinochet. The piece on current events in the world was produced by OBN journalist, Mladen Maric.
Banja Luka
A new education programme for elementary schools in the RS has been developed. The new programme will be implemented according to contemporary European standards. New methods of learning will be adopted in this new programme. OBN reporter from Banja Luka, Nedeljka Breberina, confirmed.
One of the most sensitive issues in the Brcko District is the structure of the schooling system. There are eleven elementary schools and eight secondary schools in the area and these schools will be integrated in a joint schooling system of the District. The report was produced by OBN reporter from Brcko, Slobodanka Radojkovic.
The de-militarisation process in the Brcko area began in November last year. The military budget will be used for other activities. The first two stages of the de-militarisation process of the District have been completed. The Supervisor of the Brcko District, Robert Farrand, said that young men in the District would not be obliged to serve in the military, OBN reporter from the area, Sanela Zivkovic, confirmed.
As a result of co-ordinated efforts of several international humanitarian organisations, the keys of 42 reconstructed houses were handed over to their owners in the Doboj village Caire. Local water and electricity supply systems have been reconstructed. Some 800,000 DEM have been invested in the reconstruction. The piece was produced by OBN reporter from the area, Muhamed Cabric.
A piece on violence against women in Bosnia and Herzegovina. Members of the “Medica” association from Zenica conducted surveys in order to show the seriousness of the problem. A project developed by the Association for the fight against violence was supported by the UN Mission in Bosnia and Herzegovina. Zenica could be an example for other towns in BiH, OBN reporter from Zenica, Koraljka Kurcenberger, confirmed.
An item on local football was followed by pieces on international handball, tennis and skiing.