
OBN News Review, 1 July 1999



  • BiH has made progress in fulfilling conditions for entering the Council of Europe, said David Atkinson
  • Nine out of ten points of the agenda were adopted at the Council of Ministers session
  • The Representative House of the BiH Federation Parliament adopted the suggestion for a law on federal radio and television
  • Sessions of the BiH Federation Government and the RS Government
  • Refugees in Jablanica blocked road M-17 due to electricity being cut off in the refugee camps
  • Establishment of the regular passenger train line Sarajevo-Ploce-Sarajevo


After a three day visit to BiH, the delegation of the Council of Europe Sub-committee for relations with the non-members countries, returned to Strasbourg which is the seat of this oldest European institution. Their intention was to learn about fulfilling the conditions needed for BiH to enter the Council of Europe. The report produced the OBN journalist, Vedran Persic.

This was followed by a report on the BiH Council of Ministers session held today in Sarajevo. The consultations with entities’ prime ministers have been finalised. The conclusion was that they should meet at least once a week in order to provide more efficient solutions for issues relevant to BiH.

At today’s session, the Representative House of the BiH Federation Parliament adopted a suggestion for the law on federal radio and television. HDZ members were against discussion on the issue, explaining that there was no constitution basis for that.

This was followed by reports on the BiH Federation Government and the RS Government sessions held today.

Banja Luka

At the session of the RS Government, the participants discussed approximately 60 issues, OBN reporter from Banja Luka, Valentina Knezevic, confirmed. One of the most important issues was draft law on privatisation of state-owned flats.


Representatives of the BiH arm forces have officially informed each other about details on international military support and thus started complying with conditions from the Madrid Declaration. This was announced by the OSCE Spokesperson in Sarajevo today.


The US military officials stressed problems with disarmament of the Kosovo Liberation Army. UNHCR announced the beginning of the organised return of refugees from Albania. The UN confirmed international police officers arriving in Kosovo. The OBN reporter from Pristina, Linda Shala, sent her report.

This was followed by news that the Republic of Croatia will raise charges for aggression against them by the Federal Republic Yugoslavia at the Hague Tribunal.


A piece on the blockade of the road M-17 due to cut off of electricity in the refugee camps in Jablanica. The road had been reopened after the protest ended at 2.10 p.m. today. The refugees are in a difficult situation due to the bad economic condition in the country.


A report on the consultative meeting of the SDA members about the possibilities for return to the RS. Representatives of the International Community were present. OBN journalist Bakir Hadziomerovic produced the report.

This was followed by a report on finding a solution for the Zepce Municipality. The OHR Spokesperson, Alexandra Stiglmayer, said that they hoped the Bosniak party would understand that the proposed agreement for Zepce was in their interests as well. Otherwise, the OHR would recommend donors not to invest into the Bosniak parts of Zepce.


A piece on the establishment of the regular passenger train line Sarajevo-Ploce-Sarajevo. The first train passed through Mostar this morning. OBN reporter from Mostra, Denis Vila, produced the report.


A report on the break of talks about Northern Ireland was followed by a report on the official start of the Scottish Parliament, fire in South Korea where 23 people were killed and an accident in the French Alps.


A report on the 55th anniversary of the second session of the ZAVNOBiH held in Sanski Most where the declaration of the BiH citizens was adopted. OBN reporter from Cazin, Azra Bajric, produced the report.


A report on the tennis tournament in Wimbledon was followed by reports from the athletics in Oslo and finals of the World Championship in football for women in the USA. The results from the second day of the Latin American Cup were presented.