- Appointment of the B&H Council of Ministers Chairman has been postponed
- The EU officials, Javier Solana and Chris Patten visited B&H
- The B&H Parliament rejected the draft Election Law and proposal for the Law on identity papers
- 131 passengers died in a plane crash near Philippines
- About 150 protesters in Zenica demanded resignation of the Canton Government
Candidates for the B&H Council of Ministers are Mladen Ivanic, Tihomir Gligoric and Svetozar Mihajlovic. No decisions have been reached regarding the Council, because both Bosniacs and Croats want their representative to be at the position of the Foreign Minister. Reported by Damir Kaletovic.
Banja Luka
The High Representative, Wolfgang Petritsch visited Banja Luka, where he met Biljana Plavsic and Mladen Ivanic. Refugee return is one of basic conditions for the RS to receive aid from the international community, said Petritsch. Although I support the return, no one must be expelled from their flats, he added. Reported by Tatjana Lajsic from Banja Luka.
The EU officials, Xavier Solana and Christopher Patten visited B&H today. They met the B&H Presidency members and entity prime ministers. Aid from the World Bank will be based on a made progress, said Patten. He also said that he hopes Milosevic will soon be removed from the FRY political scene. The report was produced by Vedran Persic and Zeljka Lekic.
The B&H Parliament supported EU directives regarding reforms in B&H. The draft Election law, proposed by the HDZ was rejected, as well as amendments to the Privatisation Law, proposed by the SDP. The report was produced by OBN reporter Sevko Bajic.
The OSCE announced names of 109 politicians who resigned from their jobs in public companies. If the remaining politicians choose their positions in the Government instead of their jobs in economy, the B&H economy will save DM3 600 000 per month. The report was produced by OBN journalist Sanjin Beciragic.
About 150 workers protested in front of the Assembly building in Zenica. They demanded temporary financial aid and resignation of the Canton Government. The Government doesn’t have any funds to provide this aid, said the Canton Prime Minister, Vehid Sahinovic. Reported by Koraljka Kurcenberger.
131 passengers died in a plane crash near Philippines this morning. Cause of the crash is still unknown.
The Italian Prime Minister, Massimo D’Alemma announced his resignation before the Parliament, after bad results of his party at the regional elections last week.
About 300 whites in Zimbabwe demanded restitution of British citizenship.
The Russian Parliament ratified the agreement “Start 2” between Russia and the USA, regarding the nuclear potential reduction.
The Chinese Prime Minister visited Turkey today.
The UN blamed Australian mining company for leaking of the cyanide into Tisa at the beginning of this year.
The piece on world events was produced by Duska Jurisic.
The Hague
Miroslav Tadic and Simo Zaris have been temporarily released from prison in the Hague. Date for the beginning of the trial is still unknown. Reported by Vjera Bogati, the “SENSE” correspondent.
The Internal Ministry officials in Herzegovina-Neretva Canton agreed on formation of a joint police unit that would arrest 5 Croats, indicted war criminals: Zeljko Dzidic, Erhard Poznic, Mato Anicic, Zoran Soldo and Ivan Skutor. These 5 persons are fugitives, and all policemen were given instructions to arrest them immediately, said Stefo Lehmann, the UN Spokesman in Mostar. The report was produced by Mirsad Behram.
Peter Nicholl, the B&H Central Bank Governor announced the report on the bank’s work during the last year and the first three months of this year. Process of closing payment bureaux started, and the KM became a respectable means of payment. The RS policy of treatment of Federation banks as foreign banks is wrong, said Nicholl. Reported by OBN journalist Amarildo Gutic.
472 employees of the Prijedor hospital haven’t received their salaries since October last year. They also don’t have the basic work instruments. They are forced to receive only urgent patients. Reported by Milena Letic-Joves.
Public kitchen “Kruh Svetog Ante” in Sarajevo suburb Dobrinja daily provides food for about 250 citizens. A group of Italians from Venice visited Sarajevo for the 4th time, and delivered aid to the kitchen. The report was produced by Branka Vrebac.
Reports on local and international football were presented.