- Tender for third GSM operator canceled
- Diagnostic Surveys of Corruption presented in Sarajevo
- BiH SBS takes over three more border crossings
- Hadziahmetovic meets with PDHR to discuss economic issues
- Vecernji List: Vinko Puljic, the Vrhbosna Archbishop, answering questions at the reception of the Croatian Catholic Community and the Association of American Croats in Washington
- BiH Federation Government decides on payment of backlog pensions
- Sarajevo Canton Prosecution Office initiates investigation against Jelavic and six other dismissed senior HDZ officials
- HDZ BiH considers Sarajevo Prosecutor’s request legally unfounded
- Todorovic sentenced to 10 years in prison
- Sarovic meets with Head of EC Delegation in BiH
- Delegation of the RS visited Belgrade
- RS Finance Minister Milenko Vracar on the privatization of the state-owned banks
- Sonn meets with four members of the Serb caucus in the BiH House of Peoples
- OHR and OSCE establishing a joint working group
- Implementation of property laws statistics for June presented by OHR, OSCE, UNHCR and UNMIBH
- Kostunica meets with Ivanic
- Former Bijeljina police chief suspended
- OHR will carefully study protocol signed by SDS and DSS
- Slobodna Dalmacija: The Hague is interested in Miroslav Tudjman’s activities in Bosnia and Herzegovina
- Slobodna Dalmacija: The Croatian Government has not information on investigation against 30 Croatians
- Oslobodjenje and Dnevni Avaz
- Oslobodjenje: If Dr. Ljubic goes, HDZ is to become a stronghold of generals
- Slobodna Dalmacija: Will Croats in BiH be losers both in peace and war
BiH State-related State
Tender for third GSM operator canceled
The Communication Regulatory Agency (CRA) has decided to cancel the tender for the third GSM license, according to a press release issued by the CRA on Tuesday. The CEO of the Communication Regulatory Agency (CRA), Jerker Torngren, was informed on Monday in writing by two companies of their concern over their participation in the GSM tender. Both Hrvatski Telekom (HT) and Mobilkom Austria, the main company behind the VIP BiH, have expressed their serious concern over the politicization of the process. Consequently, HT has formally withdrawn its application for tender. All three Sarajevo dailies published the news on their front pages. BiH Council of Ministers Zlatko Lagumdzija told Oslobodjenje that this was a decision they had requested. He expressed his hope that the process would be continued according to other requests of the Council as well. According to Dnevni Avaz, CRA on Tuesday also denied allegations from the article on the GSM issue published in the latest issue of the Sarajevo magazine Slobodna Bosna. Both Glas Srpski (page 3, brief news) and Nezavisne Novine (announced on the cover, text on page 3) report on the CRA decision.
Diagnostic Surveys of Corruption presented in Sarajevo
BiH is among the third of transition countries with highest levels of state capture, right after Serbia, Romania, Albania and Bulgaria, according to a document “Diagnostic Surveys of Corruption,” presented on Tuesday in Sarajevo. Presenting the document, created at a request of the entity and BiH governments by the World Bank (WB), BiH Minister of Foreign Trade and Economic Relations Azra Hadziahmetovic said the WB report on corruption is based on surveys with 2.250 individuals, public officials, and enterprise managers conducted in June-July and September 2000. She said that information gained in the surveys should help the implementation and development of the anti-corruption strategy.
BiH SBS takes over three more border crossings
The BiH State Border Service (SBS) on Tuesday took over control on three border crossings toward Yugoslavia from the Republika Srpska Ministry of Interior. The three border crossings are in the Bijeljina region – Bosanska Raca, Pavlovica Bridge and Donje Crnojelovo. SBS director Tomislav Mihalj and RS Deputy Minister of Interior Zeljko
Janjetovic signed the contract on taking over the crossings. BiH Presidency members Zivko Radisic and Beriz Belkic, representatives of the entity governments and international organizations in BiH attended the ceremony.
Hadziahmetovic meets with PDHR to discuss economic issues
BiH Minister of Foreign Trade and Economic Relations Azra Hadziahmetovic met on Tuesday with Principal Deputy High Representative to BiH Donald Hays, and informed him about activities of the Ministry of Foreign Trade and Economic Relations, according to a press release issued by this ministry. Hadziahmetovic also informed Hays about priorities of the ministry’s work, which are related to the creation of a single economic space, re-directing from economy which depends on donations to the self-sustainable economy, combating corruption and attracting of foreign investments. Hays pointed at the need for the establishment of the rule of law, supervising commissions, which would make impossible the enrichment of individuals on the basis of a political position, acceleration of the privatization process, as well as the need for the implementation of reforms of the judiciary.
