- In yesterday explosion in Moscow, 119 people were killed, another 120 trapped under the rubble
- Still there is no formal decision on sending peace troops to East Timor
- Old problems of the Federal Parliament and Government – difficulties in agreeing the agenda and more difficulties regarding agreeing the laws
- Disagreements between the BiH Council of Ministers and the Federal Government
- The BiH Federation Government hired experts for investigation on corruption and the article from the New York Times
- Session of the Municipality Brcko Parliament interrupted
- Two years since the helicopter accident, in which international officials killed, occurred near Prokosko Jezero
During this afternoon, the eight session of the Representative House of the Federal Parliament started. The representatives discussed some of the measures for the support of the young people in the BiH Federation. The report on the young people and their perspectives in this country was produced by OBN reporter, Amarildo Gutic.
This was followed by a report on the session of the Federal Government. The Government adopted a law on issuing certificates to those people who had foreign exchange savings before the war on the territory of the BiH Federation, OBN reporter, Sanjin Beciragic, confirmed.
At the last session of the BiH Council of Ministers, the ministers added annexes to the decision about goods on which protection tax is paid. The BiH Federal Prime Minister, Edhem Bicakcic, thinks that there has not been enough time for implementation of the decision which is valid as from tomorrow. The report was produced by OBN reporter, Damir Kaletovic.
Banja Luka
The High Representative in BiH, Wolfgang Petritsch, SFOR Commander in BiH, Montgomery Meigs, and the Head of the OSCE Mission in BiH, Robert Barry, met with the member of the BiH Presidency, Zivko Radisic, last night in Banja Luka. One of the main topics of their discussion was the functioning of the Permanent Military Committee. The report was produced by OBN reporter from the town, Sanela Zivkovic.
A report on yesterdays explosion of a bomb in the Moscow residential quarter was followed by reports on East Timor, Turkey, Greece and the current events in Kosovo. The reports were produced by OBN journalists, Duska Jurisic and Mladen Maric.
The fourteenth session of the Municipality Brcko Parliament was interrupted today due to dissatisfaction of the representatives from the Federation regarding the decision of the Supervisor for Brcko, Robert Farrand, about cancelling an order about return of non-Serb members of the multiethnic administration, police and judiciary to their pre-war homes in Brcko, OBN reporter from the area, Slobodanka Radojkovic, confirmed.
Banja Luka
A piece on the refugee Serbs from Croatia, who currently live in Banja Luka, who have recently received eviction notices. They have requested the RS Minister for Refugees and Displaced Persons, Miladin Dragicevic, to issue a guarantee in writing that they would be not moved out of their current accomodation before alternative accomodation is provided.
This was followed by a report on the RS Ministry of Justice who asked from the BiH Federal Ministry to deliver a list of citizens accused for war crimes and jailed in the BiH Federation.
The BiH Federation Government hired a team of experts to investigate allegations on corruption mentioned in the article from the New York Times last month. During their visit to Sarajevo, lawyers said that this action will show the real situation in respect to the corruption. The report was produced by OBN reporter, Bakir Hadziomerovic.
This was followed by a report on the celebration in Sarajevo where 2000 was announced as the international year of peace. Representatives from UNESCO and children from Sarajevo schools attended the event. The report was produced by OBN reporter, Sevko Bajic.
Banja Luka
A piece on the opening of the fourth International Show of Books “Banja Luka 99”. OBN reporter from the town, Nedeljka Breberina, produced the report.
Vranica Mountain
A report on the helicopter accident, in which international officials were killed two years ago, near Prokosko Jezero, OBN reporter Vedran Persic confirmed.
A report on the European Championship in volleyball for disabled persons was followed by report on the international tennis matches and Formula One.