- No budget until lawsuit against Yugoslavia dropped – deputy Speaker
- BIH Minister of Civil Communications asks Yugoslavia to extradite Alija Delimustafic
- Council of Ministers decides it acted in accordance with international standards during the extradition of the Algerian Group
- BiH Election Commission works without funds
- Federation Defence minister asked to help clarify corrupt Hercegovacka Banka deals
- Croat party bloc without HDZ?
- All Croat-party meeting: First step towards third entity!?
- Federation Human Rights ombudsmen ask for a removal of Seada Palavric
- RS government to issue ultimatum to war crimes fugitives
- Council of Europe Secretary-General reminds BiH authorities on post-accession obligations
- High Representative in London, holds talks with British Foreign Secretary
- Statement of The High Representative to BBC Disturbed the RS Public
- OHR: Inaccuracies in Ivanic’s report on RTRS
- Dnevni List : Ivanic departed for US, Jelavic is preparing himself (to do the same)!
- Dnevni List : Klein’s statement, from the historic point of view, is completely accurate
- Slobodna Dalmacija: Jacques Paul Klein is saying good by to BiH disgraced: A top intelligence agent fell for cheap tricks
- Slobodna Dalmacija : Instead of rational agreement, intolerance towards everything that is Croatian grows in BiH: Ploce is losing everything
BiH State-related Issues
No budget until lawsuit against Yugoslavia dropped – deputy Speaker
The deputy Speaker of the BIH Parliament’s House of Peoples, Nikola Spiric, said that the draft budget for joint institutions will not be sent into parliamentary procedure until the article on the financing of a BiH lawsuit against Yugoslavia before the international court of justice at The Hague is dropped. According to BiH Radio 1, Spiric insists that the RS National Assembly’s decision on this should be complied with, as it was adopted in a way and within the deadline envisaged in the BiH Constitution. “Under the Constitution, and in line with the RS National Assembly’s decision, that article does not exist in the budget. If it does not exist, we have to receive a draft budget without that article. As soon as we are in receipt of such a draft, we are ready to fast-track it through parliament. As long as that article is there, there is no possibility that it [draft budget] will be discussed in parliament,” Spiric stressed.
BIH Minister of Civil Communications asks Yugoslavia to extradite Alija Delimustafic
BiH Minister of Civil Affairs and Communications Svetozar Mihajlovic said that the BiH authorities on Wednesday formally requested the extradition of the former Bosnian interior minister, Alija Delimustafic. The first request for Delimustafic’s extradition, which was made by the Federation Ministry of Justice, was not in line with the procedure, as requests of such kind could only be made by the BiH government. Mihajlovic told journalists that he believed that the Yugoslav authorities would answer positively to BiH’s request despite the fact that there was no agreement on legal cooperation and extradition between the two countries. BiH would like Delimustafic to be tried within the country on several criminal charges, amongst which a 2 million convertible marks embezzlement in BH Banka. (Federation TV, BH Radio 1 and Oslobodjenje carry this report)
In the meantime, Dnevni Avaz reports, quoting anonymous sources, that the Cantonal Court in Sarajevo asked the Council of Ministers yesterday to ask for the extradition of Delimustafic to Germany, not to BiH.
Council of Ministers decides it acted in accordance with international standards during the extradition of the Algerian Group
At Wednesday’s session, members in the BIH Council of Ministers concluded that BiH and Federation authorities acted in accordance with the law and relevant international conventions in the process of extradition of six Algerians suspected of planning terrorist actions against US targets in BiH. CoM also concluded that BiH authorities will intensify the investigation on disputable citizenship of 750 people.