Vecernji List: Vinko Puljic, the Vrhbosna Archbishop, answering questions at the reception of the Croatian Catholic Community and the Association of American Croats in Washington (provided by OHR Mostar)
Q: How can Americans help the Croats in BiH?
A: First of all, we wish that the country, which is the root of human rights, helps the implementation of these rights in our country. I expect that BiH might be reconstructed as a country of three constituent peoples. Secondly, I wish that the American Government had an equal approach toward three ethnic communities in BiH, that there were no double standards in relations with the constituent peoples. An example of the equal approach toward three communities should be the return of non-Serb population in a part of the country under the Serb Authority in BiH. Also, I wish that the Dayton Peace Agreement were a process that is being built on the achievements of piece in BiH and not the process that will lead toward the breakdown of the country.
Q: How strong is the Catholic Church in BiH?
A: The Catholic Church is sharing hopes of the people wherever there is a war going on, and it also has a leading role as far as further progress of the people in BiH is concerned. Also, it has to be the voice of these people, who are deprived of their rights, in order to give them an opportunity to implement their rights.
Q: What do the Catholics in BiH expect and what is the future of BiH like in your opinion?
A: We believe that God and good people will help us, that they will allow us to realize our heavenly role in BiH. We Catholics are live with other communities and other religions and for this reason in some way we want to be a bridge between the communities.
BiH Federation Government decides on payment of backlog pensions
The BiH Federation Government made a decision that the first unpaid pension from the BiH Fund of Pension and Disability Insurance is to be paid by the end of August, and that the second unpaid pension is to be paid by the end of November this year, BiH Federation Finance Minister Nikola Grabovac said on Tuesday after a session of the BiH Federation Government. Grabovac said that the payment of three more unpaid pensions will be executed next year from the funds collected from the privatization of companies.
Sarajevo Canton Prosecution Office initiates investigation against Jelavic and six other senior HDZ officials
According to Oslobodjenje, the Sarajevo Canton Prosecution Office has initiated investigation into activities of senior (dismissed) HDZ BiH and Croat National Assembly (HNS) officials including Ante Jelavic, Marko Tokic, Ivo Andric Luzanski, Zdravko Batinic, Petar Milic, Miroslav Prce and HVO General Dragan Curcic. The request for the investigation is based on the reasonable doubts that they were working on the secession of the parts of BiH and undermining the BiH and BiH Federation defense power. Slobodna Dalmacija also reports on the investigation saying that it was initiated “because of a grounded suspicion that they organized the Croat National Assembly (HNS) and made a decision to establish the Inter-canton’s and Inter-municipal Council within which the Croat self-rule in BiH was established in territories with the Croat majorities, and because of suspicion that they have committed a criminal act of endangering the territorial integrity of BiH and the Federation of BiH”. It also claims that “there is a grounded suspicion that Ante Jelavic, Miroslav Prce and Dragan Curcic are responsible for disbanding the HVO (the Croat component of the BiH Federation Army) without knowledge and consent of the Federation Government, Ministry of Defense and the BiH Presidency. In addition, journalist Alenko Zornija says in Vjesnik that the case is sensitive because the decision on establishing Croat autonomy was never proclaimed officially and the disputable army-related decisions were made by Jelavic at the time when he was still a member of the BiH Presidency, and was entitled to it, according to the opinion of some lawyers, so one can only speak about political and not criminal responsibility”.
HDZ BiH considers Sarajevo Prosecutor’s request legally unfounded
According to the Habena news agency, the HDZ BiH considers legally unfounded the request of the Sarajevo Canton Prosecution Office for launching the investigation against the (dismissed) party leader and the Croat National Assembly (HNS) president, Ante Jelavic, and six other senior Croat officials. The HDZ said in a press release issued on Wednesday that the HNS establishment had been based on a political will of the legitimate Croat representatives and it could therefore not be a subject of any investigations.
Republika Srpska
Todorovic sentenced to 10 years in prison
A Republika Srpska wartime police chief who admitted murdering, torturing and sexually assaulting Bosniaks and Croats was sentenced on Tuesday to 10 years in prison by the Hague Tribunal. Stevan Todorovic had pleaded guilty to crimes against humanity, acknowledging he persecuted Bosniaks and Croats in 1992-93 while chief of police in the town of Bosanski Samac, Reuters reported. Presiding Judge Patrick Robinson said Todorovic’s crimes were “very grave” and the sentence would have been much longer had he not cooperated with prosecutors.
