
OBN News Review, 16 March 2000



  • Not even a year after the assassination of the BiH Federation Deputy Minister of Internal Affairs, Jozo Leutar, perpetrators were discovered
  • A direct telephone line between Tudjman and Milosevic used to exist – this was confirmed by the Croatian President, Stipe Mesic
  • BiH Federation Parliament will soon discuss SFOR maneuver field “Barbara” near Glamoc
  • US troops in KFOR found several hiding places with arms and equipment of Kosovo Albanians para-military troops near the border line with Albania
  • The trade union of the RS Ministry of Internal Affairs ask the minimum salary to be increased for 35%
  • Muslims all around the world celebrated Bajram – the central ceremony in Sarajevo was held in the “Begova dzamija” mosque


A year ago, the assassination of the BiH Federation Deputy Minister of Internal Affairs, Jozo Leutar, occurred. Delegations of the BiH Federation Government and the HDZ party visited the place of the assassination in the Alipasina street in Sarajevo. The perpetrators have not been found yet despite the investigations of the BiH Federation Government and the International Community. The report was produced by Olivera Dimac for TV INFO.

This was followed by a piece on the reconstruction of the events which happened on April 16th 1999 when Mr. Leutar was murdered. At that time it was not possible to say whether this was a criminal or political case. However, not even a year after, this was not determined, OBN reporter, Sanjin Beciragic, confirmed.


Today, three hundred and twenty police officers in the Brcko District received the identification cards. They are the first police officers who perform their activities under the flag and coat of arms of Bosnia and Herzegovina. The Brcko District police was the first common, multi-ethnic body, established some 50 days before the official inauguration of the District. The report was produced by OBN reporter from the area, Slobodanka Radojkovic.

Banja Luka

The trade union of the RS Ministry of Internal Affairs, dissatisfied with their salaries, ask the minimum salary to be increased for 35%. The trade union ask the law, which says that the Ministry of Internal Affairs employees have the right on a higher salary by 35%, to be implemented, OBN reporter from the area, Darko Savic, confirmed.


Upon an initiative of the representatives of the BiH Federation Parliament, this body will soon discuss the conditions and ways of the usage of the SFOR maneuver field “Barbara” near Glamoc, as well as other several locations which SFOR troops use. The representatives complained that several hundreds of pre-war inhabitants can not return to the area because houses and forests around the maneuver fields were completely destroyed. SFOR Spokesperson denied the allegations. The report was produced by OBN reporters, Amarildo Gutic and Vedran Persic.


After today’s visit of the NATO Secretary General, George Robertson, to Zagreb, by the Croatian President, Stipe Mesic, announced that a direct telephone line between Tudjman and Milosevic used to exist. The report from Zagreb for TV INFO was produced by Gordana Simonovic. This was followed by a piece on the current situation in Kosovo. US troops in KFOR found several hiding places with arms and equipment of Kosovo Albanians para-military troops near the border line with Albania. Reports on the current events in Chechnya and Taiwan were presented. The report was produced by OBN journalist, Zeljka Lekic.

Banja Luka

In order to provide support to Bosnia and Herzegovina in the establishment of institutions and to develop private businesses, the World Bank is preparing a three-year program of support to BiH. This was the main topic of today’s talks in Banja Luka and the World Bank Director visited Banja Luka today. OBN reporter from Banja Luka, Tatjana Lajsic, confirmed.


An item on the press conference held by the “Agrokor” company from Jamnica which was selected for the best offer on the tender for the privatisation of the “Sarajevski Kiseljak” company. However, upon a request of the employees of the “Sarajevski Kiseljak”, the results of the tender were cancelled. OBN reporter from the area, Vanja Elezovic, produced the report.


A piece on the celebration of the great Muslim feast, Bajram. The traditional central ceremony in Sarajevo was held in the “Begova dzamija” mosque. The piece was produced by OBN reporter, Sevko Bajic.

Banja Luka

This was followed by a piece on the celebration of the Bajram in Banja Luka, produced by OBN reporter from the area, Sanja Srdic.


A report on the premier of the BiH opera “Hasanaginica” was produced by OBN reporter, Gordana Frimel. BiH and Croatian artists participated in the preparations for this opera.


Reports on international skiing and football were presented.