BiH Election Commission works without funds
The President of the BIH Election Commission, Lidija Korac, said on Wednesday that she hopes that the funds in the amount of 1 million KM, which the RS government paid earlier to the BIH Institutions treasury, will be available to the Commission by February 8. This is needed, she explained, in order to ensure that the registration of the out-of-country voters could start by March 15. Speaking at a news conference, Korac said that these funds, together with 100,000 KM paid on Tuesday would be sufficient to cover the cost of Commission’s work and the cost of printing registration forms for out-of-country voters. (All Federation print and electronic media carried this report)
Federation Defence minister asked to help clarify corrupt Hercegovacka Banka deals
BiH Radio 1 reports that the Provisional Administrator of Hercegovacka Banka, Toby Robinson, told on Wednesday the Federation Minister of Defence Mijo Anic that the investigation into the bank’s business operations so far had brought to surface a great number of suspect business transactions with the Federation Ministry of Defence. According to the investigation, the Ministry of Defence owes to Hercegovacka Banka, i.e. its companies, 1 million KM. During the meeting with Minister Anic, Robinson asked for his help to clarify this debt, given the suspicions that this debt was incurred by corruption. A statement released by the Ministry of Defence after the meeting says that Minister Anic expressed his doubt as to the authenticity of debts which auditors discovered in Hercegovacka Banka’s accounts. (Federation TV, Oslobodjenje and Vecernji List also carry this report)
Vecernji List reports, quoting Sarajevo press, that the total of 14 criminal charges have been so far filed in the case of the Hercegovacka Bank and companies in its ownership. A criminal charge has been filed against Ivica Karlovic, Hercegovacka Banka director, on account of the 1 million Marks loan given by him to Monitor M, Ljubo Cesic Rojs’s company. The charge was forwarded to the Federation prosecutor’s Office on January 28 and, according to the reports, charges against persons on whose names fictitious companies, via which CroHerc avoided payment of 4.5 million Marks of tax, were registered were filed on several occasions. Criminal charges have been filed 3 times in accordance with the FBiH Criminal Law’s Article 272 relating to avoiding of payment of taxes – in May, June and October last year. 10 charges were filed with the Cantonal Prosecutor’s Office in Siroki Brijeg. Cantonal Prosecutor’s Offices in Mostar, Siroki Brijeg and Livno have also been processing criminal charges against illegal sale of the Hercegovacka Bank’s shares. The founding capital of the Bank has, according to the reports, been transformed into shares and the ownership of Cantons 7, 8 and 10 has been illegally sold. Next week, in a meeting of Prosecutors and the Anti-Corruption Team, a review of what has so far been done in terms of the investigation into the Hercegovacka Banka will be made.
Croat party bloc without HDZ?
Oslobodjenje reports that representatives of the parliamentary political parties with Croat prefix will, in the upcoming week, organize a meeting during which they will discuss the ongoing constitutional changes in both entities and their effect on the Croat population in BiH. The daily notes the participants will also address the proposal by the HNZ (Croat Peoples Community) about the creation of a new Croat party block. Although the most powerful Croat party, HDZ, already expressed its support for the proposal, most moderate parties, such as NHI and HSS, adamantly oppose any association with the HDZ.
All Croat-party meeting: First step towards third entity!?
(provided by the OHR Mostar)
Dnevni List reads that the HDZ is calling on all political parties with Croat prefix to hold a joint meeting in order to reach and perhaps sign an agreement on the issue of constitutional changes and the position of Croats in this process. HDZ BiH believes that the harmonization of constitutional amandments is of historical importance for the Croat people in BiH and that the meeting would be a historical opportunity for the Croat parties to reach a consensus about the issue which deals with the equality of Croats in BiH. HDZ BiH is suggesting that the parties meet without any conditions and regardless of their strength. The daily reports that Ante Jelavic invited Kresimir Zubak (NHI), Ilija Simic (HSS), Miljenko Brkic (HNZ), Stjepan Kljujic (Republicans), Ivo Komsic (SDP), Mladen Ivankovic (NS Working for Prosperity), Zdravko Hrstic (HSP), Petar Milic (Croat Christian Democrats-CCD), Mijo Ivacic (HKDU-Croat Christian Democratic Union) and Ante Paponja (HKDP-Croat Christian Democratic Revival). Ante Jelavic also sent a letter to Mate Granic, President of the Democratic Centre in Croatia, asking him that the Republic of Croatia honours its constitutional obligations towards BiH and use its rights of a signatory of the Dayton Peace Accord and take a more active role in process that will determine the constitutional position of Croats in BiH.