Sarovic meets with Head of EC Delegation in BiH
Republika Srpska President Mirko Sarovic met on Tuesday with Head of the European Commission delegation in BiH Hansjorg Kretschmer and discussed the European Union’s projects and their realization in BiH, as well as perspectives and conditions for BiH’s admission into the Council of Europe. The two officials paid special attention to the adoption of the election law. Sarovic stressed that the next elections should be prepared and carried out on the basis of the domestic law. He emphasized that RS representatives in the BiH Parliament would prefer adoption of an election law, which was in accordance with the BiH Constitution. Sarovic expressed his hope that the international community will be able to recognize forces that “obstruct the adoption of this very significant law.”
Delegation of the RS visited Belgrade
Both Republika Srpska dailies report on the visit of the RS delegation to Belgrade.
The delegation of the RS Government led by the Prime Minister Mladen Ivanic met with Federal Republic of Yugoslavia (FRY) Prime Minister Dragisa Pesic. The officials at the meeting assessed that after the signing of the Special Parallel Relations Agreement conditions had improved for the economic and cooperation in general between the RS and FRY. Special attention was paid to how to increase the level of exchanged goods and impose a tax-free trade between Yugoslavia and BiH. Ivanic also met with Serbian Prime Minister Zoran Djindjic and they agreed that a coordination body would be established to develop strategy of mutual cooperation between the RS and Serbia. This coordination body would include the Serbian Trade Minister and the RS Industry Minister, and its first meeting will be held in Banja Luka in September. Djindjic said that the issue of customs should be resolved by the end of August, which is the matter slowing down economic cooperation between the RS and Serbia. The dailies only mention the meeting of the RS delegation (RS Vice President Dragan Cavic was also in it) and the FRY President Vojislav Kostunica.
RS Finance Minister Milenko Vracar on the privatization of the state-owned banks
Glas Srpski carries statement of the Republika Srpska Finance Minister Milenko Vracar explaining difficult situation with Bank in the RS:
“The biggest problems appeared because privatization of banks was not happening at desired pace. Today, the state-owned banks are in a much more difficult position than they were in 1998. It is also obvious that they overstepped framework of the Law on Banks and special decisions of Banking Agency for which their leadership bears responsibility. The Banking Agency has recently taken away permits for conduction of internal money transfer to Gradiska Bank, Prijedor Bank, Ekvator and Agroprom Bank, and this measure will be applied to some other banks as well. Tender Commission hasn’t accepted offers of Kristal Bank, which were happening recently, while a serious partner for baying Banjalucka Bank is Vojvodjanska Bank from Novi sad”, said Vracar.
GS also writes that the RS Finance Ministry should prepare proposal for privatization of Banjalucka and Kristal banks in the following ten days. European bank proposed merging of these two banks, GS writes.
International Community
Sonn meets with four members of the Serb caucus in the BiH House of Peoples
Senior Deputy High Representative Matthias Sonn met on Tuesday with four members of the BiH House of People’s Serb caucus – Momcilo Novakovic, Nikola Spiric, Dragutin Ilic and Dragutin Rodic, to discuss their work in the House, read a press release issued by the Office of the High Representative (OHR). (all Sarajevo dailies carried the PR on prominent places)
OHR and OSCE establishing a joint working group
The OHR spokesman, Oleg Milisic, declared today that OHR and OSCE Mission in BiH decided to establish a joint working group that would have the role of a co-ordinator between the two international organizations. At the press conference held in Sarajevo Milisic said that the working group would include some other international organizations, too, to avoid collision of the functions of the international representatives in BiH. As he explained, the Joint Working Group is based on the guidelines of the Peace Implementation Council in BiH, while both organizations would keep its own integrity and mandate in BiH.
Implementation of property laws statistics for June presented by OHR, OSCE, UNHCR and UNMIBH
The Agencies involved in the property law implementation plan – OHR, OSCE, UNHCR, UNMIBH and CRPC – announced on Tuesday that, as of the end of June, the implementation of property laws rose to 29% across BiH, which is an increase of almost two percent since the end of May. A total of 38% of cases have been solved in the BiH Federation (a 1.7% increase in implementation), 19% of cases in the Republika Srpska (RS) (a 1.6% increase in implementation), and 22% of cases in the Brcko District (an increase of only 1.3% in implementation). According to the Agencies, these increases in implementation rates remain far below the levels necessary to ensure completion of the process within a reasonable time period.
