
OBN News Review, 14 October 2000



  • The Chairman of the B&H Presidency, Alija Izetbegovic withdrew after 10 years
  • Mr. Zivko Radisic will be the Chairman of the B&H Presidency in the next 8 months
  • Yasser Arafat and Ehud Barac agreed to participate in the Summit for ending violence in Near East
  • Theme of TV INFO: changes in the Law on trade tax


The Chairman of the B&H Presidency, Alija Izetbegovic withdrew after 10 years. Mr. Halid Genjac was appointed as a temporary successor of Mr. Izetbegovic in the B&H Presidency. Zivko Radisic was appointed as the Chairman of the B&H Presidency in the next 8 months, within a regular rotation of three Presidency members. Reported by Vedran Persic.


The EU members agreed to allocate Euro 200 million of aid for Yugoslavia. The decision will be officially confirmed next week.

SPS, DOS and SPO representatives agreed that the elections in FRY should take place on 24th December.

The Summit on Near East should start on Monday in Egypt. The US President, Bill Clinton and the EC Commissioner for Security and Co-operation, Xavier Solana will attend the Summit.

A Saudi Arabian plane with 98 passengers has been kidnapped. Kidnappers demanded that the plane lands in Baghdad. Zeljka Lekic reported on current world events.

Banja Luka

NGO “Management Centre” from Belgrade organised a seminar on “International negotiations”. Continuation of such education will depend on support from the RS Government. Students have financed their education alone so far, Dragan Stanimirovic reported.


The IMF demanded that the Federation Government make some changes in the Law on trade tax. They demanded that tax should be paid for the construction materials, those donated by the international community as well. The Federation Government accepted this, under condition that the RS Government implements the same changes, Amarildo Gutic reported.


The family Sokic has been evicted from their flat, and they are living in a tent currently. Kasim Sokic is the employee of the “Breza” coal-mine. According to the company lawyer, they cannot solve the problem of this family. Reported by Svjetlana Celic.


Most refugees cannot return to east part of Mostar, because their houses have not been reconstructed yet. Currently, most of them are waiting for help from the international community. Ivan Pavkovic produced the report.


“Association of Midwives” has been founded in Mostar in June. Members of the association feel that they will do their jobs more professionally in this way, Ana Kaljuzny reported.


40th International Theatre Festival “Mess” will be opened on 16th October in the National Theatre in Zenica. 350 artists will present themselves to the audience during the Festival. Reported by Mirna Sadikovic.


Reports on the cycling race “Tour de B&H” and local football and handball were presented.