- Yugoslavia – Slobodan Milosevic accused opposition of co-operation with NATO
- Traffic between Yugoslavia and B&H has been suspended
- The Austrian Foreign Minister, Benita Ferrero – Waldner visited B&H
- Two Austrian banks were opened in Sarajevo
- Employees of RS railways announced a strike
Slobodan Milosevic addressed the nation via Federal TV, accusing the opposition of “serving the west”. The British Foreign Minister, Robin Cook said that strikes in Yugoslavia proved that Milosevic lost citizens’ support. USA officials and EU foreign ministers are discussing post-election crisis in Yugoslavia in Paris. Reported by Gordana Frimel.
Citizens of Kudnin blocked roads on the border with Yugoslavia, supporting protests of Yugoslav democratic opposition. There were a large number of cars waiting to cross the border, Tanja Gajic reported.
The Austrian Foreign Minister visited B&H today. Ms. Ferrero – Waldner met the B&H Minister of Foreign Trade, Mirsad Kurtovic. An agreement on protection of investments was signed between Austria and B&H. Ms. Ferrero – Waldner opened two Austrian banks in Sarajevo. The report was produced by Vedran Persic.
A possibility of emergency B&H presidential elections in the spring 2001 was mentioned today, during the visit of the OSCE Chairman, Ms. Ferrero – Waldner. “The decision should be made by the PIC Board, and it should be strongly justified”, Ms. Ferrero said.
6 people were injured in explosion in a house in Prizren.
Albanian socialists announced election victory, on the basis of unofficial results. Opposition claims that the elections were framed.
The US President announced his mediation in discussions between the Israeli Prime Minister, Ehud Barak and the Palestinian leader, Yasser Arafat.
About 600 lorries blocked main border crossings in Luxembourg, before the meeting of EU transport ministers, when they should discuss number of working hours. The report on current world events was produced by Zeljka Lekic.
Germany will celebrate 10 years of unity tomorrow. On this occasion, the German Embassy in B&H held a press conference, Sevko Bajic reported.
The Co-ordinating Board of the protest meeting “Save Zenica from Hunger” presented their demands to the Federation Prime Minister, Edhem Bicakcic. The Prime Minister will present his conclusions tomorrow, in Zenica. Reported by Damir Kaletovic.
The Union of the RS Railways announced a warning strike on 4th October. Teachers continued striking in Prijedor and Doboj, after the decision on reduction of minimum work price form KM 80 to KM 68. Milena-Letic Joves produced the report.
Several families are waiting to return to their pre-war homes in Mostar. The largest number of refugees returned to Jugozapad municipality, Anita Damjanovic reported.
Banja Luka
A large problem in B&H is finding a favourable loan. According to Radovan Bajic, the Director of VB Bank in the RS the largest loan that citizens can get for their flats is KM 40 000.
OBN will broadcast the first election show this evening, edited and presented by Sanjin Beciragic.
Reports on European football and a rally race in Corsica were presented.