Kostunica meets with Ivanic
Yugoslav President Vojislav Kostunica met on Tuesday in Belgrade with Republika Srpska Prime Minister Mladen Ivanic to discuss the political and economic situation in Yugoslavia, the RS and region, according to a press release issued by Kostunica’s office. The two officials said that respecting of the Dayton Agreement and the UN Security Council’s resolution is very important, since the contribution to the building of peace and stability in the region can be given only by their strict implementation. ONASA reported. In the course of his visit to Belgrade, Ivanic also met with Yugoslav Prime Minister Dragisa Pesic and Serbian Prime Minister Zoran Djindjic.
Former Bijeljina police chief suspended
IPTF Commissioner Vincent Coeurderoy has suspended former head of the Public Security Center Bijeljina and present head of the operational sector of the Bijeljina police Savo Cvijetinovic over violations of the police codex of behavior, Spokesman for the UN Mission in BiH Stefo Lehman said on Tuesday. Lehman told a news briefing that this decision was made after investigation which discovered that Cvijetinovic directly obstructed evictions and was directly responsible over the failure of the police in Janja to professionally respond to the ethnically-initiated violence on June 24-26 last year.
OHR will carefully study protocol signed by SDS and DSS
Republika Srpska dailies report that OHR will study the text of the protocol on the mutual cooperation signed by the SDS (Serb Democratic Party) and DSS (Democratic Party of Serbia) in Belgrade on Monday. According to the OHR’s spokesman, Oleg Milisic, the OHR has learned about details of the protocol only through media and it was understood that the protocol referred to cooperation in fields of science and education. “The OHR will study the protocol from which we only expect improvement in implementation of the Dayton Peace Accords and that it would be aimed at strengthening of BiH to which both of these party have committed”, Milisic said, the dailies carry.
Slobodna Dalmacija: The Hague is interested in Miroslav Tudjman’s activities in Bosnia and Herzegovina (provided by OHR Mostar)
Deputy Prime Minister of Croatia Zeljka Antunovic has denied that Miroslav Tudjman and another 30 former officials were under investigation of The Hague Tribunal on Tuesday, as reported in “Nacional”. After a meeting in the SDP premises with the State Secretary in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Germany Dr. Christoph Zopel, the Deputy Prime Minister Antunovic was definite in saying that there were no investigations that would involve those persons but nevertheless she added: “It is not the first time that The Hague is interested in what one or the other Tudjman had worked, one of them is the late President and the other was a high official in the former authority. There is an interest about what they took part in and what they had done regarding Bosnia and Herzegovina and war activities. No, it is not about investigations, it is rather an issue that some persons could be potential witnesses in some processes”, said Zeljka Antunovic and added that so far there had not been a document from The Hague which would suggest that there was an investigation against Miroslav Tudjman and others. The Croatian Government cooperates with The Hague and it comprises of many activities and some of them need not to be developed before the Croatian public, warned the Deputy Prime Minister (…) “The German Government knows that an existence of such a court is a success as it is, but the countries which are under its direct jurisdiction can sometimes find it hard to cooperate”, said Zopel (…), reads Slobodna Dalmacija.
Slobodna Dalmacija: The Croatian Government has not information on investigation against 30 Croatians (provided by OHR Mostar)
Commenting the article from the latest issue of “Nacional” which headlines “An investigation against Miroslav Tudjman initiated”, that reports that The Hague Prosecution has submitted 4 lists with around 30 names of politicians, military and intelligence officials over their role in the HV’s (Croatian Army) engagement in Bosnia and Herzegovina and opening of prison camps in Herzegovina the spokesperson to the Croatian Government, Aleksandra Kolaric, said on Tuesday: “The Government does not have information that there is an ongoing investigation against Miroslav Tudjman and 30 other Croatians”. The spokesperson added that a part of the article which says that The Hague Tribunal had asked the Government’s Office for Cooperation with The Hague to submit certain documents pertaining to war activities in BiH is true, but she pointed out that that was a routine request of The Hague Tribunal. According to “Nacional” the lists contain names of Markica Rebic (Intelligence), Janko Bobetko (Army), Ljubo Cesic Rojs (Army), Miljenko Crnjac (Army), Ivan Kapular, Vladimir Zagorac (Army) and many others. The Hague Prosecution refused to comment the article,reads Slobodna Dalmacija.
Oslobodjenje and Dnevni Avaz
In the Oslobodjenje Personal Stand column, Slavo Kukic wrote about the situation in the HDZBiH following Bozo Ljubic resignation (a comprehensive summary to follow), as Zehrudin Isakovic, in the Avaz Commentary of the Day, addressed the issue of the Slovenian businessmen participation in the BiH voucher privatization.