The daily also carries commentaries on the initiative, namely Miljenko Brkic, who supported any action aimed at protection of interests of the people. Brkic is glad that the HDZ is launching such an initiative hoping that the HDZ would engage in the work of the House of Peoples and possibly put a veto on the Constitution if it is detrimental for the Croat people. Petar Milic of the CCD says that his party would contribute at the meeting adding that the Croats need to have their HoP where they would be a majority. When questioned whether he had the third entity on his mind when he said that Milic said: “Call it whatever you want, but it has to be an environment of some sort, some sort of a Croat republic”. Stjepan Kljujic of the Republicans said that he is not a member of a party with a Croat prefix, but of a multi-national party with Croat members in it. “I have not received an invitation, but if I do there are no reasons not to attend the meeting”, said Kljujic.
In addition to this article, Vecernji List reads that the HDZ has taken upon itself to organize the meeting. The proposed venues are Kiseljak and Medjugorje. The HDZ left an opportunity to other parties to organize the meeting and propose a venue should they opt do so.
Federation Human Rights ombudsmen ask for a removal of Seada Palavric
Dnevni Avaz reports that the Federation Human Rights Ombudsmen, Vera Jovanovic, Esada Muhibic and Branka Raguz, asked for a dismissal of Seada Palavric from her post in the Joint Parliamentary Commission for Ombudsmen (?). In a letter they sent on Wednesday to the chairmen of both chambers in the Federation Parliament, OHR, and the OSCE, the Ombudsmen stressed that the personal interests of Palavric were behind her frequent attacks on the institution of ombudsmen.
Republika Srpska
RS government to issue ultimatum to war crimes fugitives
The RS government plans to give all war crimes suspects from its territory 30 days to turn themselves in, or face the loss of certain guarantees if they are arrested later, an RS official told AFP on Thursday. Sinisa Djordjevic, an advisor to the RS Prime Minister Mladen Ivanic, made it clear that the ultimatum concerned all fugitive war crimes suspects who came from the Republika Srpska, including former war leaders
Radovan Karadzic and Ratko Mladic. “All publicly indicted war crimes suspects, no matter if now on RS territory or somewhere else — although we have no information that any are in the RS now — will be given 30 days to surrender”, he said.
Only those who surrendered through the RS government, and within the deadline, could expect the RS government to provide them with guarantees, which could be important during any trial before the International Criminal Tribunal for the former Yugoslavia (ICTY), he said. Djordjevic said the measure was not yet in effect, but it would be submitted to an upcoming meeting of the RS cabinet, which is to take place in the coming five or six days. “If they (suspects) surrender, the RS government will be in a position to give any kind of guarantees sought by The Hague tribunal, especially those asked for pending trial”, he said. Banja Luka’s Glas Srpski and Nezavisne Novine also carry this report.
International Community
Council of Europe Secretary-General reminds BiH authorities on post-accession obligations
The Secretary-General of the Council of Europe, Walter Schwimmer held talks on Wednesday with representatives of both chambers of the BiH Parliamentary Assembly and reminded them that BIH still has to meet some 90 post- accession requirements. The chairman on the BiH Parliament’s House of Representatives, Zeljko Mirjanic, informed Schwimmer that the High Representative has not imposed a single law since the formation of the new Parliament. Mirjanic’s colleague from the House of Peoples, Sejfudin Tokic, stressed that these post-accession obligations also include a fundamental constitutional reform, which will ensure the full protection of vital national interests of all peoples, equality of entities, as well as an overall better organisation of state authorities. Schwimmer, on his part, promised to help local authorities to fulfil all 91 criteria.
The CoE Secretary-General is to meet with the High Representative, Wolfgang Petritsch, later today – Thursday.
