- The US President demands arrest of Radovan Karadzic within his mandate
- The B&H Presidency will reconsider their support for establishment of the PBS
- Theme of TV INFO: privatisation
- The B&H documentary “Bezdan” won a silver medal on a Film Festival in Holland
4 suspects, who had been arrested and accused of mediation in prostitution were released today. 12 prostitutes from Romania and Moldavia, who allegedly worked for the suspects were found. The local prosecutor and judge were threatened at the time of the arrest. Court debate will continue. OBN crew were also threatened by relatives of the suspects. Reported by Amarildo Gutic.
The local police from Orasje arrested Vlatko Buzuk yesterday. According to the Sarajevo Ministry of Internal Affairs, Buzuk has been suspected of committing genocide and war crimes against civilians.
Dominik Ilijasevic denied guilt for rapes or killing of civilians, after yesterday’s arrest. According to Ilijasevic’s lawyer, Fahrija Karkin, there are no proofs against his client. Ana Drmac produced the report.
Two fires were placed at the property of the Serb family Popovic in the Sarajevo suburb Buca Potok. The police investigation is underway. Reported by Mirna Sadikovic.
Return of Serbs to Maglaj was not implemented according to the plan. The International Community supported the return, in order to improve it. The question is: will the presence of Mudzahedins, led by Abu Hamza, slow down the process? Rifa Vilasevic produced the report.
“Elections will take place in 70 days, and the situation in TV B&H is worrying. The Presidency will reConsider our support for transformation of this media into PBS”, said the Adviser for foreign policy and implementation of the Dayton Peace Accords at the B&H Presidency, Mirza Hajric. “The International ComMunity considers merging of their project, OBN into PBS. We disagree with this, and I feel that OBN should survive. B&H needs a TV that broadcasts its programmes in the whole of B&H”, Hajric added. The report was produced by Svjetlana Celic.
The US President decided that he would not approve construction of the US anti-rocket system by the end of his mandate.
The Spanish police confiscated about 10 tones of cocaine and arrested 20 crew members of a ship heading for Canary Islands.
The Palestinian Court sentenced one of the “Hamas” leaders, Mahmut Abu Hanud to 12 years in prison.
The Serbian democratic opposition (DOS) prepares to replace the Government in the elections scheduled on 24th September. Their presidential candidate is Vojislav Kostunica.
Adis Saranovic reported on current world events.
The Zepter Bank established its first Privatisation Investment Fund in the RS. They already started subscription of vouchers for a joint-stock company, Vesna Mladenovic reported.
Banja Luka
Subscription of vouchers of RS companies should start on 16th October. Citizens will have the chance to invest their vouchers directly in companies. Reported by Milorad Milojevic.
9 companies in the Federation of B&H did not respect the deadline of the Privatisation Agency on submitting of initial balance sheets. Criminal procedure against directors of these companies will be carried out, Anes Alic confirmed.
The B&H Bishop, Cardinal Vinko Puljic performed a mass in Bilino Polje near Zenica.
The B&H documentary “Bezdan”, directed by Adis Bekrac won a silver medal at the International Film Festival in Holland. Reported by Gordana Frimel.
About 850 participants from 54 utility services from the Federation of B&H gathered at “Komunalijada 2000” in Sarajevo, Slobodan Maksimovic reported.
Reports on football, tennis and motorcycle racing were presented.