Oslobodjenje: If Dr. Ljubic goes, HDZ is to become a stronghold of generals
Dr. Slavo Kukic wrote in the Oslobodjenje Personal Stand column that HDZ Vice-president Bozo Ljubic deserved tributes for the latest turn of the public attention on the party. According to Kukic, the Ljubic’s resignation to the position of the HDZ’s negotiating team leader was not the news itself. But in this move, a process can be seen of the further split-up inside the HDZ. A possible outcome in which Ljubic would leave the party, might mean that a series of similar moves will follow by those HDZ members sharing Ljubic’s political opinions. In this case, Kukic concludes, all the HDZ moderates would be eliminated, and the party would definitely become what it has been for some time – a stronghold of the generals.
Slobodna Dalmacija: Will Croats in BiH be losers both in peace and war
Written by Stjepan Kljujic (provided by OHR Mostar)
The Croat issue in BiH is a problem which cannot be solved abroad. The problem must be solved in BiH and it must be done by Croat politicians whatever political option they belong to. If there is not a consensus about vital interests of the Croat people among the Croat politicians, it could happen that the Croats become the only losers not only in the war but in the peace as well. As it is well known the SDS has the majority in the RS Parliament but this party has accepted Mladen Ivanic’s Government because he represents a good partner to the International Community. So the Serbs have got a Government which is accepted by the West and practically nothing has changed on the ground, as confirmed by events in Visegrad, Trebinje and Banja Luka. The return of refugees and displaced persons has been completely blocked as well as the property implementation laws related issues. Practically, the SDS has through Ivanic shaken off the foreign animosity, they (the SDS) have become cooperative and, but in the essence, nothing has changed. On the contrary, with exception of rare NGO’s (the Helsinki Committee for Human Rights) nobody is trying to fix the situation. There have been changes among the Bosniaks’ corpse, because instead of the SDA and the Party for BiH now we have the SDP and the Party for BiH in power, but a whole array of the SDA officials have joined these two parties so the continuity in power is secured . Haris Silajdzic and Zlatko Lagumdzija are without a doubt the leaders of the Alliance, but that is not because the rules enabled them, but because they have not got partners from the Croat side but rather the inferior representatives. The Croats’ position is the most difficult because the HDZ structure has been completely replaced, apart from the low ranking officials who have in the meantime joined the NHI and the HNS. The position of the Croat negotiators with the International Community is rather unenviable as well the positions in the police, media and in decision-making places in the process of privatization. What really irritates is the negative echo of any attempts to solve this issue. The recent testimony of Cardinal Puljic and Bishop Peric before the Foreign Policy Committee of the US Congress has not been received favorably in Sarajevo. Nobody has analyzed the current situation nor has expressed a wish to change it. On the contrary, the criticism has shifted its blade onto the prelates. It illustrates animosity towards anything with the Croat mark. Finally it must be said what Cardinal Puljic and Bishop Peric wanted in Washington. They have, aware of the BiH Croats’ difficult situation, requested the cantonization of the whole of BiH or introduction of the third entity. Just a reminder, the cantonization of BiH was topical back in 1993. when Franjo Tudjman and Alija Izaetbegovic accepted the Vance-Owen plan. Even Radovan Karadzic signed the document in Athens. But instead of staying persistent in their efforts and make the IC pressure the Bosnian Serbs and Milosevic, Tudjman gave in and supported the Stoltenberg-Owen plan which practically meant the division of BiH. The cantonization of BiH is of course an ideal solution for this country but the solution is not realistic nowadays because the RS has been constitutionally protected and it is hard to imagine that the RS representatives would agree to lose something they gained in the war. The request for the third entity would be a true betrayal of the Croat national interests because, let’s be honest, the entity can be achieved, but that would mean a great loss for the Croats because the area of the third entity would be inferior in every aspect. The Sarajevo based media have intentionally stayed silent over an important document, and that is the letter of the American diplomat Donald H. Simpson that he sent to Bishop Peric after his duty was ended and he left the diplomacy. Simpson clearly criticizes the IC’s behavior towards the Croats and stresses out the frightening methods of retaliation when it comes to the raid of the military into the Hercegovacka Banka. What is the most important for the BiH Croats nowadays is the behavior of the officials who are our representatives in the Alliance. Regardless of political differences, we are convinced that the Croat politicians should have a minimum of joint standpoints, which should be a determination for BiH as a state of the Croats too, and for total equality of our people within such a state. Nowadays it is more evident than ever before that the equality must be achieved and all the Croat politicians should know it. If they are not ready to fulfill that assignment for their people, and this is of great interest for the BiH State, then they would have to withdraw and realize that they are not true representatives of their people.