- Istanbul – Chart on the European Security was not signed at the OSCE Summit due to the discussion about Chechenia – Russian President left the Summit
- Sarajevo – Advisory Expert Group of the European Union and BiH held its session today
- Banja Luka – National Assembly and the RS Government did not discuss decision of the High Representative on annulling their conclusion to suspend evictions during the winter
- Opposition parties in BiH Federation suggested changes of the Dayton Peace Agreement
- Ambassador of the Republic of Austria, Valentin Inzko, talks for TV INFO about the current political situation in BiH
- Whether more than twenty Sri Lanka citizens have stayed illegally in BiH?
A bomb exploded in Asian part of Istanbul during the OSCE Summit. No one was injured. The first day of the OSCE Summit in Istanbul was ended out of the planned framework. Chart on the European Security was not signed at the Summit due to the discussion about Chechenia and it was left for the second day of the Summit. Russia was not satisfy because of criticism made by the West on the Russian military intervention in Chechenia. The report was produced by OBN reporter from Istanbul, Jusko Bojadzic.
Advisory Expert Group of the European Union and BiH held its session in Sarajevo today. This group was established in Brussels in 1998 and its main task was to support the establishment of the state which did not fully function. Currently, the Group has been designing economic and other laws according to European standards. This was the fifth meeting of the Group and recommendations for it came from Brussels. EU wants to agree new trade system with BiH entities’ governments as soon as possible. This would enable BiH to export its products to the European market on its own and would have some benefits, OBN reporter, Vedran Persic, confirmed.
High Representative in BiH, Wolfgang Petritsch, made a decision on annulling the conclusion adopted by the RS National Assembly on 10 November, which suspended evictions of certain categories of persons from November 1st 1999 to April 1st 2000. The OHR Spokesperson, Oleg Milisic, said that the position of the High Representative was that the process of refugee return should be speed up. However, according to the decision of the RS National Assembly, the process would be stopped for four months. Also, there is a law which insures that no one would be left on the street, which means that the process of refugee return to their pre-war homes can be continued. The report was produced by OBN reporter, Zeljka Lekic.
Banja Luka
Today, the RS National Assembly and the Government did not discuss the above mentioned issue. Most of the National Assembly representatives thought that their decision was a human act not a political decision. OBN reporter from Banja Luka, Sanela Zivkovic, confirmed. One of the issues discussed at today’s session of the RS National Assembly and the RS Government, was the staff policy in the RS, OBN reporter from the town, Dragan Stanimirovic, confirmed. Information of the RS Government on the implementation of the staff policy, representatives of the National Assembly rejected because it was not complete. The Government will deliver the full report by the next session. The Government will have to inspect again their decisions on dismissal of managing and monitoring boards, as well as directors of companies and institutions, especially the recent decision on dismissal of directors of sixteen local TV stations.
At the beginning of this week, BiH officials visited Dayton where they marked the fourth anniversary of signing of the Peace Agreement for Bosnia and Herzegovina. Representatives of BiH opposition parties also attended the meeting. Although the representatives of leading parties said that the progress was made in the period of four years after the signing of the Peace Agreement, the opposition representatives were not satisfy with achieved results. The report was produced by OBN journalist, Sanjin Beciragic.
A piece on an example how easy is to cross borders of BiH. According to an information of UN Mission in BiH, on November 9th, an Ukraine plane landed at the Mostar airport with 27 Ukraine passengers and one tourist officer from Slovenia on board. The passengers were allowed to enter BiH without proper visas. The question was why did local authorities allow that. The report was produced by OBN reporter from Mostar, Mirsad Behram.
A piece on the holiday celebrated in parts of BiH Federation under the administrative control of Croats. The eighth anniversary of Herceg-Bosna was marked, OBN reporter from the area, Pejo Gasparevic, confirmed.
Interview with the Ambassador of the Republic of Austria, Valentin Inzko Ambassador of the Republic of Austria, Valentin Inzko, has spent four years in BiH. Ambassador, who is leaving his position in BiH, said that it was high time for BiH to establish self-sustain economy. The interview with the Austrian Ambassador was produced by OBN journalist, Duska Jurisic.
Doctors reported that the health state of the Croatian President, Franjo Tudjman, has improved after 18 days of intense medical treatment. This was followed by reports on the official confirmation of Boris Trajkovski’s victory on the presidential elections in Macedonia and continuation of fights in Chechenia. The report was produced by OBN journalist, Gordana Frimel.
This was followed by a piece on the reaction of the BIH Women Form on the recent statement of the BiH Federation Minister of Agriculture which was offensive for women. The Forum asks for his dismissal while the Minister claims that he was misinterpreted. The report was produced was produced by OBN reporter, Anes Alic.
A report on European football was followed by reports on NBA and international tennis.