
OBN News Review, 22 June 2000



  • The Federation Government decided to increase the budget for refugee return
  • The newly formed association of SDP heads organised their first session
  • Sessions of the B&H Parliament and the RS Assembly took place today
  • The main ICTY Prosecutor, Carla Del Ponte arrived in Montenegro
  • More than 50 people died in two accidents in China


The B&H Parliament supported a programme presented by the Chairman of the Council of Ministers, Spasoje Tusevljak. “I hope that we will promote a new climate and a new vision of things that should be done here”, Mr. Tusevljak said. It took more than six hours for the Parliament to adopt the agenda. Reported by Danijela Bozic.


The fifth Financial Forum took place today. The Governor of the Central Bank, Peter Nicole is satisfied with the performed work. One of the themes of the Forum was cash flow. The Central Bank is trying to solve the problem of ZPP employees, who will lose their jobs after the dissolving of ZPPs. OBN reporter Vedran Persic produced the report.

Banja Luka

The RS Assembly session took place today. Delegates should have discussed the report on the Government’s work in the last two years. They discussed numerous other points of the agenda, and the report is expected to be analysed tomorrow, Tatjana Lajsic confirmed from Banja Luka.

Banja Luka

Sanja Srdic analysed work of the RS Assembly. Most citizens feel that the Assembly is not efficient enough.


The Special US Envoy, Richard Sclar said that leading parties, the SDA, the SDS and the HDZ promote their own interests, not thinking of people. “The people, and not Mr. Sclar are there to decide who they will trust”, said Adnan Rondic, the SDA Spokesman.


The newly formed association of SDP heads organised their first session today. They presented priority projects for municipalities where they won majority votes. Donor countries promised that they would help SDP projects for refugee return and reconstruction of infrastructure. Amarildo Gutic produced the report.


The main ICTY Prosecutor, Carla Del Ponte met the Montenegrin President Milo Dukanovic and the Prime Minister, Filip Vujanovic.

More than 50 people died in two accidents in China.

The US Secretary General, Madeline Albright appealed on China to start discussions with Taiwan again, and to stop exporting rocket technology.

The Iranian President, Mohammed Hatami arrived in China.

A Delegation of the Council of Europe started talks with the Russian Foreign Ministry in Moscow. Zeljka Lekic produced the piece on current world events.


Employees of the company “Hut” from Visoko think that the Union doesn’t work in their best interests. If the company management is not ready to co-operate, employees will demand their replacement and revision of the company’s work. Reported by Anes Alic.


A project of construction of the water supply system in Zepce was implemented, thanks to the $3,5 million donation of the Spanish Government. The Spanish Government invested $40 million since the signing of the Dayton Peace Agreement. OBN reporter Damir Kaletovic produced the report.


Three persons were arrested under suspicion that they had killed Ana Ljubez in Jajce, last year. According to the investigation results, robbery was the motive of the murder.


Mirna Sadikovic produced a piece on today’s promotion of the book “Sjena nad Igmanom” by Mirsad Catic Cuperak in Sarajevo.


Reports on international football and basketball were presented.