
OBN News Review, 17 May 2000



  • General elections in B&H will take place in November
  • Appointment of a new candidate for the Chairman of the Council of Ministers has been postponed
  • Serbian authorities closed the independent radio station “B 92” and TV “Studio B”
  • The International Chess Tournament “Bosnia 2000” started in Sarajevo

Banja Luka

General elections will take place on 11th November, said Robert Barry, the Head of the OSCE mission in B&H. The presidential elections will be carried out subsequently. Barry feels that now is the right time for registration of citizens. Reported by Tatjana Lajsic from Banja Luka.


The B&H Presidency haven’t agreed on a new candidate for the Chairman of the Council of Ministers. They announced that the new candidate might be appointed next week. According to Zivko Radisic’s adviser, Zeljko Samardzija, the new candidate will probably not be a member of the Coalition “Sloga”. Reported by Damir Kaletovic.


The location for burial of Bosniacs who were killed in 1995 in Potocari, near Srebrenica, hasn’t been determined at a meeting of the Srebrenica Assembly on 15th May. Serb members of the Assembly boycotted this point of the agenda. Women of Srebrenica want their family members to be buried in Potocari. The report was produced by Anes Alic.


The RS Prime Minister, Milorad Dodik met the EU Co-ordinator for foreign politics and security, Javier Solana. Talking about current events in Serbia, Dodik said that he supports the democracy in this country. “By these events in Serbia, they want to destabilise the RS as well”, he added. Dodik submitted his report on refugee return to Solana. Reported by Alen Legovic, the “Sense” correspondent, from Brussels.


Serbian authorities closed the independent radio station “B 92” and TV “Studio B”. The Belgrade Assembly sued the Republic of Serbia for trespassing. The “Studio B” Director, Dragan Kojadinovic said that the terror of the state continues. “There is no justification for such an act”, he added. Opposition invited citizens on general disobedience. Reported by Danica Ilic from Belgrade.


The USA and the ICTY protested against the visit of the Serb General Ojdanic to Moscow, the indicted war criminal. According to the Russian sources, Russia doesn’t recognise the ICTY‘s decision.

Fighting between Ethiopia and Eritrea continue. Number of refugees in Eritrea is increasing.

The UN Security Council members generally agreed on weapons embargo against Ethiopia and Eritrea.

At least 10 people died in religious clashes between Muslims and Christians in Indonesia.

The leader of rebels’ movement in Sierra Leone was arrested in Freetown. His supporters released 93 UN soldiers today.

The Russian Parliament confirmed the appointment of Mikhail Kasianov as the new Prime Minister. The report on current world events was produced by Gordana Frimel.


The results of the municipal elections have been implemented in the Sarajevo municipality Novi Grad. 24-year-old Damir Hadzic has been appointed as the new Head of the municipality. His priorities will be employment of young people and resolving problems with flats. Reported by OBN journalist Sanjin Beciragic.


The Federal Privatisation Agency announced that they demanded documents on privatisation of the “Marsal” hotel from the Canton Privatisation Agency. They want to investigate the legitimacy of the whole process.


Employees of the company “Sarajevski kiseljak” submitted an appeal to the Privatisation Agency on the privatisation process of this company. The Agency refuted the appeal and chose the Croatian company “Agrokor Jamnica D.D.” as the best bidder. Employees want to be given a chance to participate in the privatisation process. The report was produced by Vanja Elezovic.


The company “Elektroprivreda B&H” will be privatised within a new programme. This programme will include all joint companies of “Elektroprivreda” and its partners. One such company, “ETI Sarajevo”, founded by “Elektroprivreda” and its Slovenian partner, was opened today. In order to show their transparency, “Elektroprivreda” published their balance sheet for the last year on their web site. Reported by Amarildo Gutic.


Mirsad Behram reported on (non)implementation of the Property Law in this area. According to the OSCE, about 13 500 requests for flat restitution were submitted, and only 7% flats were returned to their owners. Prozor is a positive example, which proves that the implementation of the Law is possible, if there is enough political will.

Bijelo Polje

About 100 houses have been reconstructed in Bijelo Polje. Croat returnees demand that the school, church and out-patient department would be opened before their return. Reported by Sinisa Jokic.


Mirna Sadikovic produced a piece on award ceremony of the “International League of Humanists” that took place today.


Reports on the International Chess Tournament “Bosnia 2000”, international football and tennis, and NBA league and were presented.