
OBN News Review, 2 February 2000



  • After a meeting of the “Koalicija sloga” heads, Zivko Radisic said that the current RS Government should and will continue its work
  • Workers of two branches of the Banja Luka “Rudi Cajevec” company went on strike
  • General Adams announced de-blockade of the military barracks of the Croatian segment in the BiH Federation Army
  • Albright in Zagreb – the new Croatian Sabor established
  • Did Russian army take over the control over entire Grozny?
  • Topic of TV INFO: Criminal activities of teenagers


The head of the “Hrvatska seljacka stranka”, Zlatko Tomcic, was unanimously elected for the President of the new Representative House of the Croatian Parliament. Also, he will temporary perform duties of the Croatian President. The US State Secretary, Madeline Albright, is the first Western official who visited Croatia after the recent parliamentary elections. This visit should confirm seriousness of US intentions to support new authorities. The report was produced by OBN reporter from Zagreb, Gordana Simonovic.


It is not clear whether Russian Army took the control over entire Chechen capital, Grozny. The Russian Minister of Defence said that some 600 Chechen troops were killed last night trying to get out of the town. According to Russian sources, heavy fights are currently going on in the South of the country. Before leaving Moscow, the US State Secretary, Madeline Albright, said that an agreement on current situation in Chechenia was not made with Russian authorities. The report on Chechenia was produced by OBN journalist, Zeljka Lekic.


The budget of the BiH Federation for this year was adopted at today’s session of the Representative House. Most of the opposition parties were against that, demanding more transparency regarding the spending of the funds during last year. The report was produced by OBN reporter, Amarildo Gutic.

Banja Luka

The Presidency of the “Koalicija sloga” held its session in Banja Luka today. After the meeting, the President of the RS Socialist Party, Zivko Radisic, said that the Coalition was firm and that no one had right to endanger the position and interest of the RS and its citizens. Heads of the “Koalicija sloga” emphasised it was necessary to protect interest of the RS and its institutions, OBN reporter from Banja Luka, Tatjana Lajsic, confirmed.

This was followed by a piece on the press conference held by the dismissed Director of the RS Health Insurance Fund and the Vice President of the RS Socialist Party, Dragutin Ilic. Ilic was dismissed yesterday by the RS Government explaining its decision that llic had not been informing them on the activities of the Fund. Ilic claim that his dismissal was caused by political reasons. The report was produced by OBN reporter from Banja Luka, Sanela Zivkovic.

An item on the workers of two branches of the Banja Luka “Rudi Cajevec” company who have gone on strike. The workers of the “Telekomunikacije” and “Auto-mehanika” branches protest because of late salaries and other benefits, OBN reporter, Nedeljka Breberina, confirmed. Workers announced they would continue the strike until their demand are fulfilled in full.


A company from Tesanj wanted to invest approximately one million DEM in the start-up of the production in the Zenica meat factory “Zmajevac”. However, some problems have occurred. Workers claim that the management of “Zmajevac” was to blame for not signing an agreement with investor, OBN reporter from Zenica, Koraljka Kurcenberger, confirmed.


Citizens of the town of Mostar claim that paying out of compensation for the damage caused by the recent flood started. They claim that officers of the power plants allegedly visited them and distributed symbolic fees. However, representatives of power plants said they did not start to pay out compensation fees yet. The report was produced by OBN reporter from Mostar, Dubravka Vojinovic.


A piece on the presidential race in the United States was followed by a report on the current situation in Austria in respect to the possibility of entering the right wing politician Jorg Haider into the Austrian Government and the resentment of Europe was produced by OBN journalist, Mladen Maric.


SFOR Commander, General Ronald Adams, announced during his today’s visit to Kiseljak that the international forces will start de-blockade of the military barracks of the Croatian segment in the BiH Federation Army soon. The barracks were blocked on January 26th. General Adams said that the barracks were blocked because information requested by SFOR were not submitted. The report was produced by OBN reporter from the area, Ana Drmac.


An item on the criminal activities of teenagers was presented. Last year, 888 criminal activities committed by teenagers were recorded in the Sarajevo Canton. This is 22 % of the overall activities. For example, a boy Vernes (14) has committed over 300 offenses. The report was produced by OBN reporter, Danijela Bozic.


A piece on local basketball was followed by a piece on the international football matches.