- Strong earthquake in Turkey
- Billion dollars from public funds of international aid for Bosnia stollen, claimed in today’s issue of The New York Times
- Association of Serb refugees decided to establish joint organisation
- Poor harvest in RS
A strong earthquake took place in Turkey early this morning, near the city of Istanbul and few other towns. Apart from a serious destruction, fire broke out near Istanbul. According to the unofficial information, 156 people died and more than 2200 have been hurt. The report was produced by OBN reporter from Turkey, Fikret Fazlagic.
The New York Times
According to the information in a today’s issue of The New York Times, more than billion dollars of international aid for Bosnia have been stollen, and Muslim, Croat and Serb leaders are to be blamed. Most of the information are correct, said Alexandra Stiglmayer, OHR spokesperson. According to The New York Times, OHR investigates more then 220 cases of corruption in Bosnia, primarily the case of BH Bank where few international organisations lost their money. In Tuzla, more then 500 000 dollars from this year’s budget is missing. Reported by OBN reporters Duska Jurisic and Amarildo Gutic.
Certain western officials claim that Director of Institution for Reconstruction, Bakir Izetbegovic, gave Serb and Croat flats to SDA politicians. Mr. Izetbegovic denies the accusations in conversation with OBN reporter Duska Jurisic. Mirza Hajric, Adviser of Joint Presidency Member Alija Izetbegovic, also denied all the accusations and called the OHR to reveal whether they are the source of these information, and to prove their truthfulness.
Banja Luka
Envoy from the Councel of Europe, Peter Blocker, said that a progress has been made in Bosnia regarding the fulfilment of the conditions for membership in this organisation. Bosnia is determined to become a member of Councel of Europe, said the Joint Presidency Member, Zivko Radisic. The report was produced by OBN reporter Tatjana Lajsic.
A report about the Privatisation Investment Funds.Conference for potential investitors took place in Sarajevo today. Director of the Federal Agency for Privatisation, Adnan Mujagic, said that the Funds shall be the mediators in citizens’ investments, and that they will enable citizens to become the share owners in one or several enterprises. The report was produced by OBN reporter Sanjin Beciragic.
World News-Kosovo
2 persons were killed, and 5 have been wounded in a last night’s attack on Serb village Klopot, said KFOR this morning. Albanian boy has been wounded last night in American KFOR sector. Protests in Serbia against Slobodan Milosevic continue.
New Russian Prime Minister, Vladimir Putin starts appointing new members of his cabinet. Foreign Minister and Minister of Defence shall remain on their positions, and the other cabinet members shall be appointed this week. Fights in southern Russia continue. Russian Interior Ministry expressed their hope that the fights in Dagestan shall be finished very soon.
61 person were executed in China, within the operation called ” Heavy Punishment “, directed against criminal activities in this country. Reported by OBN reporter Slobodan Maksimovic.
President and Vice-President of the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina, Ivo Andric-Luzanski and Ejup Ganic, held a conversation with Senior Deputy of High Representative, Ralph Johnson and a Supervisor for Brcko Robert Farrand. At the top of the agenda was the issue of implementation of arbitration decision for Brcko. Most of the details from this conversation remain unknown. The report was produced by OBN reporter Bakir Hadziomerovic.
Refugees and displaced of all three nationalities from both Bosnian entities agreed in Sarajevo today to form the Joint Association at the state level. They expect help from OHR and local authorities as well. Reported by OBN reporter Amarildo Gutic.
Banja Luka
Authorities in RS work on a new Law on Privatisation of Flats. The law is expected to be passed by the end of this year, or at the beginning of the following. The report was produced by OBN reporter Sanela Zivkovic.
Airfield suburb in Sarajevo should be reconstructed, but those who are in charge do not know when. Beriz Belkic, President of Sarajevo Canton, said that the performer of works has not been chosen yet. The inhabitants of this suburb are still waiting. The report was produced by OBN reporter Adis Saranovic.
Banja Luka
Harvest in RS has been poor this year. There are 30-40% crops less then in the last year. It is said that the main reason for this is too much rain. Reported by OBN reporter Biljana Arsic.
In a friendly fieldball match in Sarajevo last night between Buducnost from Podgorica and Bosna from Sarajevo, Buducnost won the game. Final score was 93:82. Reports from matches in English Premier league and from a World Championship in chess that is taking place in Las Vegas.