High Representative in London, holds talks with British Foreign Secretary
During his visit to London, the High Representative, Wolfgang Petritsch, met on Wednesday with the British Foreign Secretary, Jack Straw, and other top Foreign Office and British parliamentary officials, briefing them on the main political and social issues facing Bosnia and Herzegovina in the coming months. In the course of his meetings, the High Representative focused on the constitutional reform process, soon to be undertaken by both Entity Parliaments in order to ensure the full representation and protection of BiH’s constituent peoples and citizens in both Entities and Representative stressed the need for compromise and ownership of the process by BiH’s political leadership. (Oslobodjenje carries the OHR press release, not very prominently, on page 7, Avaz on page 2. Electronic media did not cover the item)
Statement of The High Representative to BBC Disturbed the RS Public
Glas srpski carries some reactions to recent statement of the High Representative to BiH Wolfgang Petritsch to BBC:
Predrag Lazarevic, Banja Luka professor, said that the High Representative only declares in his statements that Serbs should turn to future, while he is turned to the past. This is confirmed by his statement that the RS would “evaporate” and lose support of people unless it accepts basic democratic principles.
Vice President of the RS National Assembly Zoran Djeric said that such statements of Petritsch were absolutely unacceptable for PDP (Party of Democratic Progress).
Branislav Lolic, deputy at BiH House of Representatives said that Petritsch’s statements should always be taken seriously and that such statements were not unusual two months before his departure.
OHR: Inaccuracies in Ivanic’s report on RTRS
Commenting on the situation in the RTRS (Radio Television of Republika Srpska), OHR spokesperson, Sonja Pastuovic, said that there a numerous inaccuracies the recent RS Prime Minister’s report on the restructuring of the RTRS. “We intend to engage the RS government directly on these issues, rather then go into detail now. OHR will continue to work with the RS government to try to help them resolve this problem,” said Pastuovic and added that the OHR will continue to be guided by the following principle: The RTRS law MUST adhere to basic European standards for public broadcasting.
(all editorials provided by OHR Mostar)
Dnevni List: Ivanic departed for US, Jelavic is preparing himself (to do the same)!
By Marko Markovic
Dnevni List carries an article written by its Editor-in-Chief, Marko Markovic, in which he, in his opinion, predicts the outcome of events to come. Markovic says that the character and composition of the future BiH is being discussed both here in BiH and away in the centres of powers-that-be. “Mladen Ivanic has been invited to the traditional breakfast at the White House. It is unknown as to which Croats and Bosniaks were invited by the Americans but it would appear that Ivanic would meet some senior officials of the National Security Council (…) It appears that the Croats have prepared the best end-game. To be more exact, the Croat(ian) associations abroad are for the first time completely united, at least when it comes to one issue. They all want Croats to be equal with other two peoples in BiH (…) The culmination should happen in March this year, when some 5000 Croat(ians) are planning to come to Chicago, all of them being interested in the destiny of the Croats in BiH. That’s when Jelavic, according to information from the leading association of American Croat(ians), should meet with four American Croats, Congressmen in the US Congress, and when he should have an opportunity to talk to the Congress’ Board for Foreign Policy. The play-off is getting more interesting”, says Marko Markovic, reads Dnevni List.
A separate article reads that American Croats are expecting (arrival of) the Speaker of the Croatian Parliament, Zlatko Tomcic and President of the HNS, Ante Jelavic. Should the American Embassy withhold the visa for Jelavic, American and Canadian Croat(ians) are planning to organize peaceful demonstration throughout the two countries.
Dnevni List: Klein’s statement, from the historic point of view, is completely accurate
By I.D. Granic
Dnevni List carries an editorial by I. D. Granic who quotes Jacques Paul Klein “Bosnia did not have a continuity of a state since the times when it was ruled by Croat(ian) kings in the Middle Ages” saying that the statement has caused a storm among the Bosniak politicians’ ranks who are, in his opinion, dazed with Mustafa Imamovic’s version of history. Most of the article is used to slander Imamovic, asking him where he studied history and what his claims are based on, calling his activities human digging through fields of truth. The author goes on to say that Croat(ians) arrived to Croatia in the 7th century, in the same time settling in BiH, Srijem and Boka Kotorska, completing the process in the 9th century. “All the rulers in the Middle-Ages Bosnia, all Bosnian Bans (Ban was a title in the Middle-Ages Bosnia) and all kings of Bosnia were ethnic Croat(ians) and the Bosnian kingdom was in fact a continuation of the Croatian kingdom. It is enough to study the history of Bosnia during the times of the Bosnian Bans: Borics, Kulins, Ninoslavs (Bosnian dynasties) and kings – starting with Tvrtko to Stjepan Tomasevic – for a historian to grasp the truth. Mr. Imamovic, which people, apart from the Croat(ians), used the title Ban? (…), reads Dnevni List.
Slobodna Dalmacija: Jacques Paul Klein is saying good by to BiH disgraced: A top intelligence agent fell for cheap tricks
By Milo Jukic
Allegedly, Klein’s American masterminds are not satisfied with his work in BiH, but also with his gaffes, and the interview given to HTV is the last one. Klein’s embarrassment regarding the Leutar case, where he fell for tricks of Bosniak intelligence agents, certainly belongs to his gaffes. Klein’s American intelligence agents also object him because he allowed Wolfgang Petritsch, the High Representative in BiH, to expand and actively ‘involve in game’ West European countries, unlike his predecessors who, during their whole mandate, mainly went to get an opinion from Klein and those, who were American Ambassadors in BiH during their mandates.
To Jelavic and his uneven company, Klein did not only give satisfaction for his years-long referring to deeds of the late President of all Croats, who was only bargaining with Alija regarding his offer, but a great contribution to their aspirations to get the third entity, no matter as to how it would look like and what the Croats would benefit from it, if they care about it all.
Slobodna Dalmacija: Instead of rational agreement, intolerance towards everything that is Croatian grows in BiH: Ploce is losing everything
By Stjepan Kljujic
During the last months some unexpected problems between two states appeared, first of all, regarding the supply and transportation of oil and oil products. The Council of Ministers has hinted a few times that Croatia will not and cannot condition the oil transport to BiH, and that BiH, as a sovereign state, will protect its interests at every cost. Such statements were supported by the public, however, apart from true interests of BiH as a state, a note of intolerance towards everything that is Croatian has been noticed. Instead of rational dialogue between the neighbors and an effort to resolve the problem in a peaceful way, polemics through media has started that electrified atmosphere in Zagreb and Sarajevo. Radical elements from both sides saw their chance in it. At the same time, requests to protect the port are coming from the Ploce port.
And finally, the offer of Mladen Ivanic, made to the Council of Ministers, that the oil refinery in Bosnaski Brod takes over a task of being completely in charge of supply with oil and oil products in BiH is one of the most lucid moves of Banja Luka. The fact that Lagumdzija did not have a political talent to set as a condition the return of refugees as a minimum for this proposal is, certainly, a special tragedy for BiH.
No matter as to how the oil war between Croatia and BiH ends up, there is a bitter knowledge that representatives of two Governments, that belong to the same political provenance, are not able to find a common ground and build up, as neighbors, a joint global strategy that serves the interests of both. By directing Hungarians to Rijeka, Croatia has made a big failure, that damages its own interests, while BiH, which did not realize the importance of the project C5 chose the option to be isolated from European trends for a longer period of time.
Dnevni List
- Step towards third entity: Meeting of all Croat parties in BiH being prepared: Jelavic invites Zubak to Croat block
- Serb and Croat diplomatic offensive: Inavic deprted for US, Jelavic prepares himself
- Continuation of Jozo Leutar affair: Why is Klein’s best agent Oscar staying silent?
Vecernji List
- BiH authorities will request opening of records of conversation between Tudjman and Izetbegovic: Klein repeats the story on division of BiH
- Fourteen charges in Hercegovacka Banka case: Charges against Karlovic over loan to Rojs’ Monitor
- Sefkija Dziho fears the auditor’s report
Dnevni Avaz
- Ombudsmen ask for a dismissal of Seada Palavric
Jutarnje Novine
- Ivica Misic: Extradition of Algerian Group was in line with law
Glas srpski
- Radisic Loses – President of the RS Socialist Party (SPRS) Zivko Radisic announced fight against opponents within his own party, who misused the party for their personal interests
Nezavisne novine
- Bosnia on the Way to Europe – Council of Europe Secretary general Visits BiH